The kernel is allowed to use fpu anywhere so we must make sure that
user state is not clobbered by saving fpu state at interrupt entry.
There is no need to do that in case of system calls since all fpu
data registers are caller saved.
We do not need, though, to save the whole fpu state at task swich
(again, thanks to calling convention). Only status and control
registers are preserved. This patch actually adds xmm0-15 register
to clobber list of task swich code, but the only reason of that is
to make sure that nothing bad happens inside the function that
executes that task swich. Inspection of the generated code shows
that no xmm registers are actually saved.
Signed-off-by: Paweł Dziepak <>
* Thread creation and switching is working fine, however threads do not yet
get interrupted because I've not implemented hardware interrupt handling
yet (I'll do that next).
* I've made some changes to struct iframe: I've removed the e/r prefixes
from the member names for both 32/64, so now they're just named ip, ax,
bp, etc. This makes it easier to write code that works with both 32/64
without having to deal with different iframe member names.
Not many changes seeing as there's not much x86_64 stuff done yet. Small
differences are handled with ifdefs, large differences (descriptors.h,
struct iframe) have separate headers under arch/x86/32 and arch/x86/64.