* This does intentionally break source compatibility, so that a review
of concerned code is forced.
* Binary compatibility should be maintained in most cases. The values
of the constants for the writable directories are now used for the
writable system directories. The values for the non-writable
directories are mapped to "/boot/system/data/empty/...", an empty or
non-existent directory, so that they will simply be skipped in search
paths. Only code that explicitly expects to find something in a
B_COMMON_* directory, will fail.
* Remove support for the "common" installation location from packagefs,
package kit, package daemon, package managers.
* Rename the B_COMMON_*_DIRECTORY constants referring to writable
directories to B_SYSTEM_*_DIRECTORY.
* Remove/adjust the use of various B_COMMON_*_DIRECTORY constants.
I'm sure some occurrence still remain. They can be adjusted when the
remaining B_COMMON_*_DIRECTORY constants are removed.
- BJobStateListener: Add progress state and corresponding hook.
- FetchFileJob: Notify job progress hook on libcurl notifications.
- UserInteractionHandler: Add hooks for download progress and checksum
validation progress.
- PackageManager: inherit from JobStateListener and watch for job
notifications for internally generated jobs. Forward to corresponding
UserInteractionHandler hooks as needed.
- Adapt pkgman, HaikuDepot and package_daemon to above changes.
Neither HaikuDepot nor package_daemon's progress hooks are wired up to
do anything yet though.
- A subset of jobs that require a BContext don't in fact make use of the
decision provider. As such, make the default implementation usable for
those cases so one doesn't need to always create a dummy derived class.
The property is archived and unarchived, but otherwise not yet stored.
If not set, FileName() returns CanonicalFileName(). Can be used for
packages like haiku.hpkg etc. that don't have a properly qualified file
name (yet).
Only flag ATM is B_VERIFY_ALLOW_UNINSTALL. It tells to solver to suggest
uninstalling packages when necessary instead of considering such a case
a problem.
* The use of a static variable for storing the chunk size made it shared between all instances of BUrlProtoclHttp.
* Inline the function at the single place where it is used, and allocate the variable on the stack instead.
The whole receiving loop should be split into chunked and non-chunked variants to improve code readability.
... changes intended.
* 80 char limit fixes
* Indentation fixes
* Braces style fixes
* Use ternary operator where appropriate
* Rename menuItem to just item and declare it once outside
the loop
* Omit 3rd param of GetMouse() because it is default
* Rename variables eg state => focused and menu => submenu
* Indent comments below line they apply to
* Reword some comments
* Add some #pragmas
Private DrawLabel() method renamed to _DrawLabel() and rest of drawing
code moved to new private method _DrawMenuField(). These methods both
check to make sure that they are drawing in a valid rect that intersects
When label or menu is selected Draw a the label background in the selected
menu color matching the behavior of BeOS R5.
_DrawLabel() calls be_control_look->DrawLabel()
Update copyright year in MenuField.h
Finishing and refactoring the draft, initially implemented during April-May 2012
NOTE: startingFrameNumber returned to device contains the number of the
next free frame right after the last packed of submitted data. For more
details please Look into corresponding [haiku-development] discussion
started at 03 Jul 2013.
Partially fixes#1045.
Implements enhancement described in #9819
This feature works pretty much as it did on BeOS R5.
When you focus on the color control, the border is drawn blue and
the dot on the red ramp draws as an outline to show that it is
selected. You can push the up and down arrow keys to navigate to the
previous and next ramps respectively and can push right and left to
increment and decrement the color value of the selected ramp.
Clicking on the control no longer gives it focus.
In BeOS the left and right arrows would increment and decriment by 5,
on Haiku they increment and decrement by 1, but, by holding down the
key for a second or so the increment value increases to 5 allowing for
both course and fine adjustments.
On a technical note I split the int32 fFocusedComponent member variable
into 2 int16 member variables, fFocusedRamp and fClickedRamp. I did this
because I needed an entra variable, and can't change the size of the
class without using up another reserved member variable slot. int16
should be more than enough for these variables as they store an index to
the currently focused or clicked on ramp (0-3). Please someone chime in
if this is not okay for FBC in some condition I didn't think about.
devfs_io() can't fall back to calling vfs_synchronous_io(), if the
device driver doesn't support handling requests asynchronously. The
presence of the io() hook leads the VFS (do_iterative_fd_io()) to
believe that asynchronous handling is supported and set a
finished-callback on the request which calls the io() hook to start the
next chunk. Thus, instead of iterating through the request in a loop
the iteration happens recursively. For sufficiently fragmented requests
the stack may overflow (ticket #9900).
* Introduce a new vnode operation supports_operation(). It can be called
by the VFS to determine whether a present hook is actually currently
supported for a given vnode.
* devfs: implement the new hook and remove the fallback handling in
* vfs_request_io.cpp: use the new hook to determine whether the io()
hook is really supported.
Although syscalls are done through SYSCALL and therefore don't actually
have an interrupt number, set it to 99 (the syscall vector on 32-bit)
in the iframe so that a syscall frame can be identified. Also added
vector/error_code to x86_64_debug_cpu_state for Debugger to use, not
sure why I didn't put them there in the first place.
...from orientation params. Elaborated type specifiers are not needed
for C++ code and removing them makes doxygen happy. Verified working
on both gcc2h and gcc4h builds.
* Under the base URL there are supposed to be the repository files and a
subdirectory "packages".
* Fix the repository URL related confusion introduced earlier. The URL
the repository info (and thus in the repository file) is supposed to
be the base URL for the repository. It is not a (potentially)
different base URL for the package files. Package and repository
files were supposed to live in the same directory. Now, by requiring
the package files to live in a subdirectory -- which can also be a
symlink -- we gain some flexibility.
The URL in the repository config is usually the same as the in the
repository info, unless it refers to a mirror site. This allows for
mirrors to copy the original repository verbatim.
* Remove the PackageURL rule and introduce a DownloadPackage rule
instead. The URL for a package file cannot be computed in the jam
parsing phase anymore, as it contains the hash value of the package
* BRepositoryConfig: Add PackagesURL() for convenience.
* Introduce new package attribute B_HPKG_ATTRIBUTE_ID_PACKAGE (valid
only in a repository file) to group the attributes belonging to a
* BRepositoryContentHandler:
- No longer derive from BPackageContentHandler.
- Add hooks HandlePackage() and HandlePackageDone() that bracket the
attributes for a package. This is more explicit and robust than
handlers having to guess when one package ended and the next began.
* BRepositoryCache: Make use of BPackageInfoContentHandler. No need to
duplicate the code for reading a package info from package info