Update translations from Pootle
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Aktivér understøttelse af forespørgsel
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Deaktivering af understøttelse af forespørgsel kan øge hastigheden af bestemte filsystemhandlinger, \nmen bør kun bruges hvis du er helt sikker på at der ikke bliver brug for forespørgsler.\nDiskenheder som skal bruges til at boote Haiku skal have understøttelse af forespørgsel aktiveret.
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Navn:
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (hovedsaglig store filer)
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (anbefalet)
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (hovedsagelig små filer)
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Blokstørrelse:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 3514982252
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Attiva supporto per le interrogazioni
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Disabilitare il supporto alle interrogazioni può velocizzare alcune operazioni sul file system, ma dovrebbe\nessere utilizzato solo se si è completamente sicuri di non averne bisogno.\nOgni disco che potrebbe essere utilizzato per avviare Haiku deve avere il supporto alle interrogazioni abilitato.
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome:
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Per file di grandi dimensioni)
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Raccomandato)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954
Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Ativar suporte a consulta
Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Desativar o suporte a consultas pode acelerar algumas operações do sistema de ficheiros, mas apenas deve\nser usado se tiver a certeza de que não vai necessitar de efetuar consultas.\nQualquer volume que seja destinado a arrancar o Haiku deve ter ativo o suporte a consultas.
Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome:
8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Maioritariamente ficheiros grandes)
2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Recomendado)
1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (Maioritariamente ficheiros pequenos)
Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Tamanho de bloco:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FATAddOn 2766737426
Auto (default) FAT_Initialize_Parameter Auto (standard)
FAT bits: FAT_Initialize_Parameter FAT-bit:
Name: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Navn:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FATAddOn 2766737426
Auto (default) FAT_Initialize_Parameter Automático (predefinido)
FAT bits: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Bits da FAT:
Name: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Nome:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IntelDiskAddOn 946918966
Active partition PrimaryPartitionEditor Aktiv partition
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IntelDiskAddOn 946918966
Active partition PrimaryPartitionEditor Partição ativa
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NTFSDiskAddOn 25755486
Name: NTFS_Initialize_Parameter Navn:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NTFSDiskAddOn 25755486
Name: NTFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome:
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-KeyboardInputServerDevice 2536418998
If the application will not quit you may have to kill it. Team monitor Hvis programmet ikke vil afslutte, kan det hænde du må dræbe det.
Quit application Team monitor Afslut program
Restart the desktop Team monitor Genstart skrivebordet
Force reboot Team monitor Gennemtving genstart
Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Vælg et program fra listen ovenover, og klik på enten 'Dræb program' eller 'Afslut program' for at lukke det.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE nede i %ld sekunder for at genstarte maskinen.
Team monitor Team monitor Gruppemonitor
Kill application Team monitor Dræb program
Cancel Team monitor Annuller
(This team is a system component) Team monitor (Holdet er en systemkomponent)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-KeyboardInputServerDevice 2536418998
If the application will not quit you may have to kill it. Team monitor Se a aplicação não encerrar, você poderá precisar de a matar.
Quit application Team monitor Sair da aplicação
Restart the desktop Team monitor Reiniciar a área de trabalho
Force reboot Team monitor Forçar reinicialização do sistema
Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Selecione uma aplicação da lista acima e clique num dos botões 'Matar aplicação' e 'Sair da aplicação' por forma a fechá-la.\n\nPressione CONTROL+ALT+DELETE durante %ld segundos para reiniciar o sistema.
Team monitor Team monitor Monitor de equipas
Kill application Team monitor Matar aplicação
Cancel Team monitor Cancelar
(This team is a system component) Team monitor (Esta equipa é um componente do sistema)
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1946584206
Delete message ConfigView Slet meddelelse
Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Match \"%attribute\" mod \"%regex\"
Match header RuleFilter Match header
Set flags to ConfigView Markér som
Header field (e.g. Subject, From, …) ConfigView Headerfelt (f.eks. Emne, Fra …)
<Choose account> ConfigView <Vælg konto>
Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView Jokertegnværdi såsom \"*spam*\".\nPræfiks med \"REGEX:\" for at bruge regulære udtryk.
Then ConfigView Så
If ConfigView Hvis
Set as read ConfigView Markér som læst
Reply with ConfigView Svar med
<Choose action> ConfigView <Vælg handling>
Move to ConfigView Flyt til
this field is based on the action ConfigView dette felt er baseret på handlingen
Account ConfigView Konto
has ConfigView har
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 3544711400
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1946584206
Delete message ConfigView Cancella messaggio
Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Controlla \"%attribute\" rispetto a \"%regex\"
Match header RuleFilter Intestazione corrispondente
Set flags to ConfigView Imposta flag a
Header field (e.g. Subject, From, …) ConfigView Campo interstazione (es. Oggetto, Mittente, …)
<Choose account> ConfigView <Scegli un account>
Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView Carattere jolly come \"*spam*\".\nPrependi con \"REGEX:\" per utilizzare espressioni regolari.
Then ConfigView Quindi
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 709288665
Delete message ConfigView Eliminar mensagem
Set flags to ConfigView Definir sinalizadores para
<Choose account> ConfigView <Escolher conta>
Then ConfigView Depois
If ConfigView Se
Set as read ConfigView Marcar como lida
Reply with ConfigView Responder com
<Choose action> ConfigView <Escolher ação>
Move to ConfigView Mover para
this field is based on the action ConfigView este campo é baseado na ação
Account ConfigView Conta
has ConfigView tem
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Logvindue
none NotifierConfigView ingen
New mails notification NotifierFilter Underretning om ny post
Alert NotifierConfigView Besked
OK NotifierFilter OK
Central alert NotifierConfigView Central besked
Beep NotifierConfigView Bip
Central beep NotifierConfigView Centralt bip
{0, plural, one{One new message} other{# new messages}} NotifierFilter {0, plural, one{En ny meddelelse} other{# nye meddelelser}}
New messages NotifierFilter Nye meddelelser
Method: NotifierConfigView Metode:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Tastaturets LED'er
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Du har {0, plural, one{en ny meddelelse} other{# nye meddelelser}} for %account.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Fenêtre de connexion
none NotifierConfigView aucune
New mails notification NotifierFilter Notification de nouveaux courriers
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Sonnerie générale
New messages NotifierFilter Nouveaux messages
Method: NotifierConfigView Méthode :
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LEDs du clavier
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Vous avez {0, plural, one{un nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}} pour %account.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Barcon dal regjistri
none NotifierConfigView nissun
New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifiche gnove pueste
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Bip centrâl
New messages NotifierFilter Gnûfs messaçs
Method: NotifierConfigView Metodi:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LED de tastiere
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Tu âs {0, plural, one{ung gnûf messaç} other{# gnûfs messaçs}} su %account.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Finestra di registro
none NotifierConfigView nessuno
New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifica i nuovi messaggi di posta
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Avviso generale
New messages NotifierFilter Nuovi messaggi
Method: NotifierConfigView Metodo:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LED della tastiera
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Hai {0, plural, one{un nuovo messaggio} other{# nuovi messaggi}} su %account.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView ログウィンドウ
none NotifierConfigView 無し
New mails notification NotifierFilter 新着メール通知
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView ビープ音 (すべてのアカウント)
New messages NotifierFilter 新着メッセージ
Method: NotifierConfigView 方法:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView キーボードLED
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter %account に {0, plural, one{1 個の新規メッセージ} other{# 個の新規メッセージ}}があります。
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1733996425
Log window NotifierConfigView Janela de registo
none NotifierConfigView nenhum
New mails notification NotifierFilter Notificação de novo correio
Alert NotifierConfigView Alerta
OK NotifierFilter OK
Central alert NotifierConfigView Alerta central
New messages NotifierFilter Novas mensagens
Method: NotifierConfigView Método:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LEDs do teclado
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Loggfönster
none NotifierConfigView inga
New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifikationer för e-post
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Centralt pip
New messages NotifierFilter Nya meddelanden
Method: NotifierConfigView Metod:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Tangentbords LEDs
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Du har {0, plural, one{ett nytt meddelande} other{# nya meddelanden}} till %account.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288
Log window NotifierConfigView Вікно журналу
none NotifierConfigView жодного
New mails notification NotifierFilter Нові оповіщення пошти
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Головний сигнал
New messages NotifierFilter Нові повідомлення
Method: NotifierConfigView Метод:
Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Індикатори клавіатури
You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter В обліковці %account% {0, plural, one{одне нове повідомлення} few{# нових повідомлення} other{# нових повідомлень}}.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 468104950
or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig eller tom e-mail
Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Ægte nedenfor og usikre ovenfor:
Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Spam ovenfor:
Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Tilføj spambedømmelse til begyndelsen af emnet
Bayesian Spam Filter SpamFilter Bayesian-spamfilter
Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Lær fra alle indkommende e-mail
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 160316705
or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig ou e-mail vazio
Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Genuíno abaixo e incerto acima:
Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Spam acima:
Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Adicionar avaliação de spam ao início do assunto
Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Aprender a partir de todos os e-mails recebidos
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980
Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til serveren \"%server%\":\n%error%
Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Opdaterer abonneringer på IMAP-mapper, vent venligst …
Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Kunne ikke hente tilgængeligt lager.
Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Annuller
OK IMAPFolderConfig OK
Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Serverlager: %s/%s brugt.
No encryption imap_config Ingen kryptering
Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Henter IMAP-mapper, vent venligst …
Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Konfigurer IMAP-mapper
SSL imap_config SSL
Apply IMAPFolderConfig Anvend
status IMAPFolderConfig status
IMAP Folders IMAPFolderConfig IMAP-mapper
Destination: imap_config Destination:
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1938678311
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980
Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Impossibile connettersi al server \"%server%\":\n%error%
Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Aggiornamento delle iscrizioni alle cartelle IMAP, attendere…
Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Impossibile ottenere memoria disponibile
Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Cancella
OK IMAPFolderConfig OK
Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Spazio di archiviazione sul server: %s / %s utilizzato.
No encryption imap_config Nessuna crittografia
Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Recupero delle cartelle IMAP, attendere…
Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Configura Cartelle IMAP
SSL imap_config SSL
Apply IMAPFolderConfig Applica
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1310086832
Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Falha ao obter armazenamento disponível.
Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Cancelar
OK IMAPFolderConfig OK
No encryption imap_config Não encriptado
Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Configurar Pastas IMAP
SSL imap_config SSL
Apply IMAPFolderConfig Aplicar
status IMAPFolderConfig estado
IMAP Folders IMAPFolderConfig Pastas IMAP
Destination: imap_config Destino:
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 722419473
1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980
Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Неможливо під'єднатися до сервера \"%server%\":\n%error%
Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Оновлення налаштувань тек IMAP, треба трохи зачекати…
Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Призупинено отримання доступних масивів.
Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Скасувати
OK IMAPFolderConfig Гаразд
Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Місткість серверу: використано %s / %s.
No encryption imap_config Без шифрування
Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Отримую дані з тек IMAP, треба трохи зачекати…
Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Зконфігурувати теки IMAP
SSL imap_config SSL
Apply IMAPFolderConfig Застосувати
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-POP3 3335299031
Sending username… pop3 Sender brugernavn…
Connect to server… pop3 Opret forbindelse til server…
APOP ConfigView APOP
Connecting to POP3 server… pop3 Opretter forbindelse til POP3-server…
: The server does not support APOP. pop3 : Serveren understøtter ikke APOP.
Error while authenticating user %user pop3 Fejl ved autentifikation af brugeren %user
Destination: ConfigView Destination:
. The server said:\n pop3 . Serveren sagde:\n
Plain text ConfigView Ren tekst
Getting mailbox size… pop3 Henter postkassestørrelse…
Error while connecting to server %serv pop3 Fejl ved oprettelse af forbindelse til serveren %serv
Getting UniqueIDs… pop3 Henter UniqueID'er…
Sending password… pop3 Sender adgangskode…
No encryption ConfigView Ingen kryptering
SSL ConfigView SSL
: No reply.\n pop3 : Intet svar.\n
Sending APOP authentication… pop3 Sender APOP-autentifikation…
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-POP3 3335299031
Sending username… pop3 Enviando nome de utilizador…
Connect to server… pop3 Ligar ao servidor…
APOP ConfigView APOP
Connecting to POP3 server… pop3 A ligar ao servidor POP3…
: The server does not support APOP. pop3 : O servidor não suporta APOP.
Error while authenticating user %user pop3 Erro ao autenticar utilizador %user
Destination: ConfigView Destino:
. The server said:\n pop3 . O servidor disse:\n
Plain text ConfigView Texto simples
Getting mailbox size… pop3 A obter tamanho da caixa de correio…
Error while connecting to server %serv pop3 Erro ao ligar ao servidor %serv
Getting UniqueIDs… pop3 Obtendo UniqueIDs…
Sending password… pop3 Enviando senha…
No encryption ConfigView Sem encriptação
SSL ConfigView SSL
: No reply.\n pop3 : Sem resposta.\n
Sending APOP authentication… pop3 A enviar autenticação APOP…
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Fortune 52757361
Fortune file: ConfigView Lykkefil:
Fortune FortuneFilter Lykke
Tag line: ConfigView Mærkatlinje:
Fortune cookie says:\n\n ConfigView Lykkekage siger:\n\n
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Fortune 1292458430
Fortune file: ConfigView Ficheiro de biscoitos da sorte:
Tag line: ConfigView Slogan:
Fortune cookie says:\n\n ConfigView Biscoito da sorte diz:\n\n
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SMTP 815985329
POP3 authentication failed. The server said:\n smtp POP3 godkendelse mislykkedes. Serveren sagde:\n
Destination: ConfigView Destination:
Error while logging in to %serv smtp Fejl ved indlogning til %serv
Connecting to server… smtp Forbinder til server…
Unencrypted ConfigView Ukrypteret
. The server says:\n smtp . Serveren siger:\n
Error while opening connection to %serv smtp Fejl ved åbning af forbindelse til %serv
. The server said:\n smtp . Serveren sagde:\n
None ConfigView Ingen
SMTP server: ConfigView SMTP-server:
POP3 before SMTP ConfigView POP3 før SMTP
SSL ConfigView SSL
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SMTP 815985329
POP3 authentication failed. The server said:\n smtp Autenticação POP3 falhou. O servidor disse:\n
Destination: ConfigView Destino:
Error while logging in to %serv smtp Erro ao fazer login no %serv
Connecting to server… smtp A ligar ao servidor…
Unencrypted ConfigView Não encriptado
. The server says:\n smtp . O servidor diz:\n
Error while opening connection to %serv smtp Erro ao estabelecer ligação a %serv
. The server said:\n smtp . O servidor disse:\n
None ConfigView Nenhum(a)
SMTP server: ConfigView Servidor SMTP:
POP3 before SMTP ConfigView POP3 antes de SMTP
SSL ConfigView SSL
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-mixer.media_addon 3450667169
Input gain controls represent AudioMixer Repræsentant for input gain-styringer
Linear interpolation AudioMixer Lineær interpolering
Virtual output channels AudioMixer Virtuelle outputkaneler
Refuse output format changes AudioMixer Nægt ændringer af outputformat
Output mapping AudioMixer Outportkortlægning
Allow input channel remapping AudioMixer Tillad genkortlæsning af inputkanaler
Resampling algorithm AudioMixer Gemsamplingsalgoritme
Attenuate mixer output by 3dB (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Svæk mixeroutput med 3dB (ligesom BeOS R5)
Display balance control for stereo connections AudioMixer Vis balancestyring til stereoforbindelser
To output AudioMixer Til output
not connected AudioMixer ikke tilsluttet
Refuse input format changes AudioMixer Nægt ændringer af inputformat
Drop/repeat samples AudioMixer Drop/gentag datapunkter
Output channel sources AudioMixer Kilder for outputkanal
dB AudioMixer dB
Gain controls AudioMixer Gain-styringer
Input mapping AudioMixer Inputkortlægning
Mute AudioMixer Mute
Input channel destinations AudioMixer Destinationer for inputkanal
To master AudioMixer Til master
Master output AudioMixer Master-output
Setup AudioMixer Opsætning
Use non linear gain sliders (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Brug ikke-lineær gain-skydere (ligesom BeOS R5)
Gain AudioMixer Gain
Allow output channel remapping AudioMixer Tillad kortlægning af outputkanal
Physical input channels AudioMixer Fysiske inputkanaler
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-mixer.media_addon 1387171233
Input gain controls represent AudioMixer Controles de ganho de entrada representam
Linear interpolation AudioMixer Interpolação linear
Virtual output channels AudioMixer Canais de saída virtuais
Refuse output format changes AudioMixer Recusar alterações do formato de saída
Output mapping AudioMixer Mapeamento de saída
Allow input channel remapping AudioMixer Permitir re-mapeamento do canal de entrada
Resampling algorithm AudioMixer Algoritmo de reamostragem
Attenuate mixer output by 3dB (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Atenuar a saída do misturador em 3dB (como no BeOS R5)
Display balance control for stereo connections AudioMixer Mostrar ajuste de equilíbrio para ligações estéreo
To output AudioMixer Para a saída
not connected AudioMixer não ligado
Refuse input format changes AudioMixer Recusar alterações do formato de entrada
Drop/repeat samples AudioMixer Descartar/repetir amostras
dB AudioMixer dB
Gain AudioMixer Ganho
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon 451057402
Master MultiAudio Master
Gain MultiAudio Gain
Output 3D center MultiAudio Output 3D-center
Extended Setup MultiAudio Udvidet opsætning
CD MultiAudio Cd
Tone control MultiAudio Tone-styring
Phone MultiAudio Telefon
Aux MultiAudio Aux
Output bass MultiAudio Output bass
Headphones MultiAudio Hovedtelefoner
Beep MultiAudio Bip
Output mono mix MultiAudio Output monomix
Output stereo mix MultiAudio Output stereomix
Input MultiAudio Input
Output treble MultiAudio Output diskant
Mono mix MultiAudio Monomix
General MultiAudio Generelt
Input & Output MultiAudio Input og output
Enhanced Setup MultiAudio Forbedret opsætning
Stereo mix MultiAudio Stereomix
Output 3D depth MultiAudio Output 3D-dybde
Volume MultiAudio Lydstyrke
Output MultiAudio Output
Video MultiAudio Video
Line MultiAudio Line
Mic MultiAudio Mikrofon
frequency: MultiAudio frekvens:
Enable MultiAudio Aktivér
Mute MultiAudio Mute
Wave MultiAudio Bølge
Setup MultiAudio Opsætning
Level MultiAudio Niveau
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon 4024882564
Master MultiAudio Master
CD MultiAudio CD
Tone control MultiAudio Controlo de tom
Aux MultiAudio Aux
Headphones MultiAudio Auscultadores
Input MultiAudio Entrada
General MultiAudio Geral
Input & Output MultiAudio Entrada & Saída
Volume MultiAudio Volume
Output MultiAudio Saída
Video MultiAudio Vídeo
Line MultiAudio Linha
Enable MultiAudio Ativar
Mute MultiAudio Silenciar
Level MultiAudio Nível
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DNSClientService 2825577357
DNS settings DNSClientServiceAddOn DNS-indstillinger
Move down DNSSettingsView Flyt ned
DNS settings DNSSettingsView DNS-indstillinger
Remove DNSSettingsView Fjern
Domain: DNSSettingsView Domæne:
Add DNSSettingsView Tilføj
Server: DNSSettingsView Server:
Move up DNSSettingsView Flyt op
Apply DNSSettingsView Anvend
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DNSClientService 2825577357
DNS settings DNSClientServiceAddOn Definições de DNS
Move down DNSSettingsView Mover para baixo
DNS settings DNSSettingsView Definições de DNS
Remove DNSSettingsView Remover
Domain: DNSSettingsView Domínio:
Add DNSSettingsView Adicionar
Server: DNSSettingsView Servidor:
Move up DNSSettingsView Mover para cima
Apply DNSSettingsView Aplicar
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FTPService 4086152171
FTP server FTPServiceAddOn FTP-server
The FTP server allows you to remotely access the files on your machine using the FTP protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. FTPServiceAddOn FTP-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til filerne på din maskine med FTP-protokollen.\n\nBemærk venligst at det er en usikker og ukrypteret forbindelse.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FTPService 4086152171
FTP server FTPServiceAddOn Servidor FTP
The FTP server allows you to remotely access the files on your machine using the FTP protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. FTPServiceAddOn O servidor de FTP permite que aceda remotamente aos ficheiros do seu computador utilizando o protocolo FTP.\n\nPor favor, tenha em atenção que esta é uma ligação insegura e não encriptada.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IPv4Interface 2854844856
IPv4 IPv4InterfaceAddOn IPv4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IPv4Interface 2854844856
IPv4 IPv4InterfaceAddOn IPv4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IPv6Interface 1391114020
IPv6 IPv6InterfaceAddOn IPv6
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IPv6Interface 1391114020
IPv6 IPv6InterfaceAddOn IPv6
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SSHService 770129055
The SSH server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session, as well as file access using the SCP and SFTP protocols. SSHServiceAddOn SSH-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til din maskine med en terminalsession, og filadgang med SCP- og SFTP-protokollerne.
SSH server SSHServiceAddOn SSH-server
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SSHService 770129055
The SSH server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session, as well as file access using the SCP and SFTP protocols. SSHServiceAddOn O servidor de SSH permite que aceda remotamente ao seu computador com uma sessão de terminal, bem como o acesso a ficheiros usando os protocolos SCP e SFTP.
SSH server SSHServiceAddOn Servidor SSH
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-TelnetService 1209067113
The Telnet server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session using the telnet protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. TelnetServiceAddOn Telnet-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til din maskine med en terminalsession, med telnet-protokollen.\n\nBemærk venligst at det er en usikker og ukrypteret forbindelse.
Telnet server TelnetServiceAddOn Telnet-server
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-TelnetService 1209067113
The Telnet server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session using the telnet protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. TelnetServiceAddOn O servidor de Telnet permite que aceda remotamente ao seu computador com uma sessão de terminal utilizando o protocolo Telnet.\n\nPor favor, tenha em atenção que esta é uma ligação insegura e não encriptada.
Telnet server TelnetServiceAddOn Servidor Telnet
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ButterflyScreensaver 3604552753
by Geoffry Song Screensaver Butterfly af Geoffry Song
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ButterflyScreensaver 3604552753
by Geoffry Song Screensaver Butterfly por Geoffry Song
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DebugNowScreensaver 3664380395
DEBUG Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less FEJLRET
by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver DebugNow af Ryan Leavengood
NOW Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less NU
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DebugNowScreensaver 3664380395
DEBUG Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less DEBUG
by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver DebugNow por Ryan Leavengood
NOW Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less AGORA
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FlurryScreensaver 3686556109
Flurry System name Flurry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2182395945
by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver af Aaron Hill
None GLife ScreenSaver Ingen
none GLife ScreenSaver ingen
Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterhøjde: %li
Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterbredde:
Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterkant: %li
Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterkant:
Grid Life Delay: <number>x This is a factor: the x represents 'times' Forsinkelse for gitterliv: <number>x
OpenGL \"Game of Life\" GLife ScreenSaver OpenGL \"Game of Life\"
Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterhøjde:
4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x
Grid Width: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterbredde: %li
Grid Life Delay: GLife ScreenSaver Forsinkelse for gitterliv:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2074508370
1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2182395945
by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver di Aaron Hill
None GLife ScreenSaver Nessuno
none GLife ScreenSaver nessuno
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Altezza Griglia: %li
Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Ampiezza Griglia:
Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Bordo Griglia: %li
Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Bordo Griglia:
Grid Life Delay: <number>x This is a factor: the x represents 'times' Ritardo Griglia: <number>x
OpenGL \"Game of Life\" GLife ScreenSaver Il \"Gioco della Vita\" in versione OpenGL
Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Altezza Griglia:
4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 3351183937
by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver por Aaron Hill
None GLife ScreenSaver Nenhum
none GLife ScreenSaver nenhum
Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Altura da Grelha: %li
Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Largura da Grelha:
Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Limite da Grelha: %li
Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Limite da Grelha:
Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Altura da Grelha:
4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x
Grid Width: %li GLife ScreenSaver Largura da Grelha: %li
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuScreensaver 1031480431
by Marcus Overhagen Screensaver Haiku af Marcus Overhagen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuScreensaver 1031480431
by Marcus Overhagen Screensaver Haiku por Marcus Overhagen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IconsScreensaver 3278763328
by Vincent Duvert Screensaver Icons af Vincent Duvert
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IconsScreensaver 3278763328
by Vincent Duvert Screensaver Icons por Vincent Duvert
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IFSScreensaver 2018309174
%screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver port by Stephan Aßmus\n<stippi@yellowbites.com> Screensaver IFS %screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver-port af Stephan Aßmus\n<stippi@yellowbites.com>
Morphing speed: Screensaver IFS Morfinghastighed:
Render dots additive Screensaver IFS Gengiv prikadditiv
Iterated Function System Screensaver IFS Gentagne funktionsystem
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IFSScreensaver 3870742192
%screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver port by Stephan Aßmus\n<stippi@yellowbites.com> Screensaver IFS %screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver portado por Stephan Aßmus\n<stippi@yellowbites.com>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-LeavesScreensaver 3469951032
Drop rate: Leaves Drop hastighed:
Size variation: Leaves Variation i størrelse:
Leaves Leaves Blade
Leaf size: Leaves Bladstørrelse:
by Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song Leaves af Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-LeavesScreensaver 3957111942
Size variation: Leaves Variação de tamanho:
Leaves Leaves Folhas
Leaf size: Leaves Tamanho de folha:
by Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song Leaves por Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MessageScreensaver 854294461
Insert clever anecdote or phrase here! Screensaver Message Indsæt en klog anekdote eller sætning her!
by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver Message af Ryan Leavengood
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MessageScreensaver 854294461
Insert clever anecdote or phrase here! Screensaver Message Introduzir aqui uma frase ou anedota inteligente!
by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver Message por Ryan Leavengood
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NebulaScreensaver 3897597581
© 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. Nebula Screen Saver © 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler.
Enable motion blur Nebula Screen Saver Aktivér bevægelsessløring
fullscreen, no borders Nebula Screen Saver fuldskærm, ingen kanter
green Nebula Screen Saver grøn
yellow Nebula Screen Saver gul
cyan Nebula Screen Saver cyan
Maximum Frames Per Second Nebula Screen Saver Maksimum billeder pr. sekund
Speed Nebula Screen Saver Hastighed
Nebula Nebula Screen Saver Nebula
orange (original) Nebula Screen Saver orange (original)
Internal width: Nebula Screen Saver Intern bredde:
2:3.5, cinemascope Nebula Screen Saver 2:3.5, cinemascope
red Nebula Screen Saver rød
grey Nebula Screen Saver grå
cold Nebula Screen Saver kold
Format: Nebula Screen Saver Format:
only a slit Nebula Screen Saver kun en slidse
Color: Nebula Screen Saver Farve:
16:9, wide-screen Nebula Screen Saver 16:9, widescreen
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NebulaScreensaver 1097201161
© 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. Nebula Screen Saver © 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler.
green Nebula Screen Saver verde
yellow Nebula Screen Saver amarelo
cyan Nebula Screen Saver ciano
Maximum Frames Per Second Nebula Screen Saver Máximo de Quadros por Segundo
Speed Nebula Screen Saver Velocidade
orange (original) Nebula Screen Saver laranja (original)
Internal width: Nebula Screen Saver Largura interna:
red Nebula Screen Saver vermelho
grey Nebula Screen Saver cinzento
cold Nebula Screen Saver frio
Format: Nebula Screen Saver Formato:
Color: Nebula Screen Saver Cor:
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SimpleClock 3791523607
SimpleClock System name Simpelt ur
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SlideShowSaver 240581336
SlideShowSaver System name SlideShowSaver
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SpiderScreensaver 2004357156
Blue SpiderView Blå
Gray SpiderView Grå
Max. points per polygon SpiderView Maks. punkter pr. polygon
Max. polygon count SpiderView Maks. antal polygoner
for bonefish SpiderView til bonefish
Purple SpiderView Lilla
Red SpiderView Rød
Color SpiderView Farve
Spider by stippi SpiderView Edderkop af stippi
Green SpiderView Grøn
Cyan SpiderView Cyan
Yellow SpiderView Gul
Trail depth SpiderView Taledybde
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SpiderScreensaver 315231900
Blue SpiderView Azul
Gray SpiderView Cinzento
Red SpiderView Vermelho
Color SpiderView Cor
Green SpiderView Verde
Cyan SpiderView Ciano
Yellow SpiderView Amarelo
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
1 danish x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 829498916
%ld files added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp %ld filer tilføjet.
1 file added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp 1 fil tilføjet.
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arkiv
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arkiv oprettet uden fejl
Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at afbryde arkiveringen?
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fortsæt
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Opretter arkiv: %s
Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Ønsker du at stoppe dem?
Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fejl i forbindelse med oprettelsen af arkiv
1 danish x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2032806096
Drop files here. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Slip filer her.
Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Filnavn: %s
Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Lad dem fortsætte
Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Forbereder arkivering
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stop
Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Vil du stoppe dem?
Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fejl ved oprettelse af arkiv
Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Stop dem
Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde arkiveringen?
Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Forbereder arkivering
Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Lad dem fortsætte
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fortsæt
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arkiv oprettet uden fejl
{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# fil tilføjet.} other{# filer tilføjet.}}
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stop
Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stoppet
You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Du har %ld Zip-O-Matic kørende.\n\n
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arkiv
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Opretter arkiv: %s
You have {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Du har {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} kørende.\n\n
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 829498916
%ld files added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp %ld ficheiros adicionados.
1 file added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp 1 ficheiro adicionado.
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arquivo
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Criação de arquivo bem sucedida
Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Tem a certeza de que quer interromper a criação deste arquivo?
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Continuar
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp A criar arquivo: %s
1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2032806096
Drop files here. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Largue ficheiros aqui.
Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Nome do ficheiro: %s
Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Quer pará-los?
Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Erro ao criar arquivo
Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Nome do ficheiro: %s
Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Deixá-los continuar
Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp A preparar para arquivar
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parar
Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Pará-los
Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Tem a certeza de que quer interromper a criação deste arquivo?
Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp A preparar para arquivar
Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Deixá-los continuar
Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Continuar
Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Criação de arquivo bem sucedida
{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# ficheiro adicionado.} other{# ficheiros adicionados.}}
Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parar
Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parado
You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Você tem %ld Zip-O-Matic a correr.\n\n
Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arquivo
Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp A criar arquivo: %s
You have {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Tem {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} em execução.\n\n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-BMPTranslator 2497639570
BMP images BMPTranslator BMP-billeder
BMPTranslator Settings BMPTranslator BMPTranslator-indstillinger
BMP image (OS/2 format, %d bits) BMPTranslator BMP-billede (OS/2-format, %d bit)
BMP image translator BMPView BMP-billedoversætter
BMP image (MS format, %d bits BMPTranslator Ignore missing closing round bracket BMP-billede (MS-format, %d bit
BMP Settings BMPMain BMP-indstillinger
Version %d.%d.%d, %s BMPView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
BMP image translator BMPTranslator BMP-billedoversætter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-BMPTranslator 120175286
BMP images BMPTranslator Imagens BMP
BMP image translator BMPView Tradutor de imagem BMP
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 3596882613
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
EXR image translator EXRTranslator EXR-billedoversætter
EXR Settings main EXR-indstillinger
EXR images EXRTranslator EXR-billeder
a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd ConfigView et datterselskab af Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd
EXR image EXRTranslator EXR-billede
EXR image translator ConfigView EXR-billedoversætter
Based on OpenEXR %version% ConfigView Baseret på OpenEXR %version%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 1436649081
Based on OpenEXR %version% ConfigView Baseado em OpenEXR %version%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-GIFTranslator 2201651797
Websafe GIFView Websikker
Write interlaced images GIFView Skriv interlaced billeder
Optimal GIFView Optimal
Greyscale GIFView Gråtone
Colors: GIFView Farver:
GIF image translator GIFTranslator GIF-billedoversætter
Be Bitmap Format (GIFTranslator) GIFTranslator Be Bitmap-format (GIFTranslator)
GIF image translator GIFView GIF-billedoversætter
Palette: GIFView Palet:
GIF image GIFTranslator GIF-billede
Write transparent images GIFView Skriv gennemsigtige billeder
GIF images GIFTranslator GIF-billeder
Version %d.%d.%d, %s GIFView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Use RGB color GIFView Brug RGB-farve
Use dithering GIFView Brug dithering
GIF Settings GIFTranslator GIF-indstillinger
BeOS system GIFView BeOS-system
Automatic (from alpha channel) GIFView Automatisk (fra alfakanal)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-GIFTranslator 3994289790
Write interlaced images GIFView Escrever imagens entrelaçadas
Optimal GIFView Ótimo
Greyscale GIFView Escala de cinzentos
Colors: GIFView Cores:
Palette: GIFView Paleta:
Use RGB color GIFView Usar cor RGB
BeOS system GIFView Sistema BeOS
Automatic (from alpha channel) GIFView Automático (a partir do canal alfa)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-HVIFTranslator 249304797
Haiku vector icon translator HVIFTranslator Haiku vektor-ikonoversætter
HVIF icons HVIFTranslator HVIF-ikoner
Render size: HVIFView Gengivningsstørrelse:
HVIFTranslator Settings HVIFTranslator HVIFTranslator-indstillinger
Haiku vector icon translator HVIFView Haiku vektor-ikonoversætter
HVIF Settings HVIFMain HVIF-indstillinger
Version %d.%d.%d, %s HVIFView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 660278989
Valid colors: RGB32, RGBA32 ICNSConfig Gyldige farver: RGB32, RGBA32
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ICNSConfig Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Apple icons ICNSTranslator Apple-ikoner
Apple icon translator ICNSTranslator Apple-ikonoversætter
Valid sizes: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ICNSConfig Gyldige størrelser: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Apple icon translator ICNSConfig Apple-ikonoversætter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 2534209569
Valid sizes: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ICNSConfig Tamanhos válidos: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ICOTranslator 3916328565
Cursor ICOTranslator Markør
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Windows %s %ld bit image ICOTranslator Windows %s %ld bit billede
Valid icon sizes are 16, 32, or 48 ConfigView Gyldige ikonstørrelser er 16, 32 eller 48
Windows icons ICOTranslator Vinduesikoner
Enforce valid icon sizes ConfigView Gennemtving gyldige ikonstørrelser
ICO Settings main ICO-indstillinger
Windows icon translator ICOTranslator Windows-ikonoversætter
pixels in either direction. ConfigView pixels i begge retninger.
Write 32 bit images on true color input ConfigView Skriv 32 bit billeder på input med ægte farver
Icon ICOTranslator Ikon
ICOTranslator Settings ConfigView ICOTranslator-indstillinger
Windows icon translator ConfigView Windows-ikonoversætter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ICOTranslator 2769134375
Cursor ICOTranslator Cursor
Icon ICOTranslator Ícone
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-JPEGTranslator 3788699631
Read JPEGTranslator Læs
Be Bitmap Format (JPEGTranslator) JPEGTranslator Be Bitmap-format (JPEGTranslator)
Show warning messages JPEGTranslator Vis advarselsmeddelelser
Use CMYK code with 0 for 100% ink coverage JPEGTranslator Brug CMYK-kode med 0 for 100% blækdækning
JPEG Library Error: %s\n be_jerror Fejl for JPEG-bibliotek: %s\n
©2002-2003, Marcin Konicki\n©2005-2007, Haiku\n\nBased on IJG library © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.\n\thttp://www.ijg.org/files/\n\nwith \"lossless\" encoding support patch by Ken Murchison\n\thttp://www.oceana.com/ftp/ljpeg/\n\nWith some colorspace conversion routines by Magnus Hellman\n\thttp://www.bebits.com/app/802\n JPEGTranslator ©2002-2003, Marcin Konicki\n©2005-2007, Haiku\n\nBaseret på IJG library © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.\n\thttp://www.ijg.org/files/\n\nmed rettelse til understøttelse af \"tabsfri\"-kodning af Ken Murchison\n\thttp://www.oceana.com/ftp/ljpeg/\n\nMed nogle farverumskonverteringsrutiner af Magnus Hellman\n\thttp://www.bebits.com/app/802\n
None JPEGTranslator Ingen
About JPEGTranslator Om
Version %d.%d.%d JPEGTranslator Version %d.%d.%d
Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEGTranslator Skriv sort og hvide billeder som RGB24
Output smoothing strength JPEGTranslator Styrke for outputsmoothing
Use progressive compression JPEGTranslator Brug progressiv komprimering
Make file smaller (sligthtly worse quality) JPEGTranslator Skab mindre fil (en smule ringere kvalitet)
High JPEGTranslator Høj
Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEGTranslator Læs gråtone-billede som RGB32
Output quality JPEGTranslator Outputkvalitet
Low JPEGTranslator Lav
Write JPEGTranslator Skriv
Prevent colors 'washing out' JPEGTranslator Forhindr 'udvaskning' af farver
JPEG Library Warning: %s\n be_jerror Advarsel for JPEG-bibliotek: %s\n
JPEG images JPEGTranslator JPEG-billeder
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-JPEGTranslator 1266191322
Read JPEGTranslator Leitura
Show warning messages JPEGTranslator Mostrar mensagens de aviso
JPEG Library Error: %s\n be_jerror Erro da Biblioteca JPEG: %s\n
None JPEGTranslator Nenhum
About JPEGTranslator Acerca
Version %d.%d.%d JPEGTranslator Versão %d.%d.%d
Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEGTranslator Escrever imagens a preto-e-branco como RGB24
Use progressive compression JPEGTranslator Usar compressão progressiva
Make file smaller (sligthtly worse quality) JPEGTranslator Tornar o ficheiro mais pequeno (qualidade ligeiramente inferior)
Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEGTranslator Ler imagens em escala de cinzentos como RGB32
Output quality JPEGTranslator Qualidade de saída
Write JPEGTranslator Escrever
JPEG Library Warning: %s\n be_jerror Aviso da Biblioteca JPEG: %s\n
JPEG images JPEGTranslator Imagens JPEG
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-JPEG2000Translator 3265915643
High JPEG2000Translator Høj
Low JPEG2000Translator Lav
Output quality JPEG2000Translator Outputkvalitet
JPEG2000 images JPEG2000Translator JPEG2000-billeder
About JPEG2000Translator Om
Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEG2000Translator Skriv sort og hvide billeder som RGB24
Version %d.%d.%d JPEG2000Translator Version %d.%d.%d
Read JPEG2000Translator Læs
Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEG2000Translator Læs gråtone-billeder som RGB32
©2002-2003, Shard\n©2005-2006, Haiku\n\nBased on JasPer library:\n© 1999-2000, Image Power, Inc. and\nthe University of British Columbia, Canada.\n© 2001-2003 Michael David Adams.\n\thttp://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper/\n\nImageMagick's jp2 codec was used as \"tutorial\".\n\thttp://www.imagemagick.org/\n JPEG2000Translator ©2002-2003, Shard\n©2005-2006, Haiku\n\nBaseret på JasPer library:\n© 1999-2000, Image Power, Inc. og\nUniversity of British Columbia, Canada.\n© 2001-2003 Michael David Adams.\n\thttp://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper/\n\nImageMagick's jp2-codec blev brugt som \"vejledning\".\n\thttp://www.imagemagick.org/\n
Write JPEG2000Translator Skriv
Output only codestream (.jpc) JPEG2000Translator Output kun kodestream (.jpc)
Be Bitmap Format (JPEG2000Translator) JPEG2000Translator Be Bitmap-format (JPEG2000Translator)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-JPEG2000Translator 2851707544
High JPEG2000Translator Alta
Low JPEG2000Translator Baixa
Output quality JPEG2000Translator Qualidade de saída
About JPEG2000Translator Acerca
Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEG2000Translator Guardar imagens a preto-e-branco como RGB24
Read JPEG2000Translator Leitura
Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEG2000Translator Ler imagens em tons de cinza como RGB32
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PCXTranslator 938242683
PCX Settings main PCX-indstillinger
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
PCXTranslator Settings ConfigView PCXTranslator-indstillinger
PCX image translator PCXTranslator PCX-billedoversætter
PCX %lu bit image PCXTranslator PCX %lu bit billede
PCX images PCXTranslator PCX-billeder
PCX image translator ConfigView PCX-billedoversætter
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PNGTranslator 2504765797
Version %d.%d.%d, %s PNGTranslator Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Interlace Option PNGTranslator Sammenfletningsvalgmulighed
PNG Interlace Menu PNGTranslator PNG-sammenfletningsmenu
PNG image PNGTranslator PNG-billede
PNG Settings PNGTranslator PNG-indstillinger
PNG image translator PNGTranslator PNG-billedoversætter
None PNGTranslator Ingen
PNG images PNGTranslator PNG-billeder
Interlacing type: PNGTranslator Sammenfletningstype:
PNGTranslator Settings PNGTranslator PNGTranslator-indstillinger
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PNGTranslator 3531607218
None PNGTranslator Nenhum
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PPMTranslator 292474603
None PPMTranslator Ingen
PPM Settings PPMMain PPM-indstillinger
System palette 8 bits PPMTranslator Systempalet 8 bit
Sample code copyright 1999, Be Incorporated PPMTranslator Prøvekode ophavsret 1999, Be Incorporated
Something is wrong with the PPMTranslator! PPMMain Der er noget galt med PPMTranslator!
Grayscale 8 bits PPMTranslator Gråtone 8 bit
Based on PPMTranslator sample code PPMTranslator Baseret på PPMTranslator-prøvekode
RGB 8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 32 bit stor-byterækkefølge
PPM image translator PPMTranslator PPM-billedoversætter
Bitmap 1 bit PPMTranslator Bitmap 1 bit
RGB 5:6:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge
PPMTranslator Settings PPMTranslator PPMTranslator-indstillinger
CMY 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMY 8:8:8 32 bit
CMYA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYA 8:8:8:8 32 bit
PPM image PPMTranslator PPM-billede
Input color space: PPMTranslator Input farverum:
RGB 5:5:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge
RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge
Write ASCII PPMTranslator Skriv ASCII
RGB 5:6:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 16 bit
RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bit stor-byterækkefølge
RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bit
Version %d.%d.%d, %s PPMTranslator Version %d.%d.%d, %s
CMYK 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYK 8:8:8:8 32 bit
RGB 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 32 bit
RGB 5:5:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 16 bit
RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bit
Be Bitmap Format (PPMTranslator) PPMTranslator Be Bitmap-format (PPMTranslator)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PPMTranslator 3737528374
None PPMTranslator Nenhum
Grayscale 8 bits PPMTranslator Escala de cinza de 8 bits
Write ASCII PPMTranslator Escrever ASCII
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 3654055550
Lab PSDLoader Lab
Uncompressed PSDConfig Ukomprimeret
Indexed PSDLoader Indekseret
Grayscale PSDLoader Gråtone
Photoshop image translator PSDConfig Photoshop-billedoversætter
Photoshop image translator PSDTranslator Photoshop-billedoversætter
Version %d.%d.%d, %s PSDConfig Version %d.%d.%d, %s
Photoshop Document (PSD file) PSDConfig Photoshop-dokument (PSD-fil)
Photoshop image PSDTranslator Photoshop-billede
Photoshop Big Document (PSB file) PSDConfig Photoshop Big-dokument (PSB-fil)
Photoshop image (%s) PSDTranslator Photoshop-billede (%s)
PSDTranslator Settings PSDConfig PSDTranslator-indstillinger
Bitmap PSDLoader Bitmap
Compression: PSDConfig Komprimering:
Format: PSDConfig Format:
Multichannel PSDLoader Multikanal
Duotone PSDLoader Tofarvet
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 4077272827
Lab PSDLoader Lab
Uncompressed PSDConfig Sem compressão
Grayscale PSDLoader Escala de cinzentos
Bitmap PSDLoader Mapa de bits
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-RAWTranslator 2975919330
RAWTranslator Settings ConfigView RAWTranslator-indstillinger
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
RAW image translator RAWTranslator RAW-billedoversætter
RAW Settings RAWTranslator main RAW-indstillinger
RAW images RAWTranslator RAW-billeder
RAW image translator ConfigView RAW-billedoversætter
%s RAW image RAWTranslator Parameter (%s) is the name of the manufacturer (like 'Canon') %s RAW-billede
Based on Dave Coffin's dcraw 8.63 ConfigView Baseret på Dave Coffin's dcraw 8.63
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-RTFTranslator 334451110
Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s
RTF text files RTFTranslator RTF-tekstfiler
RTF-Translator Settings ConfigView RTF-Translator-indstillinger
Rich Text Format (RTF) translator ConfigView Rich Text Format-oversætter (RTF)
RTF Settings main RTF-indstillinger
RichTextFormat file RTFTranslator RichTextFormat-fil
Be style text file RTFTranslator Be style-tekstfil
Plain text file RTFTranslator Ren tekst-fil
Rich Text Format translator RTFTranslator Rich Text Format-oversætter
Rich Text Format translator v%d.%d.%d %s RTFTranslator Rich Text Format-oversætter v%d.%d.%d %s
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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