git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@41655 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
111 lines
4.9 KiB
111 lines
4.9 KiB
1 norwegian_bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2098097078
15 bit TypeEditors 15-bit
16 bit TypeEditors 16-bit
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors 16-bit verdi med fortegn:
16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 16-bit verdi uten fortegn:
32 bit TypeEditors 32-bit
32 bit signed value: TypeEditors 32-bit verdi med fortegn:
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors 32-bit størrelse eller status:
32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors 32-bit peker uten fortegn:
32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 32-bit verdi uten fortegn:
64 bit signed value: TypeEditors 64-bit verdi med fortegn:
64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 64-bit verdi uten fortegn
8 bit palette TypeEditors 8-bit palett
8 bit signed value: TypeEditors 8-bit verdi med fortegn
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 8-bit verdi uten fortegn
Add ProbeView Legg til
Attribute AttributeWindow Attributt
Attribute ProbeView Attributt
Attribute type: ProbeView Attributtype
Attribute: ProbeView Attributt:
Attributes ProbeView Attributter
Back ProbeView Tilbake
Block ProbeView Blokk
Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Blokk %Ld (0x%Lx)
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blokk 0x%Lx
Block: ProbeView Blokk:
Bookmarks ProbeView Bokmerker
Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Boolsk
Boolean editor TypeEditors Boolsk editor
Boolean value: TypeEditors Boolsk verdi:
Cancel AttributeWindow Avbryt
Cancel OpenWindow Avbryt
Cancel ProbeView Avbryt
Case sensitive FindWindow Skill mellom store og små bokstaver
Close AttributeWindow Lukk
Close FileWindow Lukk
Close ProbeView Lukk
Contents: TypeEditors Innhold:
Copy ProbeView Kopier
Could not find search string. ProbeView Kunne ikke finne søkestrengen
Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. Kunne ikke åpne \"%s\":\n%s
Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Kunne ikke åpne filen \"%s\": %s\n
Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Kunne ikke lese bilde
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Desimal
Device ProbeView Enhet
Device: ProbeView Enhet
DiskProbe System name Diskinspektør
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Vil du virkelig fjerne attributten \"%s\" fra filen \"%s\"?\n\nDu kan ikke angre denne handlingen.
Don't save ProbeView Ikke lagre
Edit ProbeView Rediger
Examine device: OpenWindow Undersøk enhet
File FileWindow Fil
File ProbeView Fil
File: ProbeView Fil:
Find FindWindow Finn
Find again ProbeView Finn påny
Find… ProbeView Finn...
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Juster
Floating-point value: TypeEditors Flyttallverdi
Font size ProbeView Fontstørrelse
Grayscale TypeEditors Gråtone
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadesimal
Icon TypeEditors Ikon
Icon view TypeEditors Ikonvisning
Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Bilde
Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Bildevisning
MIME type editor TypeEditors MIME-type editor
MIME type: TypeEditors MIME-type:
Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Melding
Message View TypeEditors Meldingsvisning
Mode: FindWindow Modus:
New… FileWindow Ny...
Next ProbeView Neste
No type editor available AttributeWindow Ingen type editor tilgjengelig
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Tall
Number editor TypeEditors Tall-editor
Number: TypeEditors Nummer:
OK DiskProbe OK
OK ProbeView OK
Open device FileWindow Åpne enhet
Open file… FileWindow Åpne fil...
PNG format TypeEditors PNG-format
Page setup… ProbeView Sideoppsett...
Paste ProbeView Lim inn
Previous ProbeView Forrige
Print… ProbeView Skriv ut...
Probe device OpenWindow Test enhet
Quit FileWindow Slutt
Remove AttributeWindow Fjern
Remove from file AttributeWindow Fjern fra fil
Save ProbeView Lagre
Save changes before closing? ProbeView Lagre endringer før lukking?
Select all ProbeView Velg alle
Selection ProbeView Utvalg
Stop ProbeView Stopp
String editor TypeEditors Streng-editor
Text FindWindow Tekst
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Tekst
Type editor AttributeWindow Type editor
Type editor AttributeWindow Type-editor
Type editor ProbeView Type-editor
Type editor not supported ProbeView Type-editor ikke støttet
Undo ProbeView Angre
Unknown format TypeEditors Ukjent format
Unknown type TypeEditors Ukjent type
Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView Skriving til fil feilet:\n%s\n\nAlle endringer vil gå tapt når du avslutter.
none ProbeView No attributes ingen
of ProbeView av
what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. hva: '%.4s'\n\n