Update translations from Pootle

This commit is contained in:
Automatic Committer 2018-03-15 11:53:49 +01:00
parent 3b60bc6b9b
commit cb49e022e6
27 changed files with 317 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1074880496
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Slå på støtte for søk
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (anbefalt)
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (hovedsaklig store filer)
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should only be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Å slå av støtte for søk kan gjøre at noen filsystemoperasjoner går raskere, men bør bare brukes hvis man er helt sikker på at man ikke kommer til å få bruk for søk.\nVolumer som skal brukes som oppstartsvolum for Haiku må ha støtte for søk slått på.
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (hovedsaklig små filer)
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Blokkstørelse:
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Navn:
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Ondersteuning voor queries inschakelen
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (aanbevolen)
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (vooral grote bestanden)
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should only be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Query-ondersteuning uitschakelen kan bepaalde operaties op het bestandssysteem versnellen, maar dit moet alleen gebruikt worden als je zeker bent dat je geen queries nodig hebt.\nEen volume dat bedoeld is om Haiku mee op te starten moet query-ondersteuning ingeschakeld hebben.
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (vooral kleine bestanden)
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Blokgrootte:
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Naam:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-FATAddOn 2766737426
Auto (default) FAT_Initialize_Parameter Auto (standaard)
FAT bits: FAT_Initialize_Parameter FAT bits:
Name: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Naam:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 160316705
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 468104950
or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig of een lege e-mail
Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Echte e-mail beneden en onzeker boven:
Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Spam boven:
Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Spamwaarde toevoegen aan het begin van het onderwerp
Bayesian Spam Filter SpamFilter Bayesiaanse spamfilter
Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Leer van alle inkomende e-mails

View File

@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 3950045582
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 478742289
Destination: imap_config Doel:
SSL imap_config SSL
Ok IMAPFolderConfig Okee
status IMAPFolderConfig status
Configure IMAP Folders imap_config IMAP-mappen configureren
Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Annuleren
No encryption imap_config Geen versleuteling
Apply IMAPFolderConfig Toepassen
Fetching IMAP folders, have patience... IMAPFolderConfig IMAP mappen ophalen, heb geduld...
Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Kan niet met de server \"%server%\" verbinden:\n%error%
IMAP Folders IMAPFolderConfig IMAP Mappen
Update subcription of IMAP folders, have patience... IMAPFolderConfig Abonnementen op IMAP-mappen bijwerken, een ogenblik…
Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Fout bij het ophalen van de beschikbare opslag.

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Always on top ActivityWindow Alltid överst
Add graph ActivityWindow Lägg till graf
Teams DataSource Processer
MiB DataSource MiB
Network send DataSource Nätverk sändning
Network send DataSource Nätverkssändning
CPU usage (combined) DataSource CPU användning (kombinerad)
CPU DataSource CPU
Used memory DataSource Minnesanvändning
@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ Swap DataSource Växling
File ActivityWindow Arkiv
usage DataSource användning
Additional items ActivityView Ytterligare mätvärden
Network receive DataSource Nätverksmotagning
Network receive DataSource Nätverksmottagning
Memory DataSource Minne
RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX

View File

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Always on top PreferencesWindow Alltid överst
Show all WindowMenu Visa alla
No windows WindowMenu Saknar fönster
Deskbar System name Deskbar
Restart system DeskbarMenu Starta om systemet
Restart system DeskbarMenu Starta om
Large PreferencesWindow Stor
Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Höj vid närkontakt
Recent folders: PreferencesWindow Senaste mappar:
Show application expander PreferencesWindow Visa program-expanderare
Show application expander PreferencesWindow Visa programexpanderare
Close all WindowMenu Stäng alla
Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Inställningar för Deskbar
Mount DeskbarMenu Montera
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Show calendar… TimeView Visa kalender...
Deskbar preferences… DeskbarMenu Inställningar för Deskbar...
Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Expandera nya program
Show replicants DeskbarMenu Visa replikanter
Hide application names PreferencesWindow Göm applikation namnen
Hide application names PreferencesWindow Göm programnamnen
Demos B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Demos Exempelprogram
Icon size PreferencesWindow Ikonstorlek
Desktop applets B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Desktop applets Skrivbordsprogram

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ All repositories FilterView すべてのリポジトリ
Email address: UserLoginWindow メールアドレス:
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at any time by rating the package again. RatePackageWindow 評価の更新に成功しました。もう一度パッケージを評価すれば、いつでも評価を更新または削除できます。
Very unstable RatePackageWindow 非常に不安定
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <パッケージの内容がリモートパッケージに対して利用できません>
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <リモートパッケージには利用できません>
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow ユーザー名はすでに使われています。他の名前を選んでください。
Close PackageManager 閉じる
Not logged in MainWindow ログインしていません
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Log out MainWindow ログアウト
Education Model 教育
Search terms: FilterView 検索:
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView ユーザー評価ありません。
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView ユーザー評価ありません。
Failed to update rating RatePackageWindow 評価の更新に失敗しました
Does not start RatePackageWindow 開始しない
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% (%details%) MainWindow リポジトリの更新中にエラーが発生しました: %error% (%details%)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 3421507633
Boot Manager, the application to configure the Haiku boot menu, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Boot Manager, den applikation man använder för att konfigurera Haiku boot meny kunde inte startas.
Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Är du säker på att du vill avbryta installationen och starta om systemet
Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Är du säker på att du vill avbryta installationen och starta om systemet?
Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installerare\n\tskriven av Jérôme Duval och Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n
\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n
Here you have to comment out the line \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" by putting a \"#\" in front of it in order to actually display the boot menu.\n\n InstallerApp Här måste du kommentera bort raden \"GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0\" genom att sätta en \"#\" framför den för att verkligen visa startmenyn.\n\n
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ Begin InstallerWindow Börja
Finally, you have to update the boot menu by entering:\n\n InstallerApp Äntligen, dumåste updatera boot menyn genom att skriva:\n\n
If you have not created a partition yet, simply reboot, create the partition using whatever tool you feel most comfortable with, and reboot into Haiku to continue with the installation. You could for example use the GParted Live-CD, it can also resize existing partitions to make room.\n\n\n InstallerApp Om du inte har skapat en partition än, bara bota om, skapa en partition med en ditt favorit partitions program, boota up i Haiku igen och fortsätt med installationen. Du skulle tex kunna använda GParted Live-CD, den kan också användas för att ändra storlekar på partitioner.\n\n\n
With GRUB 2 the first logical partition always has the number \"5\", regardless of the number of primary partitions.\n\n InstallerApp Med GRUB 2 har den första logiska partitionen alltid nummer \"5\", oavsätt antalet primära partitioner.\n\n
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Skriv boot sektor
Write boot sector InstallerWindow Skriv bootsektor
Cancel InstallerWindow Avbryt
DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow DriveSetup, applikationen för att konfigurera disk partitioner kunde inte startas.
The target volume is not empty. Are you sure you want to install anyway?\n\nNote: The 'system' folder will be a clean copy from the source volume but will retain its settings folder, all other folders will be merged, whereas files and links that exist on both the source and target volume will be overwritten with the source volume version. InstallProgress Den tänkta volumen är inte tom. Är du säker att du villinstallera ändå?\n\nNotering: Systemfoldern kommer att vara en kopia från källans systemfolder men kommer att behålla inställningsfoldern, alla anda foldrar kommer att mergas. De filer och länkar som finns på båda ställena kommer att skrivas över med de nyare.
No optional packages available. PackagesView Inga installationspaket fanns att välja.
All hard disks start with \"hd\".\n InstallerApp Alla hårdiskar startar med \"hd\".\n
Continue InstallerApp Fortsätt
Boot sector not written because of an internal error. InstallProgress Gick inte att skriva till bootsektorn på grund av ett internt fel.
Boot sector not written because of an internal error. InstallProgress Det gick inte att skriva till bootsektorn på grund av ett internt fel.
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Ytterligare diskutrymme behövs: %s
Cancel InstallProgress Avbryt
Running Boot Manager and DriveSetup…\n\nClose both applications to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Kör Boot Manager och DriveSetup…\n\nStäng båda programmen för att fortsätta med installationen.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter 2816184527
Video using parameters form settings MediaConverter Video med parametrar från inställningar
{0, plural, one{The file was not recognized as a supported media file:} other{# files were not recognized as supported media files:}} MediaConverter {0, plural, one{Filen kändes inte igen som en media fil:} other{# filer kändes inte igen som en media filer:}}
{0, plural, one{The file was not recognized as a supported media file:} other{# files were not recognized as supported media files:}} MediaConverter {0, plural, one{Filen kändes inte igen som en mediafil:} other{# filerna kändes inte igen som mediafiler:}}
Video encoding: MediaConverter Videokodning:
%u x %u, %.2ffps MediaFileInfo Width x Height, fps %u x %u, %.2ffps
Error creating video. MediaConverter Fel vid skapande av video.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 german x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 3418694338
No active network connection was found UpdateManager Error message Keine aktive Netzwerkverbindung gefunden
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Abbrechen
Packages are being updated UpdateManager Pakete werden aktualisiert
Update now SoftwareUpdaterWindow Jetzt aktualisieren
Updates did not complete UpdateAction Aktualisierungen wurden nicht abgeschlossen
Checking for updates CheckManager Aktualisierungen werden gesucht
%count% packages have available updates CheckManager Für %count% Pakete gibt es Aktualisierungen
SoftwareUpdater System name SoftwareUpdater
Fatal error while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Fehler bei Suche nach Aktualisierungen: %s\n
No remote repositories are available UpdateManager Error message Es sind keine Paketquellen erreichbar
No updates available UpdateAction Keine Aktualisierungen verfügbar
Downloading packages UpdateManager Pakete werden herunterladen
Attempting to cancel the updates... SoftwareUpdaterWindow Abbruch der Aktualisierungen...
from repository SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text von Paketquelle
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Abbrechen
Click here to install updates. CheckManager Hier klicken um Aktualisierungen zu installieren.
The following changes will be made: SoftwareUpdaterWindow Folgenden Änderungen werden durchgeführt:
Available updates found CheckManager Aktualisierungen gefunden
Checking for updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Aktualisierungen werden gesucht
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Beenden
Cancelling updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Aktualisierungen werden abgebrochen
Updating version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Aktualisieren der Version
Applying changes UpdateManager Änderungen werden angewendet
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Beenden
No remote repositories are available. Please verify that some repositories are enabled using the Repositories preflet or the 'pkgman' command. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Error message Es stehen keine Paketquellen zur Verfügung. Mit den 'Paketquellen'' Einstellungen bzw. dem 'pkman' Befehl lässt sich überprüfen, ob und welche Paketquellen aktiviert sind.
There were no updates found. UpdateAction Es wurden keine Aktualisierungen gefunden.
Uninstalling version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Deinstallieren der Version
Packages to be updated SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Pakete werden aktualisiert
Installing version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Installieren der Version
Argument variables are no longer accepted\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Parametervariablen werden nicht mehr akzeptiert\n
Updates completed UpdateManager Aktualisierungen abgeschlossen
Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction Ungültiger Aktualisierungstyp, Aktualisierung wird abgebrochen
Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Zu deinstallierende Pakete
Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow Aktualisierungen noch nicht abgeschlossen, trotzdem beenden?
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Gebrauch: SoftwareUpdater <Befehl> [ <Option> ]\nAktualisiert installierte Pakete.\n\nBefehle:\n update - Durchsucht die Paketquellen nach Aktualisierungen aller Pakete.\n check - Sucht verfügbare Aktualisierungen, zeigt aber nur einen Hinweis mit dem Ergebnis.\n full-sync - Synchronisiert die installierten Pakete mit den Paketquellen.\n\nOptionen:\n -h oder --help Gibt diesen Hilfetext aus\n -v oder --verbose Gibt ausführliche Infos aus\n
There were no updates found. CheckAction Es wurden keine Aktualisierungen gefunden.
%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i von %i
Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow Aktualisierungen gefunden
to SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text auf
No updates available CheckManager Keine Aktualisierungen verfügbar
Don't quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Nicht beenden
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label Beenden
Click here to run SoftwareUpdater. Some updates will require a problem solution to be selected. CheckManager Hier klicken, um SoftwareUpater zu starten. Für einige Aktualisierungen muss eine Problemlösung ausgewählt werden.
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Um nach Aktualisierungen zu suchen, wird eine Verbindung mit den Paketquellen hergestellt.
Unrecognized argument SoftwareUpdaterApp Error message Unbekannter Parameter
Please choose from these update options:\n\nUpdate:\n\tUpdates all installed packages.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronizes the installed packages with the repositories. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Bitte aus diesen Aktualisierungsoptionen wählen:\n\nUpdate:\n\tAktualisiert alle installierten Pakete.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronisiert alle installierten Pakete mit den Paktequellen.
Exception occurred while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Eine Ausnahme trat bei der Suche nach Aktualisierungen auf: %s\n
Exception occurred while updating packages : %s\n UpdateAction Eine Ausnahme trat bei der Aktualisierung von Paketen auf: %s\n
Update SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Aktualisieren
New packages to be installed SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Zu installierende neue Pakete
OK UpdateManager OK
A reboot may be necessary to complete some updates. UpdateManager Um manche Aktualisierungen abzuschließen, kann ein Neustart erforderlich sein.
Open Repositories SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Paketquellen öffnen
Show more details SoftwareUpdaterWindow Weitere Details anzeigen
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. CheckManager Um nach Aktualisierungen zu suchen, wird eine Verbindung mit den Paketquellen hergestellt.
Full sync SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Full sync
No active network connection was found.\n CheckManager Keine aktive Netzwerkverbindung gefunden.\n
OK SoftwareUpdaterWindow OK
There were no updates found. CheckManager Keine Aktualisierungen gefunden.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 3418694338
No active network connection was found UpdateManager Error message 有効なネットワーク接続が見つからなかった。
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow キャンセル
Packages are being updated UpdateManager パッケージはアップデート中です
Update now SoftwareUpdaterWindow いますぐアップデート
Updates did not complete UpdateAction アップデートは完了しなかった
Checking for updates CheckManager 更新をチェック中
%count% packages have available updates CheckManager %count% 個のパッケージがアップデート可能です
SoftwareUpdater System name ソフトウェアの更新
Fatal error while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction アップデートの確認中に致命的なエラーが発生しました: %s\n
No remote repositories are available UpdateManager Error message リモートのリポジトリは利用できません。
No updates available UpdateAction アップデートはありません
Downloading packages UpdateManager パッケージをダウンロード中
Attempting to cancel the updates... SoftwareUpdaterWindow アップデートのキャンセルを試みています...
from repository SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text リポジトリから
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label キャンセル
Click here to install updates. CheckManager クリックしてアップデートをインストール
The following changes will be made: SoftwareUpdaterWindow 以下の変更が適用されます:
Available updates found CheckManager 利用可能なアップデートが見つかりました
Checking for updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow アップデートをチェック中
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label 終了
Cancelling updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow アップデートをキャンセル中
Updating version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text 更新されるバージョン
Applying changes UpdateManager 変更の適用中
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow 終了
No remote repositories are available. Please verify that some repositories are enabled using the Repositories preflet or the 'pkgman' command. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Error message リモートのリボジトリは利用できません。リポジトリ プレファレンスか 'pkgman' コマンドを使って、リポジトリが有効になっているかか確認してください。
There were no updates found. UpdateAction アップデートはありません。
Uninstalling version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text アンインストールされるバージョン
Packages to be updated SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label アップデートされるパッケージ
Installing version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text インストールされるバージョン
Argument variables are no longer accepted\n SoftwareUpdaterApp 引数の値はもはや受け入れられない\n
Updates completed UpdateManager アップデートが完了しました
Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction 無効なアップデートタイプです、アップデートを継続できません
Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label アンインストールされるパッケージ
Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow アップデートは完了していません。本当に終了してよいですか?
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n
There were no updates found. CheckAction アップデートが見つからなかった。
%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i / %i
Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow アップデートが見つかりました
to SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text から
No updates available CheckManager アップデートはありません
Don't quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow 終了しない
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label 終了
Click here to run SoftwareUpdater. Some updates will require a problem solution to be selected. CheckManager クリックしてソフトウェアの更新を起動してください。いくつかのアップデートは選択すべき問題の解決策を必要とするでしょう。
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. SoftwareUpdaterWindow ソフトウェアリポジトリに連絡を取り、パッケージの更新を確認します。
Unrecognized argument SoftwareUpdaterApp Error message 認識されない引数
Please choose from these update options:\n\nUpdate:\n\tUpdates all installed packages.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronizes the installed packages with the repositories. SoftwareUpdaterWindow 以下のアップデートオプションから選択してください:\n\nUpdate:\n\tすべてのインストール済パッケージを更新します。\nFull sync:\n\tインストール済パッケージをリポジトリと同期します。
Exception occurred while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction アップデートの確認中に例外が発生しました: %s\n
Exception occurred while updating packages : %s\n UpdateAction パッケージのアップデート中に例外が発生しました : %s\n
Update SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label 更新
New packages to be installed SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label インストールされる新規パッケージ
OK UpdateManager OK
A reboot may be necessary to complete some updates. UpdateManager いくつかの更新を完了するには再起動が必要かもしれません。
Open Repositories SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label リポジトリを開く
Show more details SoftwareUpdaterWindow 詳細を表示する
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. CheckManager ソフトウェアリポジトリに連絡を取り、パッケージの更新を確認します。
Full sync SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label 完全同期
No active network connection was found.\n CheckManager 有効なネットワーク接続が見つからなかった。\n
OK SoftwareUpdaterWindow OK
There were no updates found. CheckManager アップデートが見つからなかった。

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 romanian x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 3217327427
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Anulează
SoftwareUpdater System name SoftwareUpdater
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Anulează

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 3418694338
No active network connection was found UpdateManager Error message Ingen aktiv nätverksanslutning kunde hittas
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Avbryt
Packages are being updated UpdateManager Paketen håller på att uppdateras
Update now SoftwareUpdaterWindow Uppdatera nu
Updates did not complete UpdateAction Uppdateringen slutfördes inte
Checking for updates CheckManager Letar efter uppdateringar
%count% packages have available updates CheckManager %count% paket har nya uppdateringar
SoftwareUpdater System name ProgramUppdatering
Fatal error while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Ett allvarligt fel inträffade under sökning efter uppdateringar: %s\n
No remote repositories are available UpdateManager Error message Inga externa repositorier är tillgängliga
No updates available UpdateAction Inga uppdateringar tillgängliga
Downloading packages UpdateManager Laddar ner paket
Attempting to cancel the updates... SoftwareUpdaterWindow Försöker att avbryta uppdateringarna...
from repository SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text från repositorie
Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Avbryt
Click here to install updates. CheckManager Klicka här för att installera uppdateringar.
The following changes will be made: SoftwareUpdaterWindow Följande ändringar kommer att utföras:
Available updates found CheckManager Tillgängliga uppdateringar hittades
Checking for updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Letar efter uppdateringar
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Avsluta
Cancelling updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Avbryter uppdateringar
Updating version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Uppdaterar version
Applying changes UpdateManager Verkställer ändringar
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Avsluta
No remote repositories are available. Please verify that some repositories are enabled using the Repositories preflet or the 'pkgman' command. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Error message Inga externa repositorier är tillgängliga. Var god verifiera att det finns något repositorie aktiverat i inställningspanelen Repositorier eller via kommandot 'pkgman'.
There were no updates found. UpdateAction Inga uppdateringar hittades.
Uninstalling version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Avinstallerar version
Packages to be updated SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Paket som kommer att uppdateras
Installing version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Installerar version
Argument variables are no longer accepted\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Argumentvariabler accepteras inte längre\n
Updates completed UpdateManager Uppdatering slutförd
Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction Ogiltig uppdateringstyp, kan inte fortsätta att uppdatera
Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Paket att avinstallera
Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow Uppdateringarna har inte slutförts. Är du säker på att du vill avsluta?
Usage: SoftwareUpdater <command> [ <option> ]\nUpdates installed packages.\n\nCommands:\n update - Search repositories for updates on all packages.\n check - Check for available updates but only display a notification with results.\n full-sync - Synchronize the installed packages with the repositories.\n\nOptions:\n -h or --help Print this usage help\n -v or --verbose Output verbose information\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Command line usage help Användande: SoftwareUpdater <kommando> [ <alternativ> ]\nUppdaterar installerade paket.\n\nKommandon:\n update - Sök i repositorier efter uppdateringar för alla paket.\n check - Kolla efter tillgängliga uppdateringar och visa en lista med resultat.\n full-sync - Synkronisera alla installerade paket med repositoriernas paket.\n\nAlternativ:\n -h eller --help Skriv ut detta hjälpavsnitt\n -v eller --verbose Skriv ut mångordig information\n
There were no updates found. CheckAction Inga uppdateringar kunde hittas.
%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i av %i
Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow Uppdateringar hittades
to SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text till
No updates available CheckManager Inga uppdateringar tillgängliga
Don't quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Avsluta inte
Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label Avsluta
Click here to run SoftwareUpdater. Some updates will require a problem solution to be selected. CheckManager Klicka här för att köra ProgramUppdatering. Vissa uppdateringar kräver att en problemlösning väljs.
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Kontaktar repositorier för att leta efter paketuppdateringar.
Unrecognized argument SoftwareUpdaterApp Error message Argumentet känns inte igen
Please choose from these update options:\n\nUpdate:\n\tUpdates all installed packages.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronizes the installed packages with the repositories. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Vänligen välj från dessa uppdateringsalternativ:\n\nUppdatera:\n\tUppdaterar alla installerade paket.\nFullständig synkronisering:\n\tSynkroniserar alla installerade paket med repositoriernas paket.
Exception occurred while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Ett eller flera undantag uppstod under sökningen efter uppdateringar: %s\n
Exception occurred while updating packages : %s\n UpdateAction Ett eller flera undantag uppstod under uppdateringen av paket: %s\n
Update SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Uppdatera
New packages to be installed SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Nya paket att installera
OK UpdateManager OK
A reboot may be necessary to complete some updates. UpdateManager En omstart kan vara nödvändig för att slutföra vissa av uppdateringarna.
Open Repositories SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Öppna Repositorier
Show more details SoftwareUpdaterWindow Visa fler detaljer
Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. CheckManager Kontaktar repositorier för att leta efter uppdaterade paket.
Full sync SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Fullständig synkronisering
No active network connection was found.\n CheckManager Ingen aktiv nätverksanslutning kunde hittas.\n
OK SoftwareUpdaterWindow OK
There were no updates found. CheckManager Inga uppdateringar kunde hittas.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 81357278
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-cmd-dstconfig 684321431
Ask me later dstcheck Vraag dat later
Manually adjust time… dstcheck De tijd handmatig instellen...
Keep this time dstcheck Deze tijd behouden
Attention!\n\nBecause of the switch from daylight saving time, your computer's clock may be an hour off.\nYour computer thinks it is %current time%.\n\nIs this the correct time? dstcheck Pas op!\n\nVanwege het ingaan van de zomer- of wintertijd, kan de klok van uw computer er een uur naast zitten.\nUw computer denkt nu dat het %current time% is.\n\nIs dit de juiste tijd?

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libmail 161731481
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libmail 3450478295
Partially download messages larger than ProtocolConfigView Berichten gedeeltelijk downloaden als ze groter zijn dan
Password: ProtocolConfigView Wachtwoord:
Remove mail from server when deleted ProtocolConfigView Mail verwijderen van de server bij lokale verwijdering
Mail server: ProtocolConfigView Mailserver:
Select… MailKit Selecteren...
Connection type: ProtocolConfigView Verbindingstype:
KB ProtocolConfigView kilo byte KB
Leave mail on server ProtocolConfigView Mail op de server achterlaten
Username: ProtocolConfigView Gebruikersnaam:
Login type: ProtocolConfigView Logintype:

View File

@ -1,21 +1,31 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 484001623
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libbe 3337473349
gamma AboutWindow gamma
beta AboutWindow beta
%3.2f GiB StringForSize %3.2f GiB
Written by: AboutWindow Door:
About %app% AboutMenuItem Over %app%
Cut TextView Knippen
Version AboutWindow Versie
Cannot create the replicant for \"%description\".\n%error ZombieReplicantView Kan de replica voor \"%description\" niet maken.\n%error
Copy TextView Kopiëren
%3.2f KiB StringForSize %3.2f KiB
alpha AboutWindow alpha
Error PrintJob Fout
All Rights Reserved. AboutWindow Alle rechten voorbehouden.
{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} StringForSize {0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}}
About %app% AboutWindow Over %app%
No pages to print! PrintJob Geen pagina's om af te drukken!
OK Dragger OK
OK PrintJob OK
Green: ColorControl Groen:
Version history: AboutWindow Versiegeschiedenis:
Remove replicant Dragger Replica verwijderen
Select all TextView Alles selecteren
OK AboutWindow OK
OK ZombieReplicantView OK
Print Server is not responding. PrintJob Print Server antwoordt niet.
Paste TextView Plakken
Special Thanks: AboutWindow Speciale dank aan:
%.2f TiB StringForSize %.2f TiB
Cannot locate the application for the replicant. No application signature supplied.\n%error ZombieReplicantView De applicatie voor de replica kan niet gelocaliseerd worden. Er is geen applicatiehandtekening gegeven.\n%error
Redo TextView Opnieuw
@ -25,6 +35,8 @@ Undo TextView Ongedaan maken
Red: ColorControl Rood:
%3.2f MiB StringForSize %3.2f MiB
About %app… Dragger Over %app...
development AboutWindow in ontwikkeling
Error ZombieReplicantView Fout
Blue: ColorControl Blauw:
gold master AboutWindow gold master
Can't delete this replicant from its original application. Life goes on. Dragger De replica van de originele applicatie kan niet verwijderd worden. Het leven gaat voort.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 german x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 2012114212
Package %s-%s doesn't have a matching requires for its base package \"%s\" PackageManagerKit Das Paket %s-%s besitzt kein passendes 'Requires' für sein Base-Paket \"%s\"
Failed to get repository names PackageManagerKit Paketquellen-Namen nicht verfügbar
Failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Cache der Paketquelle \"%s\" nicht verfügbar. Wird übersprungen.
Refreshing repository \"%s\" failed PackageManagerKit Aktualisierung der Paketquelle \"%s\" fehlgeschlagen.
Failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Konfiguration der Paketquelle \"%s\" nicht verfügbar. Wird übersprungen.
Failed to remove transaction directory PackageManagerKit Der 'transaction' Ordner konnte nicht entfernt werden

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 2012114212
Package %s-%s doesn't have a matching requires for its base package \"%s\" PackageManagerKit パッケージ %s-%s は、ベースパッケージ \"%s\" が必要とするマッチングを持っていない。
Failed to get repository names PackageManagerKit リポジトリ名の取得に失敗しました
Failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit リポジトリ \"%s\" のキャッシュの取得に失敗しました。スキップします。
Refreshing repository \"%s\" failed PackageManagerKit リポジトリ \"%s\" の更新に失敗しました
Failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit リポジトリ \"%s\" の設定の取得に失敗しました。スキップします。
Failed to remove transaction directory PackageManagerKit トランザクションディレクトリの削除に失敗しました

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 2012114212
Package %s-%s doesn't have a matching requires for its base package \"%s\" PackageManagerKit Pakket %s-%s heeft geen bijbehorende vereisten voor zijn basispakket \"%s\"
Failed to get repository names PackageManagerKit Het ophalen van de namen van de namen van de archieven is mislukt
Failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Het is niet gelukt om de cache voor het archief \"%s\" op te halen. Deze wordt overgeslagen.
Refreshing repository \"%s\" failed PackageManagerKit Het verversen van het archief \"%s\" is mislukt
Failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Het ophalen van de configuratie voor het archief \"%s\" is mislukt. Deze wordt overgeslagen.
Failed to remove transaction directory PackageManagerKit Het verwijderen van de transactiemap is mislukt

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-libsolvsolver 3404387783
%dependency% is provided by the system SolverProblem %dependency% はシステムが提供する
package %source% conflicts with %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem パッケージ %source% は、%target% が提供する %dependency% と競合す
package %source% conflicts with %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem パッケージ %source% は、%target% が提供する %dependency% と競合しま
nothing provides requested %dependency% SolverProblem 要求された %dependency% を提供するものがない
unspecified problem SolverProblem 詳細不明の問題
keep %source% despite its inferior architecture SolverProblemSolution 下位のアーキテクチャですが、%source% を保持する

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-libsolvsolver 64832192
%dependency% is provided by the system SolverProblem %dependency% wordt door het systeem aangeboden
package %source% conflicts with %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pakket %source% is in conflict met %dependency% aangeboden door %target%
nothing provides requested %dependency% SolverProblem nergens wordt de gevraagde %dependency% aangeboden
unspecified problem SolverProblem ongespecificeerd probleem
keep %source% despite its inferior architecture SolverProblemSolution %source% ondanks zijn inferieure architectuur bewaren
do not deinstall \"%selection%\" SolverProblemSolution \"%selection\" niet verwijderen
%source% has inferior architecture SolverProblem %source% heeft een inferieure architectuur
dependency problem SolverProblem afhankelijkheidsprobleem
do not keep %source% installed SolverProblemSolution houd %source% niet geïnstalleerd
package %source% implicitly obsoletes %dependency% provided by %target% SolverProblem pakket %source% maakt %dependency% aangeboden door %target% impliciet overbodig

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-libpackage 2012114212
Package %s-%s doesn't have a matching requires for its base package \"%s\" PackageManagerKit Paketet %s-%s har inga matchande beroenden för dess baspaket \"%s\"
Failed to get repository names PackageManagerKit Misslyckades med att hämta namn på repositorier
Failed to get cache for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Misslyckades med att hämta cache för repositoriet \"%s\". Hoppar över.
Refreshing repository \"%s\" failed PackageManagerKit Uppdateringen av repositoriet \"%s\" misslyckades
Failed to get config for repository \"%s\". Skipping. PackageManagerKit Misslyckades med att hämta konfigurationen för repositoriet \"%s\". Hoppar över.
Failed to remove transaction directory PackageManagerKit Misslyckades med att ta bort transaktionsmappen

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ New DeskWindow 新規作成
Open InfoWindow 開く
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
Replace all FSUtils すべて置換
Preparing to restore items… StatusWindow 復元の準備をしています…
Preparing to restore items… StatusWindow 元に戻す準備をしています…
Replace other file WidgetAttributeText 既存の項目を置き換える
Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView いくつかの選択項目はごみ箱に移動できません。完全に削除してもよろしいですか?元に戻せませんので、ご注意ください。
You cannot create a link to the root directory. FSUtils ルートフォルダーにはリンクを作成できません。
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ If you alter %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want
Preferences… ContainerWindow 設定…
Move PoseView 移動
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow 関連付けて開く
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils 選択した項目を削除しますか? 削除した項目は復元できませんので、ご注意ください。
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils 選択した項目を削除しますか? 削除した項目は元に戻せませんので、ご注意ください。
Add-ons DeskWindow アドオン
Name FindPanel 名前
And FindPanel かつ
@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ If you rename the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osNa
There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy. FSUtils \"%name\"を置き換えようとしたら不具合が発生しました。項目は開いた状態か使用中かもしれません。
Owner FilePermissionsView 所有者
There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one. FilePanelPriv 指定されたフォルダーへの保存に失敗しました。別のフォルダーを指定してみてください。
Restore ContainerWindow
Restoring: StatusWindow 復元中:
Restore ContainerWindow 元に戻す
Restoring: StatusWindow 元に戻しています:
Skip FSUtils スキップ
Settings… MountMenu 設定…

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Set preferred application Preferred App Menu Välj förinställt program
Don't save Application Type Window Spara inte
Save changes before closing? Application Type Window Spara ändringar innan programmet avslutas?
File Application Type Window Arkiv
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# Applikations typen kan plockas bort} other{# Applikations typerna kan plockas bort}}
{0, plural, one{# Application type could be removed} other{# Application types could be removed}} Application Types Window {0, plural, one{# Applikationstypen kan plockas bort} other{# Applikationstyperna kan plockas bort}}
Version: Application Type Window Version:
Select… FileTypes Window Välj...
FileTypes request FileTypes FilTyper - fråga

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ WPA2 WPA2 protected network WPA2
Choose automatically IntefaceView Välj automatiskt
connected IntefaceView ansluten
Ethernet device InterfaceListItem Ethernetenhet
The netmask defines your local network IntefaceAddressView Netmasken definierar ditt lokala nätverk
The netmask defines your local network IntefaceAddressView Nätmasken definierar ditt lokala nätverk
Dial-up connection InterfaceListItem Uppringd anslutning
%name% (%authenticationMode%) WirelessNetworkMenuItem %name% (%authenticationMode%)
Network NetworkWindow Nätverk
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ connected InterfaceListItem ansluten
disabled InterfaceListItem inaktiverad
Dial Up NetworkWindow Uppringd
Apply IntefaceAddressView Använd
Installing NetworkStatus in Deskbar failed: %s NetworkWindow Installatera NetworkStatus i Deskbaren misslyckades: %s
MAC address: IntefaceView MAC-adress
Installing NetworkStatus in Deskbar failed: %s NetworkWindow Installatera NätverksStatus i Deskbar misslyckades: %s
MAC address: IntefaceView MAC-adress:
Wireless device InterfaceListItem Trådlös enhet
Disabled IntefaceAddressView Inaktiverad
Renegotiate IntefaceView Omförhandla

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-Playground 1375574837
Line Playground Lijn
Fill Playground Vulling
Over Playground Over
Quit Playground Afsluiten
Rect Playground Rechthoek
Select Playground Selecteren
Click and drag to draw an object Playground Klik en sleep om een object te tekenen
Controls Playground Besturingselementen
Round rect Playground Rechthoek met ronde hoeken
Alpha: Playground Alfa:
Mode: Playground Modus:
Submenu Playground Submenu
Copy Playground Kopiëren
Cancel Playground Annuleren
Clear Playground Wissen
Min Playground Min
Blend Playground Mengen
Invert Playground Omkeren
Clear all drawing objects? Playground Alle getekende objecten wissen?
Width: Playground Breedte:
Alpha Playground Alfa
New object Playground Nieuw object
Test Playground Testen
Max Playground Max
Add Playground Toevoegen
Playground System name Playground
Erase Playground Wissen
File Playground Bestand
Subtract Playground Aftrekken
<pick> Playground <kies>
Ellipse Playground Ellips

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 dutch; flemish x.vnd.OBOS-Inspector 1686702095
1 dutch; flemish x.vnd.OBOS-Inspector 577867100
User Translators ActiveTranslatorsWindow Gebruiker-Translators
No image available to save. ImageWindow Geen afbeelding beschikbaar voor opslag.
Sorry, unable to write the image file. ImageView Sorry, het is niet mogelijk om het beeldbestand te schrijven.
@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ Quit ImageWindow Stoppen
Selected Document: %1\n\nTranslator Used:\nName: %2\nInfo: %3\nVersion: %4\n ImageView Geselecteerd document: %1\n\nTranslator:\nNaam: %2\nInfo: %3\nVersie: %4\n
Active Translators ImageWindow Actieve Translators
View ImageWindow Bekijken
Open… ImageWindow Openen…
Previous Page ImageWindow Vorige pagina
OK ImageView Oké
System Translators ActiveTranslatorsWindow Systeem-Translators
Save… ImageWindow Opslaan…
Unknown ImageView Onbekend
File ImageWindow Bestand