diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6cea35e7e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954 +Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Aktivér understøttelse af forespørgsel +Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Deaktivering af understøttelse af forespørgsel kan øge hastigheden af bestemte filsystemhandlinger, \nmen bør kun bruges hvis du er helt sikker på at der ikke bliver brug for forespørgsler.\nDiskenheder som skal bruges til at boote Haiku skal have understøttelse af forespørgsel aktiveret. +Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Navn: +8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (hovedsaglig store filer) +2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (anbefalet) +1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (hovedsagelig små filer) +Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Blokstørrelse: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/it.catkeys index 0b49865851..1877b51f91 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/it.catkeys @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 3514982252 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954 Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Attiva supporto per le interrogazioni +Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Disabilitare il supporto alle interrogazioni può velocizzare alcune operazioni sul file system, ma dovrebbe\nessere utilizzato solo se si è completamente sicuri di non averne bisogno.\nOgni disco che potrebbe essere utilizzato per avviare Haiku deve avere il supporto alle interrogazioni abilitato. Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome: 8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Per file di grandi dimensioni) 2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Raccomandato) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01ea5390fa --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/bfs/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-BFSAddOn 1570987954 +Enable query support BFS_Initialize_Parameter Ativar suporte a consulta +Disabling query support may speed up certain file system operations, but should\nonly be used if one is absolutely certain that one will not need queries.\nAny volume that is intended for booting Haiku must have query support enabled. BFS_Initialize_Parameter Desativar o suporte a consultas pode acelerar algumas operações do sistema de ficheiros, mas apenas deve\nser usado se tiver a certeza de que não vai necessitar de efetuar consultas.\nQualquer volume que seja destinado a arrancar o Haiku deve ter ativo o suporte a consultas. +Name: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome: +8192 (Mostly large files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 8192 (Maioritariamente ficheiros grandes) +2048 (Recommended) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 2048 (Recomendado) +1024 (Mostly small files) BFS_Initialize_Parameter 1024 (Maioritariamente ficheiros pequenos) +Blocksize: BFS_Initialize_Parameter Tamanho de bloco: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e35e82b0b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FATAddOn 2766737426 +Auto (default) FAT_Initialize_Parameter Auto (standard) +FAT bits: FAT_Initialize_Parameter FAT-bit: +Name: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Navn: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32cc0e6d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/fat/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FATAddOn 2766737426 +Auto (default) FAT_Initialize_Parameter Automático (predefinido) +FAT bits: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Bits da FAT: +Name: FAT_Initialize_Parameter Nome: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e01247c81 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IntelDiskAddOn 946918966 +Active partition PrimaryPartitionEditor Aktiv partition diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a09e1c029a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/intel/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IntelDiskAddOn 946918966 +Active partition PrimaryPartitionEditor Partição ativa diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..054215915d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NTFSDiskAddOn 25755486 +Name: NTFS_Initialize_Parameter Navn: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12f8511e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NTFSDiskAddOn 25755486 +Name: NTFS_Initialize_Parameter Nome: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e818561c52 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-KeyboardInputServerDevice 2536418998 +If the application will not quit you may have to kill it. Team monitor Hvis programmet ikke vil afslutte, kan det hænde du må dræbe det. +Quit application Team monitor Afslut program +Restart the desktop Team monitor Genstart skrivebordet +Force reboot Team monitor Gennemtving genstart +Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Vælg et program fra listen ovenover, og klik på enten 'Dræb program' eller 'Afslut program' for at lukke det.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE nede i %ld sekunder for at genstarte maskinen. +Team monitor Team monitor Gruppemonitor +Kill application Team monitor Dræb program +Cancel Team monitor Annuller +(This team is a system component) Team monitor (Holdet er en systemkomponent) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7a912bfa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/input_server/devices/keyboard/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-KeyboardInputServerDevice 2536418998 +If the application will not quit you may have to kill it. Team monitor Se a aplicação não encerrar, você poderá precisar de a matar. +Quit application Team monitor Sair da aplicação +Restart the desktop Team monitor Reiniciar a área de trabalho +Force reboot Team monitor Forçar reinicialização do sistema +Select an application from the list above and click one of the buttons 'Kill application' and 'Quit application' in order to close it.\n\nHold CONTROL+ALT+DELETE for %ld seconds to reboot. Team monitor Selecione uma aplicação da lista acima e clique num dos botões 'Matar aplicação' e 'Sair da aplicação' por forma a fechá-la.\n\nPressione CONTROL+ALT+DELETE durante %ld segundos para reiniciar o sistema. +Team monitor Team monitor Monitor de equipas +Kill application Team monitor Matar aplicação +Cancel Team monitor Cancelar +(This team is a system component) Team monitor (Esta equipa é um componente do sistema) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3d290ab3c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1946584206 +Delete message ConfigView Slet meddelelse +Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Match \"%attribute\" mod \"%regex\" +Match header RuleFilter Match header +Set flags to ConfigView Markér som +Header field (e.g. Subject, From, …) ConfigView Headerfelt (f.eks. Emne, Fra …) + ConfigView +Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView Jokertegnværdi såsom \"*spam*\".\nPræfiks med \"REGEX:\" for at bruge regulære udtryk. +Then ConfigView Så +If ConfigView Hvis +Set as read ConfigView Markér som læst +Reply with ConfigView Svar med + ConfigView +Move to ConfigView Flyt til +this field is based on the action ConfigView dette felt er baseret på handlingen +Account ConfigView Konto +has ConfigView har diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/it.catkeys index c49c5ad21f..62e3d5ed35 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/it.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 3544711400 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 1946584206 Delete message ConfigView Cancella messaggio Match \"%attribute\" against \"%regex\" RuleFilter Controlla \"%attribute\" rispetto a \"%regex\" Match header RuleFilter Intestazione corrispondente Set flags to ConfigView Imposta flag a +Header field (e.g. Subject, From, …) ConfigView Campo interstazione (es. Oggetto, Mittente, …) ConfigView Wildcard value like \"*spam*\".\nPrefix with \"REGEX:\" in order to use regular expressions. ConfigView Carattere jolly come \"*spam*\".\nPrependi con \"REGEX:\" per utilizzare espressioni regolari. Then ConfigView Quindi diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00cfbc65dd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/match_header/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MatchHeader 709288665 +Delete message ConfigView Eliminar mensagem +Set flags to ConfigView Definir sinalizadores para + ConfigView +Then ConfigView Depois +If ConfigView Se +Set as read ConfigView Marcar como lida +Reply with ConfigView Responder com + ConfigView +Move to ConfigView Mover para +this field is based on the action ConfigView este campo é baseado na ação +Account ConfigView Conta +has ConfigView tem diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..810ac504ef --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 +Log window NotifierConfigView Logvindue +none NotifierConfigView ingen +New mails notification NotifierFilter Underretning om ny post +Alert NotifierConfigView Besked +OK NotifierFilter OK +Central alert NotifierConfigView Central besked +Beep NotifierConfigView Bip +Central beep NotifierConfigView Centralt bip +{0, plural, one{One new message} other{# new messages}} NotifierFilter {0, plural, one{En ny meddelelse} other{# nye meddelelser}} +New messages NotifierFilter Nye meddelelser +Method: NotifierConfigView Metode: +Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Tastaturets LED'er +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Du har {0, plural, one{en ny meddelelse} other{# nye meddelelser}} for %account. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fr.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fr.catkeys index 1629324fe4..25e4abd32f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fr.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fr.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 french x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView Fenêtre de connexion none NotifierConfigView aucune New mails notification NotifierFilter Notification de nouveaux courriers @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Sonnerie générale New messages NotifierFilter Nouveaux messages Method: NotifierConfigView Méthode : Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LEDs du clavier +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Vous avez {0, plural, one{un nouveau message} other{# nouveaux messages}} pour %account. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fur.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fur.catkeys index 430ddf86b3..f778777d69 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fur.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/fur.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView Barcon dal regjistri none NotifierConfigView nissun New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifiche gnove pueste @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Bip centrâl New messages NotifierFilter Gnûfs messaçs Method: NotifierConfigView Metodi: Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LED de tastiere +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Tu âs {0, plural, one{ung gnûf messaç} other{# gnûfs messaçs}} su %account. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/it.catkeys index 4b72e7f502..a86a989807 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView Finestra di registro none NotifierConfigView nessuno New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifica i nuovi messaggi di posta @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Avviso generale New messages NotifierFilter Nuovi messaggi Method: NotifierConfigView Metodo: Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LED della tastiera +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Hai {0, plural, one{un nuovo messaggio} other{# nuovi messaggi}} su %account. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/ja.catkeys index 725915154a..8c2462261a 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/ja.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView ログウィンドウ none NotifierConfigView 無し New mails notification NotifierFilter 新着メール通知 @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView ビープ音 (すべてのアカウント) New messages NotifierFilter 新着メッセージ Method: NotifierConfigView 方法: Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView キーボードLED +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter %account に {0, plural, one{1 個の新規メッセージ} other{# 個の新規メッセージ}}があります。 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25b37fb911 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1733996425 +Log window NotifierConfigView Janela de registo +none NotifierConfigView nenhum +New mails notification NotifierFilter Notificação de novo correio +Alert NotifierConfigView Alerta +OK NotifierFilter OK +Central alert NotifierConfigView Alerta central +New messages NotifierFilter Novas mensagens +Method: NotifierConfigView Método: +Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView LEDs do teclado diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/sv.catkeys index 65de000a36..d8cca5e51d 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/sv.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView Loggfönster none NotifierConfigView inga New mails notification NotifierFilter Notifikationer för e-post @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Centralt pip New messages NotifierFilter Nya meddelanden Method: NotifierConfigView Metod: Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Tangentbords LEDs +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter Du har {0, plural, one{ett nytt meddelande} other{# nya meddelanden}} till %account. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/uk.catkeys index 6d666fe866..366532b08c 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/notifier/uk.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 2111731137 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-NewMailNotification 1375000288 Log window NotifierConfigView Вікно журналу none NotifierConfigView жодного New mails notification NotifierFilter Нові оповіщення пошти @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Central beep NotifierConfigView Головний сигнал New messages NotifierFilter Нові повідомлення Method: NotifierConfigView Метод: Keyboard LEDs NotifierConfigView Індикатори клавіатури +You have {0, plural, one{one new message} other{# new messages}} for %account. NotifierFilter В обліковці %account% {0, plural, one{одне нове повідомлення} few{# нових повідомлення} other{# нових повідомлень}}. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eff6b161ed --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 468104950 +or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig eller tom e-mail +Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Ægte nedenfor og usikre ovenfor: +Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Spam ovenfor: +Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Tilføj spambedømmelse til begyndelsen af emnet +Bayesian Spam Filter SpamFilter Bayesian-spamfilter +Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Lær fra alle indkommende e-mail diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2184a31f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_filters/spam_filter/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SpamFilter 160316705 +or empty e-mail SpamFilterConfig ou e-mail vazio +Genuine below and uncertain above: SpamFilterConfig Genuíno abaixo e incerto acima: +Spam above: SpamFilterConfig Spam acima: +Add spam rating to start of subject SpamFilterConfig Adicionar avaliação de spam ao início do assunto +Learn from all incoming e-mail SpamFilterConfig Aprender a partir de todos os e-mails recebidos diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2dbdc27a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980 +Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til serveren \"%server%\":\n%error% +Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Opdaterer abonneringer på IMAP-mapper, vent venligst … +Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Kunne ikke hente tilgængeligt lager. +Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Annuller +OK IMAPFolderConfig OK +Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Serverlager: %s/%s brugt. +No encryption imap_config Ingen kryptering +Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Henter IMAP-mapper, vent venligst … +Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Konfigurer IMAP-mapper +SSL imap_config SSL +Apply IMAPFolderConfig Anvend +status IMAPFolderConfig status +IMAP Folders IMAPFolderConfig IMAP-mapper +Destination: imap_config Destination: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/it.catkeys index 8829b25136..64962098e8 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/it.catkeys @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1938678311 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980 Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Impossibile connettersi al server \"%server%\":\n%error% +Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Aggiornamento delle iscrizioni alle cartelle IMAP, attendere… Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Impossibile ottenere memoria disponibile Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Cancella +OK IMAPFolderConfig OK +Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Spazio di archiviazione sul server: %s / %s utilizzato. No encryption imap_config Nessuna crittografia +Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Recupero delle cartelle IMAP, attendere… Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Configura Cartelle IMAP SSL imap_config SSL Apply IMAPFolderConfig Applica diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..267350ab48 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1310086832 +Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Falha ao obter armazenamento disponível. +Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Cancelar +OK IMAPFolderConfig OK +No encryption imap_config Não encriptado +Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Configurar Pastas IMAP +SSL imap_config SSL +Apply IMAPFolderConfig Aplicar +status IMAPFolderConfig estado +IMAP Folders IMAPFolderConfig Pastas IMAP +Destination: imap_config Destino: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/uk.catkeys index 3034660eae..dc8238dff7 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/imap/uk.catkeys @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 722419473 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-IMAP 1343128980 Could not connect to server \"%server%\":\n%error% IMAPFolderConfig Неможливо під'єднатися до сервера \"%server%\":\n%error% +Updating subscriptions to IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Оновлення налаштувань тек IMAP, треба трохи зачекати… Failed to fetch available storage. IMAPFolderConfig Призупинено отримання доступних масивів. Cancel IMAPFolderConfig Скасувати OK IMAPFolderConfig Гаразд +Server storage: %s / %s used. IMAPFolderConfig Місткість серверу: використано %s / %s. No encryption imap_config Без шифрування +Fetching IMAP folders, please be patient… IMAPFolderConfig Отримую дані з тек IMAP, треба трохи зачекати… Configure IMAP Folders imap_config Зконфігурувати теки IMAP SSL imap_config SSL Apply IMAPFolderConfig Застосувати diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a817f259a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-POP3 3335299031 +Sending username… pop3 Sender brugernavn… +Connect to server… pop3 Opret forbindelse til server… +APOP ConfigView APOP +Connecting to POP3 server… pop3 Opretter forbindelse til POP3-server… +: The server does not support APOP. pop3 : Serveren understøtter ikke APOP. +Error while authenticating user %user pop3 Fejl ved autentifikation af brugeren %user +Destination: ConfigView Destination: +. The server said:\n pop3 . Serveren sagde:\n +Plain text ConfigView Ren tekst +Getting mailbox size… pop3 Henter postkassestørrelse… +Error while connecting to server %serv pop3 Fejl ved oprettelse af forbindelse til serveren %serv +Getting UniqueIDs… pop3 Henter UniqueID'er… +Sending password… pop3 Sender adgangskode… +No encryption ConfigView Ingen kryptering +SSL ConfigView SSL +: No reply.\n pop3 : Intet svar.\n +Sending APOP authentication… pop3 Sender APOP-autentifikation… diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0054dd8bd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/inbound_protocols/pop3/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-POP3 3335299031 +Sending username… pop3 Enviando nome de utilizador… +Connect to server… pop3 Ligar ao servidor… +APOP ConfigView APOP +Connecting to POP3 server… pop3 A ligar ao servidor POP3… +: The server does not support APOP. pop3 : O servidor não suporta APOP. +Error while authenticating user %user pop3 Erro ao autenticar utilizador %user +Destination: ConfigView Destino: +. The server said:\n pop3 . O servidor disse:\n +Plain text ConfigView Texto simples +Getting mailbox size… pop3 A obter tamanho da caixa de correio… +Error while connecting to server %serv pop3 Erro ao ligar ao servidor %serv +Getting UniqueIDs… pop3 Obtendo UniqueIDs… +Sending password… pop3 Enviando senha… +No encryption ConfigView Sem encriptação +SSL ConfigView SSL +: No reply.\n pop3 : Sem resposta.\n +Sending APOP authentication… pop3 A enviar autenticação APOP… diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5aa3f0affa --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Fortune 52757361 +Fortune file: ConfigView Lykkefil: +Fortune FortuneFilter Lykke +Tag line: ConfigView Mærkatlinje: +Fortune cookie says:\n\n ConfigView Lykkekage siger:\n\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffc33e16e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_filters/fortune/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Fortune 1292458430 +Fortune file: ConfigView Ficheiro de biscoitos da sorte: +Tag line: ConfigView Slogan: +Fortune cookie says:\n\n ConfigView Biscoito da sorte diz:\n\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..925fd41a63 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SMTP 815985329 +POP3 authentication failed. The server said:\n smtp POP3 godkendelse mislykkedes. Serveren sagde:\n +Destination: ConfigView Destination: +Error while logging in to %serv smtp Fejl ved indlogning til %serv +Connecting to server… smtp Forbinder til server… +Unencrypted ConfigView Ukrypteret +. The server says:\n smtp . Serveren siger:\n +Error while opening connection to %serv smtp Fejl ved åbning af forbindelse til %serv +. The server said:\n smtp . Serveren sagde:\n +None ConfigView Ingen +SMTP server: ConfigView SMTP-server: +ESMTP ConfigView ESMTP +POP3 before SMTP ConfigView POP3 før SMTP +SSL ConfigView SSL diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efa670fc12 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/mail_daemon/outbound_protocols/smtp/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SMTP 815985329 +POP3 authentication failed. The server said:\n smtp Autenticação POP3 falhou. O servidor disse:\n +Destination: ConfigView Destino: +Error while logging in to %serv smtp Erro ao fazer login no %serv +Connecting to server… smtp A ligar ao servidor… +Unencrypted ConfigView Não encriptado +. The server says:\n smtp . O servidor diz:\n +Error while opening connection to %serv smtp Erro ao estabelecer ligação a %serv +. The server said:\n smtp . O servidor disse:\n +None ConfigView Nenhum(a) +SMTP server: ConfigView Servidor SMTP: +ESMTP ConfigView ESMTP +POP3 before SMTP ConfigView POP3 antes de SMTP +SSL ConfigView SSL diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cffd3ce11d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-mixer.media_addon 3450667169 +Input gain controls represent AudioMixer Repræsentant for input gain-styringer +Linear interpolation AudioMixer Lineær interpolering +Virtual output channels AudioMixer Virtuelle outputkaneler +Refuse output format changes AudioMixer Nægt ændringer af outputformat +Output mapping AudioMixer Outportkortlægning +Allow input channel remapping AudioMixer Tillad genkortlæsning af inputkanaler +Resampling algorithm AudioMixer Gemsamplingsalgoritme +Attenuate mixer output by 3dB (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Svæk mixeroutput med 3dB (ligesom BeOS R5) +Display balance control for stereo connections AudioMixer Vis balancestyring til stereoforbindelser +To output AudioMixer Til output +not connected AudioMixer ikke tilsluttet +Refuse input format changes AudioMixer Nægt ændringer af inputformat +Drop/repeat samples AudioMixer Drop/gentag datapunkter +Output channel sources AudioMixer Kilder for outputkanal +dB AudioMixer dB +Gain controls AudioMixer Gain-styringer +Input mapping AudioMixer Inputkortlægning +Mute AudioMixer Mute +Input channel destinations AudioMixer Destinationer for inputkanal +To master AudioMixer Til master +Master output AudioMixer Master-output +Setup AudioMixer Opsætning +Use non linear gain sliders (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Brug ikke-lineær gain-skydere (ligesom BeOS R5) +Gain AudioMixer Gain +Allow output channel remapping AudioMixer Tillad kortlægning af outputkanal +Physical input channels AudioMixer Fysiske inputkanaler diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8d5541bea --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/mixer/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-mixer.media_addon 1387171233 +Input gain controls represent AudioMixer Controles de ganho de entrada representam +Linear interpolation AudioMixer Interpolação linear +Virtual output channels AudioMixer Canais de saída virtuais +Refuse output format changes AudioMixer Recusar alterações do formato de saída +Output mapping AudioMixer Mapeamento de saída +Allow input channel remapping AudioMixer Permitir re-mapeamento do canal de entrada +Resampling algorithm AudioMixer Algoritmo de reamostragem +Attenuate mixer output by 3dB (like BeOS R5) AudioMixer Atenuar a saída do misturador em 3dB (como no BeOS R5) +Display balance control for stereo connections AudioMixer Mostrar ajuste de equilíbrio para ligações estéreo +To output AudioMixer Para a saída +not connected AudioMixer não ligado +Refuse input format changes AudioMixer Recusar alterações do formato de entrada +Drop/repeat samples AudioMixer Descartar/repetir amostras +dB AudioMixer dB +Gain AudioMixer Ganho diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41b0ec8e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon 451057402 +Master MultiAudio Master +SPDIF MultiAudio SPDIF +Gain MultiAudio Gain +Output 3D center MultiAudio Output 3D-center +Extended Setup MultiAudio Udvidet opsætning +CD MultiAudio Cd +Tone control MultiAudio Tone-styring +Phone MultiAudio Telefon +Aux MultiAudio Aux +Output bass MultiAudio Output bass +Headphones MultiAudio Hovedtelefoner +Beep MultiAudio Bip +Output mono mix MultiAudio Output monomix +Output stereo mix MultiAudio Output stereomix +Input MultiAudio Input +Output treble MultiAudio Output diskant +Mono mix MultiAudio Monomix +General MultiAudio Generelt +Input & Output MultiAudio Input og output +Enhanced Setup MultiAudio Forbedret opsætning +Stereo mix MultiAudio Stereomix +Output 3D depth MultiAudio Output 3D-dybde +Volume MultiAudio Lydstyrke +Output MultiAudio Output +Video MultiAudio Video +Line MultiAudio Line +Mic MultiAudio Mikrofon + frequency: MultiAudio frekvens: +Enable MultiAudio Aktivér +Mute MultiAudio Mute +Wave MultiAudio Bølge +Setup MultiAudio Opsætning +Level MultiAudio Niveau diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a36bbe201e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/media/media-add-ons/multi_audio/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-hmulti_audio.media_addon 4024882564 +Master MultiAudio Master +SPDIF MultiAudio SPDIF +CD MultiAudio CD +Tone control MultiAudio Controlo de tom +Aux MultiAudio Aux +Headphones MultiAudio Auscultadores +Input MultiAudio Entrada +General MultiAudio Geral +Input & Output MultiAudio Entrada & Saída +Volume MultiAudio Volume +Output MultiAudio Saída +Video MultiAudio Vídeo +Line MultiAudio Linha +Enable MultiAudio Ativar +Mute MultiAudio Silenciar +Level MultiAudio Nível diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60b989ba92 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DNSClientService 2825577357 +DNS settings DNSClientServiceAddOn DNS-indstillinger +Move down DNSSettingsView Flyt ned +DNS settings DNSSettingsView DNS-indstillinger +Remove DNSSettingsView Fjern +Domain: DNSSettingsView Domæne: +Add DNSSettingsView Tilføj +Server: DNSSettingsView Server: +Move up DNSSettingsView Flyt op +Apply DNSSettingsView Anvend diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d4f9f5fb66 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/dnsclient/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DNSClientService 2825577357 +DNS settings DNSClientServiceAddOn Definições de DNS +Move down DNSSettingsView Mover para baixo +DNS settings DNSSettingsView Definições de DNS +Remove DNSSettingsView Remover +Domain: DNSSettingsView Domínio: +Add DNSSettingsView Adicionar +Server: DNSSettingsView Servidor: +Move up DNSSettingsView Mover para cima +Apply DNSSettingsView Aplicar diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e217b47ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FTPService 4086152171 +FTP server FTPServiceAddOn FTP-server +The FTP server allows you to remotely access the files on your machine using the FTP protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. FTPServiceAddOn FTP-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til filerne på din maskine med FTP-protokollen.\n\nBemærk venligst at det er en usikker og ukrypteret forbindelse. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf3da9065f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ftpd/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FTPService 4086152171 +FTP server FTPServiceAddOn Servidor FTP +The FTP server allows you to remotely access the files on your machine using the FTP protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. FTPServiceAddOn O servidor de FTP permite que aceda remotamente aos ficheiros do seu computador utilizando o protocolo FTP.\n\nPor favor, tenha em atenção que esta é uma ligação insegura e não encriptada. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b31e4f6cc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IPv4Interface 2854844856 +IPv4 IPv4InterfaceAddOn IPv4 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce65d3caf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv4/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IPv4Interface 2854844856 +IPv4 IPv4InterfaceAddOn IPv4 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5e441e876 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IPv6Interface 1391114020 +IPv6 IPv6InterfaceAddOn IPv6 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b4c5c83b00 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/ipv6/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IPv6Interface 1391114020 +IPv6 IPv6InterfaceAddOn IPv6 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b555105ac --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SSHService 770129055 +The SSH server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session, as well as file access using the SCP and SFTP protocols. SSHServiceAddOn SSH-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til din maskine med en terminalsession, og filadgang med SCP- og SFTP-protokollerne. +SSH server SSHServiceAddOn SSH-server diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d61edc4189 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/sshd/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SSHService 770129055 +The SSH server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session, as well as file access using the SCP and SFTP protocols. SSHServiceAddOn O servidor de SSH permite que aceda remotamente ao seu computador com uma sessão de terminal, bem como o acesso a ficheiros usando os protocolos SCP e SFTP. +SSH server SSHServiceAddOn Servidor SSH diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f758f5018 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-TelnetService 1209067113 +The Telnet server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session using the telnet protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. TelnetServiceAddOn Telnet-serveren giver dig mulighed for fjernadgang til din maskine med en terminalsession, med telnet-protokollen.\n\nBemærk venligst at det er en usikker og ukrypteret forbindelse. +Telnet server TelnetServiceAddOn Telnet-server diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0fa9a68da --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/network_settings/telnetd/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-TelnetService 1209067113 +The Telnet server allows you to remotely access your machine with a terminal session using the telnet protocol.\n\nPlease note that it is an insecure and unencrypted connection. TelnetServiceAddOn O servidor de Telnet permite que aceda remotamente ao seu computador com uma sessão de terminal utilizando o protocolo Telnet.\n\nPor favor, tenha em atenção que esta é uma ligação insegura e não encriptada. +Telnet server TelnetServiceAddOn Servidor Telnet diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bbcee85c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ButterflyScreensaver 3604552753 +by Geoffry Song Screensaver Butterfly af Geoffry Song diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..312d3903a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/butterfly/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ButterflyScreensaver 3604552753 +by Geoffry Song Screensaver Butterfly por Geoffry Song diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..501fbb41dd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DebugNowScreensaver 3664380395 +DEBUG Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less FEJLRET +by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver DebugNow af Ryan Leavengood +NOW Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less NU diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..390297bdab --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/debugnow/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DebugNowScreensaver 3664380395 +DEBUG Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less DEBUG +by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver DebugNow por Ryan Leavengood +NOW Screensaver DebugNow keep it short and all uppercase, 5 characters or less AGORA diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/flurry/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/flurry/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df0a16b86f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/flurry/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FlurryScreensaver 3686556109 +Flurry System name Flurry diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54f5f74f21 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2182395945 +by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver af Aaron Hill +None GLife ScreenSaver Ingen +none GLife ScreenSaver ingen +Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterhøjde: %li +Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterbredde: +Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterkant: %li +Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterkant: +Grid Life Delay: x This is a factor: the x represents 'times' Forsinkelse for gitterliv: x +OpenGL \"Game of Life\" GLife ScreenSaver OpenGL \"Game of Life\" +Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Gitterhøjde: +4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x +Grid Width: %li GLife ScreenSaver Gitterbredde: %li +Grid Life Delay: GLife ScreenSaver Forsinkelse for gitterliv: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/it.catkeys index a92fb2af2f..1bdd86bcec 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2074508370 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 2182395945 by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver di Aaron Hill None GLife ScreenSaver Nessuno none GLife ScreenSaver nessuno @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Altezza Griglia: %li Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Ampiezza Griglia: Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Bordo Griglia: %li Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Bordo Griglia: +Grid Life Delay: x This is a factor: the x represents 'times' Ritardo Griglia: x OpenGL \"Game of Life\" GLife ScreenSaver Il \"Gioco della Vita\" in versione OpenGL Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Altezza Griglia: 4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77a9c36027 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/glife/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-GLifeScreensaver 3351183937 +by Aaron Hill GLife ScreenSaver por Aaron Hill +None GLife ScreenSaver Nenhum +none GLife ScreenSaver nenhum +Grid Height: %li GLife ScreenSaver Altura da Grelha: %li +Grid Width: GLife ScreenSaver Largura da Grelha: +Grid Border: %li GLife ScreenSaver Limite da Grelha: %li +Grid Border: GLife ScreenSaver Limite da Grelha: +Grid Height: GLife ScreenSaver Altura da Grelha: +4x GLife ScreenSaver This is a factor: the x represents 'times' 4x +Grid Width: %li GLife ScreenSaver Largura da Grelha: %li diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..969cb9cdab --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuScreensaver 1031480431 +by Marcus Overhagen Screensaver Haiku af Marcus Overhagen diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1969760f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/haiku/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuScreensaver 1031480431 +by Marcus Overhagen Screensaver Haiku por Marcus Overhagen diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbf74066e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IconsScreensaver 3278763328 +by Vincent Duvert Screensaver Icons af Vincent Duvert diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a868d1c343 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/icons/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IconsScreensaver 3278763328 +by Vincent Duvert Screensaver Icons por Vincent Duvert diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f8b7a109b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-IFSScreensaver 2018309174 +%screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver port by Stephan Aßmus\n Screensaver IFS %screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver-port af Stephan Aßmus\n +Morphing speed: Screensaver IFS Morfinghastighed: +Render dots additive Screensaver IFS Gengiv prikadditiv +Iterated Function System Screensaver IFS Gentagne funktionsystem diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac1e6a3053 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/ifs/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-IFSScreensaver 3870742192 +%screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver port by Stephan Aßmus\n Screensaver IFS %screenSaverName%\n\n© 1997 Massimino Pascal\n\nxscreensaver portado por Stephan Aßmus\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64c414fffa --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-LeavesScreensaver 3469951032 +Drop rate: Leaves Drop hastighed: +Size variation: Leaves Variation i størrelse: +Leaves Leaves Blade +Leaf size: Leaves Bladstørrelse: +by Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song Leaves af Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bba9e0a2cb --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/leaves/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-LeavesScreensaver 3957111942 +Size variation: Leaves Variação de tamanho: +Leaves Leaves Folhas +Leaf size: Leaves Tamanho de folha: +by Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song Leaves por Deyan Genovski, Geoffry Song diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e88b63afa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MessageScreensaver 854294461 +Insert clever anecdote or phrase here! Screensaver Message Indsæt en klog anekdote eller sætning her! +by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver Message af Ryan Leavengood diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd2d458f69 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/message/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MessageScreensaver 854294461 +Insert clever anecdote or phrase here! Screensaver Message Introduzir aqui uma frase ou anedota inteligente! +by Ryan Leavengood Screensaver Message por Ryan Leavengood diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb83b8ab53 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NebulaScreensaver 3897597581 +© 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. Nebula Screen Saver © 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. +Enable motion blur Nebula Screen Saver Aktivér bevægelsessløring +fullscreen, no borders Nebula Screen Saver fuldskærm, ingen kanter +green Nebula Screen Saver grøn +yellow Nebula Screen Saver gul +cyan Nebula Screen Saver cyan +Maximum Frames Per Second Nebula Screen Saver Maksimum billeder pr. sekund +Speed Nebula Screen Saver Hastighed +Nebula Nebula Screen Saver Nebula +orange (original) Nebula Screen Saver orange (original) +Internal width: Nebula Screen Saver Intern bredde: +2:3.5, cinemascope Nebula Screen Saver 2:3.5, cinemascope +red Nebula Screen Saver rød +grey Nebula Screen Saver grå +cold Nebula Screen Saver kold +Format: Nebula Screen Saver Format: +only a slit Nebula Screen Saver kun en slidse +Color: Nebula Screen Saver Farve: +16:9, wide-screen Nebula Screen Saver 16:9, widescreen diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c7d788c84 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/nebula/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NebulaScreensaver 1097201161 +© 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. Nebula Screen Saver © 2001-2004 Axel Dörfler. +green Nebula Screen Saver verde +yellow Nebula Screen Saver amarelo +cyan Nebula Screen Saver ciano +Maximum Frames Per Second Nebula Screen Saver Máximo de Quadros por Segundo +Speed Nebula Screen Saver Velocidade +orange (original) Nebula Screen Saver laranja (original) +Internal width: Nebula Screen Saver Largura interna: +red Nebula Screen Saver vermelho +grey Nebula Screen Saver cinzento +cold Nebula Screen Saver frio +Format: Nebula Screen Saver Formato: +Color: Nebula Screen Saver Cor: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/simpleclock/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/simpleclock/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2aa7221c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/simpleclock/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SimpleClock 3791523607 +SimpleClock System name Simpelt ur diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/slideshowsaver/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/slideshowsaver/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..079eece33c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/slideshowsaver/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SlideShowSaver 240581336 +SlideShowSaver System name SlideShowSaver diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3075f9bd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SpiderScreensaver 2004357156 +Blue SpiderView Blå +Gray SpiderView Grå +Max. points per polygon SpiderView Maks. punkter pr. polygon +Max. polygon count SpiderView Maks. antal polygoner +for bonefish SpiderView til bonefish +Purple SpiderView Lilla +Red SpiderView Rød +Color SpiderView Farve +Spider by stippi SpiderView Edderkop af stippi +Green SpiderView Grøn +Cyan SpiderView Cyan +Yellow SpiderView Gul +Trail depth SpiderView Taledybde diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d4c33c2ed --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/screen_savers/spider/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SpiderScreensaver 315231900 +Blue SpiderView Azul +Gray SpiderView Cinzento +Red SpiderView Vermelho +Color SpiderView Cor +Green SpiderView Verde +Cyan SpiderView Ciano +Yellow SpiderView Amarelo diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/da.catkeys index cc4ec631bb..ec0f1fe9f1 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/da.catkeys @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 829498916 -%ld files added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp %ld filer tilføjet. -1 file added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp 1 fil tilføjet. -Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arkiv -Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arkiv oprettet uden fejl -Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at afbryde arkiveringen? -Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fortsæt -Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Opretter arkiv: %s -Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Ønsker du at stoppe dem? -Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fejl i forbindelse med oprettelsen af arkiv +1 danish x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2032806096 +Drop files here. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Slip filer her. Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Filnavn: %s -Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Lad dem fortsætte -Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Forbereder arkivering -Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stop +Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Vil du stoppe dem? +Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fejl ved oprettelse af arkiv Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Stop dem +Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde arkiveringen? +Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Forbereder arkivering +Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Lad dem fortsætte +Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Fortsæt +Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Arkiv oprettet uden fejl +{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# fil tilføjet.} other{# filer tilføjet.}} +Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stop Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Stoppet -You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Du har %ld Zip-O-Matic kørende.\n\n +Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arkiv +Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Opretter arkiv: %s +You have {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Du har {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} kørende.\n\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/pt.catkeys index b69218a56f..5bbed51989 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/tracker/zipomatic/pt.catkeys @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 829498916 -%ld files added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp %ld ficheiros adicionados. -1 file added. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp 1 ficheiro adicionado. -Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arquivo -Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Criação de arquivo bem sucedida -Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Tem a certeza de que quer interromper a criação deste arquivo? -Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Continuar -Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp A criar arquivo: %s +1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku.zip-o-matic 2032806096 +Drop files here. file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Largue ficheiros aqui. +Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Nome do ficheiro: %s Do you want to stop them? file:ZipOMatic.cpp Quer pará-los? Error creating archive file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Erro ao criar arquivo -Filename: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Nome do ficheiro: %s -Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Deixá-los continuar -Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp A preparar para arquivar -Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parar Stop them file:ZipOMatic.cpp Pará-los +Are you sure you want to stop creating this archive? file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Tem a certeza de que quer interromper a criação deste arquivo? +Preparing to archive file:ZipperThread.cpp A preparar para arquivar +Let them continue file:ZipOMatic.cpp Deixá-los continuar +Continue file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Continuar +Archive created OK file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Criação de arquivo bem sucedida +{0, plural, one{# file added.} other{# files added.}} file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp {0, plural, one{# ficheiro adicionado.} other{# ficheiros adicionados.}} +Stop file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parar Stopped file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp Parado -You have %ld Zip-O-Matic running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Você tem %ld Zip-O-Matic a correr.\n\n +Archive file:ZipperThread.cpp Arquivo +Creating archive: %s file:ZipOMaticWindow.cpp A criar arquivo: %s +You have {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} running.\n\n file:ZipOMatic.cpp Tem {0, plural, one{# Zip-O-Matic} other{# Zip-O-Matics}} em execução.\n\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd3b6559c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-BMPTranslator 2497639570 +BMP images BMPTranslator BMP-billeder +BMPTranslator Settings BMPTranslator BMPTranslator-indstillinger +BMP image (OS/2 format, %d bits) BMPTranslator BMP-billede (OS/2-format, %d bit) +BMP image translator BMPView BMP-billedoversætter +BMP image (MS format, %d bits BMPTranslator Ignore missing closing round bracket BMP-billede (MS-format, %d bit +BMP Settings BMPMain BMP-indstillinger +Version %d.%d.%d, %s BMPView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +BMP image translator BMPTranslator BMP-billedoversætter diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b91d713b4f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/bmp/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-BMPTranslator 120175286 +BMP images BMPTranslator Imagens BMP +BMP image translator BMPView Tradutor de imagem BMP diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0926aa253c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 3596882613 +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +EXR image translator EXRTranslator EXR-billedoversætter +EXR Settings main EXR-indstillinger +EXR images EXRTranslator EXR-billeder +a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd ConfigView et datterselskab af Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd +EXR image EXRTranslator EXR-billede +EXR image translator ConfigView EXR-billedoversætter +Based on OpenEXR %version% ConfigView Baseret på OpenEXR %version% diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7de225a048 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/exr/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-EXRTranslator 1436649081 +Based on OpenEXR %version% ConfigView Baseado em OpenEXR %version% diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be9dccaece --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-GIFTranslator 2201651797 +Websafe GIFView Websikker +Write interlaced images GIFView Skriv interlaced billeder +Optimal GIFView Optimal +Greyscale GIFView Gråtone +Colors: GIFView Farver: +GIF image translator GIFTranslator GIF-billedoversætter +Be Bitmap Format (GIFTranslator) GIFTranslator Be Bitmap-format (GIFTranslator) +GIF image translator GIFView GIF-billedoversætter +Palette: GIFView Palet: +GIF image GIFTranslator GIF-billede +Write transparent images GIFView Skriv gennemsigtige billeder +GIF images GIFTranslator GIF-billeder +Version %d.%d.%d, %s GIFView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +Use RGB color GIFView Brug RGB-farve +Use dithering GIFView Brug dithering +GIF Settings GIFTranslator GIF-indstillinger +BeOS system GIFView BeOS-system +Automatic (from alpha channel) GIFView Automatisk (fra alfakanal) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da74a59d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/gif/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-GIFTranslator 3994289790 +Write interlaced images GIFView Escrever imagens entrelaçadas +Optimal GIFView Ótimo +Greyscale GIFView Escala de cinzentos +Colors: GIFView Cores: +Palette: GIFView Paleta: +Use RGB color GIFView Usar cor RGB +BeOS system GIFView Sistema BeOS +Automatic (from alpha channel) GIFView Automático (a partir do canal alfa) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/hvif/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/hvif/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fca9f2ee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/hvif/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-HVIFTranslator 249304797 +Haiku vector icon translator HVIFTranslator Haiku vektor-ikonoversætter +HVIF icons HVIFTranslator HVIF-ikoner +Render size: HVIFView Gengivningsstørrelse: +HVIFTranslator Settings HVIFTranslator HVIFTranslator-indstillinger +Haiku vector icon translator HVIFView Haiku vektor-ikonoversætter +HVIF Settings HVIFMain HVIF-indstillinger +Version %d.%d.%d, %s HVIFView Version %d.%d.%d, %s diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f1f07a9db --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 660278989 +Valid colors: RGB32, RGBA32 ICNSConfig Gyldige farver: RGB32, RGBA32 +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ICNSConfig Version %d.%d.%d, %s +Apple icons ICNSTranslator Apple-ikoner +Apple icon translator ICNSTranslator Apple-ikonoversætter +Valid sizes: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ICNSConfig Gyldige størrelser: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 +Apple icon translator ICNSConfig Apple-ikonoversætter diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b61adafe01 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/icns/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ICNSTranslator 2534209569 +Valid sizes: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ICNSConfig Tamanhos válidos: 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c533667654 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ICOTranslator 3916328565 +Cursor ICOTranslator Markør +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +Windows %s %ld bit image ICOTranslator Windows %s %ld bit billede +Valid icon sizes are 16, 32, or 48 ConfigView Gyldige ikonstørrelser er 16, 32 eller 48 +Windows icons ICOTranslator Vinduesikoner +Enforce valid icon sizes ConfigView Gennemtving gyldige ikonstørrelser +ICO Settings main ICO-indstillinger +Windows icon translator ICOTranslator Windows-ikonoversætter +pixels in either direction. ConfigView pixels i begge retninger. +Write 32 bit images on true color input ConfigView Skriv 32 bit billeder på input med ægte farver +Icon ICOTranslator Ikon +ICOTranslator Settings ConfigView ICOTranslator-indstillinger +Windows icon translator ConfigView Windows-ikonoversætter diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2acdc0ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ico/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ICOTranslator 2769134375 +Cursor ICOTranslator Cursor +Icon ICOTranslator Ícone diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f6214ba48 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-JPEGTranslator 3788699631 +Read JPEGTranslator Læs +Be Bitmap Format (JPEGTranslator) JPEGTranslator Be Bitmap-format (JPEGTranslator) +Show warning messages JPEGTranslator Vis advarselsmeddelelser +Use CMYK code with 0 for 100% ink coverage JPEGTranslator Brug CMYK-kode med 0 for 100% blækdækning +JPEG Library Error: %s\n be_jerror Fejl for JPEG-bibliotek: %s\n +©2002-2003, Marcin Konicki\n©2005-2007, Haiku\n\nBased on IJG library © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.\n\thttp://www.ijg.org/files/\n\nwith \"lossless\" encoding support patch by Ken Murchison\n\thttp://www.oceana.com/ftp/ljpeg/\n\nWith some colorspace conversion routines by Magnus Hellman\n\thttp://www.bebits.com/app/802\n JPEGTranslator ©2002-2003, Marcin Konicki\n©2005-2007, Haiku\n\nBaseret på IJG library © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding.\n\thttp://www.ijg.org/files/\n\nmed rettelse til understøttelse af \"tabsfri\"-kodning af Ken Murchison\n\thttp://www.oceana.com/ftp/ljpeg/\n\nMed nogle farverumskonverteringsrutiner af Magnus Hellman\n\thttp://www.bebits.com/app/802\n +None JPEGTranslator Ingen +About JPEGTranslator Om +Version %d.%d.%d JPEGTranslator Version %d.%d.%d +Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEGTranslator Skriv sort og hvide billeder som RGB24 +Output smoothing strength JPEGTranslator Styrke for outputsmoothing +Use progressive compression JPEGTranslator Brug progressiv komprimering +Make file smaller (sligthtly worse quality) JPEGTranslator Skab mindre fil (en smule ringere kvalitet) +High JPEGTranslator Høj +Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEGTranslator Læs gråtone-billede som RGB32 +Output quality JPEGTranslator Outputkvalitet +Low JPEGTranslator Lav +Write JPEGTranslator Skriv +Prevent colors 'washing out' JPEGTranslator Forhindr 'udvaskning' af farver +JPEG Library Warning: %s\n be_jerror Advarsel for JPEG-bibliotek: %s\n +JPEG images JPEGTranslator JPEG-billeder diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..83e36637bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-JPEGTranslator 1266191322 +Read JPEGTranslator Leitura +Show warning messages JPEGTranslator Mostrar mensagens de aviso +JPEG Library Error: %s\n be_jerror Erro da Biblioteca JPEG: %s\n +None JPEGTranslator Nenhum +About JPEGTranslator Acerca +Version %d.%d.%d JPEGTranslator Versão %d.%d.%d +Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEGTranslator Escrever imagens a preto-e-branco como RGB24 +Use progressive compression JPEGTranslator Usar compressão progressiva +Make file smaller (sligthtly worse quality) JPEGTranslator Tornar o ficheiro mais pequeno (qualidade ligeiramente inferior) +Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEGTranslator Ler imagens em escala de cinzentos como RGB32 +Output quality JPEGTranslator Qualidade de saída +Write JPEGTranslator Escrever +JPEG Library Warning: %s\n be_jerror Aviso da Biblioteca JPEG: %s\n +JPEG images JPEGTranslator Imagens JPEG diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc608aaa40 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-JPEG2000Translator 3265915643 +High JPEG2000Translator Høj +Low JPEG2000Translator Lav +Output quality JPEG2000Translator Outputkvalitet +JPEG2000 images JPEG2000Translator JPEG2000-billeder +About JPEG2000Translator Om +Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEG2000Translator Skriv sort og hvide billeder som RGB24 +Version %d.%d.%d JPEG2000Translator Version %d.%d.%d +Read JPEG2000Translator Læs +Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEG2000Translator Læs gråtone-billeder som RGB32 +©2002-2003, Shard\n©2005-2006, Haiku\n\nBased on JasPer library:\n© 1999-2000, Image Power, Inc. and\nthe University of British Columbia, Canada.\n© 2001-2003 Michael David Adams.\n\thttp://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper/\n\nImageMagick's jp2 codec was used as \"tutorial\".\n\thttp://www.imagemagick.org/\n JPEG2000Translator ©2002-2003, Shard\n©2005-2006, Haiku\n\nBaseret på JasPer library:\n© 1999-2000, Image Power, Inc. og\nUniversity of British Columbia, Canada.\n© 2001-2003 Michael David Adams.\n\thttp://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper/\n\nImageMagick's jp2-codec blev brugt som \"vejledning\".\n\thttp://www.imagemagick.org/\n +Write JPEG2000Translator Skriv +Output only codestream (.jpc) JPEG2000Translator Output kun kodestream (.jpc) +Be Bitmap Format (JPEG2000Translator) JPEG2000Translator Be Bitmap-format (JPEG2000Translator) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acdc347720 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/jpeg2000/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-JPEG2000Translator 2851707544 +High JPEG2000Translator Alta +Low JPEG2000Translator Baixa +Output quality JPEG2000Translator Qualidade de saída +About JPEG2000Translator Acerca +Write black-and-white images as RGB24 JPEG2000Translator Guardar imagens a preto-e-branco como RGB24 +Read JPEG2000Translator Leitura +Read greyscale images as RGB32 JPEG2000Translator Ler imagens em tons de cinza como RGB32 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/pcx/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/pcx/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56764b5acf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/pcx/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PCXTranslator 938242683 +PCX Settings main PCX-indstillinger +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +PCXTranslator Settings ConfigView PCXTranslator-indstillinger +PCX image translator PCXTranslator PCX-billedoversætter +PCX %lu bit image PCXTranslator PCX %lu bit billede +PCX images PCXTranslator PCX-billeder +PCX image translator ConfigView PCX-billedoversætter diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81ea599c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PNGTranslator 2504765797 +Version %d.%d.%d, %s PNGTranslator Version %d.%d.%d, %s +Interlace Option PNGTranslator Sammenfletningsvalgmulighed +PNG Interlace Menu PNGTranslator PNG-sammenfletningsmenu +PNG image PNGTranslator PNG-billede +PNG Settings PNGTranslator PNG-indstillinger +PNG image translator PNGTranslator PNG-billedoversætter +None PNGTranslator Ingen +PNG images PNGTranslator PNG-billeder +Interlacing type: PNGTranslator Sammenfletningstype: +PNGTranslator Settings PNGTranslator PNGTranslator-indstillinger diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95a43b40b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/png/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PNGTranslator 3531607218 +None PNGTranslator Nenhum diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc4ac6fbfd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PPMTranslator 292474603 +None PPMTranslator Ingen +PPM Settings PPMMain PPM-indstillinger +System palette 8 bits PPMTranslator Systempalet 8 bit +Sample code copyright 1999, Be Incorporated PPMTranslator Prøvekode ophavsret 1999, Be Incorporated +Something is wrong with the PPMTranslator! PPMMain Der er noget galt med PPMTranslator! +Grayscale 8 bits PPMTranslator Gråtone 8 bit +Based on PPMTranslator sample code PPMTranslator Baseret på PPMTranslator-prøvekode +RGB 8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 32 bit stor-byterækkefølge +PPM image translator PPMTranslator PPM-billedoversætter +Bitmap 1 bit PPMTranslator Bitmap 1 bit +RGB 5:6:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge +PPMTranslator Settings PPMTranslator PPMTranslator-indstillinger +CMY 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMY 8:8:8 32 bit +OK PPMMain OK +CMYA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYA 8:8:8:8 32 bit +PPM image PPMTranslator PPM-billede +Input color space: PPMTranslator Input farverum: +RGB 5:5:5 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge +RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bit stor-byterækkefølge +Write ASCII PPMTranslator Skriv ASCII +RGB 5:6:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:6:5 16 bit +RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits big-endian PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bit stor-byterækkefølge +RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 8:8:8:8 32 bit +Version %d.%d.%d, %s PPMTranslator Version %d.%d.%d, %s +CMYK 8:8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator CMYK 8:8:8:8 32 bit +RGB 8:8:8 32 bits PPMTranslator RGB 8:8:8 32 bit +RGB 5:5:5 16 bits PPMTranslator RGB 5:5:5 16 bit +RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bits PPMTranslator RGBA 5:5:5:1 16 bit +Be Bitmap Format (PPMTranslator) PPMTranslator Be Bitmap-format (PPMTranslator) diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bcd329dfbe --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/ppm/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PPMTranslator 3737528374 +None PPMTranslator Nenhum +Grayscale 8 bits PPMTranslator Escala de cinza de 8 bits +OK PPMMain OK +Write ASCII PPMTranslator Escrever ASCII diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21db960878 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 3654055550 +Lab PSDLoader Lab +Uncompressed PSDConfig Ukomprimeret +Indexed PSDLoader Indekseret +Grayscale PSDLoader Gråtone +Photoshop image translator PSDConfig Photoshop-billedoversætter +Photoshop image translator PSDTranslator Photoshop-billedoversætter +Version %d.%d.%d, %s PSDConfig Version %d.%d.%d, %s +Photoshop Document (PSD file) PSDConfig Photoshop-dokument (PSD-fil) +Photoshop image PSDTranslator Photoshop-billede +RLE PSDConfig RLE +Photoshop Big Document (PSB file) PSDConfig Photoshop Big-dokument (PSB-fil) +RGBA PSDLoader RGBA +Photoshop image (%s) PSDTranslator Photoshop-billede (%s) +PSDTranslator Settings PSDConfig PSDTranslator-indstillinger +RGB PSDLoader RGB +Bitmap PSDLoader Bitmap +CMYK PSDLoader CMYK +Compression: PSDConfig Komprimering: +Format: PSDConfig Format: +Multichannel PSDLoader Multikanal +Duotone PSDLoader Tofarvet diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa6dbb1b7d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/psd/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PSDTranslator 4077272827 +Lab PSDLoader Lab +Uncompressed PSDConfig Sem compressão +Grayscale PSDLoader Escala de cinzentos +RLE PSDConfig RLE +RGBA PSDLoader RGBA +RGB PSDLoader RGB +Bitmap PSDLoader Mapa de bits +CMYK PSDLoader CMYK diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/raw/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/raw/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54030d4457 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/raw/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-RAWTranslator 2975919330 +RAWTranslator Settings ConfigView RAWTranslator-indstillinger +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +RAW image translator RAWTranslator RAW-billedoversætter +RAW Settings RAWTranslator main RAW-indstillinger +RAW images RAWTranslator RAW-billeder +RAW image translator ConfigView RAW-billedoversætter +%s RAW image RAWTranslator Parameter (%s) is the name of the manufacturer (like 'Canon') %s RAW-billede +Based on Dave Coffin's dcraw 8.63 ConfigView Baseret på Dave Coffin's dcraw 8.63 diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/rtf/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/rtf/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9243ea035f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/rtf/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-RTFTranslator 334451110 +Version %d.%d.%d, %s ConfigView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +RTF text files RTFTranslator RTF-tekstfiler +RTF-Translator Settings ConfigView RTF-Translator-indstillinger +Rich Text Format (RTF) translator ConfigView Rich Text Format-oversætter (RTF) +RTF Settings main RTF-indstillinger +RichTextFormat file RTFTranslator RichTextFormat-fil +Be style text file RTFTranslator Be style-tekstfil +Plain text file RTFTranslator Ren tekst-fil +Rich Text Format translator RTFTranslator Rich Text Format-oversætter +Rich Text Format translator v%d.%d.%d %s RTFTranslator Rich Text Format-oversætter v%d.%d.%d %s diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..421677de2d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-SGITranslator 129108011 +SGI images SGITranslator SGI-billeder +Use compression: SGIView Brug komprimering: +SGI image translator SGIView SGI-billedoversætter +SGI image SGITranslator SGI-billede +SGITranslator Settings SGITranslator SGITranslator-indstillinger +SGI Settings SGIMain SGI-indstillinger +SGI image translator SGITranslator SGI-billedoversætter +None SGIView Ingen +Version %d.%d.%d, %s SGIView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +\nbased on GIMP SGI plugin v1.5:\n SGIView \nbaseret på GIMP SGI-plugin v1.5:\n +RLE SGIView RLE +written by:\n SGIView skrevet af:\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62aee086d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/sgi/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-SGITranslator 1741261396 +Use compression: SGIView Usar compressão: +None SGIView Nenhum +RLE SGIView RLE +written by:\n SGIView escrito por:\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..449efba94f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +1 danish x-pseudo.libtranslatorsutils 1020614280 +Error TranslatorWindow Fejl +OK TranslatorWindow OK +Be Bitmap Format BaseTranslator Be-bitmapformat +Unable to create the view. TranslatorWindow Kan ikke oprette visningen. diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db00c03656 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/shared/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-pseudo.libtranslatorsutils 2877588134 +Error TranslatorWindow Erro +OK TranslatorWindow OK diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/stxt/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/stxt/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b0d214c70 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/stxt/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-STXTTranslator 274886668 +Be styled text file STXTTranslator Be-stilet tekstfil +Plain text file STXTTranslator Almindelig tekstfil +STXTTranslator Settings STXTTranslator STXTTranslator-indstillinger +StyledEdit file translator STXTView StyledEdit-filoversætter +StyledEdit files STXTTranslator StyledEdit filer +StyledEdit file translator STXTTranslator StyledEdit-filoversætter +STXT Settings STXTMain STXT-indstillinger diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8382645ec --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-TGATranslator 3075011211 +Save with RLE compression TGAView Gem med RLE-komprimering +Targa image (%d bits truecolor) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit ægte farver) +Ignore TGA alpha channel TGAView Ignorer TGA-alfakanal +Targa image (%d bits colormap) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit farveskema) +TGA image translator TGAView TGA-billedoversætter +Targa image (%d bits RLE colormap) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit RLE-farveskema) +Targa image (%d bits gray) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit grå) +Written by the Haiku Translation Kit Team TGAView Skrevet af Haiku Translation Kit Team +Targa image (%d bits RLE truecolor) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit RLE-ægte farver) +TGA images TGATranslator TGA-billeder +Version %d.%d.%d, %s TGAView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +TGATranslator Settings TGATranslator TGATranslator-indstillinger +TGA image translator TGATranslator TGA-billedoversætter +Targa image (%d bits RLE gray) TGATranslator Targa-billede (%d bit RLE-grå) +TGA Settings TGAMain TGA-indstillinger diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb5e1e9d6e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tga/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-TGATranslator 1519966189 +Save with RLE compression TGAView Guardar com compressão RLE +Written by the Haiku Translation Kit Team TGAView Escrito pela Equipa do Kit de Tradução do Haiku diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3aae093d15 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-TIFFTranslator 2234713102 +TIFF Library: TIFFView TIFF Bibliotek: +RLE (Packbits) TIFFView RLE (packbits) +ZIP (Deflate) TIFFView ZIP (deflate) +identify_tiff_header: invalid document index\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: invalid dokument indeks\n +Use compression: TIFFView Brug komprimering: +TIFF image translator TIFFView TIFF-billedoversætter +TIFF image TIFFTranslator TIFF-billede +TIFF Settings TIFFMain TIFF-indstillinger +TIFF image translator TIFFTranslator TIFF-billedoversætter +identify_tiff_header: couldn't set directory\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: kunne ikke indstille placering\n +Version %d.%d.%d, %s TIFFView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +TIFFTranslator Settings TIFFTranslator TIFFTranslator-indstillinger +LZW TIFFView LZW +TIFF images TIFFTranslator TIFF-billeder +None TIFFView Ingen diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/it.catkeys index 24e74e028f..801dd94d9d 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/it.catkeys @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-TIFFTranslator 2234713102 -TIFF Library: TIFFView Libreria TIFF +TIFF Library: TIFFView Libreria TIFF: RLE (Packbits) TIFFView RLE (Packbits) ZIP (Deflate) TIFFView ZIP (Deflate) identify_tiff_header: invalid document index\n TIFFTranslator identify_tiff_header: indice documento non valido\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bbca5d159 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/tiff/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-TIFFTranslator 3268879897 +Use compression: TIFFView Usar compressão: +TIFF image TIFFTranslator Imagem TIFF +None TIFFView Nenhum diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9cf6d78e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-WebPTranslator 828165164 +©2010-2017 Haiku Inc. ConfigView ©2010-2017 Haiku Inc. +Compression method: ConfigView Komprimeringsmetode: +WebP image translator ConfigView WebP-billedoversætter +Preset ConfigView Forudindstillet +WebP images WebPTranslator WebP-billeder +WebPTranslator Settings ConfigView WebPTranslator-indstillinger +Output quality: ConfigView Outputkvalitet: +©2010-2017 Google Inc. ConfigView ©2010-2017 Google Inc. +WebP Settings main WebP-indstillinger +Text ConfigView Tekst +Slower but better ConfigView Langsommere med bedre +WebP image WebPTranslator WebP-billede +Output preset: ConfigView Outputforudstilling: +Picture ConfigView Billede +Low ConfigView Lav +High ConfigView Høj +Drawing ConfigView Tegning +Based on libwebp %version% ConfigView Baseret på libwebp %version% +Default ConfigView Standard +Fast ConfigView Hurtig +Photo ConfigView Foto +Preprocessing filter ConfigView Forbehandlingsfilter +WebP image translator WebPTranslator WebP-billedoversætter +Icon ConfigView Ikon diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be24767779 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/webp/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-WebPTranslator 76182364 +Compression method: ConfigView Método de compressão: +Preset ConfigView Predefinição +Output quality: ConfigView Qualidade de saída: +Text ConfigView Texto +Slower but better ConfigView Mais lento mas melhor +Picture ConfigView Imagem +Photo ConfigView Fotografia diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77ed5efcc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-WonderBrushTranslator 1289038178 +Version %d.%d.%d, %s WonderBrushView Version %d.%d.%d, %s +WonderBrush image translator WonderBrushTranslator WonderBursh-billedoversætter +WBI Settings WonderBrushTranslator WBI-indstillinger +WBI Settings WonderBrushMain WBI-indstillinger +WonderBrush images WonderBrushTranslator WonderBrush-billeder +WonderBrush image WonderBrushTranslator WonderBrush-billede +WonderBrush image translator WonderBrushView WonderBrush-billedoversætter +written by: WonderBrushView skrevet af: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/it.catkeys index 3e11357912..2684c5e5cb 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/it.catkeys @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ WonderBrush image translator WonderBrushTranslator Translator immagine WonderBr WBI Settings WonderBrushTranslator Impostazioni WBI WBI Settings WonderBrushMain Impostazioni WBI WonderBrush images WonderBrushTranslator Immagini WonderBrush -WonderBrush image WonderBrushTranslator Immagini WonderBrush +WonderBrush image WonderBrushTranslator Immagine WonderBrush WonderBrush image translator WonderBrushView Translator immagine WonderBrush written by: WonderBrushView scritto da: diff --git a/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2984c3ee0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/add-ons/translators/wonderbrush/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-WonderBrushTranslator 2886440407 +written by: WonderBrushView escrito por: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/da.catkeys index ed073f0af0..56d169b491 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/da.catkeys @@ -1,31 +1,77 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-About 1126165112 +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 +Revision AboutView Udgave +The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware-holdet og deres dusørprogram\n +Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. %.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz -%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz -%ld Processors: AboutView %ld Processorer: -... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ... og de mange folk der har doneret!\n\n -About this system AboutWindow Omkring dette system -Contributors:\n AboutView Bidragydere:\n -Current maintainers:\n AboutView Nuværende vedligeholdere:\n -GCC %d Hybrid AboutView GCC %d Hybrid +\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\nSærlig tak til:\n +Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (og hans NewOS-kerne)\n +Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Google and their Google Summer of Code and Google Code In programs\n AboutView Google og deres Google Summer of Code- og Google Code In-programmer\n +Contributors:\n AboutView Bidragsydere:\n Kernel: AboutView Kerne: -License: AboutView Licens: -Licenses: AboutView Licenser: -Memory: AboutView Hukommelse: -Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael Phipps (projekt grundlægger)\n\n -Past maintainers:\n AboutView Tidligere vedligeholdere:\n -Processor: AboutView Processor: -Revision AboutView Revision -Source Code: AboutView Kildekode: -The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert holdet\n -The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports holdet\n -The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware holdet og deres dusør program\n -Time running: AboutView Tid kørt: -Translations:\n AboutView Oversættelser:\n -Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (og hans NewOS kerne)\n +Copyright © 2006-2012 Kentaro Fukuchi AboutView Ophavsret © 2006-2012 Kentaro Fukuchi +Copyright © 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. +Copyright © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Past website & marketing:\n AboutView Forhenværende websted og markedsføring:\n +Copyright © 2003 Peter Hanappe and others. AboutView Ophavsret © 2003 Peter Hanappe og andre. +{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# processorer:}} +%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB i alt +The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the . Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the . You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView and aren't variables and can be translated. However, please, don't remove < and > as they're needed as placeholders for proper hypertext functionality. Kode som er unikt til Haiku, specielt kernen og al kode som programmer kan linke mod, distribueres under vilkårene i . Nogle systembiblioteker indeholder tredjepartskode som distribueres under . Du kan finde ophavsrettene til tredjepartskode nedenfor.\n\n +Copyright © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 1999-2006 Brian Paul. Mesa3D Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1999-2006 Brian Paul. Mesa3D Project. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 2010-2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 2010-2011 Google Inc. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nAll rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nAlle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Past maintainers:\n AboutView Forhenværende vedligeholdere:\n Unknown AboutView Ukendt -Version: AboutView Version: -Website, marketing & documentation:\n AboutView Website, marketing & dokumentation:\n -[Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Klik på et licens navn for at læse det.]\n\n +Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Be Inc. og deres udviklingshold, for at have skabt BeOS!\n\n +Copyright © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC. AboutView Ophavsret © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, et datterselskab af Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC. +Licenses: AboutView Licenser: +The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku® and the HAIKU logo® are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView Ophavsretten til Haikus kildekoden tilhører Haiku, Inc. eller af de respektive ophavsmænd som er udtrykkeligt angivet i kildekoden. Haiku® og HAIKU-logoet® er registrerede varemærker af Haiku, Inc.\n\n +Copyright © 2009 Colin Percival AboutView Ophavsret © 2009 Colin Percival +Time running: AboutView Oppetid: +%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz +Copyright © 1996-2005 Julian R Seward. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1996-2005 Julian R Seward. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +GNU LGPL v2 AboutWindow GNU LGPL v2 +Copyright © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. AboutView Ophavsret © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding. Softwaren er baseret på arbejdet af Independent JPEG Group. +Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael Phipps (projektgrundlægger)\n\n +BSD (3-clause) AboutWindow BSD (3-klausul) +About this system AboutWindow Om systemet +%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB brugt (%d%%) +Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1999-2010 af forfatterne af Gutenprint. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +AboutSystem System name Om systemet +Copyright © 1995-2001 Lars Düning. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1995-2001 Lars Düning. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 1998-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper. AboutView Ophavsret © 1998-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd og Clark Cooper. +Source Code: AboutView Kildekode: \nCopyrights\n\n AboutView \nOphavsrettigheder\n\n -\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\nSpecielt tak til:\n -\n… and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)\n\n AboutView \n… og sikkert nogle flere vi har glemt at nævne (undskyld!)\n\n +GNU GPL v3 AboutWindow GNU GPL v3 +The HaikuPorts team\n AboutView HaikuPorts-teamet\n +Contains software from the GNU Project, released under the GPL and LGPL licenses:\nGNU C Library, GNU coretools, diffutils, findutils, sharutils, gawk, bison, m4, make, wget, ncurses, termcap, Bourne Again Shell.\nCopyright © The Free Software Foundation. AboutView Indeholder software fra GNU-projektet, udgivet under GPL- og LGPL-licenserne:\nGNU C-bibliotek, GNU-kerneværktøjer, diffutils, findutils, sharutils, gawk, bison, m4, make, wget, ncurses, termcap, Bourne Again Shell.\nOphavsret © The Free Software Foundation. +Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. AboutView Ophavsret © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm og Werner Lemberg. +Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Indeholder software fra FreeBSD-projektet, udgivet under BSD-licenserne:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nOphavsret © 1994-2008 FreeBSD-projektet. Alle rettigheder forbeholdt. +[Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Klik på et licensnavn for at læse det.]\n\n +Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Ophavsret © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, med flere +Current maintainers:\n AboutView Nuværende vedligeholdere:\n +Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Version: AboutView Version: +The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert-holdet\n +GNU LGPL v2.1 AboutWindow GNU LGPL v2.1 +License: AboutView Licens: +GNU GPL v2 AboutWindow GNU GPL v2 +The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView University of Auckland og Christof Lutteroth\n\n +%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB i alt, %inaccessible MiB utilgængelig +Copyright © 2012-2016 Google Internationalization team. AboutView Ophavsret © 2012-2016 Google-internationaliseringsteam. +Copyright © 1994-2008 Xiph.Org. All rights reserved. AboutView Ophavsret © 1994-2008 Xiph.Org. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. +Copyright © 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. AboutView Ophavsret © 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly og Mark Adler. +Copyright © 2001-2003 Expat maintainers. AboutView Ophavsret © 2001-2003 Expat-vedligeholdere. +Copyright © 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem). AboutView Ophavsret © 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem). +Translations:\n AboutView Oversættelser:\n +Memory: AboutView Hukommelse: +\n…and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)\n\n AboutView \n…og sandsynligvis flere, som vi har glemt at nævne (undskyld!)\n\n +BSD (2-clause) AboutWindow BSD (2-klausul) +Website & marketing:\n AboutView Websted og markedsføring:\n +2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula AboutView 2001 af Andy Ritger, baseret på Generalized Timing Formula +…and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView …og alle de, som har skænket penge!\n\n +BSD (4-clause) AboutWindow BSD (4-klausul) +BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc. AboutView BITSTREAM-TEGNET er et registreret varemærke af Bitstream Inc. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/fur.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/fur.catkeys index 5343434cd0..5e658e1269 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/fur.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/fur.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3515404468 +1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView Revision The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Il grup Haikuware e il lôr program di premiazion\n Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Ducj i dirits riservâts. @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Al conten software che al ven dal Progjet FreeBSD, publicât sot licence BSD:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute.\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. Ducj i dirits riservâts. [Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Fâs clic sul non di une licence par leile.]\n\n Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Ducj i dirits riservâts. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. Current maintainers:\n AboutView Assegnâts ae manutenzion atuâi:\n Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Ducj i dirits riservâts. Version: AboutView Version: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/it.catkeys index 2f7cba5348..5f55953dc2 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3515404468 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView Revisione The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Il gruppo di Haikuware e il loro programma di bounty\n Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Tutti i diritti riservati. @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Contiene software proveniente dal Progetto FreeBSD, rilasciato sotto licenza BSD:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute.\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. Tutti i diritti riservati. [Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Clicca sul nome di una licenza per leggerla.]\n\n Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © Steve Lhomme. Tutti i diritti riservati. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. Current maintainers:\n AboutView Team di sviluppo attuale:\n Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Tutti i diritti riservati. Version: AboutView Versione: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/ja.catkeys index 588b1b8ade..7365737c6b 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/ja.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-About 3515404468 +1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView リビジョン The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware チーム&報奨金プログラム\n Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView 以下の FreeBSD プロジェクトからのソフトウェアを含む。これらは BSD ライセンスでリリースされている:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. [Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView 「各ライセンスを表示するには、ライセンス名をクリックしてください。」\n\n Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. Current maintainers:\n AboutView 現在のメンテナー:\n Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. Version: AboutView バージョン: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/pt.catkeys index ddf57d7f14..f801deafae 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/pt.catkeys @@ -1,33 +1,77 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-About 2847391904 -%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz -%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB no total -%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB usados (%d%%) -%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz -%ld Processors: AboutView %ld Processadores: -%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB total, %inacessíveis MiB inacessíveis -... and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView ... e as muitas pessoas que fizeram donativos!\n\n -About this system AboutWindow Sobre este sistema -Contributors:\n AboutView Colaboradores:\n -Current maintainers:\n AboutView Programadores actuais:\n -GCC %d Hybrid AboutView GCC %d Híbrido -Kernel: AboutView Kernel: -License: AboutView Licença: -Licenses: AboutView Licenças: -Memory: AboutView Memória: -Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael Phipps (fundador do projecto)\n\n -Past maintainers:\n AboutView Ex-programadores:\n -Processor: AboutView Processador: +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView Revisão -Source Code: AboutView Código Fonte: -The BeGeistert team\n AboutView A equipa BeGeistert\n -The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView A equipa Haiku-Ports\n -The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView A equipa do Haikuware e o seu programa de recompensas\n -Time running: AboutView Tempo de actividade: -Translations:\n AboutView Traduções:\n -Unknown AboutView Desconhecido -Version: AboutView Versão: -Website, marketing & documentation:\n AboutView Website, marketing & documentação:\n -[Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Clique no nome da licença para a ler.]\n\n -\nCopyrights\n\n AboutView \nCopyrights\n\n +The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView À equipa do Haikuware e ao seu programa de recompensas\n +Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Todos os direitos reservados. +%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz \n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\nAgradecimentos especiais a:\n -\n… and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)\n\n AboutView \n… e provavelmente mais alguém que nos esquecemos de mencionar (desculpe!)\n\n +Travis Geiselbrecht (and his NewOS kernel)\n AboutView Travis Geiselbrecht (e o seu núcleo NewOS)\n +Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. Todos os direitos reservados. +Google and their Google Summer of Code and Google Code In programs\n AboutView Google e os seus programas Google Summer of Code e Google Code In\n +Contributors:\n AboutView Colaboradores:\n +Kernel: AboutView Kernel: +Copyright © 2006-2012 Kentaro Fukuchi AboutView Copyright © 2006-2012 Kentaro Fukuchi +Copyright © 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. Todos os direitos reservados. +Past website & marketing:\n AboutView Website & marketing, no passado:\n +Copyright © 2003 Peter Hanappe and others. AboutView Copyright © 2003 Peter Hanappe e outros. +{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Processador:} other{# Processadores:}} +%d MiB total AboutView %d MiB no total +The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the . Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the . You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView and aren't variables and can be translated. However, please, don't remove < and > as they're needed as placeholders for proper hypertext functionality. O código que é único ao Haiku, especialmente o núcleo e todo o código a que as aplicações podem ligar, é distribuído sob os termos da . Algumas bibliotecas do sistema contêm código de terceiros distribídos sob a . Você pode encontrar os direitos de cópia para código de terceiros em baixo.\n\n +Copyright © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1999-2006 Brian Paul. Mesa3D Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2006 Brian Paul. Mesa3D Project. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 2010-2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2010-2011 Google Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nAll rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1987-1988 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.\nTodos os direitos reservados. +Past maintainers:\n AboutView Ex-programadores:\n +Unknown AboutView Desconhecido +Be Inc. and its developer team, for having created BeOS!\n\n AboutView Be Inc. e à sua equipa de desenvolvimento, por terem criado o BeOS!\n\n +Copyright © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC. AboutView Copyright © 2002-2014 Industrial Light & Magic, uma divisão da Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC. +Licenses: AboutView Licenças: +The copyright to the Haiku code is property of Haiku, Inc. or of the respective authors where expressly noted in the source. Haiku® and the HAIKU logo® are registered trademarks of Haiku, Inc.\n\n AboutView O copyright do código do Haiku é propriedade da Haiku, Inc. ou dos respetivos autores onde expressamente notado no código-fonte. Haiku® e o logótipo® HAIKU são marcas comerciais registadas da Haiku, Inc.\n\n +Copyright © 2009 Colin Percival AboutView Copyright © 2009 Colin Percival +Time running: AboutView Tempo de actividade: +%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz +Copyright © 1996-2005 Julian R Seward. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1996-2005 Julian R Seward. Todos os direitos reservados. +GNU LGPL v2 AboutWindow GNU LGPL v2 +Copyright © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. AboutView Copyright © 1994-2009, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding. Este software é baseado em parte no trabalho do Independent JPEG Group. +Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael Phipps (fundador do projecto)\n\n +BSD (3-clause) AboutWindow BSD (3-clause) +About this system AboutWindow Sobre este sistema +%d MiB used (%d%%) AboutView %d MiB usados (%d%%) +Copyright © 1999-2010 by the authors of Gutenprint. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1999-2010 pelos autores de Gutenprint. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1994-1997 Mark Kilgard. Todos os direitos reservados. +AboutSystem System name Acerca do Sistema +Copyright © 1995-2001 Lars Düning. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1995-2001 Lars Düning. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1998-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper. AboutView Copyright © 1998-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd e Clark Cooper. +Source Code: AboutView Código Fonte: +\nCopyrights\n\n AboutView \nCopyrights\n\n +GNU GPL v3 AboutWindow GNU GPL v3 +The HaikuPorts team\n AboutView À equipa do HaikuPorts\n +Contains software from the GNU Project, released under the GPL and LGPL licenses:\nGNU C Library, GNU coretools, diffutils, findutils, sharutils, gawk, bison, m4, make, wget, ncurses, termcap, Bourne Again Shell.\nCopyright © The Free Software Foundation. AboutView Contém software do Projecto GNU, disponibilizado sob as licenças GPL e LGPL:\nGNU C Library, GNU coretools, diffutils, findutils, sharutils, gawk, bison, m4, make, wget, ncurses, termcap, Bourne Again Shell.\nCopyright © The Free Software Foundation. +Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. AboutView Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm e Werner Lemberg. +Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Contém software do Projeto FreeBSD, disponibilizado sob a licença BSD:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. Todos os direitos reservados. +[Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Clique no nome da licença para a ler.]\n\n +Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. +Current maintainers:\n AboutView Programadores atuais:\n +Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Todos os direitos reservados. +Version: AboutView Versão: +The BeGeistert team\n AboutView À equipa da BeGeistert\n +GNU LGPL v2.1 AboutWindow GNU LGPL v2.1 +License: AboutView Licença: +GNU GPL v2 AboutWindow GNU GPL v2 +The University of Auckland and Christof Lutteroth\n\n AboutView A Universidade de Auckland e Christof Lutteroth\n\n +%total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inaccessible AboutView %total MiB total, %inaccessible MiB inacessíveis +Copyright © 2012-2016 Google Internationalization team. AboutView Copyright © 2012-2016 Google Internationalization team. +Copyright © 1994-2008 Xiph.Org. All rights reserved. AboutView Copyright © 1994-2008 Xiph.Org. Todos os direitos reservados. +Copyright © 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. AboutView Copyright © 1995-2004 Jean-Loup Gailly e Mark Adler. +Copyright © 2001-2003 Expat maintainers. AboutView Copyright © 2001-2003 Os mantenedores de Expat. +Copyright © 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem). AboutView Copyright © 2002-2006 Maxim Shemaranev (McSeem). +Translations:\n AboutView Traduções:\n +Memory: AboutView Memória: +\n…and probably some more we forgot to mention (sorry!)\n\n AboutView \n…e provavelmente alguns mais que nos esquecemos de mencionar (pedimos desculpa!)\n\n +BSD (2-clause) AboutWindow BSD (2-clause) +Website & marketing:\n AboutView Website & marketing:\n +2001 by Andy Ritger based on the Generalized Timing Formula AboutView 2001 por Andy Ritger baseado na Generalized Timing Formula +…and the many people making donations!\n\n AboutView …e às muitas pessoas que têm feito donativos!\n\n +BSD (4-clause) AboutWindow BSD (4-clause) +BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc. AboutView BITSTREAM CHARTER é uma marca registada de Bitstream Inc. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/sv.catkeys index 1456d31bc4..eff1c77d2e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/sv.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-About 3515404468 +1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView Utgåva The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Haikuware-teamet och deras belöningsprogram\n Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Upphovsrätt © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Med ensamrätt. @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Innehåller program från FreeBSD Projekt, släppt under BSD licens:\n ftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\n Copyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. [Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Klicka på ett licensnamn för att läsa respektive licens.]\n\n Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Upphovsrätt © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Med ensamrätt. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard. Current maintainers:\n AboutView Nuvarande projektledare:\n Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Upphovsrätt © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Med ensamrätt. Version: AboutView Version: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/uk.catkeys index 07deab62cf..4a532b38dd 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/aboutsystem/uk.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-About 3515404468 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-About 943754242 Revision AboutView Ревізія The Haikuware team and their bounty program\n AboutView Команді Haikuware з їхньою програмою заохочень\n Copyright © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. All rights reserved. AboutView Авторське право © 1999-2007 Michael C. Ring. Всі права застережені. @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Copyright © 1991-2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. AboutView А Copyright © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. AboutView Авторське право © 1990-2002 Info-ZIP. Всі права застережені. Past website & marketing:\n AboutView Попередній веб-сайт та маркетинг:\n Copyright © 2003 Peter Hanappe and others. AboutView Авторське право © 2003 Peter Hanappe та інші. -{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Процесор:} few{# процесора:} other{# процесорів:}} +{0, plural, one{Processor:} other{# Processors:}} AboutView \"Processor:\" or \"2 Processors:\" {0, plural, one{Процесор:} few{# процесори:} other{# процесорів:}} %d MiB total AboutView %d MiB загалом The code that is unique to Haiku, especially the kernel and all code that applications may link against, is distributed under the terms of the . Some system libraries contain third party code distributed under the . You can find the copyrights to third party code below.\n\n AboutView and aren't variables and can be translated. However, please, don't remove < and > as they're needed as placeholders for proper hypertext functionality. Код, що є унікальним для Haiku, особливо ядро та увесь код пов'язаний з програмами, надається на умовах . Деякі системні бібліотеки містять код інших розробників, що надається за . Авторські права на цей код дивіться нижче.\n\n Copyright © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. All rights reserved. AboutView Авторське право © 1996-1997 Jeff Prosise. Всі права застережені. @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Copyright © 1996-2002, 2006 David Turner, Robert Wilhelm and Werner Lemberg. Ab Contains software from the FreeBSD Project, released under the BSD license:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, traceroute\nCopyright © 1994-2008 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved. AboutView Містить програмне забезпечення з проекту FreeBSD, выпущене під ліцензією BSD:\nftpd, ping, telnet, telnetd, tracerout\nАвторське право © 1994-2008 Проект FreeBSD. Всі права застережені. [Click a license name to read the respective license.]\n\n AboutView [Клікніть назву ліцензії для її прочитання.]\n\n Copyright © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. All rights reserved. AboutView Авторське право © 2002-2003 Steve Lhomme. Всі права застережені. +Copyright © 2000-2019 Fabrice Bellard, et al. AboutView Copyright © 2000-2019 Фабріс Беллар та ін. Current maintainers:\n AboutView Поточні розробники:\n Copyright © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. All rights reserved. AboutView Авторське право © 1995, 1998-2001 Jef Poskanzer. Всі права застережені. Version: AboutView Версія: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77286f8860 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1155619009 +P-faults DataSource P-fejl +Media nodes DataSource Medie noder +Threads DataSource Tråde +Always on top ActivityWindow Altid øverst +Add graph ActivityWindow Tilføj graf +Teams DataSource Hold +MiB DataSource MiB +Network send DataSource Netværk afsende +CPU usage (combined) DataSource CPU forbrug (samlet) +CPU DataSource CPU +Used memory DataSource Brugt hukommelse +Cached memory DataSource Mellemlager hukommelse +Apps DataSource Programmer +Show legend ActivityView Vis forklaring +Text clipboard DataSource Tekst udklipsholder +Settings ActivityWindow Indstillinger +Receiving DataSource Modtager +Settings… ActivityWindow Indstillinger… +Ports DataSource Porte +Page faults DataSource Side fejl +Sending DataSource Afsender +Cache DataSource Mellemlager +%.1f faults/s DataSource %.1f fejl/s +Update time interval: SettingsWindow Opdatering tids interval: +TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX +Quit ActivityWindow Afslut +Block cache memory DataSource Blok mellemlager hukommelse +Remove graph ActivityView Fjern graf +%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld sek. +%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms +CPU usage DataSource CPU forbrug +Raw clipboard DataSource Rå udklipsholder +Sems DataSource Semas +%.1f MiB DataSource %.1f MiB +ActivityMonitor System name AktivitetsMonitor +Running applications DataSource Kørende programmer +Semaphores DataSource Semaforer +Block cache DataSource Blok mellemlager +Swap space DataSource Udvekslings plads +Swap DataSource Udveksling +File ActivityWindow Fil +usage DataSource forbrug +Additional items ActivityView Yderligere elementer +Network receive DataSource Netværks modtag +Memory DataSource Hukommelse +RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3b3b62748 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/activitymonitor/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ActivityMonitor 1155619009 +P-faults DataSource Falhas-P +Media nodes DataSource Nós de média +Threads DataSource Threads +Always on top ActivityWindow Sempre visível +Add graph ActivityWindow Adicionar gráfico +Teams DataSource Equipas +MiB DataSource MiB +Network send DataSource Rede: enviado +CPU usage (combined) DataSource Utilização do processador (combinado) +CPU DataSource CPU +Used memory DataSource Memória utilizada +Cached memory DataSource Memória em cache +Apps DataSource Aplicações +Show legend ActivityView Mostrar legenda +Text clipboard DataSource Área de transferência de texto +Settings ActivityWindow Definições +Receiving DataSource A receber +Settings… ActivityWindow Definições… +Ports DataSource Portas +Page faults DataSource Falhas de página +Sending DataSource A enviar +Cache DataSource Reserva +%.1f faults/s DataSource %.1f falhas/s +Update time interval: SettingsWindow Intervalo entre actualizações: +TX DataSource Shorter version for Sending TX +Quit ActivityWindow Sair +Block cache memory DataSource Bloco de memória reservada +Remove graph ActivityView Remover gráfico +%lld sec. SettingsWindow %lld seg. +%lld ms SettingsWindow %lld ms +CPU usage DataSource Utilização do processador +Raw clipboard DataSource Área de transferência bruta +Sems DataSource Semáforos +%.1f MiB DataSource %.1f MiB +ActivityMonitor System name Monitor de Atividade +Running applications DataSource Aplicações em execução +Semaphores DataSource Semáforos +Block cache DataSource Reserva em bloco +Swap space DataSource Espaço de swap +Swap DataSource Swap +File ActivityWindow Ficheiro +usage DataSource utilização +Additional items ActivityView Itens adicionais +Network receive DataSource Rede: recebido +Memory DataSource Memória +RX DataSource Shorter version for Receiving. RX diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9868141be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-BootManager 867546001 +Old Master Boot Record backup failure BootManagerController Title Sikkerhedskopiering af gammel Master Boot Record mislykkedes +At least one partition must be selected! BootManagerController Mindst en af partitionerne skal være valgt! +No space available! DrivesPage Cannot install Ingen plads tilgængelig! +Boot Manager is unable to read the partition table! BootManagerController Opstartsmanageren er ude af stand til at læse partitionstabellen! +Immediately DefaultPartitionPage Omgående +Uninstall Boot Manager UninstallPage Title Afinstaller opstartsmanageren +Unknown LegacyBootMenu Text is shown for an unknown partition type Ukendt +Installation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title Installationen af opstartsmenuen mislykkedes +Backup Master Boot Record BootManagerController Title Sikkerhedskopiér Master Boot Record +Cannot access! DrivesPage Cannot install Adgang nægtet! +After one second DefaultPartitionPage Efter et sekund +The old Master Boot Record was successfully saved to %s. BootManagerController Den gamle Master Boot Record blev gemt til %s. +Quit WizardView Button Afslut +Never DefaultPartitionPage Aldrig +Summary BootManagerController Title Opsummering +An error occurred writing the boot menu. The Master Boot Record might be destroyed, you should restore the MBR now! BootManagerController Der opstod en fejl ved skrivning af opstarts-menuen. Master Boot Record er muligvis ødelagt, du burde gendanne MBR nu! +After three seconds DefaultPartitionPage Efter tre sekunder +Read only! DrivesPage Cannot install Skrivebeskyttet! +Write boot menu BootManagerController Button Skriv opstartsmenu +OK BootManagerController Button OK +Uninstall boot manager BootManagerController Title Afinstaller opstartsmanager +About to write the following boot menu to the boot disk (%s). Please verify the information below before continuing. BootManagerController I gang med at skrive følgende opstartsmenu til opstartsdisken (%s). Verificer venligst informationen nedenfor før du fortsætter. +The first partition on the disk starts too early and does not leave enough space free for a boot menu.\nBoot Manager needs 2 KiB available space before the first partition. BootManagerController Den første partition på disken starter for tidligt og efterlader ikke nok ledig plads til en opstartsmenu.\nOpstartshåndteringen behøver 2 KiB tilgængelige plads før den første partition. +Uninstall DrivesPage Button Afinstaller +Update DrivesPage Button Opdater +The Master Boot Record (MBR) of the boot device:\n\t%s\nwill now be saved to disk. Please select a file to save the MBR into.\n\nIf something goes wrong with the installation or if you later wish to remove the boot menu, simply run the bootman program and choose the 'Uninstall' option. BootManagerController Master Boot Record (MBR) af start-enheden:\n\t%s\nvil nu blive gemt til disken. Vælg venligst en fil til at gemme MBR i.\n\nHvis noget går galt ved installationen, eller hvis du senere vil fjerne start-menuen, skal du blot køre opstartsmanageren og vælge 'Afinstaller'. +Default Partition DefaultPartitionPage Title Standardpartition +Installation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Installationen af opstartsmenuen fuldført +After one minute DefaultPartitionPage Efter et minut +Select FileSelectionPage Button Vælg +USB Drive DrivesPage Default disk name USB-drev +Restore MBR BootManagerController Button Gendan MBR +Hard Drive DrivesPage Default disk name Harddisk +Drives DrivesPage Title Drev +The following partitions were detected. Please check the box next to the partitions to be included in the boot menu. You can also set the names of the partitions as you would like them to appear in the boot menu. PartitionsPage Følgende partitioner blev fundet. Marker venligst boksen ved siden af partitionerne for at inkludere dem i opstartsmenuen. Du kan også sætte navnet på partitionerne som du vil have dem til at vise i opstartsmenuen. +After five seconds DefaultPartitionPage Efter fem sekunder +Timeout: %s DefaultPartitionPage Timeout: %s +The Master Boot Record could not be restored! BootManagerController Master Boot Record kunne ikke gendannes! +The partition table of the first hard disk is not compatible with Boot Manager.\nBoot Manager only works with IBM PC MBR partitions. BootManagerController Partitionstabellen på den første harddisk er ikke kompatibel med opstartshåndteringen.\nOpstartshåndtering virker kun med IBM PC MBR-partitioner. +Please select the drive you want the boot manager to be installed to or uninstalled from. DrivesPage Vælg venligst det drev opstartsmanageren skal installeres på eller afinstalleres fra. +After four seconds DefaultPartitionPage Efter fire sekunder +Unnamed %d LegacyBootMenu Default name of a partition whose name could not be read from disk; characters in codepage 437 are allowed only Unavngivet %d +First partition starts too early BootManagerController Title Første partition starter for tidligt +About to write the boot menu to disk. Are you sure you want to continue? BootManagerController I gang med at skrive opstartsmenuen til disken. Er du sikker på, at du vil fortsætte? +Partitions DefaultPartitionPage Pop up menu title Partitioner +Default Partition: DefaultPartitionPage Menu field label Standardpartition: +Next WizardView Button Næste +Previous WizardView Button Forrige +Uninstallation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title Afinstallationen af opstartsmenuen mislykkedes +Incompatible format! DrivesPage Cannot install Inkompatibelt format! +Old Master Boot Record saved BootManagerController Title Gammel Master Boot Record gemt +Please specify a default partition and a timeout.\nThe boot menu will load the default partition after the timeout unless you select another partition. You can also have the boot menu wait indefinitely for you to select a partition.\nKeep the 'ALT' key pressed to disable the timeout at boot time. DefaultPartitionPage Specificer venligst en standardpartition og en timeout.\nOpstartsmenuen vil indlæse standardpartitionen efter timeouten, medmindre du vælger en anden partition. Du kan også have opstartsmenuen vente ubestemt tid på at du vælger en partition.\nHold 'ALT'-knappen nede for at deaktivere timeouten ved opstartstiden. +Partitions PartitionsPage Title Partitioner +Uninstallation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Afinstallationen af opstartsmenuen fuldført +After two seconds DefaultPartitionPage Efter to sekunder +Partition table not compatible BootManagerController Title Partitionstabellen er ikke kompatibel +The Master Boot Record of the boot device (%DISK) has been successfully restored from %FILE. BootManagerController Master Boot Record fra opstartsenheden (%DISK) er blevet gendannet fra %FILE. +Done BootManagerController Button Færdig +BootManager System name Opstartsmanager +Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. UninstallPage Find venligst Master Boot Record (MBR) filen til at gendanne fra. Dette er filen der blev lavet da opstartsmanageren blev installeret første gang. +Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. BootManagerController Find venligst Master Boot Record (MBR) filen til at gendanne fra. Dette er filen der blev lavet da opstartsmanageren blev installeret første gang. +About to restore the Master Boot Record (MBR) of %disk from %file. Do you wish to continue? BootManagerController Don't translate the place holders: %disk and %file I gang med at gendanne Master Boot Record (MBR) af %disk fra %file. Vil du fortsætte? +Install DrivesPage Button Installer +File: FileSelectionPage Text control label Fil: +Error reading partition table BootManagerController Title Fejl ved læsninger af partitionstabellen +Back BootManagerController Button Tilbage +The boot manager has been successfully installed on your system. BootManagerController Opstartsmanageren er blevet installeret på dit system. +The old Master Boot Record could not be saved to %s. You can continue the installation but there will be no way to uninstall the boot menu. BootManagerController Den gamle Master Boot Record kunne ikke gemmes til %s. Du kan fortsætte installationen, men det vil ikke være muligt at afinstallere opstartsmenuen. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/it.catkeys index 520588b7ef..eeb8549e35 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BootManager 3886671855 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-BootManager 867546001 Old Master Boot Record backup failure BootManagerController Title Backup del precedente Master Boot Record fallito At least one partition must be selected! BootManagerController Almeno una partizione deve essere selezionata! No space available! DrivesPage Cannot install Spazio insufficiente! @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Never DefaultPartitionPage Mai Summary BootManagerController Title Sommario An error occurred writing the boot menu. The Master Boot Record might be destroyed, you should restore the MBR now! BootManagerController Si è verificato un errore durante la scrittura del boot manager. Il Master Boot Record (MBR) potrebbe essere danneggiato, è necessario ripristinarlo immediatamente! After three seconds DefaultPartitionPage Dopo tre secondi +Read only! DrivesPage Cannot install Sola lettura! Write boot menu BootManagerController Button Scrivere il menu di avvio OK BootManagerController Button OK Uninstall boot manager BootManagerController Title Disinstallare il boot manager diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10a37329e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/bootmanager/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-BootManager 867546001 +Old Master Boot Record backup failure BootManagerController Title Falha na cópia de segurança do Master Boot Record antigo +At least one partition must be selected! BootManagerController Ao menos uma partição deve ser selecionada! +No space available! DrivesPage Cannot install Sem espaço disponível! +Boot Manager is unable to read the partition table! BootManagerController O Gestor de Arranque não consegue ler a tabela de partições! +Immediately DefaultPartitionPage Imediatamente +Uninstall Boot Manager UninstallPage Title Desinstalar o Gestor de Arranque +Unknown LegacyBootMenu Text is shown for an unknown partition type Desconhecido +Installation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title A instalação do menu de arranque falhou +Backup Master Boot Record BootManagerController Title Fazer cópia de segurança do Master Boot Record +Cannot access! DrivesPage Cannot install Não foi possível aceder! +After one second DefaultPartitionPage Após um segundo +The old Master Boot Record was successfully saved to %s. BootManagerController O Master Boot Record antigo foi guardado com sucesso para %s. +Quit WizardView Button Sair +Never DefaultPartitionPage Nunca +Summary BootManagerController Title Resumo +An error occurred writing the boot menu. The Master Boot Record might be destroyed, you should restore the MBR now! BootManagerController Ocorreu um erro ao escrever o menu de arranque. O Master Boot Record pode estar destruído, você deve restaurar o MBR agora! +After three seconds DefaultPartitionPage Após três segundos +Read only! DrivesPage Cannot install Apenas de leitura! +Write boot menu BootManagerController Button Escrever menu de arranque +OK BootManagerController Button OK +Uninstall boot manager BootManagerController Title Desinstalar o gestor de arranque +About to write the following boot menu to the boot disk (%s). Please verify the information below before continuing. BootManagerController Está prestes a escrever o seguinte menu de arranque para o disco de arranque (%s). Por favor verifique as informações abaixo antes de prosseguir. +The first partition on the disk starts too early and does not leave enough space free for a boot menu.\nBoot Manager needs 2 KiB available space before the first partition. BootManagerController A primeira partição do disco começa demasiado cedo e não deixa espaço suficiente para um menu de arranque.\nO Gestor de Arranque necessita de ter 2KiB de espaço livre antes da primeira partição. +Uninstall DrivesPage Button Desinstalar +Update DrivesPage Button Atualizar +The Master Boot Record (MBR) of the boot device:\n\t%s\nwill now be saved to disk. Please select a file to save the MBR into.\n\nIf something goes wrong with the installation or if you later wish to remove the boot menu, simply run the bootman program and choose the 'Uninstall' option. BootManagerController O Master Boot Record (MBR) do dispositivo de arranque:\n\t%s\nserá agora salvo no disco. Por favor seleccione um ficheiro para guardar o MBR.\n\nSe algo correr mal com a instalação ou se desejar posteriormente remover o menu de arranque, simplesmente execute o programa bootman e escolha a opção 'Desinstalar'. +Default Partition DefaultPartitionPage Title Partição Predefinida +Installation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Instalação de menu de arranque completa +After one minute DefaultPartitionPage Após um minuto +Select FileSelectionPage Button Selecionar +USB Drive DrivesPage Default disk name Dispositivo USB +Restore MBR BootManagerController Button Recuperar MBR +Hard Drive DrivesPage Default disk name HD +Drives DrivesPage Title Unidades +The following partitions were detected. Please check the box next to the partitions to be included in the boot menu. You can also set the names of the partitions as you would like them to appear in the boot menu. PartitionsPage As seguintes partições foram detetadas. Por favor assinale a caixa junto às partições que pretende incluir no menu de arranque. Também pode definir os nomes das partições conforme pretender que elas apareçam no menu de arranque. +After five seconds DefaultPartitionPage Após cinco segundos +Timeout: %s DefaultPartitionPage Tempo limite: %s +The Master Boot Record could not be restored! BootManagerController O Master Boot Record não pôde ser restaurado! +The partition table of the first hard disk is not compatible with Boot Manager.\nBoot Manager only works with IBM PC MBR partitions. BootManagerController A tabela de partições do primeiro disco rígido não é compatível com o Gestor de Arranque.\nO Gestor de Arranque apenas funciona com partições MBR de IBM PC. +Please select the drive you want the boot manager to be installed to or uninstalled from. DrivesPage Por favor, seleccione o dispositivo em que pretende que seja instalado ou desinstalado o gestor de arranque. +After four seconds DefaultPartitionPage Depois de quatro segundos +Unnamed %d LegacyBootMenu Default name of a partition whose name could not be read from disk; characters in codepage 437 are allowed only Sem nome %d +First partition starts too early BootManagerController Title A primeira partição começa demasiado cedo +About to write the boot menu to disk. Are you sure you want to continue? BootManagerController Está prestes a escrever o menu de arranque para o disco. Tem a certeza de que quer continuar? +Partitions DefaultPartitionPage Pop up menu title Partições +Default Partition: DefaultPartitionPage Menu field label Partição Predefinida: +Next WizardView Button Seguinte +Previous WizardView Button Anterior +Uninstallation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title Falhou a desinstalação do menu de arranque +Incompatible format! DrivesPage Cannot install Formato incompatível! +Old Master Boot Record saved BootManagerController Title Master Boot Record antigo guardado +Please specify a default partition and a timeout.\nThe boot menu will load the default partition after the timeout unless you select another partition. You can also have the boot menu wait indefinitely for you to select a partition.\nKeep the 'ALT' key pressed to disable the timeout at boot time. DefaultPartitionPage Por favor especifique uma partição predefinida e um tempo limite.\nO menu de arranque irá carregar a partição predefinida após o tempo limite, a menos que você selecione outra partição. Também pode fazer com que o menu de arranque aguarde indefinidamente até que seja selecionada uma partição.\nMantenha pressionada a tecla 'ALT' para desativar o tempo limite no momento do arranque. +Partitions PartitionsPage Title Partições +Uninstallation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Desinstalação do menu de arranque completa +After two seconds DefaultPartitionPage Depois de dois segundos +Partition table not compatible BootManagerController Title Tabela de partições não compatível +The Master Boot Record of the boot device (%DISK) has been successfully restored from %FILE. BootManagerController O Master Boot Record do dispositivo de arranque (%DISK) foi restaurado com sucesso a partir de %FILE. +Done BootManagerController Button Feito +BootManager System name Gestor de Arranque +Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. UninstallPage Por favor localize o ficheiro guardado do Master Boot Record (MBR) para restaurar a partir dele. Esse é o ficheiro que foi criado quando o gestor de arranque foi instalado pela primeira vez. +Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. BootManagerController Por favor localize o ficheiro guardado do Master Boot Record (MBR) para restaurar a partir dele. Esse é o ficheiro que foi criado quando o gestor de arranque foi instalado pela primeira vez. +About to restore the Master Boot Record (MBR) of %disk from %file. Do you wish to continue? BootManagerController Don't translate the place holders: %disk and %file Está prestes a restaurar o Master Boot Record (MBR) de %disk a partir de %file. Deseja continuar? +Install DrivesPage Button Instalar +File: FileSelectionPage Text control label Ficheiro: +Error reading partition table BootManagerController Title Erro ao ler a tabela de partições +Back BootManagerController Button Retroceder +The boot manager has been successfully installed on your system. BootManagerController O gestor de arranque foi instalado com êxito. +The old Master Boot Record could not be saved to %s. You can continue the installation but there will be no way to uninstall the boot menu. BootManagerController Não foi possível guardar para %s o Master Boot Record antigo. Pode prosseguir com a instalação, mas não haverá forma de desinstalar o menu de arranque. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0084794448 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 124574598 +Enclosed alphanumerics UnicodeBlocks Vedlagt alfanumeriske +Basic Latin UnicodeBlocks Grundlæggende latin +Cyrillic extended C UnicodeBlocks Kyrillisk, udvidet C +View CharacterWindow Vis +Cherokee supplement UnicodeBlocks Cherokee-supplement +Latin-1 supplement UnicodeBlocks Latin-1, supplement +Hebrew UnicodeBlocks Hebraisk +Georgian supplement UnicodeBlocks Georgisk, supplement +Multani UnicodeBlocks Multani +CJK unified ideographs UnicodeBlocks CJK, forenede ideografer +Modifier tone letters UnicodeBlocks Ændringstast, tone-bogstaver +Old Hungarian UnicodeBlocks Ungarske runer +Khmer UnicodeBlocks Khmer +Supplementary private use area A UnicodeBlocks Supplementært privatområde A +Hanunoo UnicodeBlocks Hanuoo +Latin extended additional UnicodeBlocks Latin, udvidet +Arabic presentation forms A UnicodeBlocks Arabisk, præsentationsforme A +Greek extended UnicodeBlocks Græsk, udvidet +Linear B ideograms UnicodeBlocks Lineær-B-skrift +Devanagari UnicodeBlocks Devanagari +Armenian UnicodeBlocks Armensk +Glagotic UnicodeBlocks Glagotisk +Mathematical operators UnicodeBlocks Matematiske operatorer +General punctuation UnicodeBlocks Almen tegnsætning +Miscellaneous technical UnicodeBlocks Forskelligt teknisk +Vertical forms UnicodeBlocks Vertikale former +Ol Chiki UnicodeBlocks Ol Chiki +Arabic UnicodeBlocks Arabisk +Ethiopic extended UnicodeBlocks Etiopisk, udvidet +Arrows UnicodeBlocks Pile +Sutton SignWriting UnicodeBlocks Sutton-tegnskrivning +Font CharacterWindow Skrifttype +Hatran UnicodeBlocks Hatran +Variation selectors supplement UnicodeBlocks Variationsvælgere, supplement +Gujarati UnicodeBlocks Gujarati +Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Kileskrift +CJK radicals supplement UnicodeBlocks CJK, supplement til radikaler +Balinese UnicodeBlocks Balinesisk +Cham UnicodeBlocks Cham +Specials UnicodeBlocks Specielle +Ahom UnicodeBlocks Ahom +CJK compatibility ideographs UnicodeBlocks CJK, kompatibilitets-ideografer +Phonetic extensions UnicodeBlocks Fonetiske udvidelser +Khmer symbols UnicodeBlocks Khmer-symboler +Tagbanwa UnicodeBlocks Tagbanwa +Kanbun UnicodeBlocks Kanbun +Syriac UnicodeBlocks Syrisk +CJK compatibility ideographs Supplement UnicodeBlocks CJK, supplement til kompatibilitets-ideografer +Musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Musikalske symboler +Hangul syllables UnicodeBlocks Hangul-stavelser +Coptic UnicodeBlocks Koptisk +Tai Le UnicodeBlocks Tai Le +Mahjong tiles UnicodeBlocks Mahjongbrikker +Spacing modifier letters UnicodeBlocks Mellemrums-ændrende tegn +Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Ægæiske tal +CJK strokes UnicodeBlocks CJK, streger +Old italic UnicodeBlocks Gammel italisk +Supplemental arrows B UnicodeBlocks Supplement til pile, B +Cyrillic extended A UnicodeBlocks Kyrillisk, udvidet A +Kharoshthi UnicodeBlocks Kharoshthisk +Combining half marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinerende halvtegn +Cyrillic UnicodeBlocks Kyrillisk +Katakana UnicodeBlocks Katakansk +Block elements UnicodeBlocks Blok-elementer +Clear CharacterWindow Klar +Sundanese UnicodeBlocks Sundanesisk +Miscellaneous mathematical symbols A UnicodeBlocks Forskellige matematiske symboler, A +Cyrillic supplement UnicodeBlocks Kyrillisk supplement +Small form variants UnicodeBlocks Små form-varianser +IPA extensions UnicodeBlocks IPA-udvidelser +Thaana UnicodeBlocks Thaana +Ogham UnicodeBlocks Ogham +Combining diacritical marks for symbols UnicodeBlocks Kombinerende diakritiske tegn for symboler +Syloti Nagri UnicodeBlocks Syloti Nagri +Arabic supplement UnicodeBlocks Arabisk supplement +Latin extended C UnicodeBlocks Latin, udvidet C +Bopomofo extended UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo, udvidet +Lycian UnicodeBlocks Lykisk +Osmanya UnicodeBlocks Osmanya +Ethiopic UnicodeBlocks Etiopisk +Bengali UnicodeBlocks Bengalsk +Supplementary private use area B UnicodeBlocks Supplementært privatområde B +CJK unified ideographs extension A UnicodeBlocks CJK, forenede ideografer, udvidet A +Filter: CharacterWindow Filter: +Hangul compatibility Jamo UnicodeBlocks Hangul Jamo kompatibilitet +Ideographic description characters UnicodeBlocks Ideografiske beskrivelses-tegn +Arabic presentation forms B UnicodeBlocks Arabiske præsentationsformer, B +CJK compatibility forms UnicodeBlocks CJK, kompatibilitetsformer +Hiragana UnicodeBlocks Hiragana +Tagalog UnicodeBlocks Tagalog +Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Kontrolbilleder +Variation selectors UnicodeBlocks Variationsvælgere +Linear B syllabary UnicodeBlocks Lineær-B-stavelser +Buginese UnicodeBlocks Buginesisk +Bopomofo UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo +Code CharacterWindow Kode +Lepcha UnicodeBlocks Lepcha +Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Sinhala +Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Oldgræsk musiknotation +Early Dynastic Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Tidlig dynastisk kileskrift +Geometric shapes UnicodeBlocks Geometriske former +Letterlike symbols UnicodeBlocks Tegnlignende symboler +Hangul Jamo UnicodeBlocks Hangul Jamo +Tamil UnicodeBlocks Tamilsk +Currency symbols UnicodeBlocks Valutasymboler +Combining diacritical marks UnicodeBlocks Kombinerende diakritiske tegn +Anatolian hieroglyphs UnicodeBlocks Anatolske hieroglyffer +Supplement punctuation UnicodeBlocks Supplement til tegnsætning +Unified Canadian Aboriginal syllabics UnicodeBlocks Forenede Canadiske Aborigin-stavelser +Marchen UnicodeBlocks Marchen +Ugaritic UnicodeBlocks Ugaritisk +Tangut UnicodeBlocks Tangut +CJK symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks CJK, symboler og tegnsætning +File CharacterWindow Fil +Number forms UnicodeBlocks Talformer +Cherokee UnicodeBlocks Cherokee +Tags UnicodeBlocks Mærkater +Cypriot syllabary UnicodeBlocks Kypriotiske stavelsestegn +Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks Stenalder-tal +Ideographic symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Ideogram-symboler og -tegnsætning +Latin extended A UnicodeBlocks Latin, udvidet A +Tangut components UnicodeBlocks Tangut-komponenter +Miscellaneous symbols UnicodeBlocks Forskellige symboler +Saurashtra UnicodeBlocks Saurashtra +Optical character recognition UnicodeBlocks Optisk tegngenkendelse +Old Persian UnicodeBlocks Oldpersisk +Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Kombinerende diakritiske tegn, supplement +Myanmar UnicodeBlocks Burmesisk +Latin extended D UnicodeBlocks Latin, udvidet D +Byzantine musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Byzantinske musikalske symboler +Oriya UnicodeBlocks Oriya +Tibetan UnicodeBlocks Tibetansk +Ancient Greek numbers UnicodeBlocks Oldgræske tal +Vai UnicodeBlocks Vai +Yi Radicals UnicodeBlocks Yi-radikaler +Cyrillic extended B UnicodeBlocks Kyrillisk, udvidet B +Mongolian supplement UnicodeBlocks Mongolsk, supplement +Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs UnicodeBlocks Supplerende symboler og piktogrammer +Quit CharacterWindow Afslut +Ancient symbols UnicodeBlocks Antikke symboler +Newa UnicodeBlocks Newa +Adlam UnicodeBlocks Adlam +Braille patterns UnicodeBlocks Braillé-mønstre +New Tai Lue UnicodeBlocks Nyt Tai Lue +Runic UnicodeBlocks Runer (Futhark) +Miscellaneous mathematical symbols B UnicodeBlocks Forskellige matematiske symboler, B +Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Kileskrift, tal og tegnsætning +Private use area UnicodeBlocks Privatområde +CJK unified ideographs extension B UnicodeBlocks CJK, forenede ideografer, udvidet B +Phags-pa UnicodeBlocks Phags-pa +Kangxi radicals UnicodeBlocks Kangxi-radikaler +Dingbats UnicodeBlocks Dingbat-tegn +Tai Xuan Jing symbols UnicodeBlocks Tai-Xuang-Jing-symboler +Yi syllables UnicodeBlocks Yi-stavelser +Buhid UnicodeBlocks Buhid +Telugu UnicodeBlocks Telugu +Superscripts and subscripts UnicodeBlocks Hævet og sænket +Thai UnicodeBlocks Thailandsk +Osage UnicodeBlocks Osage +Deseret UnicodeBlocks Deseret +Tifinagh UnicodeBlocks Tifinagh +Gurmukhi UnicodeBlocks Gurmukhi +CharacterMap System name Tegnoversigt +Lao UnicodeBlocks Laotisk +Gothic UnicodeBlocks Gotisk +Limbu UnicodeBlocks Limbu +Rejang UnicodeBlocks Rejang +Show private blocks CharacterWindow Vis private blokke +Phoenician UnicodeBlocks Fønikisk +Mongolian UnicodeBlocks Mongolsk +Supplemental arrows A UnicodeBlocks Supplement til pile, A +Miscellaneous symbols and arrows UnicodeBlocks Forskellige symboler og pile +Yijing hexagram symbols UnicodeBlocks Yijing, heksagram-symboler +Supplemental mathematical operators UnicodeBlocks Supplement til matematiske operatorer +Enclosed CJK letters and months UnicodeBlocks CJK, lukkede bogstaver og måneder +Kayah Li UnicodeBlocks Kayah Li +Alphabetic presentation forms UnicodeBlocks Alfabetiske præsentations-former +Halfwidth and fullwidth forms UnicodeBlocks Halvbredde- og fuldbredde-former +Lydian UnicodeBlocks Lydisk +Ethiopic supplement UnicodeBlocks Etiopisk, supplement +Glagolitic supplement UnicodeBlocks Glagolitisk supplement +CJK unified ideographs extension E UnicodeBlocks CJK, forenede ideografer, udvidet E +Latin extended B UnicodeBlocks Latin, udvidet B +Box drawing UnicodeBlocks Kasse-tegning +Mathematical alphanumeric symbols UnicodeBlocks Matematiske alfanumeriske symboler +Copy character CharacterView Kopiér tegn +Greek and Coptic UnicodeBlocks Græsk og koptisk +Carian UnicodeBlocks Karisk +Georgian UnicodeBlocks Georgisk +Phaistos disc UnicodeBlocks Faistos-diskos (den Minoiske kalender) +Shavian UnicodeBlocks Shaviansk +CJK compatibility UnicodeBlocks CJK, kompatibilitet +Malayalam UnicodeBlocks Malayalam +N'Ko UnicodeBlocks N'Ko +Kannada UnicodeBlocks Kannada +Copy as escaped byte string CharacterView Kopiér som kodeskiftet byte-tegnfølge +Phonetic extensions supplement UnicodeBlocks Fonetisk supplement, udvidet +Domino tiles UnicodeBlocks Dominobrikker +Bhaiksuki UnicodeBlocks Bhaiksuki +Katakana phonetic extensions UnicodeBlocks Katakana, fonetiske udvidelser diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/it.catkeys index 05e4b0a466..038f5a5b2c 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/it.catkeys @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Buginese UnicodeBlocks Buginese Bopomofo UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo Code CharacterWindow Codice Lepcha UnicodeBlocks Lepcha -Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Sinhala +Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Singalese Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Notazione musicale Greco Antico Early Dynastic Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Cuneiforme (Antica Dinastia) Geometric shapes UnicodeBlocks Forme geometriche diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ace57afc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/charactermap/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-CharacterMap 3234680527 +Enclosed alphanumerics UnicodeBlocks Caracteres delimitados +Basic Latin UnicodeBlocks Latim Básico +Cyrillic extended C UnicodeBlocks Cirílico Expandido C +View CharacterWindow Visualização +Cherokee supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento Cherokee +Latin-1 supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento do Latim-1 +Hebrew UnicodeBlocks Hebraico +Georgian supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento do Georgiano +Multani UnicodeBlocks Multani +CJK unified ideographs UnicodeBlocks Ideográficos CJK unificados +Modifier tone letters UnicodeBlocks Letras modificadoras de tom +Old Hungarian UnicodeBlocks Húngaro Antigo +Khmer UnicodeBlocks Khmer +Supplementary private use area A UnicodeBlocks Área de uso privado suplementar A +Hanunoo UnicodeBlocks Hanunoo +Latin extended additional UnicodeBlocks Latim expandido adicional +Arabic presentation forms A UnicodeBlocks Formas de apresentação Árabe A +Greek extended UnicodeBlocks Grego expandido +Linear B ideograms UnicodeBlocks Ideogramas B Lineares +Devanagari UnicodeBlocks Devanagari +Armenian UnicodeBlocks Arménio +Glagotic UnicodeBlocks Glagolítico +Mathematical operators UnicodeBlocks Operadores matemáticos +General punctuation UnicodeBlocks Pontuação geral +Miscellaneous technical UnicodeBlocks Caracteres técnicos diversos +Vertical forms UnicodeBlocks Formas verticais +Ol Chiki UnicodeBlocks Ol Chiki +Arabic UnicodeBlocks Árabe +Ethiopic extended UnicodeBlocks Etíope expandido +Arrows UnicodeBlocks Setas +Sutton SignWriting UnicodeBlocks Sutton SignWriting +Font CharacterWindow Tipo de letra +Hatran UnicodeBlocks Hatran +Variation selectors supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento de seletores de variação +Gujarati UnicodeBlocks Gujarati +Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Cuneiforme +CJK radicals supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento de radicais CJK +Balinese UnicodeBlocks Balinês +Cham UnicodeBlocks Cham +Specials UnicodeBlocks Especiais +Ahom UnicodeBlocks Ahom +CJK compatibility ideographs UnicodeBlocks Ideogramas de compatibilidade CJK +Phonetic extensions UnicodeBlocks Extensões fonéticas +Khmer symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos khmer +Tagbanwa UnicodeBlocks Tagbanwa +Kanbun UnicodeBlocks Kanbun +Syriac UnicodeBlocks Siríaco +CJK compatibility ideographs Supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento de ideogramas de compatibilidade CJK +Musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos musicais +Hangul syllables UnicodeBlocks Sílabas Hangul +Coptic UnicodeBlocks Copta +Tai Le UnicodeBlocks Tai Le +Mahjong tiles UnicodeBlocks Peças de Mahjong +Spacing modifier letters UnicodeBlocks Letras modificadoras de espaçamento +Aegean numbers UnicodeBlocks Números egeus +CJK strokes UnicodeBlocks Traços CJK +Old italic UnicodeBlocks Itálico antigo +Supplemental arrows B UnicodeBlocks Setas suplementares B +Cyrillic extended A UnicodeBlocks Cirílico expandido A +Kharoshthi UnicodeBlocks Kharoshthi +Cyrillic UnicodeBlocks Cirílico +Katakana UnicodeBlocks Katakana +Block elements UnicodeBlocks Elementos de bloco +Clear CharacterWindow Limpar +Sundanese UnicodeBlocks Sundanês +Miscellaneous mathematical symbols A UnicodeBlocks Símbolos matemáticos diversos A +Cyrillic supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento Cirílico +Small form variants UnicodeBlocks Variantes em formato pequeno +IPA extensions UnicodeBlocks Extensões IPA +Thaana UnicodeBlocks Thaana +Ogham UnicodeBlocks Ogham +Combining diacritical marks for symbols UnicodeBlocks Marcas de combinação diacrítica para símbolos +Syloti Nagri UnicodeBlocks Syloti Nagri +Arabic supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento árabe +Latin extended C UnicodeBlocks Latim expandido C +Bopomofo extended UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo expandido +Lycian UnicodeBlocks Lício +Osmanya UnicodeBlocks Osmanya +Ethiopic UnicodeBlocks Etíope +Bengali UnicodeBlocks Bengali +Supplementary private use area B UnicodeBlocks Área de uso privado suplementar B +CJK unified ideographs extension A UnicodeBlocks Extensão de ideogramas CJK unificados A +Filter: CharacterWindow Filtrar: +Hangul compatibility Jamo UnicodeBlocks Hangul compatibilidade Jamo +Ideographic description characters UnicodeBlocks Caracteres de descrição ideográfica +Arabic presentation forms B UnicodeBlocks Formas de apresentação árabe B +CJK compatibility forms UnicodeBlocks Formas de compatibilidade CJK +Hiragana UnicodeBlocks Hiragana +Tagalog UnicodeBlocks Tagalog +Control pictures UnicodeBlocks Imagens de controlo +Variation selectors UnicodeBlocks Seletores de variação +Linear B syllabary UnicodeBlocks Silabaria B linear +Buginese UnicodeBlocks Buginês +Bopomofo UnicodeBlocks Bopomofo +Code CharacterWindow Código +Lepcha UnicodeBlocks Lepcha +Sinhala UnicodeBlocks Cingalês +Ancient Greek musical notation UnicodeBlocks Notação musical grega antiga +Early Dynastic Cuneiform UnicodeBlocks Cuneiforme do Dinástico Precoce +Geometric shapes UnicodeBlocks Formas geométricas +Hangul Jamo UnicodeBlocks Hangul Jamo +Tamil UnicodeBlocks Tâmil +Currency symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos de moeda +Combining diacritical marks UnicodeBlocks Marcas diacríticas de combinação +Anatolian hieroglyphs UnicodeBlocks Hieróglifos anatólicos +Supplement punctuation UnicodeBlocks Suplemento de pontuação +Unified Canadian Aboriginal syllabics UnicodeBlocks Silábicos aborígenes canadianos unificados +Marchen UnicodeBlocks Marchen +Ugaritic UnicodeBlocks Ugarítico +Tangut UnicodeBlocks Tangut +CJK symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Símbolos e pontuação CJK +File CharacterWindow Ficheiro +Number forms UnicodeBlocks Formas numéricas +Cherokee UnicodeBlocks Cherokee +Tags UnicodeBlocks Etiquetas +Cypriot syllabary UnicodeBlocks Silabaria cipriota +Counting rod numerals UnicodeBlocks Sistema numérico de varas +Ideographic symbols and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Símbolos e pontuação ideográficos +Latin extended A UnicodeBlocks Latim expandido A +Tangut components UnicodeBlocks Componentes Tangut +Miscellaneous symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos diversos +Saurashtra UnicodeBlocks Saurashtra +Optical character recognition UnicodeBlocks Reconhecimento ótico de caracteres +Old Persian UnicodeBlocks Persa antigo +Combining diacritical marks supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento de marcas combinatórias diacríticas +Myanmar UnicodeBlocks Birmanês +Latin extended D UnicodeBlocks Latim expandido D +Byzantine musical symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos musicais bizantinos +Oriya UnicodeBlocks Oriá +Tibetan UnicodeBlocks Tibetano +Ancient Greek numbers UnicodeBlocks Números do grego antigo +Vai UnicodeBlocks Vai +Yi Radicals UnicodeBlocks Radicais Yi +Cyrillic extended B UnicodeBlocks Cirílico expandido B +Mongolian supplement UnicodeBlocks Suplemento mongol +Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs UnicodeBlocks Símbolos e pictogramas suplementares +Quit CharacterWindow Sair +Ancient symbols UnicodeBlocks Símbolos antigos +Newa UnicodeBlocks Newa +Adlam UnicodeBlocks Adlam +Braille patterns UnicodeBlocks Padrões de Braille +Runic UnicodeBlocks Rúnico +Miscellaneous mathematical symbols B UnicodeBlocks Símbolos matemáticos diversos B +Cuneiform numbers and punctuation UnicodeBlocks Números e pontuação cuneiforme +Private use area UnicodeBlocks Área de uso privado +CJK unified ideographs extension B UnicodeBlocks Extensão de ideogramas CJK unificados B +Dingbats UnicodeBlocks Dingbats +CharacterMap System name Mapa de Caracteres diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/clock/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/clock/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8647e25714 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/clock/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Clock 1361795373 +Clock System name Ur diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/clock/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/clock/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..155bc1d881 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/clock/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Clock 1361795373 +Clock System name Relógio diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6165e578e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-CodyCam 2593355250 +destination directory expected CodyCam destination folder forventet +reply: '%s'\n SftpClient svar: '%s'\n +JPEG image CodyCam JPEG billede +Remote host has closed the connection.\n FtpClient Modpart har lukket forbindelsen.\n +image file format expected CodyCam billedfilformat forventet +Every 30 minutes CodyCam Hvert 30. minut +Capturing Image… VideoConsumer.cpp Henter billede… +Cannot start time source! CodyCam Kan ikke starte tids kilde! +Waiting… CodyCam Venter… +Passive FTP CodyCam Passiv FTP +Every 10 minutes CodyCam Hvert 10. minut +Every minute CodyCam Hvert minut +Capture Rate Menu CodyCam Optagelsesrate-menu +Cannot seek time source! CodyCam Kan ikke søge i tids kilden! +Server login failed VideoConsumer.cpp Serverlogin mislykkedes +on or off expected Settings Do not translate 'on' and 'off' on eller off forventet +invalid upload client %ld\n VideoConsumer.cpp ugyldig upload klient %ld\n +Every 30 seconds CodyCam Hvert 30. sekund +Cannot create a video window CodyCam Kan ikke oprette et video vindue +Cannot register the video window CodyCam Kan ikke registrere video vinduet +capture rate expected CodyCam hentningsfrekvens forventet +Quit CodyCam Afslut +Cannot connect the video source to the video window CodyCam Kan ikke forbinde video kilden til video vinduet +read: %d\n SftpClient læst: %d\n +Every 2 hours CodyCam Hver 2. time +Cannot get a time source CodyCam Kan ikke finde en tids kilde +Every 4 hours CodyCam Hver 4. time +cmd: '%s'\n FtpClient cmd: '%s'\n +Closing the window VideoConsumer.cpp Lukker vinduet +Never CodyCam Aldrig +Every 8 hours CodyCam Hver 8. time +Cannot start the video source CodyCam Kan ikke starte video kilden +Cannot set the time source for the video source CodyCam Kan ikke sætte tids kilden for video kilden +Renaming… VideoConsumer.cpp Omdøber… +Send to… CodyCam Send til… +Password: CodyCam Adgangskode: +still image filename expected CodyCam billedfilnavn forventet +File name: CodyCam Filnavn: +Directory: CodyCam Folder: +Error setting type of output file VideoConsumer.cpp Fejl ved indstilling af typen på outputfil +Locking the window VideoConsumer.cpp Låser vinduet +Cannot find an available video stream CodyCam Kunne ikke finde tilgængelig video strøm +Upload… VideoConsumer.cpp Upload… +password expected CodyCam adgangskode forventet +PASS (real password sent)\n FtpClient PASS (rigtige adgangskode sendt)\n +SFTP CodyCam SFTP +Output CodyCam Output +server address expected CodyCam server adresse forventet +Cannot start the video window CodyCam Kan ikke starte video vinduet +reply: %d, %d\n FtpClient svar: %d, %d\n +Cannot set the time source for the video window CodyCam Kan ikke sætte tids kilden for video vinduet +Every 15 minutes CodyCam Hvert 15. minut +Every 24 hours CodyCam Hver 24. time +Image Format Menu CodyCam Billedformat-menu +Every 5 minutes CodyCam Hvert 5. minut +File upload failed VideoConsumer.cpp Upload af fil mislykkedes +Format: CodyCam Format: +Start video CodyCam Start video +Connected… VideoConsumer.cpp Forbundet… +upload client name expected CodyCam upload klient navn forventet +Every 15 seconds CodyCam Hvert 15. sekund +Error getting initial latency for the capture node CodyCam Fejl ved hentning af tidsforskydning for hentningsnode +password CodyCam adgangskode +Local CodyCam Lokal +Stop video CodyCam Stop video +Last Capture: VideoConsumer.cpp Sidste optagelse: +Rate: CodyCam Frekvens: +Couldn't find requested directory on server VideoConsumer.cpp Kunne ikke finde folder på serveren +Cannot find the media roster CodyCam Kan ikke finde medie listen +Type: CodyCam Type: +Rename failed VideoConsumer.cpp Omdøbning mislykkedes +unrecognized upload client specified CodyCam ikke identificeret upload klient specificeret +Server: CodyCam Server: +Login: CodyCam Login: +File CodyCam Fil +read: %ld\n SftpClient læst: %ld\n +Every hour CodyCam Hver time +login ID expected CodyCam login-id forventet +Video settings CodyCam Videoindstillinger +Can't find an available connection to the video window CodyCam Kan ikke finde en tilgængelig forbindelse til video vinduet +FTP CodyCam FTP +Error creating output file VideoConsumer.cpp Fejl ved oprettelse af outputfil +Cannot find a video source.\nYou need a webcam to use CodyCam. CodyCam Kan ikke finde en videokilde.\nDu skal have et webcam for at bruge CodyCam. +Logging in… VideoConsumer.cpp Logger ind… +CodyCam System name CodyCam +Error writing output file VideoConsumer.cpp Fejl ved skrivning til outputfil +Capture controls CodyCam Optagelse-styringer diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/it.catkeys index d97d6f1635..7c22d354c0 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-CodyCam 1770279704 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-CodyCam 2593355250 destination directory expected CodyCam cartella di destinazione non indicata reply: '%s'\n SftpClient ripeti: '%s'\n JPEG image CodyCam Immagine JPEG @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Every 2 hours CodyCam Ogni 2 ore Cannot get a time source CodyCam Impossibile ottenere il tempo di riferimento Every 4 hours CodyCam Ogni 4 ore cmd: '%s'\n FtpClient cmd: '%s'\n +Closing the window VideoConsumer.cpp Chiusura della finestra Never CodyCam Mai Every 8 hours CodyCam Ogni 8 ore Cannot start the video source CodyCam Impossibile attivare la sorgente video @@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ still image filename expected CodyCam nome file per l'immagine statica non indi File name: CodyCam Nome del file: Directory: CodyCam Cartella: Error setting type of output file VideoConsumer.cpp Errore durante l'impostazione del tipo di file in output +Locking the window VideoConsumer.cpp Blocco della finestra Cannot find an available video stream CodyCam Impossibile trovare un flusso video disponibile Upload… VideoConsumer.cpp Carica… password expected CodyCam password non indicata diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/pt.catkeys index f45043ae32..2539370931 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/codycam/pt.catkeys @@ -1,2 +1,88 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku.CodyCam 3534152754 +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-CodyCam 2593355250 +destination directory expected CodyCam pasta de destino esperada +reply: '%s'\n SftpClient resposta: '%s'\n +JPEG image CodyCam Imagem JPEG +Remote host has closed the connection.\n FtpClient O anfitrião remoto fechou a ligação.\n +image file format expected CodyCam formato de imagem de arquivo esperado +Every 30 minutes CodyCam Cada 30 minutos +Capturing Image… VideoConsumer.cpp A capturar imagem… +Cannot start time source! CodyCam Iniciação da fonte de horário falhou! +Waiting… CodyCam A aguardar… +Passive FTP CodyCam FTP Passivo +Every 10 minutes CodyCam Cada 10 minutos +Every minute CodyCam Cada minuto +Capture Rate Menu CodyCam Menu de taxa de captura +Cannot seek time source! CodyCam Não é possível buscar fonte de tempo! +Server login failed VideoConsumer.cpp A entrada no servidor falhou +on or off expected Settings Do not translate 'on' and 'off' esperado on ou off +invalid upload client %ld\n VideoConsumer.cpp cliente inválido de upload %ld\n +Every 30 seconds CodyCam Cada 30 segundos +Cannot create a video window CodyCam Incapaz de criar uma janela de vídeo +Cannot register the video window CodyCam Registro da janela de video terminou com insucesso +capture rate expected CodyCam taxa de captura de espera +Quit CodyCam Sair +Cannot connect the video source to the video window CodyCam Não é possível conectar a fonte de vídeo para a janela de vídeo +read: %d\n SftpClient lido: %d\n +Every 2 hours CodyCam Cada 2 horas +Cannot get a time source CodyCam Fonte de horario nao disponível +Every 4 hours CodyCam Cada 4 horas +cmd: '%s'\n FtpClient cmd: '%s'\n +Closing the window VideoConsumer.cpp A fechar a janela +Never CodyCam Nunca +Every 8 hours CodyCam Cada 8 horas +Cannot start the video source CodyCam Incapaz de iniciar a fonte de vídeo +Cannot set the time source for the video source CodyCam Não é possível definir a fonte de tempo para a fonte de vídeo +Renaming… VideoConsumer.cpp A alterar o nome… +Send to… CodyCam Enviar para… +Password: CodyCam Palavra-passe: +still image filename expected CodyCam nome de ficheiro da imagem fixa esperado File name: CodyCam Nome do ficheiro: +Directory: CodyCam Pasta: +Error setting type of output file VideoConsumer.cpp Error na inicialização da gravação do fichiero +Locking the window VideoConsumer.cpp A bloquear a janela +Cannot find an available video stream CodyCam Fonte de video não disponível +Upload… VideoConsumer.cpp Carregar… +password expected CodyCam palavra-passe esperada +PASS (real password sent)\n FtpClient PASS (enviada palavra-passe real)\n +SFTP CodyCam SFTP +Output CodyCam Emissor +server address expected CodyCam endereço esperado do servidor +Cannot start the video window CodyCam Incapaz de iniciar a janela de vídeo +reply: %d, %d\n FtpClient resposta: %d, %d\n +Cannot set the time source for the video window CodyCam Não é possível definir a fonte de tempo para a janela de vídeo +Every 15 minutes CodyCam Cada 15 minutos +Every 24 hours CodyCam A cada 24 horas +Image Format Menu CodyCam Imagem Formato Menu +Every 5 minutes CodyCam Cada 5 minutos +File upload failed VideoConsumer.cpp Falhou o carregamento do ficheiro +Format: CodyCam Formato: +Start video CodyCam Iniciar vídeo +Connected… VideoConsumer.cpp Ligado… +upload client name expected CodyCam carregar o nome do cliente esperado +Every 15 seconds CodyCam A cada 15 segundos +Error getting initial latency for the capture node CodyCam Erro ao obter latência inicial para o nó de captura +password CodyCam palavra-passe +Local CodyCam Local +Stop video CodyCam Encerrar video +Last Capture: VideoConsumer.cpp Última Captura: +Rate: CodyCam Taxa: +Couldn't find requested directory on server VideoConsumer.cpp Não foi possível localizar o diretório solicitado no servidor +Cannot find the media roster CodyCam Não é possível encontrar a lista de média +Type: CodyCam Tipo: +Rename failed VideoConsumer.cpp Renomeação falhou +unrecognized upload client specified CodyCam ignorado o upload especifique o cliente +Server: CodyCam Servidor: +Login: CodyCam Login: +File CodyCam Ficheiro +read: %ld\n SftpClient lido: %ld\n +Every hour CodyCam Cada hora +login ID expected CodyCam esperado ID de acesso +Video settings CodyCam Definições de vídeo +Can't find an available connection to the video window CodyCam Conexão a janela de video não disponível +FTP CodyCam FTP +Error creating output file VideoConsumer.cpp Erro a criar o ficheiro de saida +Cannot find a video source.\nYou need a webcam to use CodyCam. CodyCam Não foi encontrada uma origem de vídeo.\nÉ preciso uma câmara para utilizar a CodyCam. +Logging in… VideoConsumer.cpp A iniciar sessão… +CodyCam System name CodyCam +Error writing output file VideoConsumer.cpp Erro ao escrever o ficheiro de saída +Capture controls CodyCam Capturar controles diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/da.catkeys index 0ea549ab99..2045eb1720 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/da.catkeys @@ -1,3 +1,50 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Be-TSKB 1884644663 +1 danish x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2656653225 +Power off DeskbarMenu Sluk +Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Sortér programmer efter navn +Suspend DeskbarMenu Suspendér +Hide clock TimeView Skjul ur Applications PreferencesWindow Programmer -Recent applications BeMenu Seneste programmer +Time preferences… TimeView Tidspræferencer… +About Haiku DeskbarMenu Om Haiku +Edit in Tracker… PreferencesWindow Rediger i Tracker… +Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Seneste dokumenter: +Recent applications DeskbarMenu Seneste programmer +Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Programmer +Find… DeskbarMenu Find… +Show clock Tray Vis ur +Window PreferencesWindow Vindue +Defaults PreferencesWindow Standarder +Menu PreferencesWindow Menu +Recent documents DeskbarMenu Seneste dokumenter +Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Skjul automatisk +Always on top PreferencesWindow Altid oven på + DeskbarMenu +Show all WindowMenu Vis alle +No windows WindowMenu Ingen vinduer +Deskbar System name Skrivebordslinje +Restart system DeskbarMenu Genstart systemet +Large PreferencesWindow Stor +Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Auto hæv +Recent folders: PreferencesWindow Seneste foldere: +Show application expander PreferencesWindow Vis program udvider +Close all WindowMenu Luk alle +Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Skrivebordslinje-præferencer +Mount DeskbarMenu Monter +Revert PreferencesWindow Tilbagefør +Small PreferencesWindow Lille +Recent applications: PreferencesWindow Seneste programmer: +Shutdown… DeskbarMenu Luk ned… +Tracker always first PreferencesWindow Tracker altid først +Preferences B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Preferences Præferencer +Recent folders DeskbarMenu Seneste mapper +About this system DeskbarMenu Om systemet +Show calendar… TimeView Vis kalender… +Deskbar preferences… DeskbarMenu Skrivebordslinje-præferencer… +Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Udvid nye programmer +Show replicants DeskbarMenu Vis replikanter +Hide application names PreferencesWindow Skjul programnavne +Demos B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Demos Demoer +Icon size PreferencesWindow Ikonstørrelse +Desktop applets B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Desktop applets Skrivebordsappletter +Hide all WindowMenu Skjul alle +Quit application WindowMenu Afslut program diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/pt.catkeys index ef5b318d15..3ea5dee917 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/deskbar/pt.catkeys @@ -1,38 +1,50 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 3232664655 - BeMenu -Always on top PreferencesWindow Sempre visível +1 portuguese x-vnd.Be-TSKB 2656653225 +Power off DeskbarMenu Desligar +Sort applications by name PreferencesWindow Ordenar aplicações por nome +Suspend DeskbarMenu Suspender +Hide clock TimeView Esconder relógio Applications PreferencesWindow Aplicações +Time preferences… TimeView Preferências de data e hora… +About Haiku DeskbarMenu Acerca do Haiku +Edit in Tracker… PreferencesWindow Editar no Tracker… +Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Documentos recentes: +Recent applications DeskbarMenu Aplicações recentes +Applications B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Applications Aplicações +Find… DeskbarMenu Procurar… +Show clock Tray Mostrar relógio +Window PreferencesWindow Janela +Defaults PreferencesWindow Predefinições +Menu PreferencesWindow Menu +Recent documents DeskbarMenu Documentos recentes +Auto-hide PreferencesWindow Ocultar automaticamente +Always on top PreferencesWindow Sempre visível + DeskbarMenu +Show all WindowMenu Mostrar todas +No windows WindowMenu Não mostrar janelas +Deskbar System name Deskbar +Restart system DeskbarMenu Reiniciar sistema +Large PreferencesWindow Grandes Auto-raise PreferencesWindow Elevar automaticamente -Change time… TimeView Mudar hora… -Clock PreferencesWindow Relógio +Recent folders: PreferencesWindow Pastas recentes: +Show application expander PreferencesWindow Mostrar expansor de aplicação Close all WindowMenu Fechar todas Deskbar preferences PreferencesWindow Preferências da Deskbar -Deskbar preferences… BeMenu Preferências da Deskbar… -Edit menu… PreferencesWindow Editar menu… -Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Expandir novas aplicações -Find… BeMenu Localizar… -Hide all WindowMenu Ocultar todas -Hide time TimeView Ocultar hora -Menu PreferencesWindow Menu -Mount BeMenu Montar -No windows WindowMenu Não mostrar janelas -Power off BeMenu Desligar -Quit application WindowMenu Sair da aplicação -Recent applications BeMenu Aplicações recentes +Mount DeskbarMenu Montar +Revert PreferencesWindow Reverter +Small PreferencesWindow Pequenos Recent applications: PreferencesWindow Aplicações recentes: -Recent documents BeMenu Documentos recentes -Recent documents: PreferencesWindow Documentos recentes: -Recent folders BeMenu Pastas recentes -Recent folders: PreferencesWindow Pastas recentes: -Restart Tracker BeMenu Reiniciar o Tracker -Restart system BeMenu Reiniciar sistema -Show Time Tray Mostrar hora -Show all WindowMenu Mostrar todas -Show application expander PreferencesWindow Mostrar expansor de aplicação -Show calendar… TimeView Mostrar calendário... -Show replicants BeMenu Mostrar replicantes -Show seconds PreferencesWindow Mostrar segundos -Shutdown… BeMenu Encerrar… -Sort running applications PreferencesWindow Ordenar aplicações em execução +Shutdown… DeskbarMenu Encerrar… Tracker always first PreferencesWindow Tracker sempre visível -Window PreferencesWindow Janela +Preferences B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Preferences Preferências +Recent folders DeskbarMenu Pastas recentes +About this system DeskbarMenu Sobre este sistema +Show calendar… TimeView Mostrar calendário… +Deskbar preferences… DeskbarMenu Preferências da Deskbar… +Expand new applications PreferencesWindow Expandir novas aplicações +Show replicants DeskbarMenu Mostrar replicantes +Hide application names PreferencesWindow Esconder os nomes das aplicações +Demos B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Demos Demonstrações +Icon size PreferencesWindow Tamanho dos ícones +Desktop applets B_USER_DESKBAR_DIRECTORY/Desktop applets Applets da Área de Trabalho +Hide all WindowMenu Ocultar todas +Quit application WindowMenu Sair da aplicação diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..713a0e1622 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DeskCalc 2904979661 +cos CalcView cos +acos CalcView acos +7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n CalcView 7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n +C CalcView Key label, 'C' means clear C +ceil CalcView ceil +cbrt CalcView cbrt +BS CalcView Key label, 'BS' means backspace BS +floor CalcView floor +sin CalcView sin +sinh CalcView sinh +tanh CalcView tanh +cosh CalcView cosh +ln CalcView ln +Compact CalcView Kompakt +Calculating CalcView Udregner +Enable Num Lock on startup CalcView Aktivér Num Lock ved opstart +Scientific CalcView Videnskabelig +log CalcView log +sqrt CalcView sqrt +asin CalcView asin +Radians CalcView Radianer +tan CalcView tan +exp CalcView exp +Audio Feedback CalcView Lydfeedback +atan CalcView atan +ln sin cos tan π \nlog asin acos atan sqrt \nexp sinh cosh tanh cbrt \n! ceil floor E ^ \n7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n CalcView ln sin cos tan π \nlog asin acos atan sqrt \nexp sinh cosh tanh cbrt \n! ceil floor E ^ \n7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n +DeskCalc System name Skrivebordslommeregner +Degrees CalcView Grader +Basic CalcView Grundlæggende diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/it.catkeys index 2de5384cb0..efe364feb4 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/it.catkeys @@ -1,10 +1,30 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-DeskCalc 1694821448 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-DeskCalc 2904979661 +cos CalcView cos +acos CalcView arccos +7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n CalcView 7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n +C CalcView Key label, 'C' means clear C +ceil CalcView eccesso +cbrt CalcView ∛ +BS CalcView Key label, 'BS' means backspace BS +floor CalcView difetto +sin CalcView sen +sinh CalcView senh +tanh CalcView tanh +cosh CalcView cosh +ln CalcView ln Compact CalcView Compatta Calculating CalcView Calcolo in corso Enable Num Lock on startup CalcView Attiva BlocNum all'avvio Scientific CalcView Scientifica +log CalcView log +sqrt CalcView √ +asin CalcView arcsen Radians CalcView Radianti +tan CalcView tan +exp CalcView exp Audio Feedback CalcView Restituire feedback sonoro +atan CalcView arctan +ln sin cos tan π \nlog asin acos atan sqrt \nexp sinh cosh tanh cbrt \n! ceil floor E ^ \n7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n CalcView ln sen cos tan π \nlog arcsen arccos arctan √ \nexp senh cosh tanh ∛ \n! eccesso difetto E ^ \n7 8 9 ( ) \n4 5 6 * / \n1 2 3 + - \n0 . BS = C \n DeskCalc System name DeskCalc Degrees CalcView Gradi Basic CalcView Normale diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9009ceec42 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/deskcalc/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DeskCalc 1694821448 +Compact CalcView Compacta +Calculating CalcView A calcular +Enable Num Lock on startup CalcView Ativar Num Lock ao iniciar +Scientific CalcView Científica +Radians CalcView Radianos +Audio Feedback CalcView Feedback Sonoro +DeskCalc System name DeskCalc +Degrees CalcView Graus +Basic CalcView Básica diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/devices/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a900b9b40d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 3345509916 +ACPI bus DevicesView ACPI-bus +Encryption controller Device Krypterings-kontroller +Bus Information Device Bus-information +Devices System name Enheder +Graphics Peripheral DeviceSCSI Grafisk perifer +Processor Device Processor +Generate system information DevicesView Generer systeminformation +Class info DevicePCI Klasseinfo +ACPI Information DeviceACPI ACPI-information +Detailed DevicesView Detaljer +Computer DevicesView Computer +Communications DeviceSCSI Kommunikation +Class Info:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% DeviceSCSI Klasseinfo:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% +Mass storage controller Device Masselagerings-kontroller +Connection DevicesView Forbindelse +Printer DeviceSCSI Printer +ACPI Processor Namespace '%2' DeviceACPI ACPI-processor-navnerum '%2' +SCSI Information DeviceSCSI SCSI-information +Manufacturer Device Producent +Device name: Device Enhedsnavn: +Scanner DeviceSCSI Skanner +Memory controller Device Hukommelse-kontroller +Unknown device DevicesView Ukendt enhed +Unknown DevicePCI Ukendt +ACPI node '%1' DeviceACPI ACPI-knudepunkt '%1' +Optical Drive DeviceSCSI Optisk drev +Name PropertyList Navn +Manufacturer DeviceSCSI Producent +Device Name\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nManufacturer\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nDriver used\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nDevice paths\t: %DevicePaths% Device Enhedsnavn\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nProducent\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nAnvendt driver\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nEnhedsstier\t: %DevicePaths% +Device name Device Enhedsnavn +Satellite communications controller Device Satellit kommunikation-kontroller +Device class DeviceSCSI Enhedsklasse +Device Device Enhed +Input device controller Device Inputenheds-kontroller +PCI bus DevicesView PCI-bus +ACPI System Indicator DeviceACPI ACPI systemindikator +ACPI System Bus DeviceACPI ACPI systembus +PCI Information DevicePCI PCI-information +Tape Drive DeviceSCSI Bånddrev +Changer DeviceSCSI Skifter +Serial bus controller Device Seriel bus-kontroller +Refresh devices DevicesView Genopfrisk enheder +Category DevicesView Kategori +RBC DeviceSCSI RBC +None Device Ingen +Device paths Device Enhedsstier +Unknown device Device Ukendt enhed +Wireless controller Device Trådlås-kontroller +Generic system peripheral Device Generisk systemperifer +Value PropertyList Værdi +Devices DevicesView Enheder +Device name DeviceACPI Enhedsnavn +Card Reader DeviceSCSI Kortlæser +Display controller Device Skærm-kontroller +Basic information DevicesView Grundlæggende information +ACPI Button '%1' DeviceACPI ACPI-knap '%1' +Bus DevicesView Bus +ACPI DeviceACPI ACPI +Device name DevicePCI Enhedsnavn +Disk Drive DeviceSCSI Diskdrev +Other DeviceSCSI Andet +Report compatibility DevicesView Rapportér kompatibilitet +Computer Device Computer +PCI bus Device PCI-bus +Enclosure DeviceSCSI Enclosure +Order by: DevicesView Sortér efter: +ACPI Thermal Zone DeviceACPI ACPI termiskzone +Intelligent controller Device Intelligent kontroller +Multimedia controller Device Multimedie-kontroller +Quit DevicesView Afslut +ISA bus Device ISA-bus +ISA bus DevicesView ISA-bus +Processor DeviceSCSI Processor +Manufacturer: Device Producent: +Class Info:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% DeviceACPI Klasseinfo:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% +Bridge Device Bro +Worm DeviceSCSI Orm +CD-ROM DeviceSCSI CD-ROM +Manufacturer DevicePCI Producent +Bridge DeviceSCSI Bro +Signal processing controller Device Signalbehandling-kontroller +Device name DeviceSCSI Enhedsnavn +Docking station Device Dokingstation +Array DeviceSCSI Array +Unclassified device Device Uklassificeret enhed +ACPI controller Device ACPI-kontroller +Network controller Device Netværks-kontroller +Driver used Device Anvendt driver +Communication controller Device Kommunikations-kontroller +ACPI bus Device ACPI-bus +unknown Device ukendt diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/devices/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/it.catkeys index 84f1a9e775..4a63a44fd7 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/devices/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 490380176 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 3345509916 ACPI bus DevicesView Bus ACPI Encryption controller Device Controller di cifratura Bus Information Device Informazioni Bus @@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ Device name DeviceACPI Nome del dispositivo Card Reader DeviceSCSI Lettore di schede Display controller Device Controller schermo Basic information DevicesView Informazioni di base +ACPI Button '%1' DeviceACPI Pulsante ACPI '%1' Bus DevicesView Bus +ACPI DeviceACPI ACPI Device name DevicePCI Nome del dispositivo Disk Drive DeviceSCSI Unità disco Other DeviceSCSI Altro diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/devices/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8eeff790df --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/devices/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 3345509916 +ACPI bus DevicesView Barramento ACPI +Encryption controller Device Controlador de encriptação +Bus Information Device Informação de Bus +Devices System name Dispositivos +Graphics Peripheral DeviceSCSI Periférico de Gráficos +Processor Device Processador +Generate system information DevicesView Gerar informação do sistema +Class info DevicePCI Informação de classe +ACPI Information DeviceACPI Informação ACPI +Detailed DevicesView Detalhada +Computer DevicesView Computador +Communications DeviceSCSI Comunicações +Class Info:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% DeviceSCSI Informação de Classe:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% +Mass storage controller Device Controlador de armazenamento em massa +Connection DevicesView Conexão +Printer DeviceSCSI Impressora +ACPI Processor Namespace '%2' DeviceACPI Espaço de Nome de Processador ACPI '%2' +SCSI Information DeviceSCSI Informação de SCSI +Manufacturer Device Fabricante +Device name: Device Nome do dispositivo: +Scanner DeviceSCSI Scanner +Memory controller Device Controlador de memória +Unknown device DevicesView Dispositivo desconhecido +Unknown DevicePCI Desconhecido +ACPI node '%1' DeviceACPI Nó de ACPI '%1' +Optical Drive DeviceSCSI Unidade Ótica +Name PropertyList Nome +Manufacturer DeviceSCSI Fabricante +Device Name\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nManufacturer\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nDriver used\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nDevice paths\t: %DevicePaths% Device Nome de Dispositivo\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nFabricante\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nControlador utilizado\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nCaminhos de dispositivo\t: %DevicePaths% +Device name Device Nome de dispositivo +Satellite communications controller Device Controlador de comunicações por satélite +Device class DeviceSCSI Classe de dispositivo +Device Device Dispositivo +Input device controller Device Controlador de dispositivo de introdução +PCI bus DevicesView Barramento PCI +ACPI System Indicator DeviceACPI Indicador de Sistema de ACPI +ACPI System Bus DeviceACPI Barramento de Sistema ACPI +PCI Information DevicePCI Informação PCI +Tape Drive DeviceSCSI Dispositivo de Fita Magnética +Changer DeviceSCSI Trocador +Serial bus controller Device Controlador de barramento em série +Refresh devices DevicesView Atualizar lista de dispositivos +Category DevicesView Categoria +RBC DeviceSCSI RBC +None Device Nenhum +Device paths Device Localização dos dispositivos +Unknown device Device Dispositivo desconhecido +Wireless controller Device Controlador sem fios +Generic system peripheral Device Periférico genérico de sistema +Value PropertyList Valor +Devices DevicesView Dispositivos +Device name DeviceACPI Nome de dispositivo +Card Reader DeviceSCSI Leitor de Cartões +Display controller Device Controlador de ecrã +Basic information DevicesView Informação básica +ACPI Button '%1' DeviceACPI Botão ACPI '%1' +Bus DevicesView Barramento +ACPI DeviceACPI ACPI +Device name DevicePCI Nome de dispositivo +Disk Drive DeviceSCSI Unidade de Disco +Other DeviceSCSI Outro +Report compatibility DevicesView Reportar compatibilidade +Computer Device Computador +PCI bus Device Barramento PCI +Enclosure DeviceSCSI Enclosure +Order by: DevicesView Ordenar por: +ACPI Thermal Zone DeviceACPI Zona Térmica de ACPI +Intelligent controller Device Controlador inteligente +Multimedia controller Device Controlador multimédia +Quit DevicesView Sair +ISA bus Device Barramento ISA +ISA bus DevicesView Barramento ISA +Processor DeviceSCSI Processador +Manufacturer: Device Fabricante: +Class Info:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% DeviceACPI Informação de Classe:\t\t\t\t: %classInfo% +Bridge Device Ponte +Worm DeviceSCSI Worm +CD-ROM DeviceSCSI CD-ROM +Manufacturer DevicePCI Fabricante +Bridge DeviceSCSI Bridge +Signal processing controller Device Controlador do processador de sinal +Device name DeviceSCSI Nome de dispositivo +Docking station Device Estação de ancoragem +Array DeviceSCSI Matriz +Unclassified device Device Dispositivo não classificado +ACPI controller Device Controlador ACPI +Network controller Device Controlador de rede +Driver used Device Controlador utilizado +Communication controller Device Controlador de comunicações +ACPI bus Device Barramento ACPI +unknown Device desconhecido diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b41c769b58 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2944605311 +Raw editor AttributeWindow Rå editor +Remove AttributeWindow Fjern +Close ProbeView Luk +Boolean value: TypeEditors Boolesk værdi: +File ProbeView Fil +Block size ProbeView Menu item. This is in the same menu window than 'Base' and 'Font size' Blokstørrelse +MIME type editor TypeEditors MIME-type-editor +Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadecimal +16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 16 bit værdi uden fortegn: +8 bit signed value: TypeEditors 8 bit værdi med fortegn: + (native) ProbeView (oprindelig) +Attribute offset: ProbeView Attributforskydning: +Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Tekst +File offset: ProbeView Filforskydning: +Add ProbeView Tilføj +64 bit signed value: TypeEditors 64 bit værdi med fortegn: +Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Vil du virkelig fjerne attributten \"%s\" fra filen \"%s\"?\n\nDu kan ikke fortryde handlingen. +No type editor available AttributeWindow Ingen type-editor tilgængelig +Print… ProbeView Udskriv… +New… FileWindow Ny… +what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. hvad: '%.4s'\n\n +OK DiskProbe OK +DiskProbe System name Disksondering +Back ProbeView Tilbage +Device: ProbeView Enhed: +Base ProbeView A menu item, the number that is basis for a system of calculation. The base 10 system is a decimal system. This is in the same menu window than 'Font size' and 'BlockSize' Base +Open file… FileWindow Åbn fil… +32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors 32 bit pointer uden fortegn: +DiskProbe request DiskProbe Disksonderingsanmodning +Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex +Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView Skrivning til filen mislykkedes:\n%s\n\nAlle ændringer går tabt når du afslutter. +Examine device: OpenWindow Undersøg enhed: +Number editor TypeEditors Nummer-editor +Icon TypeEditors Ikon +Attribute ProbeView Attribut +Don't save ProbeView Gem ikke +Undo ProbeView Fortryd +Flattened bitmap TypeEditors Fladgjort bitmap +Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Blok %Ld (0x%Lx) +Cancel OpenWindow Annuller +Unknown format TypeEditors Ukendt format +File: ProbeView Fil: +Swapped: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Ombyggede: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) +Stop ProbeView Stop +Cancel ProbeView Annuller +Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. Kunne ikke åbne \"%s\":\n%s +Font size ProbeView Skriftstørrelse +Type editor not supported ProbeView Type-editor understøttes ikke +Native: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Oprindelig: 0x%0*Lx +Copy ProbeView Kopiér +Redo ProbeView Omgør +Floating-point value: TypeEditors Flydende kommatal-værdi: +Cancel AttributeWindow Annuller +16 bit signed value: TypeEditors 16 bit værdi med fortegn: +DiskProbe request AttributeWindow Disksonderingsanmodning +Next ProbeView Næste +64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors 64 bit forskydning med fortegn: +32 bit signed value: TypeEditors 32 bit værdi med fortegn: +Could not find search string. ProbeView Kunne ikke finde søgestreng. +Close FileWindow Luk +Unknown type TypeEditors Ukendt type +Open device FileWindow Åbn enhed +Number: TypeEditors Nummer: +Quit FileWindow Afslut +Text FindWindow Tekst +Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blok 0x%Lx +Attribute AttributeWindow Attribut +Mode: FindWindow Tilstand: +16 bit TypeEditors 16 bit +32 bit size or status: TypeEditors 32 bit størrelse eller status: +of ProbeView af +Contents: TypeEditors Indhold: +Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Kunne ikke åbne filen \"%s\": %s\n +Probe file… OpenWindow Sondér fil… +Block: ProbeView Blok: +Bookmarks ProbeView Bogmærker +Probe device OpenWindow Sondér enhed +none ProbeView No attributes ingen +Case sensitive FindWindow Der skelnes mellem store og små bogstaver +32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 32 bit værdi uden fortegn: +Remove from file AttributeWindow Fjern fra fil +Attributes ProbeView Attributter +Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Meddelelse +Message View TypeEditors Meddelelsesvisning +Offset: ProbeView Forskydning: +Swapped: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Ombyttede: 0x%0*Lx +MIME type: TypeEditors MIME-type: +Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Tilpas +Type editor ProbeView Type-editor +File FileWindow Fil +Grayscale TypeEditors Gråtone +32 bit TypeEditors 32 bit +Native: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Oprindelig: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) +Device ProbeView Enhed +Close AttributeWindow Luk +Type editor AttributeWindow Type-editor +Save ProbeView Gem +of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. af 0x0 +Attribute type: ProbeView Attributtype: +15 bit TypeEditors 15 bit +Page setup… ProbeView Sideopsætning… +Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Boolesk +Icon view TypeEditors Ikonvisning +Select all ProbeView Vælg alt +64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 64 bit værdi uden fortegn: +OK ProbeView OK +Previous ProbeView Forrige +Selection ProbeView Valg +Find FindWindow Find +8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 8 bit værdi uden fortegn: +%ld (native) ProbeView %ld (oprindelig) +Attribute: ProbeView Attribut: +Block ProbeView Blok +Find again ProbeView Find igen +View ProbeView This is the last menubar item 'File Edit Block View' Vis +Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Kunne ikke læse billede +DiskProbe request ProbeView Disksonderingsanmodning +Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Flydende kommatal-værdi med dobbelt præcision: +Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Billede +Save changes before closing? ProbeView Gem ændringer inden lukning? +PNG format TypeEditors PNG-format +Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Nummer +Edit ProbeView Rediger +String editor TypeEditors Streng-editor +Boolean editor TypeEditors Boolesk-editor +Device offset: ProbeView Enhedsforskydning: +Find… ProbeView Find… +8 bit palette TypeEditors 8 bit palet +Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Decimal +Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Billedvisning +Paste ProbeView Indsæt +32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors 32 bit størrelse uden fortegn: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/it.catkeys index 4b67bd0752..f791e682f2 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/it.catkeys @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blocco 0x%Lx Attribute AttributeWindow Attributo Mode: FindWindow Modalità: 16 bit TypeEditors 16 bit -32 bit size or status: TypeEditors Dimensione o stato a 32 bit +32 bit size or status: TypeEditors Dimensione o stato a 32 bit: of ProbeView di Contents: TypeEditors Contenuti: Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Impossibile aprire il file \"%s\": %s\n @@ -130,4 +130,4 @@ Find… ProbeView Trova… Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Decimale Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Visuale immagine Paste ProbeView Incolla -32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Valore 32 bit senza segno: +32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Dimensione 32 bit senza segno: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2f60c8bb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/diskprobe/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2944605311 +Raw editor AttributeWindow Editor de ficheiro em formato 'raw' +Remove AttributeWindow Remover +Close ProbeView Fechar +Boolean value: TypeEditors Valor booleano: +File ProbeView Ficheiro +Block size ProbeView Menu item. This is in the same menu window than 'Base' and 'Font size' Tamanho do bloco +MIME type editor TypeEditors Editor de tipo MIME +Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadecimal +16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor 16 bit sem sinal: +8 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 8 bits com sinal: + (native) ProbeView (nativo) +Attribute offset: ProbeView Offset de atributo: +Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Texto +File offset: ProbeView Offset do ficheiro: +Add ProbeView Adicionar +64 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor 64 bit com sinal: +Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Deseja realmente remover o atributo \"%s\" do ficheiro \"%s\"?\n\nNão poderá anular essa acção. +No type editor available AttributeWindow Nenhum editor de tipo disponível +Print… ProbeView Imprimir… +New… FileWindow Novo… +what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. o quê: '%.4s'\n\n +OK DiskProbe OK +DiskProbe System name DiskProbe +Back ProbeView Retroceder +Device: ProbeView Dispositivo: +Base ProbeView A menu item, the number that is basis for a system of calculation. The base 10 system is a decimal system. This is in the same menu window than 'Font size' and 'BlockSize' Base +Open file… FileWindow Abrir ficheiro… +32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors Apontador 32 bit sem sinal: +DiskProbe request DiskProbe Solicitação de DiskProbe +Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex +Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView A escrita para o ficheiro falhou:\n%s\n\nTodas as alterações serão perdidas quando sair do programa. +Examine device: OpenWindow Examinar dispositivo: +Number editor TypeEditors Editor de número +Icon TypeEditors Ícone +Attribute ProbeView Atributo +Don't save ProbeView Não guardar +Undo ProbeView Desfazer +Flattened bitmap TypeEditors Mapa de bits achatado +Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Bloco %Ld (0x%Lx) +Cancel OpenWindow Cancelar +Unknown format TypeEditors Formato desconhecido +File: ProbeView Ficheiro: +Swapped: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Trocado: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) +Stop ProbeView Parar +Cancel ProbeView Cancelar +Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. Não foi possível abrir \"%s\":\n%s +Font size ProbeView Tamanho da fonte +Type editor not supported ProbeView Editor de tipo não suportado +Native: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Nativo: 0x%0*Lx +Copy ProbeView Copiar +Redo ProbeView Refazer +Floating-point value: TypeEditors Valor de vírgula flutuante: +Cancel AttributeWindow Cancelar +16 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 16 bits com sinal: +DiskProbe request AttributeWindow Solicitação de DiskProbe +Next ProbeView Seguinte +64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors Offset de 64 bit com sinal: +32 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor 32 bit com sinal: +Could not find search string. ProbeView Não foi possível encontrar a sequência de pesquisa. +Close FileWindow Fechar +Unknown type TypeEditors Tipo desconhecido +Open device FileWindow Abrir dispositivo +Number: TypeEditors Número: +Quit FileWindow Sair +Text FindWindow Texto +Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Bloco 0x%Lx +Attribute AttributeWindow Atributo +Mode: FindWindow Modo: +16 bit TypeEditors 16 bit +32 bit size or status: TypeEditors Tamanho ou estado de 32 bit: +of ProbeView de +Contents: TypeEditors Conteúdo: +Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro \"%s\": %s\n +Probe file… OpenWindow Sondar ficheiro… +Block: ProbeView Bloco: +Bookmarks ProbeView Marcadores +Probe device OpenWindow Sondar dispositivo +none ProbeView No attributes nenhum +Case sensitive FindWindow Sensível às maiúsculas +32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 32 bit sem sinal: +Remove from file AttributeWindow Remover do ficheiro +Attributes ProbeView Atributos +Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Mensagem +Message View TypeEditors Vista de Mensagem +Offset: ProbeView Offset: +Swapped: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Trocado: 0x%0*Lx +MIME type: TypeEditors Tipo MIME: +Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Ajustar +Type editor ProbeView Editor de tipo +File FileWindow Ficheiro +Grayscale TypeEditors Escala de cinzentos +32 bit TypeEditors 32 bit +Native: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Nativo: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) +Device ProbeView Dispositivo +Close AttributeWindow Fechar +Type editor AttributeWindow Editor de tipo +Save ProbeView Guardar +of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. de 0x0 +Attribute type: ProbeView Tipo de atributo: +15 bit TypeEditors 15 bit +Page setup… ProbeView Configuração de página… +Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Booleano +Icon view TypeEditors Vista de ícone +Select all ProbeView Selecionar tudo +64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 64 bits sem sinal: +OK ProbeView OK +Previous ProbeView Anterior +Selection ProbeView Selecção +Find FindWindow Procurar +8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 8 bits sem sinal: +%ld (native) ProbeView %ld (nativo) +Attribute: ProbeView Atributo: +Block ProbeView Bloco +Find again ProbeView Procurar seguinte +View ProbeView This is the last menubar item 'File Edit Block View' Visualização +Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Não foi possível ler a imagem +DiskProbe request ProbeView Solicitação do DiskProbe +Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Valor de vírgula-flutuante de dupla precisão: +Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Imagem +Save changes before closing? ProbeView Guardar alterações antes de fechar? +PNG format TypeEditors Formato PNG +Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Número +Edit ProbeView Editar +String editor TypeEditors Editor de sequência de caracteres +Boolean editor TypeEditors Editor booleano +Device offset: ProbeView Offset do dispositivo: +Find… ProbeView Procurar… +8 bit palette TypeEditors Palete de 8 bit +Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Decimal +Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Vista de Imagem +Paste ProbeView Colar +32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Tamanho de 32 bit sem sinal: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bec598ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2951688400 +%size% in {0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Info Window %size% i {0, plural, one{# fil} other{# filer}} +Scanning %refName% Scanner Skanner %refName% +%d files Status View For UI layouting only, use the longest plural form for your language %d filer +Size Info Window Størrelse +Rescan Pie View Skan igen +Kind Info Window Slags +file unavailable Pie View filen er utilgængelig +no supporting apps Pie View ingen understøttende programmer +Path Info Window Sti +Scan Status View Skan +Rescan Status View Skan igen +file unavailable Status View filen er ikke tilgængelig +Get info Pie View Hent info +DiskUsage System name Diskforbrug +Created Info Window Oprettet +Modified Info Window Ændret +Abort Status View Afbryd +Open with Pie View Åbn med +Open Pie View Åbn +{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# fil} other{# filer}} +%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a, %d %b %Y, %r +Free on %refName% Scanner Ledig på %refName% diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c560a06a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/diskusage/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DiskUsage 2951688400 +%size% in {0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Info Window %size% em {0, plural, one{# ficheiro} other{# ficheiros}} +Scanning %refName% Scanner A analisar %refName% +%d files Status View For UI layouting only, use the longest plural form for your language %d ficheiros +Size Info Window Tamanho +Rescan Pie View Analisar novamente +Kind Info Window Tipo +file unavailable Pie View ficheiro não disponível +no supporting apps Pie View sem aplicações que ofereçam suporte +Path Info Window Caminho +Scan Status View Analisar +Rescan Status View Analisar novamente +file unavailable Status View ficheiro não disponível +Get info Pie View Obter informação +DiskUsage System name DiskUsage +Created Info Window Criado +Modified Info Window Modificado +Abort Status View Cancelar +Open with Pie View Abrir com +Open Pie View Abrir +{0, plural, one{# file} other{# files}} Status View {0, plural, one{# ficheiro} other{# ficheiros}} +%a, %d %b %Y, %r Info Window %a %d %b %Y %r +Free on %refName% Scanner Livre em %refName% diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/da.catkeys index 3f194d0b90..f254e12e33 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/da.catkeys @@ -1,69 +1,111 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 2121580188 -%ld MiB Support %ld MiB - DiskView - PartitionList -Are you sure you want to delete the selected partition?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at slette den valgte partition?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! -Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på disken vil blive permanent slettet! -Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! -Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! -Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte disk vil blive permanent slettet! -Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på at du ønsker at skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! -Cancel MainWindow Afbryd +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 1934767996 +Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Kunne ikke afmontere partition %s. +Mount all MainWindow Monter alle +Disk MainWindow Disk +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! +Device PartitionList Enhed +Initialize MainWindow Initialiser +Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Kunne ikke ændre parameterne for den valgte partition. +PGP encrypted Encryption utils PGP-krypteret +Delete partition MainWindow Slet partition +Error: MainWindow in any error alert Fejl: +Removable PartitionList Flytbar +Block size PartitionList Blokstørrelse +The panel experienced a problem! MainWindow Panelet oplevede på et problem! +Device DiskView Enhed +Are you sure you want to format the Intel Extended Partition? Any subpartitions it contains will be overwritten if you continue. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil formatere Intel Extended Partition? Hvis den indeholder underpartitioner, så vil de blive overskrevet, hvis du fortsætter. Du vil blive spurgt igen inden ændringerne skrives til disken. +Unmount MainWindow Afmonter +Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Kunne ikke formatere partitionen %s!\n +Partition size CreateParametersPanel Partitionsstørrelse +Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow Validering af de angivne parametre mislykkedes. +The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. +Are you sure you want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil formatere partitionen \"%s\"? Du vil blive spurgt igen inden ændringerne skrives til disken. +DriveSetup System name Drevopsætning +Mounted at PartitionList Monteret på +Create… MainWindow Opret… +Write changes MainWindow Skriv ændringer +Initialization of the partition %s failed. (Nothing has been written to disk.) MainWindow Initialiseringen af partitionen %s mislykkedes. (Der er ikke blevet skrevet nogle ændringer til disken). +Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow Validering af de angivne oprettelses parametre mislykkedes. +Eject MainWindow Skub ud +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nAl data på disken %s vil blive permanent slettet! +Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Overflade test (ikke implementeret) +Read only PartitionList Skrivebeskyttet +The panel could not return successfully. MainWindow Panelet kunne ikke returnere. +Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Kunne ikke ændre parameterne for partitionen. Der blev ikke skrevet nogen ændringer til disken. +Partition %ld DiskView Partition %ld +There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Der er ikke plads på partitionen til at der kan oprettes under partitioner. +No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Kunne ikke genkende nogle disk enheder. +Attributes PartitionList Attributter +Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Fejl ved sletning af partitionen. Der er ikke blevet skrevet nogle ændringer til disken. +Change parameters… MainWindow Skift parametre… +Format InitializeParametersPanel Format +Could not unmount partition MainWindow Kunne ikke afmontere partition +Create CreateParametersPanel Opret +File system PartitionList Filsystem +The selected partition does not contain a partitioning system. MainWindow Den valgte partition indeholder ikke et partitions system. +End: %s Support Slut: %s +Partition type PartitionList Partitionstype +Unable to find the selected partition by ID. MainWindow Kunne ikke finde den valgte partition ud fra ID. +The currently selected partition is not empty. MainWindow Den valgte partition er ikke tom. +Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (Most people initialize the disk with a partitioning system first) You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil formatere en rå disk? (de fleste mennesker initialiserer først disken med et partitionssystem). Du vil blive spurgt igen inden ændringerne skrives til disken. +Wipe (not implemented) MainWindow Stryg (ikke implementeret) +The currently selected partition does not have a parent partition. MainWindow Den valgte partition har ikke nogen over-partition. +Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow Validering af de angivne initialiseringsparametre mislykkedes. +Shared PartitionList Delt +MIMEs PartitionList MIME'er +BitLocker encrypted Encryption utils BitLocker-krypteret +You need to select a partition entry from the list. MainWindow Du skal vælge en partition fra listen. +Offset: %s Support Forskydning: %s +SafeBoot encrypted Encryption utils SafeBoot-krypteret +Volume name PartitionList Diskområdenavn +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! +Change ChangeParametersPanel Skift +Partition name: ChangeParametersPanel Partitionsnavn: +LUKS encrypted Encryption utils LUKS-krypteret +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nAl data på den valgte partition %s vil blive permanent slettet! +Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Annuller +Format MainWindow Format + DiskView +OK MainWindow OK +Open with DiskProbe MainWindow Åbn med Disksondering +Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Kunne ikke slette den valgte partition. +Are you sure you want to initialize the selected disk? All data will be lost. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk.\n MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil initialisere den valgte disk? Al data vil gå tabt. Du vil blive spurgt igen inden ændringerne skrives til disken.\n +There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Der opstod en fejl ved forberedning af disken til ændringer. +The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Disken blev initialiseret.\n +Should unmounting be forced?\n\nNote: If an application is currently writing to the volume, unmounting it now might result in loss of data.\n MainWindow Skal afmontering gennemtvinges?\n\nBemærk: Hvis et program er ved at skrive til diskområdet, så kan afmontering forårsage tab af data.\n +Cancel MainWindow Annuller +Free space PartitionList Ledig plads +Queries PartitionList Forespørgsler +Force unmount MainWindow Gennemtving afmontering +Partition MainWindow Partition +Change parameters MainWindow Skift parametre +Rescan MainWindow Søg igen +There was an error acquiring the partition row. MainWindow Der opstod en fejl ved indhentning af partitionsrækken. +Failed to initialize the disk %s!\n MainWindow Kunne ikke initialisere disken %s!\n +Disk system \"%s\" not found! MainWindow Disksystemet \"%s\" blev ikke fundet! +Delete MainWindow Slet +Partition type: ChangeParametersPanel Partitionstype: +Parameters PartitionList Parametre +Could not acquire partitioning information. MainWindow Kunne ikke indhente partitioneringsinformation. Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow Det er ikke muligt at slette den valgte partition. Continue MainWindow Fortsæt -Could not aquire partitioning information. MainWindow Kunne ikke læse information om partitionerne. -Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Kunne ikke slette den valgte partition. Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Kunne ikke montere partition %s. -Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Kunne ikke afmontere partition %s. -Create CreateParamsPanel Opret -Create… MainWindow Opret… -Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow Det var ikke muligt at oprette partitionen. -Delete MainWindow Slet -Delete partition MainWindow Slet partition -Device DiskView Enhed -Device PartitionList Enhed -Disk MainWindow Disk -Disk system \"%s\"\" not found! MainWindow Disk system \"%s\"\" blev ikke fundet! -Eject MainWindow Skub ud -End: %ld MB Support Slut: %ld MB -Error: MainWindow in any error alert Fejl: -Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Fejl i forbindelse med at slette partitionen. Der er ikke blevet skrevet nogle ændringer til disken. -Failed to initialize the partition %s!\n MainWindow Initialiseringen af partitionen %s fejlede!\n -Failed to initialize the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Fejl i forbindelse med initialisering af partitionen. Der er ikke blevet skrevet nogle ændringer til disken. -File system PartitionList Fil system -Format (not implemented) MainWindow Formater (ikke implementeret) -Initialization of the partition %s failed. (Nothing has been written to disk.) MainWindow Initialiseringen af partitionen %s fejlede. (Der er ikke blevet skrevet nogle ændringer til disken.) -Initialize InitParamsPanel Initialiser -Initialize MainWindow Initialiser -Mount MainWindow Monter -Mount all MainWindow Monter alle -Mounted at PartitionList Monteret på -No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Kunne ikke genkende nogle disk enheder. -OK MainWindow OK -Offset: %ld MB Support Afsæt: %ld MB -Partition MainWindow Partition -Partition %ld DiskView Partition %ld -Partition name: CreateParamsPanel Partition navn: -Partition size CreateParamsPanel Partitions størrelse -Partition type: CreateParamsPanel Partition type: -Rescan MainWindow Søg igen -Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Vælg en partition fra liste nedenunder. -Size PartitionList Størrelse -Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Overflade test (ikke implementeret) -The currently selected partition does not have a parent partition. MainWindow Den valgte partition har ikke nogen over-partition. -The currently selected partition is not empty. MainWindow Den valgte partition er ikke tom. -The partition %s has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Partitionen %s er blevet initialiseret uden fejl.\n -The partition %s is already mounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. -The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. -The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. +Are you sure you want to format the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil formatere partitionen? Du vil blive spurgt igen inden ændringerne skrives til disken. + PartitionList The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow Der kan kun læses fra den valgte disk. -The selected partition does not contain a partitioning system. MainWindow Den valgte partition indeholder ikke et partitions system. -There was an error acquiring the partition row. MainWindow Fejl i forbindelse med at læse partitions række. -There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Der skete en fejl i forbindelse med at forberede disken til ændringer. -There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Der er ikke plads på partitionen til at der kan oprettes under partitioner. -Unable to find the selected partition by ID. MainWindow Kunne ikke finde den valgte partition ud fra ID. -Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow Validering af de angivne oprettelses parametre fejlede. -Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow Validering af de angivne initialisiations parametre fejlede. -Volume name PartitionList Volume navn -Write changes MainWindow Skriv ændringer -You need to select a partition entry from the list. MainWindow Du skal vælge en partition fra listen. +The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. +Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skifte parmeterne på den valgte partition?\n\nPartitionen vil måske ikke længere kunne genkendes af andre styresystemer! +Boot PartitionList Opstart +OK AbstractParametersPanel OK +Virtual PartitionList Virtuel +Virtual DiskView Virtuel +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil skrive ændringerne tilbage til disken nu?\n\nData på den valgte disk vil blive permanent slettet! +Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Vælg en partition fra liste nedenunder. +Active PartitionList Aktiv +Are you sure you want to delete the selected partition?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil slette den valgte partition?\n\nData på den valgte partition vil blive permanent slettet! +Failed to format the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Kunne ikke formatere partitionen. Der blev ikke skrevet nogen ændringer til disken. +The partition %s has been successfully formatted.\n MainWindow Partitionen %s blev formateret.\n +The partition %s is already mounted. MainWindow Partitionen %s er allerede monteret. +Size PartitionList Størrelse +Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow Det var ikke muligt at oprette partitionen. +Mount MainWindow Monter diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/it.catkeys index 76f45e1919..29d9587baa 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/it.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 2981446742 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 1934767996 Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Impossibile smontare la partizione %s. Mount all MainWindow Monta tutto Disk MainWindow Disco @@ -6,10 +6,14 @@ Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the Device PartitionList Dispositivo Initialize MainWindow Inizializza Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Impossibile modificare i parametri della partizione selezionata. +PGP encrypted Encryption utils Crittografia PGP Delete partition MainWindow Elimina partizione Error: MainWindow in any error alert Errore: +Removable PartitionList Rimovibile +Block size PartitionList Dimensioni blocco The panel experienced a problem! MainWindow Il pannello ha avuto un problema! Device DiskView Dispositivo +Are you sure you want to format the Intel Extended Partition? Any subpartitions it contains will be overwritten if you continue. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler formattare la partizione Intel Estesa? Tutte le sottopartizioni in essa contenuta saranno sovrascritte se continui. Ti verrà nuovamente richiesto prima che i cambiamenti siano scritti effettivamente sul disco. Unmount MainWindow Smonta Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Non è stato possibile formattare la partizione %s!\n Partition size CreateParametersPanel Dimensione della partizione @@ -25,13 +29,16 @@ Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow La validazione d Eject MainWindow Espelli Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler salvare le modifiche sul disco?\n\nProcedendo con l'operazione, tutti i dati sul disco %s saranno irrimediabilmente perduti! Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Verifica superficie (non implementato) +Read only PartitionList Sola lettura The panel could not return successfully. MainWindow Il panello non è riuscito a completare l'attività. Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Non è stato possibile modificare i parametri della partizione. Nessuna modifica è stata scritta sul disco. Partition %ld DiskView Partizione %ld There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Su questa partizione non c'è spazio per creare una sotto-partizione. No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Nessun dispositivo disco è stato riconosciuto. +Attributes PartitionList Attributi Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Rimozione della partizione fallita. Nessuna modifica è stata scritta sul disco. Change parameters… MainWindow Modifica i parametri… +Format InitializeParametersPanel Formato Could not unmount partition MainWindow Impossibile smontare la partizione Create CreateParametersPanel Crea File system PartitionList File system @@ -44,22 +51,31 @@ Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (Most people initialize the disk wit Wipe (not implemented) MainWindow Pulisci (non implementato) The currently selected partition does not have a parent partition. MainWindow La partizione attualmente selezionata non ha una sopra-partizione. Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow La validazione dei parametri di inizializzazione forniti è fallita. +Shared PartitionList Condiviso +MIMEs PartitionList MIME +BitLocker encrypted Encryption utils Crittografia BitLocker You need to select a partition entry from the list. MainWindow Devi selezionare una partizione dall'elenco. Offset: %s Support Offset: %s +SafeBoot encrypted Encryption utils Crittografia SafeBoot Volume name PartitionList Nome del volume Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler salvare le modifiche sul disco ora?\n\nProcedendo tutti i dati sulla partizione saranno irrimediabilmente perduti! Change ChangeParametersPanel Modifica Partition name: ChangeParametersPanel Nome della partizione: +LUKS encrypted Encryption utils Crittogradia LUKS Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler salvare le modifiche sul disco?\n\nProcedendo con l'operazione, tutti i dati sulla partizione %s saranno irrimediabilmente perduti! Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Annulla Format MainWindow Formatta + DiskView OK MainWindow OK +Open with DiskProbe MainWindow Apri con DiskProbe Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Impossibile rimuovere la partizione selezionata. Are you sure you want to initialize the selected disk? All data will be lost. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk.\n MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler inizializzare il disco selezionato? Tutti i dati saranno perduti. Ti sarà nuovamente chiesta conferma prima della scrittura delle modifiche sul disco.\n There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Si è verificato un errore nella preparazione delle modifiche al disco. The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Il disco è stato inizializzato con successo.\n Should unmounting be forced?\n\nNote: If an application is currently writing to the volume, unmounting it now might result in loss of data.\n MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler smontare il disco?\n\nAttenzione: se un'applicazione sta attualmente scrivendo sul disco, lo smontaggio potrebbe comportare la perdita di dati.\n Cancel MainWindow Annulla +Free space PartitionList Spazio disponibile +Queries PartitionList Interrogazioni Force unmount MainWindow Forza lo smontaggio Partition MainWindow Partizione Change parameters MainWindow Modifica i parametri @@ -75,10 +91,14 @@ Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow La partizione selezionata non Continue MainWindow Continua Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Impossibile montare la partizione %s. Are you sure you want to format the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler formattare la partizione? Ti sarà chiesta nuovamente conferma prima di scrivere i cambiamenti sul disco. + PartitionList The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow Il disco selezionato è di sola lettura. The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow La partizione %s è stata già smontata. Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler modificare i parametri della partizione selezionata?\n\nLa partizione potrebbe non essere più riconosciuta da altri sistemi operativi! +Boot PartitionList Avvio OK AbstractParametersPanel OK +Virtual PartitionList Virtuale +Virtual DiskView Virtuale Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Sei sicuro di voler salvare le modifiche sul disco?\n\nProcedendo tutti i dati del disco selezionato saranno irrimediabilmente perduti! Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Seleziona una partizione dall'elenco sottostante. Active PartitionList Attivo diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/nl.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/nl.catkeys index 0b632b20e3..15d4014140 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/nl.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/nl.catkeys @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ -1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 2553026145 +1 dutch; flemish x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 233536944 Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Kon partitie %s niet onttrekken. Mount all MainWindow Alles betrekken Disk MainWindow Schijf Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Bent u zeker dat u de veranderingen nu wilt terugschrijven naar de schijf?\n\nU zult alle gegevens op de geselecteerde partitie onherroepelijk kwijt zijn als u dit doet! Device PartitionList Apparaat Initialize MainWindow Initialiseren +Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Kon de parameters van de geselecteerde partitie niet wijzigen. Delete partition MainWindow Partitie verwijderen Error: MainWindow in any error alert Fout: Device DiskView Apparaat Unmount MainWindow Onttrekken Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Formatteren van partitie %s is mislukt!\n +Partition size CreateParametersPanel Partitiegrootte +Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow Validatie van de opgegeven parameters mislukt. The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow De partitie %s is op dit moment gekoppeld. Are you sure you want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Weet u zeker dat u de partitie \"%s\" wilt formatteren? U krijgt deze vraag nogmaals voordat de wijzigingen op de schijf weggeschreven worden. DriveSetup System name DriveSetup diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/pt.catkeys index bfff412ce0..d8d3f69916 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/pt.catkeys @@ -1,45 +1,91 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 110270304 -%ld MiB Support %ld MiB - DiskView - PartitionList -Cancel CreateParamsPanel Cancelar -Cancel InitParamsPanel Cancelar +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 2981446742 +Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Não foi possível desmontar a partição %s. +Mount all MainWindow Montar todos +Disk MainWindow Disco +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende aplicar todas as alterações no disco agora?\n\nTodos os dados na partição seleccionada serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Device PartitionList Dispositivo +Initialize MainWindow Inicializar +Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Não foi possível alterar os parâmetros da partição selecionada. +Delete partition MainWindow Eliminar partição +Error: MainWindow in any error alert Erro: +The panel experienced a problem! MainWindow O painel encontrou um problema! +Device DiskView Dispositivo +Unmount MainWindow Desmontar +Failed to format the partition %s!\n MainWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao formatar a partição %s!\n +Partition size CreateParametersPanel Tamanho de partição +Validation of the given parameters failed. MainWindow A validação dos parâmetros fornecidos falhou. +The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow A partição %s já está montada. +Are you sure you want to format the partition \"%s\"? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Tem a certeza que deseja formatar a partição \"%s\"? Apenas lhe será perguntado uma vez mais antes de as alterações serem escritas no disco. +DriveSetup System name DriveSetup +Mounted at PartitionList Montado em +Create… MainWindow Criar… +Write changes MainWindow Aplicar alterações +Initialization of the partition %s failed. (Nothing has been written to disk.) MainWindow A inicialização da partição %s falhou. (Nada foi escrito no disco.) +Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow A validação dos parâmetros de criação introduzidos falhou. +Eject MainWindow Ejectar +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende aplicar todas as alterações no disco agora?\n\nTodos os dados no disco %s serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Teste de superfície (não implementado) +The panel could not return successfully. MainWindow O painel não conseguiu retornar com sucesso. +Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao alterar os parâmetros da partição. Não foram escritas alterações no disco. +Partition %ld DiskView Partição %ld +There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Não existe espaço suficiente na partição para criar uma partição dentro da mesma. +No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Não foi reconhecido nenhum dispositivo de disco. +Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Não foi possível eliminar a partição. Não foram guardadas quaisquer alterações no disco. +Change parameters… MainWindow Alterar parâmetros… +Could not unmount partition MainWindow Não foi possível desmontar a partição +Create CreateParametersPanel Criar +File system PartitionList Sistema de ficheiros +The selected partition does not contain a partitioning system. MainWindow A partição seleccionada não contém um sistema de partições. +End: %s Support Fim: %s +Partition type PartitionList Tipo de partição +Unable to find the selected partition by ID. MainWindow Não foi possível encontrar a partição seleccionada pelo ID. +The currently selected partition is not empty. MainWindow A partição actualmente seleccionada não está vazia. +Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (Most people initialize the disk with a partitioning system first) You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende formatar um disco completo? (A maior parte das pessoas inicializam primeiro o disco com um sistema de partições.) Será perguntado novamente antes de escrever as alterações no disco. +Wipe (not implemented) MainWindow Apagar completamente (não implementado) +The currently selected partition does not have a parent partition. MainWindow A partição seleccionada actualmente não tem uma partição principal. +Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow A validação dos parâmetros de criação introduzidos falhou. +You need to select a partition entry from the list. MainWindow Deve seleccionar uma partição da lista. +Offset: %s Support Offset: %s +Volume name PartitionList Nome do volume +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende aplicar todas as alterações no disco agora?\n\nTodos os dados na partição selecionada serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Change ChangeParametersPanel Alterar +Partition name: ChangeParametersPanel Nome da partição: +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende aplicar todas as alterações no disco agora?\n\nTodos os dados na partição %s serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Cancelar +Format MainWindow Formatar +OK MainWindow OK +Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Não foi possível eliminar a partição seleccionada. +Are you sure you want to initialize the selected disk? All data will be lost. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk.\n MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende inicializar o disco selecionado? Todos os dados serão perdidos. Será questionado novamente antes de escrever as alterações no disco.\n +There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Ocorreu um erro ao preparar o disco para as alterações. +The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow O disco foi inicializado com sucesso.\n +Should unmounting be forced?\n\nNote: If an application is currently writing to the volume, unmounting it now might result in loss of data.\n MainWindow Desmontagem deve ser forçada?\n\nNota: Se uma aplicação estiver atualmente a escrever para o volume, desmontá-lo agora poderá provocar perda de dados.\n Cancel MainWindow Cancelar +Force unmount MainWindow Forçar desmontar +Partition MainWindow Partição +Change parameters MainWindow Mudar parâmetros +Rescan MainWindow Reanalisar +There was an error acquiring the partition row. MainWindow Ocorreu um erro ao obter a linha de partição. +Failed to initialize the disk %s!\n MainWindow Falha ao inicializar o disco %s!\n +Disk system \"%s\" not found! MainWindow Sistema de disco \"%s\" não encontrado! +Delete MainWindow Apagar +Partition type: ChangeParametersPanel Tipo de partição: +Parameters PartitionList Parâmetros +Could not acquire partitioning information. MainWindow Não foi possível obter informação do particionamento. +Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow Não pode eliminar a partição seleccionada. Continue MainWindow Continuar Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Não foi possível montar a partição %s. -Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Não foi possível desmontar a partição %s. -Create CreateParamsPanel Criar -Create… MainWindow Criar... -Device DiskView Dispositivo -Device PartitionList Dispositivo -Disk MainWindow Disco -Disk system \"%s\"\" not found! MainWindow Sistema de discos \"%s\"\ não encontrado! -End: %ld MB Support Fim: %ld MB -Error: MainWindow in any error alert Erro: -Failed to initialize the partition %s!\n MainWindow Erro ao inicializar a partição %s!\n -Format (not implemented) MainWindow Formatar (não implementado) -Initialize InitParamsPanel Inicializar -Initialize MainWindow Inicializar -Mount MainWindow Montar -Mount all MainWindow Montar todos -Mounted at PartitionList Montado em -OK MainWindow OK -Offset: %ld MB Support Compensação: %ld MB -Partition MainWindow Partição -Partition %ld DiskView Partição %ld -Partition name: CreateParamsPanel Nome da partição: -Partition size CreateParamsPanel Tamanho da partição -Partition type: CreateParamsPanel Tipo de partição: -Rescan MainWindow Reanalisar -Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Teste de superfície (não implementado) +Are you sure you want to format the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende formatar a partição? Será perguntado novamente antes de escrever as alterações no disco. +The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow O disco selecionado está marcado como só de leitura. +The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow A partição %s já se encontra desmontada. +Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende alterar os parâmetros da partição selecionada?\n\nÉ possível que a partição deixe de poder ser reconhecida pelos outros sistemas operativos! +OK AbstractParametersPanel OK +Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende aplicar todas as alterações no disco agora?\n\nTodos os dados na partição seleccionada serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Seleccione uma partição a partir da lista abaixo. +Active PartitionList Activa +Are you sure you want to delete the selected partition?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende eliminar a partição seleccionada?\n\nTodos os dados na partição serão perdidos de forma irrecuperável se o fizer! +Failed to format the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao formatar a partição. Não foi feita nenhuma alteração no disco. +The partition %s has been successfully formatted.\n MainWindow A partição %s foi formatada com sucesso.\n The partition %s is already mounted. MainWindow A partição %s já está montada. -The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow A partição %s já foi desmontada. -The partition %s is currently mounted. MainWindow A partição %s já está montada. -The selected partition does not contain a partitioning system. MainWindow A partição seleccionada não contém um sistema de partições. -There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Não existe espaço suficiente na partição para criar uma partição dentro da mesma. -Unable to find the selected partition by ID. MainWindow Não foi possível encontrar a partição seleccionada pelo ID. -Unmount MainWindow Desmontar -Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow A validação dos parâmetros de criação introduzidos falhou. -Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow A validação dos parâmetros de criação introduzidos falhou. -Volume name PartitionList Nome do volume -Write changes MainWindow Aplicar alterações +Size PartitionList Tamanho +Creation of the partition has failed. MainWindow A criação da partição falhou. +Mount MainWindow Montar diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/uk.catkeys index 5bfdde010f..f7a120719b 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/drivesetup/uk.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 4152338259 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-DriveSetup 1934767996 Could not unmount partition %s. MainWindow Неможливо підмонтувати розділ %s. Mount all MainWindow Підмонтувати все Disk MainWindow Диск @@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the Device PartitionList Пристрій Initialize MainWindow Ініціалізація Could not change the parameters of the selected partition. MainWindow Неможливо змінити параметри вибраного розділу. +PGP encrypted Encryption utils PGP-шифрування Delete partition MainWindow Видалити розділ Error: MainWindow in any error alert Помилка: +Removable PartitionList Знімний +Block size PartitionList Розмір блоку The panel experienced a problem! MainWindow З панеллю сталася проблема! Device DiskView Пристрій Are you sure you want to format the Intel Extended Partition? Any subpartitions it contains will be overwritten if you continue. You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Ви впевнені що бажаєте відформатувати розширений розділ? Всі його підрозділи будуть перезаписані якщо продовжити. Вас запитають повторно до запису змін на диск. @@ -26,11 +29,13 @@ Validation of the given creation parameters failed. MainWindow Не вдало Eject MainWindow Витягнути Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the disk %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте записати зміни на диск просто зараз?\n\nВсі дані на диску %s будуть безпозворотно втрачені, якщо ви продовжите! Surface test (not implemented) MainWindow Тест поверхні (ще не зреалізовано) +Read only PartitionList Лише читання The panel could not return successfully. MainWindow Панель не вдалося коректно повернути. Failed to change the parameters of the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Не вдалося змінити параметри розділу. Зміни не були записані на диск. Partition %ld DiskView Розділ %ld There's no space on the partition where a child partition could be created. MainWindow Відсутнє місце на розділі, де ви бажаєте створити дочірній розділ. No disk devices have been recognized. DiskView Не розпізнано жодного дискового пристрою. +Attributes PartitionList Атрибути Failed to delete the partition. No changes have been written to disk. MainWindow Видалення розділу призупинене. Жодні зміни не були записані на диск. Change parameters… MainWindow Змінити параметри… Format InitializeParametersPanel Форматувати @@ -46,15 +51,21 @@ Are you sure you want to format a raw disk? (Most people initialize the disk wit Wipe (not implemented) MainWindow Очистка ( не зреалізовано) The currently selected partition does not have a parent partition. MainWindow Поточний розділ не має батіківського розділу. Validation of the given initialization parameters failed. MainWindow Не вдалося застосувати параметри, введені при ініціалізації. +Shared PartitionList Спільний доступ +MIMEs PartitionList MIME-типи +BitLocker encrypted Encryption utils Шифрування BitLocker You need to select a partition entry from the list. MainWindow Ви повинні вибрати розділ зі списку. Offset: %s Support Зміщення: %s +SafeBoot encrypted Encryption utils Шифрування SafeBoot Volume name PartitionList Ім'я розділу Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте записати зміни на диск?\n\nВсі дані на розділі будуть безповоротно втрачені! Change ChangeParametersPanel Змінити Partition name: ChangeParametersPanel Назва розділу: +LUKS encrypted Encryption utils Шифрування LUKS Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the partition %s will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте записати зміни на диск просто зараз?\n\nЯкщо ви продовжите, то всі дані на розділі %s будуть безповоротно втрачені! Cancel AbstractParametersPanel Відмінити Format MainWindow Форматувати + DiskView <дані відсутні> OK MainWindow Гаразд Open with DiskProbe MainWindow Відкрити у DiskProbe Could not delete the selected partition. MainWindow Неможливо видалити вибраний розділ. @@ -63,6 +74,8 @@ There was an error preparing the disk for modifications. MainWindow Стала The disk has been successfully initialized.\n MainWindow Диск був успішно ініціалізований.\n Should unmounting be forced?\n\nNote: If an application is currently writing to the volume, unmounting it now might result in loss of data.\n MainWindow Відключити цей розділ примусово?\n\nУвага: якщо якась програма в даний момент записує дані на цей розділ, то його відключення може призвести до їх втрати.\n Cancel MainWindow Відміна +Free space PartitionList Вільний простір +Queries PartitionList Запити Force unmount MainWindow Примусово відмонтувати Partition MainWindow Розділ Change parameters MainWindow Змінити параметри @@ -78,10 +91,14 @@ Cannot delete the selected partition. MainWindow Неможливо видал Continue MainWindow Продовжити Could not mount partition %s. MainWindow Неможливо підмонтувати розділ %s. Are you sure you want to format the partition? You will be asked again before changes are written to the disk. MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте ініціалізувати розділ? Повторний запит буде видано безпосередньо перед записом змін на диск. + PartitionList <порожній або невідомий> The selected disk is read-only. MainWindow Вибраний диск тільки для читання. The partition %s is already unmounted. MainWindow Розділ %s повністю відмонтований. Are you sure you want to change parameters of the selected partition?\n\nThe partition may no longer be recognized by other operating systems anymore! MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте змінити параметри вибраного розділу?\n\nРозділ може більше не розпізнаватись іншими операційними системами! +Boot PartitionList Завантаження OK AbstractParametersPanel Гаразд +Virtual PartitionList Віртуальний +Virtual DiskView Віртуальний Are you sure you want to write the changes back to disk now?\n\nAll data on the selected disk will be irretrievably lost if you do so! MainWindow Ви впевнені, що бажаєте записати зміни на диск просто зараз?\n\nВсі дані на вибранному диску будуть безповоротно втрачені, якщо ви продовжите! Select a partition from the list below. DiskView Виберіть розділ зі списку нижче. Active PartitionList Завантажувальний diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/expander/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6225c1210e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Expander 3300517306 +Expand ExpanderMenu Pak ud +Expanding '%s'… ExpanderWindow Udvider '%s'… +Close window when done expanding ExpanderPreferences Luk vindue når færdig med at udvide +Set destination… ExpanderMenu Sæt destination… +Use: ExpanderPreferences Brug: +File expanded ExpanderWindow Fil pakket ud +The destination is read only. ExpanderWindow Destination er kun læsebar. +Expander: Open ExpanderWindow Expander: Åben + is not supported ExpanderWindow understøttes ikke +Expander settings ExpanderPreferences Udviderindstillinger +Select current DirectoryFilePanel Vælg nuværende +Source ExpanderWindow Kilde +Error when expanding archive ExpanderWindow Fejl ved udpakning af arkiv +Hide contents ExpanderWindow Skjul indhold +Cancel ExpanderWindow Annuller +Automatically expand files ExpanderPreferences Udvid automatisk filer +Continue ExpanderWindow Fortsæt +Destination folder ExpanderPreferences Destinationsmappe +Other ExpanderPreferences Andre +Cancel ExpanderPreferences Annuller +Expansion ExpanderPreferences Udvidelse +Select DirectoryFilePanel Vælg +The folder was either moved, renamed or not supported. ExpanderWindow Mappen blev enten flyttet, omdøbt eller understøttes ikke. +Destination folder doesn't exist. Would you like to create it? ExpanderWindow Destinationmappen findes ikke. Vil du oprette den? +Same directory as source (archive) file ExpanderPreferences Samme mappe som kildefil (arkiv) +Settings ExpanderMenu Indstillinger +Settings… ExpanderMenu Indstillinger… +Expander: Choose destination DirectoryFilePanel Expander: Vælg destination +Select ExpanderPreferences Vælg +Show contents ExpanderWindow Vis indhold +Automatically show contents listing ExpanderPreferences Automatisk visning af indholdets oplistning +OK ExpanderPreferences OK +Are you sure you want to stop expanding this archive? The expanded items may not be complete. ExpanderWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil stoppe udvidelsen af arkivet? De udvidede punkter er måske ikke fuldførte. +Leave destination folder path empty ExpanderPreferences Lad stien til destinationsmappen være tom +Failed to create the destination folder. ExpanderWindow Kunne ikke oprette destinationsmappen. +Select '%s'… DirectoryFilePanel Vælg '%s'… +Create ExpanderWindow Opret +The file doesn't exist ExpanderWindow Filen findes ikke +Stop ExpanderMenu Stop +File ExpanderMenu Fil +Expander System name Udvider +Expand ExpanderWindow Pak ud +Close ExpanderMenu Luk +The destination is not a folder. ExpanderWindow Destinationen er ikke en folder. +Open destination folder after extraction ExpanderPreferences Åbn destinationsmappe efter udpakning +Creating listing for '%s'… ExpanderWindow Opretter oplistning til '%s'… +Set source… ExpanderMenu Vælg kilde… +Show contents ExpanderMenu Vis indhold +Stop ExpanderWindow Stop +Destination ExpanderWindow Destination diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/expander/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/pt.catkeys index 7e8594dfd0..555b2953fe 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/expander/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/expander/pt.catkeys @@ -1,13 +1,51 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Expander 3298829330 -Cancel ExpanderWindow Cancelar -Close ExpanderMenu Fechar -Continue ExpanderWindow Continuar -Destination ExpanderWindow Destino +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Expander 3300517306 Expand ExpanderMenu Expandir +Expanding '%s'… ExpanderWindow A descomprimir '%s'… +Close window when done expanding ExpanderPreferences Fechar a janela quando terminar a expansão +Set destination… ExpanderMenu Definir destino… +Use: ExpanderPreferences Usar: +File expanded ExpanderWindow Ficheiro expandido +The destination is read only. ExpanderWindow O destino é só de leitura. Expander: Open ExpanderWindow Expander: Abrir -Settings ExpanderMenu Definições + is not supported ExpanderWindow não é suportado +Expander settings ExpanderPreferences Definições do Expander +Select current DirectoryFilePanel Seleccionar actual Source ExpanderWindow Fonte +Error when expanding archive ExpanderWindow Erro ao expandir o ficheiro +Hide contents ExpanderWindow Ocultar conteúdo +Cancel ExpanderWindow Cancelar +Automatically expand files ExpanderPreferences Expandir automaticamente os ficheiros +Continue ExpanderWindow Continuar +Destination folder ExpanderPreferences Pasta de destino +Other ExpanderPreferences Outro +Cancel ExpanderPreferences Cancelar +Expansion ExpanderPreferences Expansão +Select DirectoryFilePanel Seleccionar +The folder was either moved, renamed or not supported. ExpanderWindow A pasta foi movida ou renomeada, ou não é suportada. +Destination folder doesn't exist. Would you like to create it? ExpanderWindow A pasta de destino não existe. Deseja criá-la? +Same directory as source (archive) file ExpanderPreferences Mesma pasta que o ficheiro (arquivo) de origem +Settings ExpanderMenu Definições +Settings… ExpanderMenu Definições… +Expander: Choose destination DirectoryFilePanel Expander: Escolher destino +Select ExpanderPreferences Seleccionar +Show contents ExpanderWindow Mostrar conteúdo +Automatically show contents listing ExpanderPreferences Mostrar automaticamente listagem do conteúdo +OK ExpanderPreferences OK +Are you sure you want to stop expanding this archive? The expanded items may not be complete. ExpanderWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende interromper a descompressão deste arquivo? Os itens descomprimidos poderão não estar completos. +Leave destination folder path empty ExpanderPreferences Deixar vazio o caminho para pasta de destino +Failed to create the destination folder. ExpanderWindow Falhou a criação da pasta de destino. +Select '%s'… DirectoryFilePanel Selecionar '%s'… +Create ExpanderWindow Criar +The file doesn't exist ExpanderWindow O ficheiro não existe Stop ExpanderMenu Parar -Stop ExpanderWindow Parar +File ExpanderMenu Ficheiro +Expander System name Expander +Expand ExpanderWindow Expandir +Close ExpanderMenu Fechar The destination is not a folder. ExpanderWindow O destino não é uma pasta. -is not supported ExpanderWindow não é suportado +Open destination folder after extraction ExpanderPreferences Abrir a pasta de destino após a extracção +Creating listing for '%s'… ExpanderWindow A criar listagem para '%s'… +Set source… ExpanderMenu Definir a fonte… +Show contents ExpanderMenu Mostrar conteúdo +Stop ExpanderWindow Parar +Destination ExpanderWindow Destino diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/da.catkeys index 1ae7438266..7bdecaa461 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/da.catkeys @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 1972532432 -Desktop (Live-CD) BootPromptWindow Skrivebord (Live-CD) -Keymap BootPromptWindow Tastatur layout -Language BootPromptWindow Sprog -Run Installer BootPromptWindow Kør Installer +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 2649051796 +Custom BootPromptWindow Tilpasset +Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n BootPromptWindow For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at .\" Tak for du prøver Haiku! Vi håber du kan lide det!\n\nDu kan vælge dit foretrukne sprog og tastaturlayout i listen til venstre som tages i brug med det samme. Du kan let ændre begge indstillinger fra skrivebordet senere.\n\nVil du køre installationsprogrammet eller fortsætte starten af skrivebordet?\n +Boot to Desktop BootPromptWindow Start skrivebordet +Keymap BootPromptWindow Tastaturlayout Welcome to Haiku! BootPromptWindow Velkommen til Haiku! +Language BootPromptWindow Sprog +Run Installer BootPromptWindow Kør installationsprogrammet diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt.catkeys index 2a21bbaa08..f68132ccf1 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/firstbootprompt/pt.catkeys @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 1972532432 -Desktop (Live-CD) BootPromptWindow Desktop (Live-CD) -Keymap BootPromptWindow Esquema de teclado +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FirstBootPrompt 2649051796 +Custom BootPromptWindow Personalizado +Thank you for trying out Haiku! We hope you'll like it!\n\nYou can select your preferred language and keyboard layout from the list on the left which will then be used instantly. You can easily change both settings from the Desktop later on on the fly.\n\nDo you wish to run the Installer or continue booting to the Desktop?\n BootPromptWindow For other languages, a note could be added: \"Note: Localization of Haiku applications and other components is an on-going effort. You will frequently encounter untranslated strings, but if you like, you can join in the work at .\" Obrigado por experimentar o Haiku! Esperamos que lhe agrade!\n\nPode selecionar a sua língua e a disposição de teclado preferidas a partir da lista da esquerda, e elas serão aplicadas de imediato. Poderá alterar ambas as configurações mais tarde, muito facilmente, a partir da Área de Trabalho.\n\nDeseja executar o Instalador, ou continuar a inicializar para a Área de Trabalho?\n +Boot to Desktop BootPromptWindow Inicializar para a Área de Trabalho +Keymap BootPromptWindow Disposição do teclado +Welcome to Haiku! BootPromptWindow Bem-vindo ao Haiku! Language BootPromptWindow Idioma -Run Installer BootPromptWindow Iniciar a instalação -Welcome to Haiku! BootPromptWindow Benvindo ao Haiku! +Run Installer BootPromptWindow Iniciar o Instalador diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..197171fe9c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-FontDemo 3449067186 +Stop cycling ControlView Stop gennemgang +Haiku, Inc. FontDemoView Haiku, Inc. +Rotation: %d ControlView Rotation: %d +Shear: %d ControlView Vridning: %d +Spacing: %d ControlView Mellemrum: %d +Cycle fonts ControlView Gennemløb skrifttyper +Font: ControlView Skrifttype: +Drawing mode: ControlView Tegningstilstand: +Haiku, Inc. ControlView Haiku, Inc. +Controls FontDemo Styringer +FontDemo System name Skrifttypedemo +Outline: %d ControlView Omrids: %d +Text: ControlView Tekst: +Antialiased text ControlView Antialiased tekst +Bounding boxes ControlView Bundne bokse +Size: %d ControlView Størrelse: %d diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..842e4893b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/fontdemo/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-FontDemo 3449067186 +Stop cycling ControlView Parar de alternar +Haiku, Inc. FontDemoView Haiku, Inc. +Rotation: %d ControlView Rotação: %d +Shear: %d ControlView Inclinação: %d +Spacing: %d ControlView Espaçamento: %d +Cycle fonts ControlView Alternar tipos de letra +Font: ControlView Tipo de letra: +Drawing mode: ControlView Modo de desenho: +Haiku, Inc. ControlView Haiku, Inc. +Controls FontDemo Controlos +FontDemo System name FontDemo +Outline: %d ControlView Contorno: %d +Text: ControlView Texto: +Antialiased text ControlView Texto com suavização +Bounding boxes ControlView Caixas de delimitação +Size: %d ControlView Tamanho: %d diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f4824de22 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-GLTeapot 1569683445 +Upper center TeapotWindow Øverst i midten +Lighting TeapotWindow Belysning +Off TeapotWindow Fra +Lower left TeapotWindow Nederst til venstre +White TeapotWindow Hvid +Yellow TeapotWindow Gul +Blue TeapotWindow Blå +Gouraud shading TeapotWindow Gouraud-shading +Quit TeapotWindow Afslut +Filled polygons TeapotWindow Udfyldte polygoner +Settings TeapotWindow Indstillinger +Fog TeapotWindow Tåge +Backface culling TeapotWindow Backface culling +Z-buffered TeapotWindow Z-bufferet +File TeapotWindow Fil +Perspective TeapotWindow Perspektiv +GLTeapot System name GLTepotte +Green TeapotWindow Grøn +Right TeapotWindow Højre +FPS display TeapotWindow FPS-display +Add a teapot TeapotWindow Tilføj en tepotte +Red TeapotWindow Rød +Lights TeapotWindow Lys diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1428553830 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/glteapot/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-GLTeapot 1569683445 +Upper center TeapotWindow Superior central +Lighting TeapotWindow Iluminação +Off TeapotWindow Desligada +Lower left TeapotWindow Inferior esquerda +White TeapotWindow Branca +Yellow TeapotWindow Amarela +Blue TeapotWindow Azul +Gouraud shading TeapotWindow Sombreamento de Gouraud +Quit TeapotWindow Sair +Filled polygons TeapotWindow Polígonos com preenchimento +Settings TeapotWindow Definições +Fog TeapotWindow Nevoeiro +Backface culling TeapotWindow Remover faces posteriores +Z-buffered TeapotWindow Usar Z-buffer +File TeapotWindow Ficheiro +Perspective TeapotWindow Perspetiva +GLTeapot System name GLTeapot +Green TeapotWindow Verde +Right TeapotWindow Direita +FPS display TeapotWindow Mostrar FPS +Add a teapot TeapotWindow Adicionar um bule +Red TeapotWindow Vermelha +Lights TeapotWindow Luzes diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..737b538ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2601073644 +An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Der opstod en fejl under opdatering af softwarekilden: %error% +Check for updates… MainWindow Søg efter opdateringer… +Uninstall PackageManager Afinstaller +(%Votes%) FeaturedPackagesView (%Votes%) +Uninstalled PackageListView Afinstalleret +Available packages MainWindow Tilgængelige pakker +Create account UserLoginWindow Opret konto +OK App OK +Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Hovedsageligt stabil +Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Kontooprettelse lykkedes. Du kan nu bedømme pakker og gøre andre nyttige ting. +The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper Svaret på captchaen var forkert. +While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs. MainWindow Ved opdatering af pakkedata er der opstået et problem som kan forårsage forældet eller manglende data i programmets visning. Yderligere detaljer om problemet kan ses i programloggene. +Develop packages MainWindow Udviklingspakker +Rate package… PackageInfoView Bedøm pakke… +Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Start af pakkedæmon mislykkedes:\n\n%Error% + PackageInfoView +No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Ingen tilgængelige brugerbedømmelser. +Local Repository Load Error LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Fejl ved indlæsning af lokal softwarekilde +The user name needs to be at least 3 letters long. UserLoginWindow Brugernavnet skal være mindst 3 bogstaver langt. +Downloading package '%name%' WorkStatusView Downloader pakken '%name%' +Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Kunne ikke oprette konto +Ignore UserLoginWindow Ignorer +Rating PackageListView Bedømmelse +Synchronizing icons ServerIconExportUpdateProcess Synkroniserer ikoner +Does not start RatePackageWindow Starter ikke +Show MainWindow Vis +But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Men ingen kunne oplistes her, beklager. +An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Der opstod en fejl ved indhentning af pakkelisten: %message% +There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Der er problemer med den data du indtastede:\n\n +The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow Autentifikationen lykkedes. +Not specified RatePackageWindow Ikke angivet +Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Ustabil men anvendelig +Active PackageListView Aktiv +Login or Create account MainWindow Log ind eller opret konto + PackageContentsView +{0, plural,one{1 package to download}other{# packages to download}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{1 pakke til download}other{# pakker til download}} +Ratings PackageInfoView Bedømmelser +Switch account… MainWindow Skift konto… +Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Foretrukne sprog: +Server Error ServerHelper Fejl ved server +It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Det er ikke muligt at kontakte webtjenesten. +Name PackageListView Navn +Local LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Lokal +Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow Bedøm %Package% +An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Der opstod en fejl under initialisering af pakkehåndteringen: %message% +Quit HaikuDepot App Afslut HaikuDepot +Repository Update Error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Fej ved opdatering af softwarekilde +Category FilterView Kategori +User rating RatePackageWindow Brugerbedømmelse +Installed packages MainWindow Installerede pakker +A requested object or an object involved in the request was not found on the server. ServerHelper Et anmodet objekt eller et objekt som er involveret i anmodningen blev ikke fundet på serveren. +Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Andre brugere kan se bedømmelsen +Stable RatePackageWindow Stabil +This application is too old to communicate with the HaikuDepot server system. Obtain a newer version of HaikuDepot by updating your Haiku system. The minimum version of HaikuDepot required is \"%s\". ServerHelper Programmet er for gammelt til at kommunikere med HaikuDepot-serversystemet. Hent en nyere version af HaikuDepot ved at opdatere dit Haiku-system. Den laveste version af HaikuDepot som kræves er \"%s\". +Fatal error PackageManager Fatal fejl +Package action failed PackageInfoView Pakkehandling mislykkedes +No changelog available. PackageInfoView Ingen ændringslog tilgængelig. +There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Der er problemer i formularen:\n\n +Error App Fejl +There was a puzzling response from the web service. UserLoginWindow Der var et gådesvar fra webtjenesten. +Not logged in MainWindow Ikke logget ind +No, quit HaikuDepot App Nej, afslut HaikuDepot +Featured packages FeaturedPackagesView Udvalgte pakker +Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at the HaikuDepot Server website. RatePackageWindow Din bedømmelse blev uploadet. Du kan opdatere eller fjerne den på HaikuDepot-server-webstedet. +Network Error ServerHelper Fejl ved netværk +Available PackageListView Tilgængelig +Cancel UserLoginWindow Annuller +HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot behøver pakkedæmonen for at fungere, og den ser ikke ud til at køre.\nVil du starte den nu? +Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Klik på en pakke for at vise information +Contents PackageInfoView Indhold +Close PackageManager Luk +A network transport error has arisen communicating with the HaikuDepot server system: %s ServerHelper Der er opstået en fejl ved netværkstransport med HaikuDepot-serversystemet: %s +Changelog PackageInfoView Ændringslog +Rating not possible MainWindow Bedømmelse ikke mulig +About PackageInfoView Om +Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow Autentifikation mislykkedes. Brugeren findes ikke eller den forkerte adgangskode blev angivet. +%FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# process} other{# processes}} ProcessCoordinator %FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# proces} other{# processer}} +Reboot required PackageManager Kræver genstart +Very unstable RatePackageWindow Meget ustabil +All packages PackageListView Alle pakker +Network Transport Error ServerHelper Fejl ved netværkstransport +Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitet +Send RatePackageWindow Send +Start package daemon App Start pakkedæmon +The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow Adgangskoden er for svag eller ugyldig. Brug venligst mindst 8 tegn med mindst 2 tal og 2 store bogstaver. +The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView Pakkehandlingen kunne ikke planlægges: %Error% +Cancel RatePackageWindow Annuller +Inactive PackageListView Inaktiv +Synchronizing meta-data about repositories ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess Synkroniserer metadata om softwarekilder +OK MainWindow OK +{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# element} other{# elementer}} +OK PackageInfoView OK +Downloading: PackageInfoView Downloader: +Success UserLoginWindow Lykkedes +It responded with: %message% UserLoginWindow Den svarede med: %message% +Package daemon problem App Problem med pakkedæmon +(%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%) +Repository PackageListView Softwarekilde +%hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%) PackageInfoView %hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%) +Close UserLoginWindow Luk +Close RatePackageWindow Luk +Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Synkroniserer pakkedata for softwarekilden '%REPO_NAME%' +Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow Kunne ikke oprette konto: %s\n +Size PackageListView Størrelse +Your rating: RatePackageWindow Din bedømmelse: +Your rating was updated. RatePackageWindow Din bedømmelse blev opdateret. +All categories FilterView Alle kategorier +Repositories MainWindow Softwarekilder +n/a PackageInfoView - +Cancel MainWindow Annuller +{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(1 mere at downloade)}other{(# mere at downloade)}} +Refresh repositories MainWindow Genopfrisk softwarekilder +If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your password if you forget it. UserLoginWindow Hvis du ikke angiver en e-mailadresse, så vil du ikke være i stand til at nulstille din adgangskode hvis du glemmer den. +Package Update Error MainWindow Fejl ved pakkeopdatering +Tools MainWindow Værktøjer +The passwords do not match. UserLoginWindow Adgangskoderne er ikke ens. +This package doesn't seem to be on the HaikuDepot Server, so it's not possible to create a new rating or edit an existing rating. MainWindow Pakken ser ikke ud til at være på HaikuDepot-serveren, så det er ikke muligt at oprette en ny bedømmelse eller redigere end eksisterende bedømmelse. +Language RatePackageWindow Sprog +Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow Autentifikation mislykkedes. Forbindelsen til tjenesten mislykkedes. +Log out MainWindow Log ud +Comment language: RatePackageWindow Kommentarsprog: +Status PackageListView Status +The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Brugernavnet er allerede taget. Vælg venligst et andet. +Update RatePackageWindow Opdater +OK ServerHelper OK +Language UserLoginWindow Sprog +OK UserLoginWindow OK +Reading repository data LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Læser data for softwarekilde +Synchronizing reference data from server ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess Synkroniserer referencedata fra server +Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitet: +A validation error has occurred ServerHelper Der opstod en fejl ved validering +The captcha puzzle needs to be solved. UserLoginWindow Captcha-gåden skal løses. +Source packages MainWindow Kildepakker +- no package size - +User name: UserLoginWindow Brugernavn: +Try again App Prøv igen +Rate package RatePackageWindow Bedøm pakke +The email address appears to be malformed. UserLoginWindow E-mailadressen ser ud til at være forkert udformet. +You have not solved the captcha puzzle correctly. UserLoginWindow Du løste ikke captcha-gåden korrekt. +Unknown PackageListView Ukendt +Log in UserLoginWindow Log ind +Logged in as %User% MainWindow Logger ind som %User% +Email address: UserLoginWindow E-mailadresse: +Screenshot ScreenshotWindow Skærmbillede +HaikuDepot System name HaikuDepot +A reboot is necessary to complete the installation process. PackageManager Der kræves en genstart for at fuldføre installationsprocessen. +Search terms: FilterView Søgetermer: +Pending… PackageListView Afventer… +Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Gentag adgangsfrase: +Category: FilterView Kategori: +Authentication failed UserLoginWindow Autentifikation mislykkedes +Manage repositories… MainWindow Håndter softwarekilder… +Fetching remote repository data LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Henter data for fjernsoftwarekilde +Description PackageListView Beskrivelse +Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Adgangsfrase: +Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Åbn %DeskbarLink% +Install PackageManager Installer +Input validation UserLoginWindow Inputvalidering +View latest user usage conditions… MainWindow Vis seneste betingelser for brugeranvendelse … +An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper Det blev sendt en uventet fejl fra HaikuDepot-serveren [%i] +Log in… MainWindow Log ind… +You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Du skal logge ind på en konto inden du kan bedømme pakker. +Client version too old ServerHelper Klientens version for gammel +Authorization or security issue ServerHelper Problem med autentifikation eller sikkerhed +9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB +All repositories MainWindow Alle softwarekilder +%Version% PackageInfoView %Version% diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fur.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fur.catkeys index 41ad2ae54a..cbf0b74a6f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fur.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/fur.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4293876709 +1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3237543383 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Si è verificât un erôr intal inzornâ il dipuesit: %error% Check for updates… MainWindow Control inzornaments… Uninstall PackageManager Disinstale @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Sproc di ordin: Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Vierç %DeskbarLink% Install PackageManager Instale Input validation UserLoginWindow Convalide input +View latest user usage conditions… MainWindow Viôt lis ultimis condizions di ûs dal utent… An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper Un erôr inspietât al è stât inviât dal servidôr di HaikuDepot [%i] Log in… MainWindow Acès… You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Si scugne jessi jentrâts intun account prime di podê valutâ i pachets. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/it.catkeys index c179bcaa80..630c228b27 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/it.catkeys @@ -1,12 +1,15 @@ -1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2728680786 +1 italian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 3919231293 +An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Si è verificato un errore nell'aggiornamento del repository: %error% Check for updates… MainWindow Controllo aggiornamenti… Uninstall PackageManager Disinstalla (%Votes%) FeaturedPackagesView (%Votes%) Uninstalled PackageListView Disinstallato Available packages MainWindow Pacchetti disponibili Create account UserLoginWindow Crea account +OK App OK Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Tendenzialmente stabile Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Account creato con successo. Ora puoi votare i pacchetti e utilizzare tutte le funzionalità dell'applicazione. +The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper Il captcha inserito non è corretto. Develop packages MainWindow Sviluppo Rate package… PackageInfoView Vota pacchetto… Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Avvio del demone dei pacchetti fallito:\n\n%Error% @@ -95,6 +98,7 @@ Comment language: RatePackageWindow Linguaggio commento: Status PackageListView Stato The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Questo nome utente è già usato. Scegline un altro. Update RatePackageWindow Aggiorna +OK ServerHelper OK Language UserLoginWindow Linguaggi di programmazione OK UserLoginWindow OK Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilità: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys index 1706b2af11..2613fc9d8e 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/ja.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4293876709 +1 japanese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2601073644 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess リポジトリの更新中に次のエラーが発生しました: %error% Check for updates… MainWindow 更新をチェック… Uninstall PackageManager アンインストール @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ OK App OK Mostly stable RatePackageWindow ほとんど安定 Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow アカウントが正常に作成されました。これからパッケージの評価やほかの便利なことができます。 The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper キャプチャの回答が間違っていました +While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs. MainWindow パッケージデーターの更新中に問題が発生しました。その問題によりデータが期限切れに、つまり、アプリケーションの表示から消えてしまいます。この問題に関する追加のデータは、アプリケーションのログから得られるかもしれません。 Develop packages MainWindow 開発用パッケージ Rate package… PackageInfoView パッケージを評価… Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App パッケージデーモンの起動に失敗しました:\n\n%Error% @@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow パスフレーズ: Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager %DeskbarLink% を開く Install PackageManager インストール Input validation UserLoginWindow 入力検証 +View latest user usage conditions… MainWindow ユーザーの最新の使用状況を表示… An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper 予期しないエラーが次の HaikuDepot サーバーから送信されました [%i] Log in… MainWindow ログイン… You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow パッケージを評価する前にアカウントにログインする必要があります。 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b54f1269e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 1735843491 +Check for updates… MainWindow Verificar atualizações… +Uninstall PackageManager Desinstalar +(%Votes%) FeaturedPackagesView (%Votes%) +Uninstalled PackageListView Desinstalado +Available packages MainWindow Pacotes disponíveis +Create account UserLoginWindow Criar conta +Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Maioritariamente estável +Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Conta criada com sucesso. Agora já pode avaliar pacotes e fazer outras coisas úteis. +Develop packages MainWindow Pacotes de desenvolvimento +Rate package… PackageInfoView Avaliar pacote… +Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Falhou a inicialização do package daemon:\n\n%Erro% + PackageInfoView +No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Não há avaliações de utilizadores disponíveis. +The user name needs to be at least 3 letters long. UserLoginWindow O nome de utilizador tem de ter, no mínimo, 3 letras. +Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Falhou a criação de conta +Ignore UserLoginWindow Ignorar +Rating PackageListView Avaliação +Does not start RatePackageWindow Não inicia +Show MainWindow Mostrar +But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Mas nenhum pôde ser listado aqui, desculpe. +There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Há problemas com os dados introduzidos:\n\n +The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow A autenticação foi bem sucedida. +Not specified RatePackageWindow Não especificado +Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instável, mas utilizável +Active PackageListView Ativo +Login or Create account MainWindow Iniciar sessão ou Criar conta + PackageContentsView +Ratings PackageInfoView Avaliações +Switch account… MainWindow Mudar de conta… +Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Língua preferida: +It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Não foi possível contactar o serviço web. +Name PackageListView Nome +Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow Avaliar %Package% +Quit HaikuDepot App Sair do HaikuDepot +Category FilterView Categoria +User rating RatePackageWindow Avaliação do utilizador +Installed packages MainWindow Pacotes instalados +Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Outros utilizadores podem visualizar esta avaliação +Stable RatePackageWindow Estável +Fatal error PackageManager Erro fatal +Package action failed PackageInfoView Falhou a ação de pacote +No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nenhum registo de alterações disponível. +There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow Há problemas no formulário:\n\n +There was a puzzling response from the web service. UserLoginWindow A resposta do serviço web é incompreensível. +Not logged in MainWindow Sem sessão iniciada +No, quit HaikuDepot App Não, sair do HaikuDepot +Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at the HaikuDepot Server website. RatePackageWindow A sua avaliação foi enviada com sucesso. Poderá atualizá-la ou eliminá-la no sítio web HaikuDepot Server. +Available PackageListView Disponível +Cancel UserLoginWindow Cancelar +HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App O HaikuDepot requer o package daemon para funcionar, mas parece que ele não está em execução.\nDeseja iniciá-lo agora? +Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Clique num pacote para visualizar a informação +Contents PackageInfoView Conteúdo +Close PackageManager Fechar +Changelog PackageInfoView Registo de alterações +Rating not possible MainWindow Avaliação não possível +About PackageInfoView Acerca +Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow A autenticação falhou. Ou o utilizador não existe, ou foi introduzida uma palavra-passe errada. +Reboot required PackageManager Necessário reiniciar +Very unstable RatePackageWindow Muito instável +Stability RatePackageWindow Estabilidade +Send RatePackageWindow Enviar +Start package daemon App Iniciar package daemon +The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow A palavra-passe é inválida ou demasiado fraca. Por favor, utilize pelo menos 8 caracteres, incluindo pelo menos 2 números e 2 letras maiúsculas. +The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView A ação do pacote não pôde ser agendada: %Error% +Cancel RatePackageWindow Cancelar +Inactive PackageListView Inativo +OK MainWindow OK +{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# item} other{# itens}} +OK PackageInfoView OK +Downloading: PackageInfoView A descarregar: +Success UserLoginWindow Sucesso +Package daemon problem App Problema do package daemon +(%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%) +Repository PackageListView Repositório +%hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%) PackageInfoView %hd.timestamp% (versão %hd.version%) +Close UserLoginWindow Fechar +Close RatePackageWindow Fechar +Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow Falha ao criar conta: %s\n +Size PackageListView Tamanho +Your rating: RatePackageWindow Sua avaliação: +Your rating was updated. RatePackageWindow A sua avaliação foi atualizada. +All categories FilterView Todas as categorias +Repositories MainWindow Repositórios +n/a PackageInfoView n/d +Cancel MainWindow Cancelar +Refresh repositories MainWindow Atualizar repositórios +If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your password if you forget it. UserLoginWindow Se não fornecer um endereço de email, não conseguirá redefinir a sua palavra-passe se a esquecer. +Tools MainWindow Ferramentas +The passwords do not match. UserLoginWindow As palavras-passe não conferem. +This package doesn't seem to be on the HaikuDepot Server, so it's not possible to create a new rating or edit an existing rating. MainWindow Este pacote parece não estar localizado no servidor HaikuDepot, pelo que não é possível criar uma nova avaliação ou editar uma já existente. +Language RatePackageWindow Língua +Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow A autenticação falhou. A ligação ao serviço falhou. +Log out MainWindow Terminar sessão +Comment language: RatePackageWindow Língua do comentário: +Status PackageListView Estado +The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow O nome de utilizador já está em uso. Por favor, escolha outro. +Update RatePackageWindow Atualizar +Language UserLoginWindow Língua +OK UserLoginWindow OK +Stability: RatePackageWindow Estabilidade: +The captcha puzzle needs to be solved. UserLoginWindow O quebra-cabeças (captcha) precisa ser resolvido. +Source packages MainWindow Pacotes de código-fonte +- no package size - +User name: UserLoginWindow Nome de utilizador: +Try again App Tentar novamente +Rate package RatePackageWindow Avaliar pacote +The email address appears to be malformed. UserLoginWindow O endereço de email parece estar incorretamente formado. +You have not solved the captcha puzzle correctly. UserLoginWindow Você não resolveu corretamente o quebra-cabeças captcha. +Unknown PackageListView Desconhecido +Log in UserLoginWindow Iniciar sessão +Logged in as %User% MainWindow Sessão iniciada como %User% +Email address: UserLoginWindow Endereço de email: +Screenshot ScreenshotWindow Captura de ecrã +HaikuDepot System name HaikuDepot +A reboot is necessary to complete the installation process. PackageManager É necessário reiniciar para completar o processo de instalação. +Search terms: FilterView Termos de pesquisa: +Pending… PackageListView Pendente… +Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Repetir palavra-passe: +Category: FilterView Categoria: +Authentication failed UserLoginWindow A autenticação falhou +Manage repositories… MainWindow Gerir repositórios… +Description PackageListView Descrição +Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Palavra-passe: +Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Abrir %DeskbarLink% +Install PackageManager Instalar +Input validation UserLoginWindow Validação de entrada +Log in… MainWindow Entrar… +You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Você precisa de ter sessão iniciada com uma conta antes de poder avaliar pacotes. +9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB +All repositories MainWindow Todos os repositórios +%Version% PackageInfoView %Version% diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys index 58d085ede2..a21752c01d 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/sv.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4293876709 +1 swedish x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2601073644 An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Ett fel inträffade vid uppdatering av repositoriet: %error% Check for updates… MainWindow Leta efter uppdateringar… Uninstall PackageManager Avinstallera @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ OK App OK Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Mestadels stabil Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Kontot lyckades skapas. Du kan nu betygsätta paket och göra andra vettiga saker. The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper Svaret på captchan var inkorrekt. +While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs. MainWindow Vid uppdatering av paketdata har ett problem uppstått som kan göra att data är föråldrade eller saknas från programmets display. Ytterligare information om det här problemet kan hämtas från applikationsloggarna. Develop packages MainWindow Utvecklingspaket Rate package… PackageInfoView Betygsätt paket... Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Starta package daemon misslyckades:\n\n%Error% @@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Lösen fras: Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Öppna %DeskbarLink% Install PackageManager Installera Input validation UserLoginWindow Ogiltigt indata +View latest user usage conditions… MainWindow Se de senaste användarvillkoren… An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper Ett oväntat fel har skickats från HaikuDepot-servern [%i] Log in… MainWindow Logga in... You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Du måste logga in för att kunna betygsätta paket. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/uk.catkeys index f9844bad09..e51703210c 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/haikudepot/uk.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4184700448 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 2601073644 +An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Під час оновлення репозиторію сталася помилка: %error% Check for updates… MainWindow Оцінити пакунок… Uninstall PackageManager Видалити (%Votes%) FeaturedPackagesView (%Votes%) @@ -8,19 +9,24 @@ Create account UserLoginWindow Створити обліковий запис OK App Гаразд Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Найстабільніший Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Акаунт успішно створено. Тепер Ви зможете оцінювати пакети і робити інші корисні речі. +The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper Невірна відповідь на капчу. +While updating package data, a problem has arisen that may cause data to be outdated or missing from the application's display. Additional details regarding this problem may be able to be obtained from the application logs. MainWindow Під час оновлення пакунку сталася помилка, що може призвести до появи у вікні застосунку застарілих елементів або їх відсутності. Додаткові відомості щодо цього можна переглянути у лог-файлах застосунку. Develop packages MainWindow Пакети розробника Rate package… PackageInfoView Оцінити пакет… Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Запуск демона пакету призупинено:\n\n%Error% PackageInfoView <немає інформації> No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Оцінка для користувача недоступна. +Local Repository Load Error LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Помилка при завантаженні репозиторію The user name needs to be at least 3 letters long. UserLoginWindow Ім'я користувача повинно бути хоча б у 3 літери завдовжки. Downloading package '%name%' WorkStatusView Завантажити пакунок '%name%' Failed to create account UserLoginWindow Створення облікового запису призупинено Ignore UserLoginWindow Ігнорувати Rating PackageListView Оцінка +Synchronizing icons ServerIconExportUpdateProcess Синхронізую піктограми Does not start RatePackageWindow Не починається Show MainWindow Показати But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Жодних перечислень тут, вибачте +An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Під час отримання переліку пакунків сталася помилка: %message% There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Сталися проблеми з введеними даними:\n\n The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow Активізація успішна. Not specified RatePackageWindow Не визначено @@ -32,15 +38,21 @@ Login or Create account MainWindow Авторизуватись або заре Ratings PackageInfoView Оцінки Switch account… MainWindow Перемкнути обліковий запис… Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Бажана мова: +Server Error ServerHelper Помилка на сервері It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Неможливо під'єднатись до мережевого сервісу. Name PackageListView Ім'я +Local LocalPkgDataLoadProcess На цьому пристрої Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow Оцінити %Package% +An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Під час запуску диспетчера пакунків сталася помилка: %message% Quit HaikuDepot App Вийти зі Сховища Haiku +Repository Update Error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Помилка зв'язку з репозиторієм Category FilterView Категорія User rating RatePackageWindow Оцінка користувача Installed packages MainWindow Встановлені пакети +A requested object or an object involved in the request was not found on the server. ServerHelper На сервері не знайдено потрібний об'єкт або об'єкт, що міститься у запиті. Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow Інші користувачі можуть побачити цю оцінку Stable RatePackageWindow Стабільний +This application is too old to communicate with the HaikuDepot server system. Obtain a newer version of HaikuDepot by updating your Haiku system. The minimum version of HaikuDepot required is \"%s\". ServerHelper Застосунок застарів і не може працювати з сервером HaikuDepot. Оновіть HaikuDepot шляхом оновлення Haiku. Потрібна версія HaikuDepot, не старіша за \"%s\". Fatal error PackageManager Критична помилка Package action failed PackageInfoView Роботу пакету призупинено No changelog available. PackageInfoView Історія змін недоступна @@ -51,19 +63,23 @@ Not logged in MainWindow Не авторизований No, quit HaikuDepot App Ні, залишити Сховище Depot Featured packages FeaturedPackagesView Пропоновані пакети Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at the HaikuDepot Server website. RatePackageWindow Ваша оцінка успішно завантажена. Ви можете оновити або вилучити її на веб-сайті HaikuDepot Server. +Network Error ServerHelper Помилка мережі Available PackageListView Доступні Cancel UserLoginWindow Відмінити HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App Сховище Haiku потребує запуску демона пакетів, який напевно не працює.\nЗапустити його зараз? Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Клікніть по пакунку, для відображення інформації про нього Contents PackageInfoView Вміст Close PackageManager Закрити +A network transport error has arisen communicating with the HaikuDepot server system: %s ServerHelper Під час зв'язку з сервером HaikuDepot сталася помилка передачі даних: %s Changelog PackageInfoView Журнал змін Rating not possible MainWindow Оцінка неможлива About PackageInfoView Про програму Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow Авторизацію призупинено. Користувач відсутній або введено невірний пароль. +%FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# process} other{# processes}} ProcessCoordinator %FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# процес} few{# процеси} other{# процесів}} Reboot required PackageManager Потрібно перезавантаження Very unstable RatePackageWindow Дуже нестабільний All packages PackageListView Всі пакунки +Network Transport Error ServerHelper Помилка передачі даних Stability RatePackageWindow Стабільність Send RatePackageWindow Надіслати Start package daemon App Запустити демон пакетів @@ -71,6 +87,7 @@ The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at le The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView Дію пакета неможливо спрогнозувати: %Error% Cancel RatePackageWindow Відмінити Inactive PackageListView Неактивний +Synchronizing meta-data about repositories ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess Синхронізація мета-даних репозиторіїв. OK MainWindow Гаразд {0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# item}, other{# items}} OK PackageInfoView Згода @@ -83,6 +100,7 @@ Repository PackageListView Сховище %hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%) PackageInfoView %hd.timestamp% (версія %hd.version%) Close UserLoginWindow Закрити Close RatePackageWindow Закрити +Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Синхронізую дані пакунку з репозиторієм '%REPO_NAME%' Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow Призупинено створення облікового запису: %s\n Size PackageListView Розмір Your rating: RatePackageWindow Ваш рейтинг: @@ -105,9 +123,13 @@ Comment language: RatePackageWindow Мова коментарів: Status PackageListView Стан The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Ім'я користувача задіяне. Виберіть інше, буль-ласка. Update RatePackageWindow Оновлення +OK ServerHelper Вдало! Language UserLoginWindow Мова OK UserLoginWindow Гаразд +Reading repository data LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Отримую дані репозиторію +Synchronizing reference data from server ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess Синхронізую вихідні дані з сервером Stability: RatePackageWindow Стабільність: +A validation error has occurred ServerHelper Сталася помилка перевірки достовірності The captcha puzzle needs to be solved. UserLoginWindow Розв'язати головоломку captcha Source packages MainWindow Пакети з вихідними текстами - no package size - @@ -129,13 +151,18 @@ Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Повторити гасло: Category: FilterView Категорія: Authentication failed UserLoginWindow Авторизацію призупинено Manage repositories… MainWindow Обробка репозиторіїв… +Fetching remote repository data LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Отримання даних з віддаленого репозиторію Description PackageListView Опис Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Гасло: Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Відкрити %DeskbarLink% Install PackageManager Встановити Input validation UserLoginWindow Перевірка вхідних даних +View latest user usage conditions… MainWindow Переглянути дії останнього користувача +An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper Сервер HaikuDepot надіслав непередбачену помилку [%i] Log in… MainWindow Авторизуватись… You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Для оцінки пакетів спочатку необхідно авторизуватись. +Client version too old ServerHelper Застаріла версія клієнту +Authorization or security issue ServerHelper Проблема з авторизацією або безпекою 9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB All repositories MainWindow Всі сховища %Version% PackageInfoView %Version% diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6a791ec7f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 3554185674 +None Icon-O-Matic-Properties Ingen +Rotate Path Indices Icon-O-Matic-RotatePathIndiciesCmd Drej sti-indicies +Add empty Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Tilføj tom +Opening the icon failed! Icon-O-Matic-Main Åbning af ikonet mislykkedes! +Add with path Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Tilføj med sti +Copy Icon-O-Matic-Properties Kopiér +Color Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Farve +Format Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Format +Move Shapes Icon-O-Matic-MoveShapesCommand Flyt figurer +Color Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Farve +Select Icon-O-Matic-Properties Vælg +Reset transformation Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Nulstil transformation +Duplicate Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Dupliker +Rotate Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Roter +Remove Control Points Icon-O-Matic-RemovePointsCmd Fjern kontrolpunkter +Shorten Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Afkort +Unassign Path Icon-O-Matic-UnassignPathCmd Utildelt sti +The text you are trying to import is quite long, are you sure? Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Teksten du prøver at importere er ret lang, er du sikker? +Paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Indsæt +Detect Orient. Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Registrer orientering. +Click on a shape above Empty transformers list - 1st line Klik på en figur ovenfor +Close Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Luk +Add rect Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Tilføj rektangel +Rotation Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Drejning +Multi Paste Properties Icon-O-Matic-Properties Egenskaber for multi-indsæt +Bleep! Exporter - Continue in error dialog Bip! +Transform Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Transformer +Remove Transformer Icon-O-Matic-RemoveTransformersCmd Fjern transformationer +META:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel META:ICON-attribut +Add shape with style Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Shape Tilføj figur med stil +Assign Path Icon-O-Matic-AddPathsCmd Tildel sti +Reset Transformation Icon-O-Matic-ResetTransformationCmd Nulstil transformation +Transformation Transformation Transformation +Remove Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Fjern +Cancel Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Annuller +Assign Style Icon-O-Matic-AssignStyleCmd Tildel stil +Transformation Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Transformation +Closed Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Lukket +Split Control Point Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Opdel kontrolpunkt + Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Edit +Height Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Højde +Add Shape Icon-O-Matic-AddShapesCmd Tilføj figur +warning Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport advarsel +File Icon-O-Matic-Menus Fil +Clean Up Path Icon-O-Matic-CleanUpPathCmd Ryd op i sti +Move Style Icon-O-Matic-MoveStylesCmd Flyt stil +Properties Icon-O-Matic-Menus Egenskaber +Path Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Sti +Add Control Point Icon-O-Matic-AddPointCmd Tilføj kontrolpunkt +Path Icon-O-Matic-Menus Sti +Stroke Transformation Strøg +Flip Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Spejlvend +Select All Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Vælg alle +Opacity Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Opacity +OK Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker OK +Error: Icon-O-Matic-Main Fejl: +bad news Icon-O-Matic-Exporter dårlige nyheder +Saving your document failed! Icon-O-Matic-Exporter Gemning af dit dokument mislykkedes! +Snap to grid Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Fastgør til gitter +Opening the document failed! Icon-O-Matic-Main Åbning af dokumentet mislykkedes! +Shape Icon-O-Matic-Menus Figur +Add with path & style Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Tilføj med sti og stil + Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes +Min LOD Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Min. LOD +Reverse Path Icon-O-Matic-ReversePathCmd Omvendt sti +Move Transformers Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Flyt transformationer +Add Icon-O-Matic-TransformersList Tilføj +Paste Properties Icon-O-Matic-Properties Indsæt egenskaber +Undo Icon-O-Matic-Main Fortryd +Settings Icon-O-Matic-Menus Indstillinger +Scale X Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Skaler X +Add Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Tilføj +Add Styles Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Tilføj stile +Remove Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Fjern +Duplicate Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Duplikat +Contour Transformation Omrids +Perspective Icon-O-Matic-TransformersList Perspektiv +Save icon Dialog title Gem ikon +Move Paths Icon-O-Matic-MovePathsCmd Flyt stier +Rounding Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Afrunding +Joins Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Samler +Cancel Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker Annuller +Duplicate Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Dupliker +Remove Shapes Icon-O-Matic-RemoveShapesCmd Fjern figurer +Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Gem +Export as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Eksportér som… +Error: Icon-O-Matic-Exporter Fejl: +Move Path Icon-O-Matic-MovePathsCmd Flyt sti +Remove Paths Icon-O-Matic-RemovePathsCmd Fjern stier +Assign Paths Icon-O-Matic-AddPathsCmd Tildel stier +Diamond Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Diamant +Add Style Icon-O-Matic-AddStylesCmd Tilføj stil +Nudge Control Points Icon-O-Matic-NudgePointsCommand Nudge kontrolpunkter +Move Styles Icon-O-Matic-MoveStylesCmd Flyt stile +Don't save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Gem ikke +Add shape with path Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Shape Tilføj figur med sti +Translation X Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Oversættelse X +Flip Control Points Icon-O-Matic-FlipPointsCmd Vend kontrolpunkter +Add Transformers Icon-O-Matic-AddTransformersCmd Tilføj transformationer +BEOS:ICON Attribute Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel BEOS:ICON-attribut +Icon-O-Matic might not have interpreted all data from the SVG when it was loaded. By overwriting the original file, this information would now be lost. Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Ikon-o-mat fortolkede måske ikke al data fra SVG'en da den blev indlæst. Informationen går tabt ved overskrivning af den originale fil. +Rotate indices backwards Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Drej indices baglæns +Overwrite Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Overskriv +Modify Control Point Icon-O-Matic-ChangePointCmd Rediger kontrolpunkt +Cancel Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Annuller +Open… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Åbn… +Redo Icon-O-Matic-Main Omgør +Change Color Icon-O-Matic-SetColorCmd Skift farve +Remove Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Fjern +Drop shapes Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Drop figurer +PNG Set Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel PNG-sæt +to attach transformers. Empty transformers list - 2nd line to vedhæft transformationer. +Linear Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Lineær +any of the other lists to Empty property list - 2nd line nogen af de andre lister til +Nudge Control Point Icon-O-Matic-NudgePointsCommand Nudge kontrolpunkt +Flip Control Point Icon-O-Matic-FlipPointsCmd Vend kontrolpunkt +Add Paths Icon-O-Matic-AddPathsCmd Tilføj stier +Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Farve (#%02x%02x%02x) +Clean up Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Ryd op +Remove Style Icon-O-Matic-RemoveStylesCmd Fjern stil +Split Icon-O-Matic-PathManipulator Opdel +Move Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Flyt +Reset Transformations Icon-O-Matic-ResetTransformationCmd Nulstil transformationer +Split Control Points Icon-O-Matic-SplitPointsCmd Opdel kontrolpunkter +Remove Control Point Icon-O-Matic-RemovePointsCmd Fjern kontrolpunkt +Conic Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Konisk +Name Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Navn +Multi paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Multi-indsæt +Add Shapes Icon-O-Matic-AddShapesCmd Tilføj figurer +Reset transformation Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Nulstil transformation +Add Transformer Icon-O-Matic-AddTransformersCmd Tilføj transformationer +Reverse Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Negativ +Move Pivot Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Flyt pivot +Remove Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Fjern +Remove Transformers Icon-O-Matic-RemoveTransformersCmd Fjern transformationer +Style type Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Stiltype +Quit Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Afslut +Remove Styles Icon-O-Matic-RemoveStylesCmd Fjern stile +Gradient Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Gradient +bad news Title of error alert dårligt nyt +Insert Control Point Icon-O-Matic-InsertPointCmd Indsæt kontrolpunkt +Add shape with path & style Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Shape Tilføj figur med sti og stil +Move Shape Icon-O-Matic-MoveShapesCommand Flyt figur +Radial Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Radial +Text too long Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Teksten er for lang +Caps Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Endelser +OK Icon-O-Matic-SVGImport OK +Append… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Tilføj til slutning… +Scale Y Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Skaler Y +Failed to open the file '%s' as an SVG document.\n\nError: %s Icon-O-Matic-SVGImport Kunne ikke åbne filen '%s' som et SVG-dokument.\n\nFejl: %s +Export icon Dialog title Eksportér ikon +Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Farve (#%02x%02x%02x) +Edit Gradient Icon-O-Matic-SetGradientCmd Rediger gradient +Set Set (property name) Indstil +Rotate indices forwards Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Drej indices fremad +Click on an object in Empty property list - 1st line Klik på et objekt i +Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Gem +No Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Nej +Add circle Icon-O-Matic-PathsList Tilføj cirkel +Freeze transformation Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Frys transformation +Freeze Shapes Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Frys figurer +Miter Limit Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Mitergrænse +Untitled Icon-O-Matic-Main Unavngivet +Max LOD Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Maks. LOD +Add Path Icon-O-Matic-AddPathsCmd Tilføj sti +Save changes to current icon before closing? Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Gem ændringer til nuværende ikon inden lukning? +load error Icon-O-Matic-SVGImport fejl ved indlæsning +Transformation Icon-O-Matic-TransformersList Transformation +Save as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Gem som… +Swatches Icon-O-Matic-Menus Swatches + Icon-O-Matic-PathCmd +HVIF Source Code Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel HVIF-kildekode +Icon-O-Matic System name Ikon-o-mat + Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Edit +Add Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Tilføj +Translation Y Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Oversættelse Y +Freeze Shape Icon-O-Matic-FreezeTransformationCmd Frys figur +Scale Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Skaler +Remove Shape Icon-O-Matic-RemoveShapesCmd Fjern figur +All Icon-O-Matic-Properties Alle +Transformer Icon-O-Matic-Menus Transformationer +Invert selection Icon-O-Matic-Properties Omvendt markering + Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames +Pick a color Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker Vælg en farve +Multi Set Multi Set (property name) Multi-sæt +Settings… Icon-O-Matic-SavePanel Indstillinger… +Add with style Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Tilføj med stil +New Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Ny +Yes Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Ja +Remove Path Icon-O-Matic-RemovePathsCmd Fjern sti +Gradient type Icon-O-Matic-StyleTypes Gradienttype +Move Transformer Icon-O-Matic-MoveTransformersCmd Flyt transformationer +Perspective Transformation Perspektiv +Export Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Eksportér +Width Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Bredde +Bummer Cancel button - error alert Øv +Style Icon-O-Matic-Menus Stil +edit it's properties here. Empty property list - 3rd line rediger dens egenskaber her. +Off Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Fra +Edit Icon-O-Matic-Menus Rediger diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca46505f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/icon-o-matic/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku-icon_o_matic 1581722595 +Add with path Icon-O-Matic-ShapesList Adicionar com caminho +Rotate Icon-O-Matic-TransformationBoxStates Rodar +The text you are trying to import is quite long, are you sure? Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport O texto que está a importar é bastante longo, quer continuar? +Paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Colar +Rotation Icon-O-Matic-PropertyNames Rotação +Remove Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Remover +Cancel Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Cancelar +Clean Up Path Icon-O-Matic-CleanUpPathCmd Limpar Caminho +Path Icon-O-Matic-Menus Caminho +Saving your document failed! Icon-O-Matic-Exporter Ocorreu uma falha ao guardar o documento! +Paste Properties Icon-O-Matic-Properties Colar Propriedades +Undo Icon-O-Matic-Main Desfazer +Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Guardar +Don't save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-Settings Não guardar +Open… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Abrir… +Change Color Icon-O-Matic-SetColorCmd Alterar Cor +Multi paste Icon-O-Matic-Properties Colagem múltipla +Quit Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Sair +Export icon Dialog title Exportar ícone +Save Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Guardar +No Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Não +Save as… Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Guardar como… +Pick a color Icon-O-Matic-ColorPicker Escolha uma cor +Yes Icon-O-Matic-StyledTextImport Sim diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/da.catkeys index e3f44ba726..616ed88d58 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/da.catkeys @@ -1,2 +1,89 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 48060543 -Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Er du sikker på at du vil afbryde installationen og genstarte systemet? +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 116830250 +Performing installation. InstallProgress Udfører installation. +Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Vælg en oprindelsesdisk fra popup-menuen. Tryk dernæst på \"Begynd\". +Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Luk venligst vinduet for drevopsætning, før du lukker installationsvinduet. +No optional packages available. PackagesView Ingen valgfri pakker tilgængelige. +Restart system InstallerWindow Genstart system +The mount point could not be retrieved. InstallProgress Kunne ikke hægte diskenhed på. + InstallerWindow No partition available +Please choose target InstallerWindow Vælg venligst mål +Cancel InstallProgress Annuller +Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Restart to restart the computer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Installationen er færdig. Opstartssektoren er blevet skrevet til '%s'. Tryk på Genstart for at genstarte computeren eller vælg et nyt måldiskområde for at udføre endnu en installation. +Are you sure you want to to stop the installation? InstallerWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil stoppe installationen? +Installer System name Installationsprogram +Unknown Type InstallProgress Partition content type Ukendt Type +Press the Begin button to install from '%1s' onto '%2s'. InstallerWindow Tryk på Begynd for at installere fra '%1s' på '%2s'. +Choose the disk you want to install onto from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Vælg disken du ønsker at kopiere til fra menuen. Tryk dernæst på \"Begynd\". +Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Installationen er færdig. Opstartssektoren er blevet skrevet til '%s'. Tryk på Afslut for at forlade installationsprogrammet eller vælg et nyt måldiskområde for at udføre endnu en installation. +README InstallerApp LÆSMIG +Quit InstallerWindow Afslut +Write boot sector to '%s' InstallerWindow Skriv opstartssektor til '%s' +Boot sector not written because of an internal error. InstallProgress Opstartssektoren blev ikke skrevet pga. intern fejl. +DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Drevopsætning, programmet til at konfigurere diskpartitioner, kunne ikke begynde. +Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Velkommen til Haiku-installationsprogrammet!\n\n +?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? af ?? +Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Afslut opstartsmanager +Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Kører opstartsmanager…\n\nLuk opstartsmanager for at fortsætte med installationen. +Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Afslut drevopsætning +Write boot sector InstallerWindow Skriv opstartssektoren +%1ld of %2ld InstallerWindow number of files copied %1ld af %2ld +Finishing installation. InstallProgress Færdiggør installationen. +Install from: InstallerWindow Installer fra: +Additional disk space required: 0.0 KiB InstallerWindow Yderligere påkrævet diskplads: 0.0 KiB +This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data. Make frequent backups! You have been warned.\n\n\n InstallerApp Dette er software i betakvalitet! Det betyder at der er risiko for tab af vigtige data. Sørg for at foretage regelmæssige sikkerhedskopieringer! Du er hermed blevet advaret.\n\n\n +3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"Welcome\" and \"Userguide\" documentation. There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Når det lykkedes dig at opstarte Haiku for første gang, så sørg for at læse vores \"Welcome\"- og \"Userguide\"-dokumentation. Det er links på skrivebordet og i WebPositives bogmærker.\n\n +??? InstallerWindow Unknown currently copied item ??? +Install anyway InstallProgress Installer alligevel +1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Hvis du installerer Haiku på rigtig hardware (ikke i en emulator), så vil du måske forberede en harddisk-partition fra et andet styresystem (du kan f.eks. bruge en GParted live-CD, som også kan tilpasse størrelsen på eksisterende partitioner, for at gøre plads).\nDu kan også opsætte partitioner ved at starte drevopsætning fra installationsprogrammet, men du kan ikke bruge den til at tilpasse størrelsen på eksisterende partitioner. Selvom drevopsætning er blevet gennemtestet over årene, så anbefales det at have opdaterede sikkerhedskopier af de andre partitioner på dit system. For en sikkerhedsskyld… +Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Vælg oprindelses- og destinationsdisk fra popup-menuerne. Tryk dernæst på \"Begynd\". +Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Skjul valgfri pakker +??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ??? +Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Hav det sjovt og tak fordi du prøver Haiku! +Quit InstallerApp Afslut +Starting installation. InstallProgress Starter installationen. +Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Fejl ved skrivning af opstartssektor. +OK InstallerWindow OK +Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Luk venligst vinduerne for opstartsmanager og drevopsætning, før du lukker vinduet for installationen. +Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Kunne ikke start opstartshåndteringen +Try installing anyway InstallProgress Prøv at installer alligevel +IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE INSTALLING HAIKU\n\n InstallerApp VIGTIG INFORMATION INDEN INSTALLATION AF HAIKU\n\n +Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Yderlig disk plads påkrævet: %s +Stop InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Stop +Boot sector successfully written. InstallProgress Opstartssektoren blev skrevet. +An error was encountered and the installation was not completed:\n\nError: %s InstallerWindow En fejl opstod en fejl, og installationen er ikke færdiggjort:\n\nFejl: %s +Restart InstallerWindow Genstart +The disk can't be mounted. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Disken kan ikke forbindes med systemet. Vælg venligst en anden disk. +Begin InstallerWindow Begynd +Collecting copy information. InstallProgress Samler information om ophavsret. +Show optional packages InstallerWindow Vis valgfri pakker +The destination disk may not have enough space. Try choosing a different disk or choose to not install optional items. InstallProgress Destinationsdisken har måske ikke nok plads. Prøv at vælge en anden disk, eller prøv ikke at installere valgfrie elementer. +Installation canceled. InstallProgress Installation afbrudt. +The target volume is not empty. Are you sure you want to install anyway?\n\nNote: The 'system' folder will be a clean copy from the source volume but will retain its settings folder, all other folders will be merged, whereas files and links that exist on both the source and target volume will be overwritten with the source volume version. InstallProgress Måldiskområdet er ikke tomt. Er du sikker på, at du vil installere alligevel?\n\nBemærk: 'system'-mappen vil være en frisk kopi af kildediskområdet men bevarer sin indstillingsmappe, alle andre mapper sammenflettes, hvor filer og links som findes på både kilde- og måldiskområdet overskrives med versionen fra kildediskområdet. +OK InstallerApp OK +Are you sure you want to abort the installation? InstallerWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde installationen? +Stop InstallerWindow Stop +Cancel InstallerWindow Annuller +Continue InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Fortsæt +No partitions have been found that are suitable for installation. Please set up partitions and initialize at least one partition with the Be File System. InstallerWindow Der er ikke fundet nogen egnede partitioner for installationen. Konfigurer venligst partitioner og sæt mindst én partition op med Be-filsystem. +Launch the DriveSetup utility to partition\navailable hard drives and other media.\nPartitions can be initialized with the\nBe File System needed for a Haiku boot\npartition. InstallerWindow Igangsæt drevopsætning-værktøjet for at partitionere\ntilgængelige diskdrev og andre medier.\nPartitioner kan sættes op med\nBe-filsystemet, der er nødvendigt\nfor en Haiku-opstartspartition. +Scanning for disks… InstallerWindow Leder efter diske… +Running DriveSetup…\n\nClose DriveSetup to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Kører drevopsætning…\n\nLuk vinduet for drevopsætning for at fortsætte installationen. +Abort InstallerWindow Afbryd +The partition can't be mounted. Please choose a different partition. InstallProgress Partitionen kan ikke hentes ind i systemet. Vælg venligst en anden partition. +Set up partitions… InstallerWindow Konfigurer partitioner… +Install progress: InstallerWindow Installationsfremgang: +You can't install the contents of a disk onto itself. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Du kan ikke installere noget fra en disk ovenpå sig selv. Vælg venligst en anden disk. +Boot Manager, the application to configure the Haiku boot menu, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Opstartshåndtering, programmet til at konfigurere Haiku-opstartsmenuen, kunne ikke startes. +Please close the Boot Manager window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Luk venligst vinduet for opstartsmanager, før du lukker installationsvinduet. +OK InstallProgress OK +Running Boot Manager and DriveSetup…\n\nClose both applications to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow Kører opstartsmanager og drevopsætning…\n\nLuk vinduerne for begge programmer for at fortsætte med installationen. +Are you sure you want to install onto the current boot disk? The Installer will have to reboot your machine if you proceed. InstallProgress Er du sikker på, at du vil installere på nærværende opstartsdisk? Installationsprogrammet genstarter din maskine, hvis du fortsætter. +Onto: InstallerWindow Til: +Quit Boot Manager and DriveSetup InstallerWindow Afslut opstartsmanager og drevopsætning +Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installationsprogram\n\tskrevet af Jérôme Duval og Stephan Aßmus\n\tOphavsret 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +Tools InstallerWindow Værktøjer +scanning… InstallerWindow leder… +2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Userguide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) Installationsprogrammet gør selve Haiku-partitionen opstartsbar, men foretager ikke nogen trin til integrering af Haiku i en eksisterende opstartsmenu. Hvis du allerede har GRUB installeret, så kan du tilføje Haiku til den.\nSe venligst detaljerne i guiden til opstart af Haiku på vores websted på https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nEller du kan opsætte en opstartsmenu fra installationsprogrammets \"Værktøjer\"-menu, se brugermanualens emne om programmet \"BootManager\".\n\n\n +Set up boot menu InstallerWindow Konfigurer bootmenuen +Continue InstallerApp Fortsæt +Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde installationen og genstarte systemet? diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/it.catkeys index 0d496d9d05..eb0ad0c8b4 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/it.catkeys @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Write boot sector InstallerWindow Scrivi settore d'avvio Install from: InstallerWindow Installa da: Additional disk space required: 0.0 KiB InstallerWindow Spazio aggiuntivo richiesto sul disco: 0.0 KiB This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data. Make frequent backups! You have been warned.\n\n\n InstallerApp Questo software è ancora in versione beta! Ciò significa il rischio di perdere dati importanti. Effettua backup con regolarità! Sei stato avvertito.\n\n\n -3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"Welcome\" and \"Userguide\" documentation. There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Quando avrai avviato Haiku la prima volta, assicurati di leggere la documentazione alle voci \"Benvenuto\" e \"Guida per l'utente\". Troverai i loro collegamenti sulla Scrivania a tra i preferiti di WebPositive.\n\n +3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"Welcome\" and \"Userguide\" documentation. There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Quando avrai avviato Haiku la prima volta, assicurati di leggere la documentazione alle voci \"Benvenuto\" e \"Guida per l'utente\". Troverai i loro collegamenti sulla Scrivania e tra i preferiti di WebPositive.\n\n ??? InstallerWindow Unknown currently copied item ??? Install anyway InstallProgress Installa comunque 1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Se intendi installare Haiku su dell'hardware reale (non all'interno di un emulatore), potresti voler preparare una partizione sul disco rigido da un altro sistema operativo (potresti, ad esempio, utilizzare un CD avviabile con GParted, che è anche in grado di ridimensionare le partizioni esistenti per liberare spazio).\nPuoi anche configurare le partizioni lanciando il DriveSetup, il gestore dei dischi, dal programma di installazione, ma non sarai in grado di ridimensionare le partizioni con quello. Per quanto DriveSetup sia stato testato a fondo nel corso degli anni, è raccomandato disporre di un backup aggiornato delle altre partizioni del sistema. Non si sa mai… diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt.catkeys index 8e02bfc201..2fc63385db 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/installer/pt.catkeys @@ -1,32 +1,89 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1519304611 -%1ld of %2ld InstallerWindow number of files copied %1ld de %2ld -?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? de ?? -??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ??? -Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Espaço em disco adicional necessário: %s -Additional disk space required: 0.0 KiB InstallerWindow Espaço em disco adicional necessário: 0.0 KiB -Begin InstallerWindow Iniciar -Cancel InstallProgress Cancelar -Cancel InstallerWindow Cancelar -Collecting copy information. InstallProgress A obter informações da cópia. -Continue InstallerApp Continuar -Continue InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Continuar -Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Ocultar pacotes opcionais -Install anyway InstallProgress Instalar na mesma -Install from: InstallerWindow Instalar a partir de: -Install progress: InstallerWindow Progresso da instalação: -Installation canceled. InstallProgress Instalação cancelada. -No optional packages available. PackagesView Não existem pacotes opcionais disponíveis. -OK InstallProgress OK -OK InstallerApp OK -OK InstallerWindow OK -Onto: InstallerWindow Em: -Quit InstallerWindow Terminar +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 116830250 +Performing installation. InstallProgress A executar a instalação. +Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Escolha o disco de origem usando o menu de pop-up. Depois clique em \"Iniciar\". +Please close the DriveSetup window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Feche a janela do DriveSetup antes de fechar a janela do Instalador. +No optional packages available. PackagesView Não há pacotes opcionais disponíveis. Restart system InstallerWindow Reiniciar sistema -Show optional packages InstallerWindow Mostrar pacotes opcionais -Starting Installation. InstallProgress A iniciar a instalação. -Stop InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Parar -The mount point could not be retrieved. InstallProgress Não foi possível obter o ponto de montagem. -Try installing anyway InstallProgress Tentar instalar na mesma +The mount point could not be retrieved. InstallProgress O ponto de montagem não pôde ser recuperado. + InstallerWindow No partition available +Please choose target InstallerWindow Por favor selecione o destino +Cancel InstallProgress Cancelar +Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Restart to restart the computer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow A instalação está completa. O setor de arranque foi escrito em '%s'. Pressione Reiniciar para reiniciar o computador ou escolha um novo volume de destino para realizar outra instalação. +Are you sure you want to to stop the installation? InstallerWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende interromper a instalação? +Installer System name Instalador Unknown Type InstallProgress Partition content type Tipo desconhecido +Press the Begin button to install from '%1s' onto '%2s'. InstallerWindow Pressione o botão Iniciar para instalar de '%1s' para '%2s'. +Choose the disk you want to install onto from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Escolha o disco em que deseja instalar a partir do menu de pop-up. Em seguida, clique em \"Iniciar\". +Installation completed. Boot sector has been written to '%s'. Press Quit to leave the Installer or choose a new target volume to perform another installation. InstallerWindow Instalação concluída. O sector de arranque foi guardado em "%s". Clique em Terminar para sair do Instalador ou escolha um novo volume de destino para executar outra instalação. +README InstallerApp LEIA-ME +Quit InstallerWindow Terminar Write boot sector to '%s' InstallerWindow Escrever sector de arranque em '%s' -scanning… InstallerWindow A analisar... +Boot sector not written because of an internal error. InstallProgress O sector de arranque não foi escrito por causa de um erro interno. +DriveSetup, the application to configure disk partitions, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Não foi possível iniciar o DriveSetup, a aplicação para configuração de partições de disco. +Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Bem-vindo ao Instalador do Haiku!\n\n +?? of ?? InstallerWindow Unknown progress ?? de ?? +Quit Boot Manager InstallerWindow Sair do Gestor de Arranque +Running Boot Manager…\n\nClose Boot Manager to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow A executar o Gestor de Arranque...\n\nFeche o Gestor de Arranque para continuar a instalação. +Quit DriveSetup InstallerWindow Sair do DriveSetup +Write boot sector InstallerWindow Escrever setor de arranque +%1ld of %2ld InstallerWindow number of files copied %1ld de %2ld +Finishing installation. InstallProgress A terminar a instalação. +Install from: InstallerWindow Instalar a partir de: +Additional disk space required: 0.0 KiB InstallerWindow Espaço em disco adicional necessário: 0.0 KiB +This is beta-quality software! It means there is a risk of losing important data. Make frequent backups! You have been warned.\n\n\n InstallerApp Este sotware é de qualidade beta! Isto significa que há o risco de perder dados importantes. Não se esqueça de fazer cópias de segurança frequentes.\n\n\n +3) When you successfully boot into Haiku for the first time, make sure to read our \"Welcome\" and \"Userguide\" documentation. There are links on the Desktop and in WebPositive's bookmarks.\n\n InstallerApp 3) Quando inicializar com sucesso o Haiku pela primeira vez, certifique-se de que lê os nossos documentos \"Boas-vindas\" e \"Guia do Utilizador\". Encontrará ligações na Área de Trabalho e nos marcadores do WebPositive.\n\n +??? InstallerWindow Unknown currently copied item ??? +Install anyway InstallProgress Instalar de qualquer modo +1) If you are installing Haiku onto real hardware (not inside an emulator), you may want to prepare a hard disk partition from another OS (you could, for example, use a GParted Live-CD, which can also resize existing partitions to make room).\nYou can also set up partitions by launching DriveSetup from Installer, but you won't be able to resize existing partitions with it. While DriveSetup has been quite thoroughly tested over the years, it's recommended to have up-to-date backups of the other partitions on your system. Just in case… InstallerApp 1) Caso esteja a instalar o Haiku em hardware físico (não num emulador), talvez queira preparar uma partição de disco rígido a partir de outro sistema operativo (poderia, por exemplo, usar um Live-CD do GParted, que também permite redimensionar partições para reservar espaço).\nPoderá também configurar as partições iniciando o DriveSetup a partir do Installer, mas desse modo não terá a opção de redimensionar as partições existentes. O DriveSetup foi intensivamente testado ao longo dos anos, mas é sempre recomendável ter cópias de segurança atualizadas das outras partições no seu sistema. Só para prevenir… +Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Escolha o disco de origem e de destino a partir dos menus. Em seguida, clique em \"Iniciar\". +Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Ocultar pacotes opcionais +??? InstallerWindow Unknown partition name ??? +Have fun and thanks for trying out Haiku! InstallerApp Divirta-se, e obrigado por experimentar o Haiku! +Quit InstallerApp Sair +Starting installation. InstallProgress A iniciar a instalação. +Error writing boot sector. InstallProgress Erro ao escrever no setor de arranque. +OK InstallerWindow OK +Please close the Boot Manager and DriveSetup windows before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Feche as janelas do Gestor de Arranque e do DriveSetup antes de fechar a janela do Instalador. +Failed to launch Boot Manager InstallerWindow Não foi possível iniciar o Gestor de Arranque +Try installing anyway InstallProgress Tentar instalar de qualquer modo +IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE INSTALLING HAIKU\n\n InstallerApp INFORMAÇÃO IMPORTANTE ANTES DE INSTALAR O HAIKU\n\n +Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Espaço adicional requerido em disco: %s +Stop InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Parar +Boot sector successfully written. InstallProgress Sector de arranque guardado com sucesso. +An error was encountered and the installation was not completed:\n\nError: %s InstallerWindow Ocorreu um erro e não foi possível completar a instalação:\n\nErro: %s +Restart InstallerWindow Reiniciar +The disk can't be mounted. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress O disco não pôde ser montado. Escolha um disco diferente. +Begin InstallerWindow Iniciar +Collecting copy information. InstallProgress A obter informações da cópia. +Show optional packages InstallerWindow Mostrar pacotes opcionais +The destination disk may not have enough space. Try choosing a different disk or choose to not install optional items. InstallProgress O disco de destino poderá não ter espaço suficiente. Tente escolher um disco diferente ou não escolha tantos pacotes opcionais para instalar. +Installation canceled. InstallProgress Instalação cancelada. +The target volume is not empty. Are you sure you want to install anyway?\n\nNote: The 'system' folder will be a clean copy from the source volume but will retain its settings folder, all other folders will be merged, whereas files and links that exist on both the source and target volume will be overwritten with the source volume version. InstallProgress O volume de destino não está vazio. Tem a certeza de que pretende instalar mesmo assim?\n\nNota: A pasta 'system' será uma cópia integral do volume de origem, mas irá manter a sua pasta de configurações. Todas as outras pastas serão combinadas, sendo que os ficheiros e as ligações que existirem tanto no volume de origem como no de destino serão substituídos pela versão do volume de origem. +OK InstallerApp OK +Are you sure you want to abort the installation? InstallerWindow Tem a certeza de que deseja cancelar a instalação? +Stop InstallerWindow Parar +Cancel InstallerWindow Cancelar +Continue InstallerWindow In alert after pressing Stop Continuar +No partitions have been found that are suitable for installation. Please set up partitions and initialize at least one partition with the Be File System. InstallerWindow Não foi encontrada nenhuma partição que seja apropriada para a instalação. Prepare e inicialize pelo menos uma partição com o Sistema de Ficheiros Be. +Launch the DriveSetup utility to partition\navailable hard drives and other media.\nPartitions can be initialized with the\nBe File System needed for a Haiku boot\npartition. InstallerWindow Inicie o utilitário DriveSetup para particionar\ndiscos rígidos e outros suportes disponíveis.\nAs partições podem ser inicializadadas com\no Sistema de Ficheiros Be, necessário para\numa partição de arranque do Haiku. +Scanning for disks… InstallerWindow A procurar discos… +Running DriveSetup…\n\nClose DriveSetup to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow A executar o DriveSetup…\n\nSaia do DriveSetup para prosseguir com a instalação. +Abort InstallerWindow Cancelar +The partition can't be mounted. Please choose a different partition. InstallProgress Não é possível montar a partição. Escolha uma partição diferente. +Set up partitions… InstallerWindow Configurar partições… +Install progress: InstallerWindow Progresso da instalação: +You can't install the contents of a disk onto itself. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Não é possível instalar os conteúdos de um disco nele próprio. Escolha um disco diferente. +Boot Manager, the application to configure the Haiku boot menu, could not be launched. InstallerWindow Não foi possível iniciar o Gestor de Arranque, a aplicação de configuração do menu de arranque do Haiku. +Please close the Boot Manager window before closing the Installer window. InstallerWindow Por favor, feche a janela do Gestor de Arranque antes de fechar a janela do Instalador. +OK InstallProgress OK +Running Boot Manager and DriveSetup…\n\nClose both applications to continue with the installation. InstallerWindow A executar o Gestor de Arranque e o DriveSetup…\n\nPara prosseguir com a instalação, por favor feche ambas as aplicações. +Are you sure you want to install onto the current boot disk? The Installer will have to reboot your machine if you proceed. InstallProgress Tem a certeza de que pretende instalar no disco de arranque actual? O Instalador terá de reiniciar o seu computador, se continuar. +Onto: InstallerWindow Para: +Quit Boot Manager and DriveSetup InstallerWindow Sair do Gestor de Arranque e do DriveSetup +Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Instalador\n\tcriado por Jérôme Duval e Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n +Tools InstallerWindow Ferramentas +scanning… InstallerWindow a analisar… +2) The Installer will make the Haiku partition itself bootable, but takes no steps to integrate Haiku into an existing boot menu. If you have GRUB already installed, you can add Haiku to it.\nFor details, please consult the guide on booting Haiku on our website at https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nOr you can set up a boot menu from Installer's \"Tools\" menu, see the Userguide's topic on the application \"BootManager\".\n\n\n InstallerApp 2) O Instalador definirá a própria partição do Haiku como partição de arranque, mas não a adicionará ao menu de arranque existente. Se tiver o GRUB já instalado, poderá adicionar nele o Haiku.\nPara mais detalhes, por favor consulte o guia sobre como iniciar o Haiku no nosso website em https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/booting.\nEm alternativa, poderá configurar um menu de arranque a partir do menu \"Ferramentas\" do Instalador, consulte a secção sobre a aplicação \"Gestor de Arranque\" no Guia do Utilizador.\n\n\n +Set up boot menu InstallerWindow Configurar o menu de arranque +Continue InstallerApp Continuar +Are you sure you want to abort the installation and restart the system? InstallerWindow Tem a certeza de que pretende abortar a instalação e reiniciar o sistema? diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b00424d513 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-LaunchBox 1530497419 +Set description… LaunchBox Indstil beskrivelse… +Really close this pad?\n(The pad will not be remembered.) LaunchBox Vil du virkelig lukke pad'en?\n(pad'en vil ikke blive husket). +OK LaunchBox OK +Ignore double-click LaunchBox Ignorer dobbeltklik +Show on all workspaces LaunchBox Vis på alle arbejdsområder +Name Panel LaunchBox Navngiv panel +Autostart LaunchBox Automatisk start +Clone LaunchBox Klon +Description for '%3' LaunchBox Beskrivelse for '%3' +Show window border LaunchBox Vis vindueskant +\n\nFailed to launch application with signature '%2'.\n\nError: LaunchBox \n\nKunne ikke starte program med signaturen '%2'.\n\nFejl: +Failed to launch 'something', error in Pad data. LaunchBox Kunne ikke starte 'noget', fejl i paddata. +LaunchBox System name Startboks +Auto-raise LaunchBox Løft automatisk +Icon size LaunchBox Ikonstørrelse +Open containing folder LaunchBox Åbn indeholdende mappe +Add button here LaunchBox Tilføj knap her +Cancel LaunchBox Annuller +launch popup LaunchBox start pop op +Clear button LaunchBox Ryd-knap +Bummer LaunchBox Øv +last chance LaunchBox sidste chance +You can drag an icon here. LaunchBox Du kan trække et ikon hertil. +Pad 1 LaunchBox Pad 1 +Failed to launch '%1'.\n\nError: LaunchBox Kunne ikke starte '%1'.\n\nFejl: +Settings LaunchBox Indstillinger +Vertical layout LaunchBox Lodret layout +Pad LaunchBox Pad +Close LaunchBox Luk +Remove button LaunchBox Fjern knap +Quit LaunchBox Afslut +Horizontal layout LaunchBox Vandret layout +New LaunchBox Ny +Failed to send 'open folder' command to Tracker.\n\nError: LaunchBox Kunne ikke sende 'åbn mappe'-kommando til tracker.\n\nFejl: +Pad %1 LaunchBox Pad %1 diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd66aab134 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/launchbox/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-LaunchBox 1860825660 +Set description… LaunchBox Definir descrição… +OK LaunchBox OK +Ignore double-click LaunchBox Ignorar clique duplo +Show on all workspaces LaunchBox Mostrar em todas as áreas de trabalho +Name Panel LaunchBox Nome do painel +Clone LaunchBox Clonar +Description for '%3' LaunchBox Descrição para '%3' +Show window border LaunchBox Mostrar borda da janela +\n\nFailed to launch application with signature '%2'.\n\nError: LaunchBox \n\nOcorreu uma falha ao executar a aplicação com assinatura '%2'.\n\nErro: +LaunchBox System name LaunchBox +Auto-raise LaunchBox Elevar automaticamente +Icon size LaunchBox Tamanho do ícone +Open containing folder LaunchBox Mostrar na respetiva pasta +Add button here LaunchBox Adicionar botão aqui +Cancel LaunchBox Cancelar +Clear button LaunchBox Botão limpar +Bummer LaunchBox Bobão +last chance LaunchBox última chance +You can drag an icon here. LaunchBox Pode arrastar um ícone para aqui. +Pad 1 LaunchBox Barra 1 +Failed to launch '%1'.\n\nError: LaunchBox Falha ao iniciar '%1'.\n\nErro: +Settings LaunchBox Configurações +Vertical layout LaunchBox Layout vertical +Pad LaunchBox Barra +Close LaunchBox Fechar +Remove button LaunchBox Botão remover +Quit LaunchBox Sair +Horizontal layout LaunchBox Layout horizontal +New LaunchBox Novo +Failed to send 'open folder' command to Tracker.\n\nError: LaunchBox Ocorreu uma falha ao enviar o comando 'Abrir pasta' para o Tracker.\n\nErro: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/login/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/login/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ad77df0d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/login/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Login 336867745 +Invalid login! Login View Ugyldigt login! +Error Login App Fejl +--edit\tLaunch in shelf editting mode to allow customizing the desktop.\n Login App --edit\tStart i hylderedigeringstilstand for tilpasning af skrivebordet.\n +Welcome to Haiku Login Window Velkommen til Haiku +Halt Login View Stop +Login application for Haiku\nUsage:\n Login App Login-program til Haiku\nAnvendelse:\n +--nonmodal\tDo not make the window modal\n Login App --nonmodal\tGør ikke vinduet modalt\n +Desktop Desktop Window Skrivebord +Hide password Login View Skjul adgangskode +Reboot Login View Genstart +You can customize the desktop shown behind the Login application by dropping replicants onto it.\n\nWhen you are finished just quit the application (Cmd-Q). Login App Du kan tilpasse skrivebordet som vises bag login-programmet ved at slippe replikanter på det.\n\nNår du er færdig, så afslut blot programmet (Cmd-Q). +OK Login View OK +Info Login App Info +Login: Login View Login: +Password: Login View Adgangskode: +Unimplemented Login App Uimplementeret +OK Login App OK +Error: %1 Login App Fejl: %1 +error %s\n Desktop Window A return message from fDesktopShelf->Save(). It can be \"B_OK\" fejl %s\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/login/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/login/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b3abc5320 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/login/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Login 1930903997 +Invalid login! Login View Acesso inválido! +Error Login App Erro +Welcome to Haiku Login Window Bem-vindo ao Haiku +Halt Login View Suspender +Login application for Haiku\nUsage:\n Login App Aplicação de autenticação para Haiku\nUtilização:\n +Desktop Desktop Window Área de Trabalho +Hide password Login View Esconder palavra-passe +Reboot Login View Reiniciar +You can customize the desktop shown behind the Login application by dropping replicants onto it.\n\nWhen you are finished just quit the application (Cmd-Q). Login App Pode personalizar a secretária apresentada por detrás da Aplicação de Autenticação largando replicantes nela..\n\nQuanto tiver terminado, basta sair da aplicação (Cmd-Q). +OK Login View OK +Info Login App Informação +Password: Login View Palavra-passe: +Unimplemented Login App Não implementado +OK Login App OK +Error: %1 Login App Erro: %1 +error %s\n Desktop Window A return message from fDesktopShelf->Save(). It can be \"B_OK\" erro %s\n diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8aa68abcd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 1248284405 + size must be > 4 and a multiple of 4 Console størrelse skal være > 4 og et multiplum af 4 +Decrease pixel size Magnify-Main Mindre pixelstørrelse +no clip msg In console, when clipboard is empty after clicking Copy image ingen klipmeddelelse +Increase pixel size Magnify-Main Større pixelstørrelse +magnify: size must be a multiple of 4 Console magnify: størrelse skal være multiplum af 4 +Stick coordinates Magnify-Main Fasthold koordinater +%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} +Copy image Magnify-Main Kopiér billede +Decrease window size Magnify-Main Mindre vinduesstørrelse +Remove a crosshair Magnify-Main Fjern et sigtekorn +Add a crosshair Magnify-Main Tilføj et sigtekorn +Freeze image Magnify-Main Frys billede +usage: magnify [size] (magnify size * size pixels) Console anvendelse: magnify [størrelse] (forstørrelsesstørrelse * størrelse for pixels) +Increase window size Magnify-Main Større vinduesstørrelse +Save image Magnify-Main Gem billede +Show grid Magnify-Main Vis gitter +Magnify System name Forstør +Info Magnify-Main Info +Show info Magnify-Main Vis info +Make square Magnify-Main Gør firkantet diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bfdfe0a48 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/magnify/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Magnify 94607167 +Decrease pixel size Magnify-Main Diminuir tamanho do pixel +Increase pixel size Magnify-Main Aumentar tamanho do pixel +Stick coordinates Magnify-Main Coordenadas fixas +%width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} Magnify-Main %width x %height @ {0, plural, one{# pixel/pixel} other{# pixels/pixel}} +Copy image Magnify-Main Copiar imagem +Decrease window size Magnify-Main Diminuir tamanho da janela +Remove a crosshair Magnify-Main Remover uma mira +Add a crosshair Magnify-Main Adicionar uma mira +Freeze image Magnify-Main Congelar imagem +Increase window size Magnify-Main Aumentar tamanho da janela +Save image Magnify-Main Guardar imagem +Show grid Magnify-Main Mostrar grelha +Magnify System name Ampliar +Info Magnify-Main Informação +Show info Magnify-Main Mostrar informações +Make square Magnify-Main Criar quadrado diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ad6416d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Be-MAIL 3155788869 +Set to Saved Mail Indstil til gemt +Your main text contains %ld unencodable characters. Perhaps a different character set would work better? Hit Send to send it anyway (a substitute character will be used in place of the unencodable ones), or choose Cancel to go back and try fixing it up. Mail Din hovedtekst indeholder %ld ukodbare tegn. Måske et andet tegnsæt vil virke bedre? Tryk på Send for at sende den alligevel (der bruges et erstatningstegn i stedet for de ukodbare), eller vælg Annuller for at gå tilbage og prøve at rette det igen. +Text wrapping: Mail Tekstombrydning: +Show icons & labels Mail Vis ikoner og etiketter +(Date unavailable) Mail (dato utilgængelig) +Reply Mail Besvar +Next message Mail Næste meddelelse +Mailing Mail Mailing +Unread Mail Ulæst +Same sender Mail Samme afsender +Copy to new Mail Kopiér til ny +Save as draft Mail Gem som kladde +Encoding: Mail Kodning: +Print Mail Print +Encoding Mail Kodning +Default account: Mail Standardkonto: +Message Mail Meddelelse +Bcc: Mail Bcc: +New Mail Ny +Save Mail Gem +Undo Mail Fortryd +Button bar: Mail Knaplinje: +%e wrote:\\n Mail %e skrev:\\n +Save changes to this signature? Mail Gem ændringer til signaturen? +Save attachment… Mail Gem vedhæftning… +Paste Mail Indsæt +E-mail draft could not be saved! Mail E-mail-kladde kunne ikke gemmes! +Don't send Mail Send ikke +sent B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/sent sendt +Only files can be added as attachments. Mail Der kan kun tilføjes filer som vedhæftninger. +Close Mail Luk +Untitled Mail Unavngivet +Removing attachments from a forwarded mail is not yet implemented!\nIt will not yet work correctly. Mail Fjernelse af vedhæftninger fra en videresendt mail understøttes endnu ikke!\nDet vil endnu ikke virke korrekt. +Same recipient Mail Samme modtager +Previous message Mail Forrige meddelelse +(Address unavailable) Mail (adresse utilgængelig) +Mail System name Post +Enclosure: %name% (Type: %type%) Mail Don't translate the variables %name% and %type%. Enclosure: %name% (type: %type%) +Copy link location Mail Kopiér linkplacering +Attachments: Mail Vedhæftninger: +Remove enclosure Mail Fjern enclosure +Next Mail Næste +Attachments: Mail Vedhæftninger: +Show icons only Mail Vis kun ikoner +Subject: Mail Emne: +OK Mail OK +UTF-8 Mail This string is used as a key to set default message compose encoding. It must be correct IANA name from http://cgit.haiku-os.org/haiku/tree/src/kits/textencoding/character_sets.cpp Translate it only if you want to change default message compose encoding for your locale. If you don't know what is it and why it may needs changing, just leave \"UTF-8\". UTF-8 +Quit Mail Afslut +Title: Mail Titel: +Account from mail Mail Konto fra mail +%e - E-mail address Mail %e - E-mailadresse +Cc: Mail Cc: +No matches Mail Ingen match +Queries Mail Forespørgsler +Cut Mail Klip +Reply to sender Mail Besvar afsender +\\n - Newline Mail \\n - Linjeskift +Copy Mail Kopiér +Add signature Mail Tilføj signatur +%n - Full name Mail %n - Fuldt navn +Remove quote Mail Fjern citat +Signature Mail Signatur +Use default account Mail Brug standardkonto +draft B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/draft kladde +Really delete this signature? This cannot be undone. Mail Skal signaturen virkelig slettes? Det kan ikke fortrydes. +spam B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/spam spam +Reply to all Mail Svar alle +Cancel Mail Annuller +Off Mail Fra +Set to %s Mail Indstil til %s +Signature: Mail Signatur: +Forward without attachments Mail Videresend uden vedhæftninger +queries B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/queries forespørgsler +View Mail Se +Signatures Mail Signaturer +On Mail Til +Find Mail Find +Sorry, could not find an application that supports the 'Person' data type. Mail Beklager, kunne ikke finde et program som understøtter 'Person'-datatypen. +Date: Mail Dato: +Expert Mail Ekspert +Automatically mark mail as read: Mail Automatisk marker e-mail som læst: +Close and Mail Luk og +Colored quotes: Mail Farvede citater: +Automatic Mail Automatisk +Open this link Mail Åbn linket +Auto signature: Mail Automatisk signatur: +Same subject Mail Samme emne +Send Mail Send +Open draft Mail Åbn kladde +Leave as 'New' Mail Do not translate New - this is non-localizable e-mail status Lad være som 'New' +Random Mail Tilfældig +Attach attributes: Mail Vedhæft attributter: +Find again Mail Søg igen +Size: Mail Størrelse: +To: Mail Til: +Need Tracker to move items to trash Mail Behøber tracker for at flytte elementer til papirkurv +The mail_daemon could not be started:\n\t Mail mail_daemon kunne ikke startes:\n\t + Mail +Mail couldn't find its dictionary. Mail Mail kunne ikke finde sin mappe. +Mail preferences Mail Mail-præferencer +helpful message Mail hjælpsom meddelelse + Read Mail Læs +Font: Mail Skrifttype: +Accounts… Mail Konti… +Previous Mail Forrige +Include file attributes in attachments Mail Inkluder filattributter i vedhæftninger +Start now Mail Start nu +(Name unavailable) Mail (navn utilgængeligt) +Move to trash Mail Flyt til papirkurven + Mail +%d - Date Mail %d - Dato +Check spelling Mail Stavekontrol +Redo Mail Omgør +Leave as '%s' Mail Lad være som '%s' +Print… Mail Udskriv… +Settings… Mail Indstillinger… +Warn unencodable: Mail Advar om ukodbar: +Trash Mail Papirkurv +Show raw message Mail Vis rå meddelelse +Find… Mail Find… +Select all Mail Vælg alle +Show header Mail Vis header +Reply account: Mail Svar konto: +Sorry Mail Beklager +Forward Mail Videresend +Open attachment Mail Åbn vedhæftning +mail B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail mail +Save this message as a draft before closing? Mail Gem meddelelsen som en kladde inden lukning? +The mail_daemon is not running. The message is queued and will be sent when the mail_daemon is started. Mail mail_daemon kører ikke. Meddelelsen er sat i kø og sendes når mail_daemon startes. +None Mail Ingen +Resend Mail Send igen +Hide Mail Skjul +From: Mail Fra: +No file attributes, just plain data Mail Ingen filattributter, blot ren data +Add Mail Tilføj +out B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/out ud +Send this message before closing? Mail Send meddelelsen inden lukning? +in B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/in i +Open Mail Åbn +Don't save Mail Undlad at gemme +Leave same Mail Lad være som samme +An error occurred trying to save the attachment. Mail Der opstod en fejl ved gemning af det vedhæftede. +Save address Mail Gem adresse +Initial spell check mode: Mail Indledende stavekontrol-tilstand: +Edit queries… Mail Rediger forespørgsler… +There is no installed handler for URL links. Mail Der er ikke installeret nogen behandler for URL-links. +File Mail Fil +Reply preamble: Mail Svarets indledning: +New mail message Mail Ny e-mailmeddelelse +An error occurred trying to open this signature. Mail Der opstod en fejl ved forsøg på at åbne signaturen. +Edit signatures… Mail Rediger signaturer… +User interface Mail Brugerflade +Quote Mail Citat +Inconsistency occurred in the undo/redo buffer. Mail Der skete en konsistens fejl i fortryd/gør historikken. +Remove attachment Mail Fjern vedhæftning +Set to… Mail Indstil til… +Edit Mail Rediger +Page setup… Mail Sideopsætning… +An error occurred trying to save this signature. Mail Der opstod en fejl ved forsøg på at gemme signaturen. +Beginner Mail Begynder +Send message Mail Send meddelelse +Delete Mail Slet +Put your favorite e-mail queries and query templates in this folder. Mail Læg dine favorit e-mail-forespørgsler og forespørgsler i denne mappe. +Spam Mail Spam +Couldn't open this signature. Sorry. Mail Kunne ikke åbne signaturen. Beklager. +Revert Mail Tilbagefør +Unknown Mail Ukendt +Add enclosure… Mail Tilføj enclosure… diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/pt.catkeys index 79838fcec6..d0db7d9118 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/mail/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mail/pt.catkeys @@ -1,138 +1,98 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Be-MAIL 1010473126 -%d - Date Mail %d - Data -%e - E-mail address Mail %e - Endereço de e-mail -%n - Full name Mail %n - Nome completo -Account from mail Mail Conta relativa ao e-mail -Account: Mail Conta: -Accounts… Mail Contas… -Add Mail Adicionar -Add enclosure… Mail Adicionar anexo… -Add signature Mail Adicionar assinatura -An error occurred trying to open this signature. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar abrir esta assinatura. -An error occurred trying to save the attachment. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar guardar o anexo. -An error occurred trying to save this signature. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar guardar esta assinatura. -Attach attributes: Mail Incluir atributos dos anexos: -Attachments: Mail Anexos: -Auto signature: Mail Assinatura automática: -Automatically mark mail as read: Mail Marcar e-mail como lido automaticamente: -Bcc: Mail Bcc: -Beginner Mail Principiante -Button bar: Mail Barra de botões: -Cancel Mail Cancelar -Cc: Mail Cc: -Check spelling Mail Verificar a ortografia -Close Mail Fechar -Close and Mail Fechar e -Colored quotes: Mail Citações coloridas: -Copy Mail Copiar -Copy link location Mail Copiar endereço do link -Copy to new Mail Copiar para novo -Couldn't open this signature. Sorry. Mail Desculpe, não foi possível abrir esta assinatura. -Cut Mail Cortar -Decoding: Mail Descodificar: -Default account: Mail Conta Predefenida: -Delete Mail Apagar -Discard Mail Rejeitar -Do you wish to save this message as a draft before closing? Mail Deseja guardar esta mensagem como rascunho antes de fechar? -Do you wish to send this message before closing? Mail Quer enviar esta mensagem antes de fechar? -Don't save Mail Não guardar -E-mail draft could not be saved! Mail Não foi possível guardar o rascunho! -Edit Mail Editar -Edit queries… Mail Editar consultas… -Edit signatures… Mail Editar assinaturas… -Encoding: Mail Codificação: -Expert Mail Experiente -Find Mail Pesquisar -Find again Mail Localizar seguinte -Find… Mail Pesquisar… -Font: Mail Tipo de letra: -Forward Mail Reencaminhar -Forward without attachments Mail Reencaminhar sem anexos -From: Mail De: -Hide Mail Ocultar -Include file attributes in attachments Mail Incluir atributos do BeOS nos anexos? -Inconsistency occurred in the undo/redo buffer. Mail Ocorreu um erro de inconsistência na memória intermédia do Anular/Refazer. -Initial spell check mode: Mail Modo de correcção ortográfica inicial: -Leave as '%s' Mail Deixar como '%s' -Leave as New Mail Marcar como nova -Leave same Mail Deixar na mesma -Mail couldn't find its dictionary. Mail Mail não encontrou o seu dicionário. -Mail preferences Mail Preferências de E-Mail -Mailing Mail Correio electrónico -Message Mail Mensagem -Move to trash Mail Mover para lixo -Need Tracker to move items to trash Mail Precisa do tracker para mover os items para o lixo -New Mail Novo -New mail message Mail Nova mensagem de e-mail -Next Mail Seguinte -Next message Mail Mensagem seguinte -No file attributes, just plain data Mail Sem atributos de ficheiro, apenas dados simples -None Mail Nenhum -OK Mail OK -Only files can be added as attachments. Mail Apenas ficheiros podem ser adicionados como anexos. -Open Mail Abrir -Open attachment Mail Abrir anexo -Open draft Mail Abrir rascunho -Open this link Mail Abrir esta hiperligação -Page setup… Mail Configurar página… -Paste Mail Colar -Preferences… Mail Preferências… -Previous Mail Anterior -Previous message Mail Mensagem anterior -Print Mail Imprimir -Print… Mail Imprimir… -Queries Mail Consultas -Quit Mail Sair -Quote Mail Citar -Random Mail Aleatório -Read Mail Ler -Really delete this signature? This cannot be undone. Mail Quer mesmo apagar esta assinatura? Isto não pode ser desfeito. -Redo Mail Refazer -Remove attachment Mail Remover anexo -Remove enclosure Mail Remover anexo -Remove quote Mail Remover citação -Removing attachments from a forwarded mail is not yet implemented!\nIt will not yet work correctly. Mail A funcionalidade de remover anexos de um E-Mail reencaminhado ainda não foi implementada!\nNão irá funcionar correctamente. -Reply Mail Responder -Reply account: Mail Conta de resposta: -Reply preamble: Mail Sumário da resposta: -Reply to all Mail Responder a todos -Reply to sender Mail Responder ao remetente -Resend Mail Reenviar -Revert Mail Reverter -Save Mail Guardar -Save address Mail Guardar endereço -Save as draft Mail Salvar como rascunho -Save attachment… Mail Guardar anexo… -Save changes to this signature? Mail Guardar alterações feitas a esta assinatura? -Select all Mail Seleccionar tudo -Send Mail Enviar -Send message Mail Enviar mensagem -Set to %s Mail Defenir como %s -Set to Saved Mail Defenir como guardado -Set to… Mail Defenir como… -Show header Mail Mostrar cabeçalho +1 portuguese x-vnd.Be-MAIL 1301706747 Show icons & labels Mail Mostrar ícones e legendas +Next message Mail Próxima mensagem +Unread Mail Por ler +Copy to new Mail Copiar para novo +Save as draft Mail Guardar como rascunho +Print Mail Imprimir +Default account: Mail Conta predefinida: +Message Mail Mensagem +Bcc: Mail Bcc: +New Mail Novo +Save Mail Guardar +Undo Mail Desfazer +Button bar: Mail Barra de botões: +Save changes to this signature? Mail Guardar as alterações a esta assinatura? +Save attachment… Mail Guardar anexo… +Paste Mail Colar +E-mail draft could not be saved! Mail Não foi possível guardar o rascunho de e-mail! +Don't send Mail Não enviar +Close Mail Fechar +Untitled Mail Sem título +Previous message Mail Mensagem anterior +(Address unavailable) Mail (Endereço indisponível) +Next Mail Próximo +Attachments: Mail Anexos: Show icons only Mail Mostrar apenas ícones -Show raw message Mail Mostrar mensagem não processada -Signature Mail Assinatura -Signature: Mail Assinatura: -Signatures Mail Assinaturas -Size: Mail Tamanho: -Sorry Mail Desculpe -Sorry, could not find an application that supports the 'Person' data type. Mail Desculpe, não foi possível encontrar uma aplicação que suporte o tipo de dados 'Person'. -Start now Mail Começar agora Subject: Mail Assunto: -The mail_daemon could not be started:\n\t Mail Não foi possível iniciar o mail_daemon:\n\t -The mail_daemon is not running. The message is queued and will be sent when the mail_daemon is started. Mail O mail_daemon não está a ser executado. Esta mensagem será posta em lista de espera e será enviada quando o mail_daemon iniciar. -There is no installed handler for URL links. Mail Não existe nenhum programa instalado para abrir hiperligações URL. -Title: Mail Título: -To: Mail Para: -Trash Mail Lixo -Undo Mail Anular -Unread Mail Não lida -Use default account Mail Usar conta predefenida -User interface Mail Interface do utilizador +OK Mail OK +Cc: Mail Cc: +No matches Mail Nenhuma correspondência +Queries Mail Consultas +Reply to sender Mail Responder ao remetente +Copy Mail Copiar +Signature Mail Assinatura +Use default account Mail Usar conta predefinida +draft B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/draft rascunho +spam B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/spam spam +Reply to all Mail Responder a todos +Cancel Mail Cancelar +Signature: Mail Assinatura: +queries B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/queries consultas View Mail Ver -Warn unencodable: Mail Aviso incodificável: -Your main text contains %ld unencodable characters. Perhaps a different character set would work better? Hit Send to send it anyway (a substitute character will be used in place of the unencodable ones), or choose Cancel to go back and try fixing it up. Mail O seu texto principal contém %ld caracteres incodificáveis. Se calhar um conjunto de caracteres novos funcionará melhor? Carregue em Enviar para enviar na mesma (um conjunto de caracteres alternativo será usado em vez dos incodificáveis), ou escolha Cancelar para voltar atrás e tentar corrigir o problema. -\\n - Newline Mail \\n - Nova linha +Signatures Mail Assinaturas +Find Mail Procurar +Date: Mail Data: +Expert Mail Experiente +Automatically mark mail as read: Mail Marcar e-mail como lido automaticamente: +Colored quotes: Mail Citações coloridas: +Send Mail Enviar +Open draft Mail Abrir rascunho +Leave as 'New' Mail Do not translate New - this is non-localizable e-mail status Deixar como 'New' +Random Mail Aleatório +Attach attributes: Mail Incluir atributos dos anexos: +Find again Mail Procurar seguinte +To: Mail Para: +helpful message Mail mensagem útil +Font: Mail Tipo de letra: +Accounts… Mail Contas… +Previous Mail Anterior +Include file attributes in attachments Mail Incluir atributos de ficheiro nos anexos +Start now Mail Iniciar agora +Move to trash Mail Mover para o lixo + Mail +%d - Date Mail %d - Data +Check spelling Mail Verificar ortografia +Leave as '%s' Mail Deixar como '%s' +Settings… Mail Definições… +Trash Mail Lixo +Find… Mail Procurar… +Select all Mail Selecionar tudo +Show header Mail Mostrar cabeçalho +Reply account: Mail Conta de resposta: +Open attachment Mail Abrir anexo +Save this message as a draft before closing? Mail Guardar esta mensagem como rascunho antes de fechar? +None Mail Nenhum +Resend Mail Reenviar +Hide Mail Ocultar +From: Mail De: +No file attributes, just plain data Mail Não há atributos de ficheiro, apenas dados simples +out B_USER_DIRECTORY/mail/out saída +Send this message before closing? Mail Enviar esta mensagem antes de fechar? +Don't save Mail Não guardar +An error occurred trying to save the attachment. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar guardar o anexo. +Save address Mail Guardar endereço +Edit queries… Mail Editar consultas… +There is no installed handler for URL links. Mail Não existe nenhum programa instalado para abrir hiperligações URL. +File Mail Ficheiro +New mail message Mail Nova mensagem de e-mail +An error occurred trying to open this signature. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar abrir esta assinatura. +User interface Mail Interface de utilizador +Inconsistency occurred in the undo/redo buffer. Mail Ocorreu um erro de inconsistência na memória intermédia do Anular/Refazer. +Remove attachment Mail Remover anexo +Edit Mail Editar +An error occurred trying to save this signature. Mail Ocorreu um erro ao tentar guardar esta assinatura. +Beginner Mail Principiante +Send message Mail Enviar mensagem +Revert Mail Reverter +Unknown Mail Desconhecido diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e0e8082592 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Mandelbrot 3875916167 +Burning Ship MandelbrotWindow Brændende skib +Grassland MandelbrotWindow Græsslette +Lightning MandelbrotWindow Lyn +About MandelbrotWindow Om +Palette MandelbrotWindow Palet +Set MandelbrotWindow Indstil +Tricorn MandelbrotWindow Tricorn +Royal MandelbrotWindow Royal +Orbit Trap MandelbrotWindow Orbit trap +Deepfrost MandelbrotWindow Dybfrost +Subsampling MandelbrotWindow Undersampling +1 (none) MandelbrotWindow 1 (ingen) +Quit MandelbrotWindow Afslut +File MandelbrotWindow Fil +Julia MandelbrotWindow Julia +Frost MandelbrotWindow Frost +Fire MandelbrotWindow Ild +Mandelbrot System name Mandelbrot +Iterations MandelbrotWindow Gennemgange +High contrast MandelbrotWindow Høj kontrast +Multibrot MandelbrotWindow Multibrot +Spring MandelbrotWindow Forår +Midnight MandelbrotWindow Midnat +Mandelbrot MandelbrotWindow Mandelbrot diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8322dc864d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mandelbrot/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Mandelbrot 540175905 +Grassland MandelbrotWindow Grassland +About MandelbrotWindow Acerca +Palette MandelbrotWindow Paleta +Quit MandelbrotWindow Sair +File MandelbrotWindow Ficheiro +Julia MandelbrotWindow Julia +Iterations MandelbrotWindow Iterações +High contrast MandelbrotWindow Alto contraste diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c771aa65f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter 2251404027 +Writing audio track: %d%% complete MediaConverter Skrivning af lydspor: %d%% fuldført +Input file not recognized as Audio or Video MediaConverter Inputfil ikke genkendt som lyd eller video +%u x %u, %.2ffps MediaFileInfo Width x Height, fps %u x %u, %.2f fps +Video quality: %3d%% MediaConverter Videokvalitet: %3d%% +Source files MediaConverter Kildefiler +Error writing video frame %ld MediaConverter Fejl ved skrivning af videobillede %ld +Error converting '%filename' MediaConverter Fejl ved konvertering af '%filename' +Selected directory not found. Defaulting to /boot/home MediaConverter Fandt ikke den valgte mappe. Bruger standard /boot/home +Conversion completed MediaConverter Konvertering fuldført +Audio: MediaConverter-FileInfo Lyd: +MediaConverter+:SaveDirectory MediaConverter Mediekonvertering+:Gemmemappe +Error creating video. MediaConverter Fejl ved oprettelse af video. +Cancelling MediaConverter Annullerer +None available Audio codecs Ingen tilgængelig +No file selected MediaConverter-FileInfo Ingen fil valgt +High MediaConverter Høj +{0, plural, one{The file was not recognized as a supported media file:} other{# files were not recognized as supported media files:}} MediaConverter {0, plural, one{Filen blev ikke genkendt som en understøttede mediefil:} other{# filer blev ikke genkendt som understøttede mediefiler:}} +File Error MediaConverter-FileInfo Filfejl +None available Video codecs Ingen tilgængelig +Output format MediaConverter Outputformat +%.1f kHz mono MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz mono +%.1f kHz stereo MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz stereo +OK MediaConverter OK +Error creating '%filename' MediaConverter Fejl ved oprettelse af '%filename' +Error loading a file MediaConverter Fejl ved indlæsning af fil +Encoder parameters MediaConverter-EncoderWindow Koderparametre +Open… Menu Åbn… +Audio encoding: MediaConverter Lydkodning: +Audio quality: %3d%% MediaConverter Lydkvalitet: %3d%% +Cancelling… MediaConverter Annullerer… +Output file '%filename' created MediaConverter Outputfilen '%filename' blev oprettet +Output folder MediaConverter Outputmappe +Error creating track. MediaConverter Fejl ved oprettelse af spor. + seconds MediaFileInfo sekunder +Video using parameters form settings MediaConverter Video med parameterens formularindstillinger +Video: MediaConverter-FileInfo Video: +Select MediaConverter Vælg +Conversion cancelled MediaConverter Konvertering annulleret +Low MediaConverter Lav +Error loading files MediaConverter Fejl ved indlæsning af filer +{0, plural, one{# bit} other{# bits}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# bit} other{# bit}} +End   [ms]: MediaConverter Slut   [ms]: +Cancel MediaConverter Annuller +OK MediaConverter-FileInfo OK +Error read audio frame %ld MediaConverter Fejl ved læsning af lydbillede %ld +Video encoding: MediaConverter Videokodning: +An error has occurred reading the file info.\n\nError : MediaConverter-FileInfo Der opstod en fejl ved læsning af filinfoen.\n\nFejl : +Error MediaConverter Fejl +File details MediaConverter Fildetaljer +No audio Audio codecs list Ingen lyd +Drop media files onto this window MediaConverter Drop mediefiler i vinduet +{0, plural, one{# frame} other{# frames}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# billede} other{# billeder}} +Quit Menu Afslut +{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} +Duration: MediaConverter-FileInfo Varighed: +MediaConverter System name Mediekonvertering +Error launching: %strError% MediaConverter Fejl ved start: %strError% +File format: MediaConverter Filformat: +Error writing audio frame %ld MediaConverter Fejl ved skrivning af lydbillede %ld +File Menu Fil +Video quality not supported MediaConverter Videokvalitet understøttes ikke +Select this folder MediaConverter Vælg mappen +Error read video frame %ld MediaConverter Fejl ved læsning af videobillede %ld +%.1f kHz %ld channel MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz %ld kanal +%d bit MediaFileInfo %d bit +No video Video codecs list Ingen video +Continue MediaConverter Fortsæt +Convert MediaConverter Konverter +Audio quality not supported MediaConverter Lydkvalitet understøttes ikke +Error writing to location: %strPath%. Defaulting to location: /boot/home MediaConverter Fejl ved skrivning til placering: %strPath%. Bruger standardplacering: /boot/home +Writing video track: %d%% complete MediaConverter Skriver videospor: %d%% fuldført +Preview MediaConverter Forhåndsvis +Start [ms]: MediaConverter Start [ms]: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a684613cdf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaconverter/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MediaConverter 2251404027 +Writing audio track: %d%% complete MediaConverter A escrever faixa de áudio: %d%% concluído +Input file not recognized as Audio or Video MediaConverter Ficheiro de entrada não reconhecido como Áudio ou Vídeo +%u x %u, %.2ffps MediaFileInfo Width x Height, fps %u x %u, %.2ffps +Video quality: %3d%% MediaConverter Qualidade de vídeo: %3d%% +Source files MediaConverter Ficheiros de origem +Error writing video frame %ld MediaConverter Erro ao escrever quadro de vídeo %ld +Error converting '%filename' MediaConverter Erro ao converter '%filename' +Selected directory not found. Defaulting to /boot/home MediaConverter Pasta selecionada não encontrada. A utilizar /boot/home +Conversion completed MediaConverter Conversão concluída +Audio: MediaConverter-FileInfo Áudio: +MediaConverter+:SaveDirectory MediaConverter Conversor de Média: Pasta Para Guardar +Error creating video. MediaConverter Erro ao criar o vídeo. +Cancelling MediaConverter A cancelar +None available Audio codecs Nenhum disponível +No file selected MediaConverter-FileInfo Nenhum ficheiro selecionado +High MediaConverter Alta +{0, plural, one{The file was not recognized as a supported media file:} other{# files were not recognized as supported media files:}} MediaConverter {0, plural, one{O ficheiro não foi reconhecido como sendo um ficheiro de média suportado:} other{# ficheiros não foram reconhecidos como sendo ficheiros de média suportados:}} +File Error MediaConverter-FileInfo Erro de Ficheiro +None available Video codecs Nenhum disponível +Output format MediaConverter Formato de saída +%.1f kHz mono MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz mono +%.1f kHz stereo MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz estéreo +OK MediaConverter OK +Error creating '%filename' MediaConverter Erro ao criar '%filename' +Error loading a file MediaConverter Erro ao carregar um ficheiro +Encoder parameters MediaConverter-EncoderWindow Parâmetros do codificador +Open… Menu Abrir… +Audio encoding: MediaConverter Codificação de áudio: +Audio quality: %3d%% MediaConverter Qualidade de áudio: %3d%% +Cancelling… MediaConverter A cancelar… +Output file '%filename' created MediaConverter Ficheiro de saída '%filename' criado +Output folder MediaConverter Pasta de saída +Error creating track. MediaConverter Erro ao criar faixa. + seconds MediaFileInfo segundos +Video using parameters form settings MediaConverter Vídeo a utilizar os parâmetros das definições +Video: MediaConverter-FileInfo Vídeo: +Select MediaConverter Selecionar +Conversion cancelled MediaConverter Conversão cancelada +Low MediaConverter Baixa +Error loading files MediaConverter Erro ao carregar ficheiros +{0, plural, one{# bit} other{# bits}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# bit} other{# bits}} +End   [ms]: MediaConverter Fim   [ms]: +Cancel MediaConverter Cancelar +OK MediaConverter-FileInfo OK +Error read audio frame %ld MediaConverter Erro ao ler quadro de áudio %ld +Video encoding: MediaConverter Codificação de vídeo: +An error has occurred reading the file info.\n\nError : MediaConverter-FileInfo Ocorreu um erro ao ler a informação do ficheiro.\n\nErro: +Error MediaConverter Erro +File details MediaConverter Detalhes do ficheiro +No audio Audio codecs list Sem áudio +Drop media files onto this window MediaConverter Largue ficheiros de média sobre esta janela +{0, plural, one{# frame} other{# frames}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# quadro} other{# quadros}} +Quit Menu Sair +{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} MediaFileInfo {0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} +Duration: MediaConverter-FileInfo Duração: +MediaConverter System name Conversor de Média +Error launching: %strError% MediaConverter Erro ao iniciar: %strError% +File format: MediaConverter Formato de ficheiro: +Error writing audio frame %ld MediaConverter Erro ao escrever quadro de áudio %ld +File Menu Ficheiro +Video quality not supported MediaConverter Qualidade de vídeo não suportada +Select this folder MediaConverter Selecionar esta pasta +Error read video frame %ld MediaConverter Erro ao ler quadro de vídeo %ld +%.1f kHz %ld channel MediaFileInfo %.1f kHz %ld canais +%d bit MediaFileInfo %d bit +No video Video codecs list Sem vídeo +Continue MediaConverter Continuar +Convert MediaConverter Converter +Audio quality not supported MediaConverter Qualidade de áudio não suportada +Error writing to location: %strPath%. Defaulting to location: /boot/home MediaConverter Erro ao escrever na localização: %strPath%. A utilizar a localização: /boot/home +Writing video track: %d%% complete MediaConverter A escrever faixa de vídeo: %d%% concluído +Preview MediaConverter Pré-visualizar +Start [ms]: MediaConverter Início [ms]: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2476a1add --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MediaPlayer 1313616492 +Remove Entry into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fjern element til papirkurv +Close MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Luk +Volume of background clips MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Lydstyrke for baggrundsklips +Use hardware video overlays if available MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Brug hardware-videooverlægninger hvis tilgængelige +Audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin Lyd +Subtitle placement: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Erstat for undertekst: +MediaPlayer System name Medieafspiller +Audio track MediaPlayer-Main Lydspor +Muted MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Lydløst +OK MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd OK +Open Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Åbn afspilningsliste +Subtitles MediaPlayer-Main Undertekster +%app% encountered an internal error. The file could not be opened. MediaPlayer-Main %app% stødte på en intern fejl. Filen kunne ikke åbnes. +DrawBitmap MediaPlayer-InfoWin Tegn bitmap +File info MediaPlayer-InfoWin Filinfo +raw audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin rå video +Select all MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Vælg alt +New player… MediaPlayer-Main Ny afspiller… +Move Entries MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Flyt elementer +OK MediaPlayer-Main OK +Remove MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Fjern + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Resume: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Genoptag: +Duration MediaPlayer-InfoWin Varighed +Import Entries MediaPlayer-ImportPLItemsCmd Importér elementer +Open network stream MediaPlayer-Main Åbn netværksstream +Move file to Trash MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Flyt fil til papirkurv +Open file… MediaPlayer-Main Åbn fil… +Scale controls in full screen mode MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Skaler styringer i fuldskærmstilstand +View options MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Visningsvalgmuligheder +%d kHz MediaPlayer-InfoWin %d kHz +Full volume MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Fuld lydstyrke + PlaylistItem-title +Start media server MediaPlayer-Main Start medieserver +It appears the media server is not running.\nWould you like to start it ? MediaPlayer-Main Det ser ikke ud til at medieserveren kører.\nVil du starte den ? +Location MediaPlayer-InfoWin Placering +Medium MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Medium +Play mode MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Afspilningstilstand +Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Afspilningsliste +%d Bit MediaPlayer-InfoWin %d bit +Track Audio Track Menu Spor +Close MediaPlayer-Main Luk +Save error MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Fejl ved gemning +Attributes MediaPlayer-Main Attributter +Bottom of screen MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Nederst på skærmen +MediaPlayer settings MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Medieafspiller-indstillinger +Copyright MediaPlayer-InfoWin Ophavsret +Invalid URL inserted! MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Ugyldig URL indsat! +Aspect ratio MediaPlayer-Main Højde-bredde-forhold +Saving the playlist failed.\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gemning af afspilningslisten mislykkedes.\n\nFejl: + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Hide interface MediaPlayer-Main Skjul brugerflade +Error: MediaPlayer-Main Fejl: +Video track MediaPlayer-Main Videospor +Playlist… MediaPlayer-Main Afspilningsliste… + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Save MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gem +Randomize Entries MediaPlayer-RandomizePLItemsCmd Tilfældiggør elementer +Cancel MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Annuller +Nothing to Play MediaPlayer-Main Intet af afspille +OK MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow OK +Remove Entries MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fjern elementer +never MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow aldrig +Loop audio MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Lyd i løkke +Internal error (malformed message). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Intern fejl (forkert udformet meddelelse). Gemning af afspilningslisten mislykkedes. +Open… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Åbn… +Revert MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Tilbagefør +Low volume MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Lav lydstyrke +Audio MediaPlayer-Main Lyd +{0, plural, =1{Mono} =2{Stereo} other{# Channels}} MediaPlayer-InfoWin {0, plural, =1{Mono} =2{Stereo} other{# kanaler}} +Quit MediaPlayer-Main Afslut +Redo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Omgør +Move Entry MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Flyt element + PlaylistItem-author +Cancel MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Annuller +Large MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Stor +Import Entry MediaPlayer-ImportPLItemsCmd Importér element +unknown format MediaPlayer-InfoWin ukendt format +Track %d MediaPlayer-Main Spor %d +All files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Alle filer kunne ikke flyttes til papirkurv. +Total duration: %s MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Samlet varighed: %s +%.3f kHz MediaPlayer-InfoWin %.3f kHz +Move into trash error MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fejl ved flytning til papirkurv +50% scale MediaPlayer-Main 50% skala +Drop files to play MediaPlayer-Main Slip filer for at afspille +Copy Entry MediaPlayer-CopyPLItemsCmd Kopiér element +Close window after playing audio MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Luk vindue efter afspilning af lyd +Edit MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Rediger +Copy Entries MediaPlayer-CopyPLItemsCmd Kopiér elementer +Always on top MediaPlayer-Main Altid øverst +Open MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Åbn +always MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow altid +Loop video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Video i løkke +Stream URL: MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Stream-URL: + PlaylistItem-album +Stream settings MediaPlayer-Main Streamindstillinger +none Subtitles menu ingen +Save Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gem afspilningsliste +Overlay MediaPlayer-InfoWin Overlægning +2.35 : 1 (Cinemascope) MediaPlayer-Main 2.35 : 1 (cinemascope) +Rating MediaPlayer-Main Bedømmelse +Internal error (out of memory). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Intern fejl (ikke mere ledig hukommelse). Gemning af afspilningslisten mislykkedes. +Video MediaPlayer-Main Video +There is no decoder installed to handle the file format, or the decoder has trouble with the specific version of the format. MediaPlayer-Main Der er ikke installeret nogen dekoder til at håndtere filformatet, eller dekoderen har problemer med den speficikke version af formatet. +Lock Peaks MediaPlayer-PeakView Lås spidspunkter +none Audio track menu ingen +Open network stream MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Åbn netværksstream +Automatically start playing MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Automatisk start af afspilning +Undo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Fortryd +Display mode MediaPlayer-InfoWin Visningstilstand +Bottom of video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Nederst i video +Small MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Lille +Settings… MediaPlayer-Main Indstillinger… +min MediaPlayer-InfoWin Minutes min +Saving the playlist failed:\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gemning af afspilningslisten mislykkedes:\n\nFejl: +Video MediaPlayer-InfoWin Video +File info… MediaPlayer-Main Filinfo… +1.85 : 1 (American) MediaPlayer-Main 1.85 : 1 (amerikansk) + PlaylistItem-name +Track Video Track Menu Spor +Full screen MediaPlayer-Main Fuldskærm +OK MediaPlayer-NetworkStream OK +Internal error (locking failed). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Intern fejl (låsning mislykkedes). Gemning af afspilningslisten mislykkedes. +100% scale MediaPlayer-Main 100% skala + MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow +Bad URL MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Dårlig URL +Save MediaPlayer-Main Gem +Close window after playing video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Luk vindue efter afspilning af video +Scale movies smoothly (non-overlay mode) MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Skaler film jævnt (ikke-overlægning-tilstand) +200% scale MediaPlayer-Main 200% skala +The file '%filename' could not be opened.\n\n MediaPlayer-Main Filen '%filename' kunne ikke åbnes.\n\n +None of the files you wanted to play appear to be media files. MediaPlayer-Main Ingen af de filer du vil afspiller ser ud til at være mediefiler. +Remove Entry MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fjern element +Remove Entries into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fjern elementer til papirkurv +Subtitle size: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Størrelse for undertekst: +No aspect correction MediaPlayer-Main Ingen korrigering af højde-bredde-forhold +raw video MediaPlayer-InfoWin rå video +Container MediaPlayer-InfoWin Beholder +none MediaPlayer-Main ingen +Open clips MediaPlayer-Main Åbn klips +Some files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Nogle filer kunne ikke flyttes til papirkurven. + MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow +Save as… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gem som… +Error: MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Fejl: +300% scale MediaPlayer-Main 300% skala +Open MediaPlayer-Main Åbn +ask every time MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow spørg hver gang +(not supported) MediaPlayer-InfoWin (understøttes ikke) +Randomize MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Tilfældiggør +%.3f fps MediaPlayer-InfoWin %.3f fps +Off Subtitles menu Fra +400% scale MediaPlayer-Main 400% skala +h MediaPlayer-InfoWin Hours t +OK MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow OK diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2afe68b757 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/mediaplayer/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MediaPlayer 973553693 +Remove Entry into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Eliminar elemento para o Lixo +Close MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Fechar +Audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin Áudio +Subtitle placement: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Posição das legendas: +Audio track MediaPlayer-Main Faixa de áudio +Muted MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Mudo +OK MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd OK +Open Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Abrir Lista de Reprodução +Subtitles MediaPlayer-Main Legendas +File info MediaPlayer-InfoWin Informações do ficheiro +Select all MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Selecionar tudo +New player… MediaPlayer-Main Novo leitor… +OK MediaPlayer-Main OK +Remove MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Remover + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Resume: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Retomar: +Duration MediaPlayer-InfoWin Duração +Move file to Trash MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Mover ficheiro para o Lixo +Open file… MediaPlayer-Main Abrir ficheiro… + PlaylistItem-title +Start media server MediaPlayer-Main Iniciar o servidor de média +It appears the media server is not running.\nWould you like to start it ? MediaPlayer-Main Parece que o servidor de média não está em execução.\nGostaria de o iniciar? +Medium MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Médio +Play mode MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Modo de reprodução +Track Audio Track Menu Faixa +Close MediaPlayer-Main Fechar +Save error MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Erro ao guardar +Attributes MediaPlayer-Main Atributos +Invalid URL inserted! MediaPlayer-NetworkStream URL inválida! +Saving the playlist failed.\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao guardar a lista de reprodução.\n\nErro: + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Hide interface MediaPlayer-Main Ocultar interface +Error: MediaPlayer-Main Erro: +Video track MediaPlayer-Main Faixa de vídeo +Playlist… MediaPlayer-Main Lista de reprodução… + MediaPlayer-InfoWin +Save MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Guardar +Randomize Entries MediaPlayer-RandomizePLItemsCmd Entradas Aleatórias +Cancel MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Cancelar +Nothing to Play MediaPlayer-Main Nada para Reproduzir +OK MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow OK +never MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow nunca +Open… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Abrir… +Revert MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Reverter +Audio MediaPlayer-Main Áudio +Quit MediaPlayer-Main Sair +Redo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Refazer +Move Entry MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Mover Entrada + PlaylistItem-author +Cancel MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Cancelar +Large MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Grande +unknown format MediaPlayer-InfoWin formato desconhecido +Track %d MediaPlayer-Main Faixa %d +All files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Os ficheiros não puderam ser movidos para o Lixo. +Total duration: %s MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Duração total: %s +Move into trash error MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Erro ao mover para o lixo +Drop files to play MediaPlayer-Main Largar ficheiros para reproduzir +Copy Entries MediaPlayer-CopyPLItemsCmd Copiar Entradas +Always on top MediaPlayer-Main Sempre por cima +Open MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Abrir +always MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow sempre +Loop video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Repetir vídeo +none Subtitles menu nenhum +Save Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Guardar Lista de Reprodução +Video MediaPlayer-Main Vídeo +none Audio track menu nenhuma +Automatically start playing MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Iniciar a reprodução automaticamente +Undo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Desfazer +Small MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Pequeno +Settings… MediaPlayer-Main Definições… +Saving the playlist failed:\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao guardar a lista de reprodução:\n\nErro: +File info… MediaPlayer-Main Informações do ficheiro… + PlaylistItem-name +Track Video Track Menu Faixa +OK MediaPlayer-NetworkStream OK + MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow +Bad URL MediaPlayer-NetworkStream URL inválido +Save MediaPlayer-Main Guardar +The file '%filename' could not be opened.\n\n MediaPlayer-Main Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro '%filename'.\n\n +None of the files you wanted to play appear to be media files. MediaPlayer-Main Nenhum dos ficheiros que pretendia reproduzir parece ser de média. +Remove Entry MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Remover Entrada +Remove Entries into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Eliminar elementos para o Lixo +Subtitle size: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Tamanho das legendas: +No aspect correction MediaPlayer-Main Nenhuma correção de proporção +none MediaPlayer-Main nenhum +Some files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Alguns ficheiros não puderam ser movidos para o Lixo. + MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow +Save as… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Guardar como… +Error: MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Erro: +Open MediaPlayer-Main Abrir +(not supported) MediaPlayer-InfoWin (não suportado) +OK MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow OK diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27be735806 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 1046133011 +This tiny program\nKnows how to play thousands of\nCheesy sounding songs Main Application This is a haiku. First line has five syllables, second has seven and last has five again. Create your own. Miniprogrammet\nkan afspille tusindvis af\nsjove sange +Dungeon Main Window Fangehul +Could not load song Main Window Kunne ikke indlæse sang +Igor's lab Main Window Igors laboratorium +Off Main Window Sluk +Loading instruments… Scope View Indlæser instrumenter… +Volume: Main Window Lydstyrke: +Closet Main Window Skab +Scope Main Window Omfang +Drop MIDI file here Scope View Slip MIDI-filen her +None Main Window Ingen +Reverb: Main Window Rumklang: +MidiPlayer System name Midi-afspiller +OK Main Window OK +Stop Main Window Stop +Live input: Main Window Liveinput: +Garage Main Window Garage +Play Main Window Spil +Cavern Main Window Hule diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/pt.catkeys index 5fe4b65bdf..33529bb74f 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/midiplayer/pt.catkeys @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 3885957623 -Cavern Main Window Caverna -Closet Main Window Armário -Could not load song Main Window Impossível carregar a música -Drop MIDI file here Scope View Arraste para aqui o ficheiro MIDI +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-MidiPlayer 1046133011 +This tiny program\nKnows how to play thousands of\nCheesy sounding songs Main Application This is a haiku. First line has five syllables, second has seven and last has five again. Create your own. Belo programinha\nConsegue tocar milhares\nDe canções bonitas Dungeon Main Window Mosteiro -Garage Main Window Garagem -Haiku MIDI Player 1.0.0 beta\n\nThis tiny program\nKnows how to play thousands of\nCheesy sounding songs Main Application This is a haiku. First line has five syllables, second has seven and last has five again. Create your own. Leitor de MIDI Haiku 1.0.0 beta\n\nEste programa\nirá pô-lo a ouvir\nsons manhosos. +Could not load song Main Window Impossível carregar a música Igor's lab Main Window Laboratório do Igor -Live input: Main Window Entrada em tempo-real: -None Main Window Nenhum -OK Main Window OK Off Main Window Desligado -Play Main Window Reproduzir -Reverb: Main Window Reverb: -Scope Main Window Âmbito -Stop Main Window Parar +Loading instruments… Scope View A carregar instrumentos… Volume: Main Window Volume: +Closet Main Window Armário +Scope Main Window Osciloscópio +Drop MIDI file here Scope View Arraste para aqui o ficheiro MIDI +None Main Window Nenhum +Reverb: Main Window Reverb: +MidiPlayer System name MidiPlayer +OK Main Window OK +Stop Main Window Parar +Live input: Main Window Entrada em tempo-real: +Garage Main Window Garagem +Play Main Window Reproduzir +Cavern Main Window Caverna diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09a125e8c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.MusicCollection 3521119930 +Music Collection System name Musiksamling diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..435e58dab6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/musiccollection/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.MusicCollection 3521119930 +Music Collection System name Coleção de Música diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b1eb77a12 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-NetworkStatus 186344131 +Netmask NetworkStatusView Netmaske +Quit NetworkStatusView Afslut +Unknown NetworkStatusView Ukendt +Launching the network preflet failed.\n\nError: NetworkStatusView Start af netværk-preflet mislykkedes.\n\nFejl: +Install in Deskbar NetworkStatus Installer i skrivebordslinje +NetworkStatus options:\n\t--deskbar\tautomatically add replicant to Deskbar\n\t--help\t\tprint this info and exit NetworkStatus Valgmuligheder for Netværksstatus:\n\t--deskbar\ttilføj automatisk replikant til skrivebordslinje\n\t--help\t\tvis denne hjælp og afslut +Open network preferences… NetworkStatusView Åbn netværkspræferencer… +NetworkStatus System name Netværksstatus +OK NetworkStatusView OK +No link NetworkStatusView Intet link +Could not join wireless network:\n NetworkStatusView Kunne ikke deltage i trådløst netværk:\n +Ready NetworkStatusView Klar +Network Status NetworkStatusView Netværksstatus +Address NetworkStatusView Adresse +Deskbar is not running, giving up. NetworkStatus Skrivebordslinje kører ikke, giver op. +No stateful configuration NetworkStatusView Ingen tilstandsfuld konfiguration +You can run NetworkStatus in a window or install it in the Deskbar. NetworkStatus Du kan køre netværksstatus i et vindue eller installere det i skrivebordslinjen. +Broadcast NetworkStatusView Udsend +%ifaceName information:\n NetworkStatusView %ifaceName-information:\n +Run in window NetworkStatus Kør i vindue + NetworkStatusView +Configuring NetworkStatusView Konfigurering diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/pt.catkeys index f6d48d4089..7dc49a3f61 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/networkstatus/pt.catkeys @@ -1,15 +1,21 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NetworkStatus 4273377053 -Address NetworkStatusView Endereço -Broadcast NetworkStatusView Difusão -Configuring NetworkStatusView A configurar -Launching the network preflet failed.\n\nError: NetworkStatusView Falha ao iniciar o preflet de rede.\n\nErro: +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-NetworkStatus 3823341665 Netmask NetworkStatusView Máscara de rede -NetworkStatus options:\n\t--deskbar\tautomatically add replicant to Deskbar\n\t--help\t\tprint this info and exit\n NetworkStatus NetworkStatus opções:\n\t--deskbartadicionar replicante automaticamente à Deskbar\n\t--help\t\tmostrar esta informação e saír\n -NetworkStatus\n\twritten by %1 and Hugo Santos\n\t%2, Haiku, Inc.\n NetworkStatusView NetworkStatus\n\tescrito por %1 e Hugo Santos\n\t%2, Haiku, Inc.\n -No link NetworkStatusView Sem ligação -No stateful configuration NetworkStatusView Sem configuração de monitorização de estado -OK NetworkStatusView OK -Open network preferences… NetworkStatusView Abrir preferências de rede… Quit NetworkStatusView Sair -Ready NetworkStatusView Pronto Unknown NetworkStatusView Desconhecido +Launching the network preflet failed.\n\nError: NetworkStatusView Falha ao iniciar o preflet de rede.\n\nErro: +Install in Deskbar NetworkStatus Instalar na Deskbar +Open network preferences… NetworkStatusView Abrir preferências de rede… +NetworkStatus System name NetworkStatus +OK NetworkStatusView OK +No link NetworkStatusView Sem ligação +Could not join wireless network:\n NetworkStatusView Não foi possível aceder à rede sem fios:\n +Ready NetworkStatusView Pronto +Network Status NetworkStatusView Estado da Rede +Address NetworkStatusView Endereço +No stateful configuration NetworkStatusView Sem configuração de monitorização de estado +You can run NetworkStatus in a window or install it in the Deskbar. NetworkStatus Pode executar a aplicação NetworkStatus numa janela ou instalá-la na Deskbar. +Broadcast NetworkStatusView Difusão +%ifaceName information:\n NetworkStatusView Informação sobre %ifaceName:\n +Run in window NetworkStatus Executar em janela + NetworkStatusView +Configuring NetworkStatusView A configurar diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6d3337bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-OverlayImage 2139426213 +OverlayImage System name Overlægningsbillede +Enable \"Show replicants\" in Deskbar.\nDrag & drop an image.\nDrag the replicant to the Desktop. Main view Aktivér \"Vis replikanter\" i skrivebordslinje.\nTræl og slip et billede.\nTræk replikanten til skrivebordet. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b708c3f7e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/overlayimage/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-OverlayImage 2139426213 +OverlayImage System name OverlayImage +Enable \"Show replicants\" in Deskbar.\nDrag & drop an image.\nDrag the replicant to the Desktop. Main view Ative \"Mostrar replicantes\" na Deskbar.\nArraste & largue uma imagem.\nArraste o replicante para a Área de Trabalho. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d53a1eff34 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PackageInstaller 2472572058 +Package description UninstallView Pakkebeskrivelse +none PackageView ingen +Continue PackageInstall Fortsæt +Running post-installation scripts PackageInstall Kører efterinstallationsscripts +Package installer PackageView Pakkeinstallationsprogram +All existing files will be skipped? PackageView Spring alle eksisterende filer over? +Replace PackageView Erstat +All existing files will be replaced? PackageView Erstat alle eksisterende filer? +Other… PackageView Andet… +The symbolic link named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the link with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Det symbolske link ved navn '%s' findes allerede i den givne sti.\nErstat det symbolske link med et fra pakken eller spring det over? +Stop PackageStatus Stop +Install to: PackageView Installer til: +The given package seems to be already installed on your system. Would you like to uninstall the existing one and continue the installation? PackageInstall Den givne pakke ser allerede ud til at være installeret på dit system. Vil du afinstallere den eksisterende og fortsætte installationen? +Skip all PackageView Spring alle over +The installation of the package has been aborted. PackageView Installationen af pakken er blevet afbrudt. +No installation type selected PackageView Ingen installationstype valgt +Do you want to remember this decision for the rest of this installation?\n PackageView Vil du huske beslutningen i resten af installationen?\n +The selected package was not removed from your system. The given installed package information file might have been corrupted. UninstallView Den valgte pakke blev ikke fjernet fra dit system. Den givne installerede pakkeinformationsfil kan måske være beskadiget. +Install… UninstallView Installer… +The item named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the item with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Elementet ved navn '%s' findes allerede i den givne sti.\nErstat elementet med et fra pakken eller spring det over? +Installing files and folders PackageInstall Installerer filer og mapper +Installed packages UninstallWindow Installerede pakker +Remove UninstallView Fjern +The requested package failed to install on your system. This might be a problem with the target package file. Please consult this issue with the package distributor. PackageView Det lykkedes ikke at installere den anmodede pakke på dit system. Det kan måske været et problem med målets pakkefil. Tag venligst kontakt til pakkedistributøren med problemet. +OK UninstallView OK +Accept PackageTextViewer Accepter +Abort PackageView Afbryd +Disclaimer PackageTextViewer Ansvarsfraskrivelse +Preparing package PackageInstall Forbereder pakke +The package you requested has been successfully installed on your system. PackageView Pakken du anmodede om er blevet installeret på dit system. +Installation progress PackageView Installationsforløb +Decline PackageTextViewer Afvis +Continue PackageTextViewer Fortsæt +Installing package PackageStatus Installerer pakke +Install %name% PackageView Installer %name% +%index% of %total% PackageInstall %index% af %total% +No package selected. UninstallView Ingen pakke valgt. +%name% (%size% free) PackageView %name% (%size% ledig) +Error while installing the package\n PackageView Fejl ved installation af pakken\n +Finishing installation PackageInstall Færdig med installationen +No package available. PackageInfo Ingen pakke tilgængelig. +The script named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the script with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Scriptet ved navn '%s' findes allerede i den givne sti.\nErstat scriptet med et fra pakken eller spring det over? +Installation type: PackageView Installationstype: +The package you selected has been successfully removed from your system. UninstallView Pakken du valgte er blevet fjernet fra dit system. +There seems to be a file size mismatch in the package file. The package might be corrupted or have been modified after its creation. Do you still wish to continue? PackageInfo Der ser ud til at være en uoverensstemmelse i pakkens filstørrelse. Pakken kan være beskadiget eller være blev ændret efter den blev oprettet. Vil du stadig fortsætte? +%name% (%size%) PackageView %name% (%size%) +Abort PackageInstall Afbryd +The file named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the file with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Filen ved navn '%s' findes allerede i den givne sti.\nErstat filen med en fra pakken eller spring den over? +Replace all PackageView Erstat alle +The package file is not readable.\nOne of the possible reasons for this might be that the requested file is not a valid BeOS .pkg package. PackageView Pakkefilen er ikke læsbar.\nEn af årsagerne til det kan være at den anmodede fil ikke er en gyldig BeOS .pkg-pakke. +Continue PackageInfo Fortsæt +No package selected. PackageInfo Ingen pakke valgt. +Error! \"%s\" is not a valid path.\n Packageinstaller main Fejl! \"%s\" er ikke en gyldig sti.\n +The directory named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the directory with one from this package or skip it? PackageView Mappen ved navn '%s' findes allerede i den givne sti.\nErstat mappen med en fra pakken eller spring den over? +LegacyPackageInstaller System name ForældetPakkeinstallationsprogram +Ask again PackageView Spørg igen +Begin PackageView Begynd +OK PackageView OK +Abort PackageInfo Afbryd +Done PackageInstall Færdig +Error (%s)! Could not open \"%s\".\n Packageinstaller main Fejl (%s)! Kunne ikke åbne \"%s\".\n +Skip PackageView Spring over +Image not loaded correctly PackageImageViewer Billedet blev ikke indlæst korrekt diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98c6d0a9e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PackageInstaller 2472572058 +Package description UninstallView Descrição do pacote +none PackageView nenhum +Continue PackageInstall Continuar +Running post-installation scripts PackageInstall Rodando scripts pós instalação +Package installer PackageView Instalador de pacotes +All existing files will be skipped? PackageView Todos os arquivos existentes devem ser ignorados? +Replace PackageView Substituir +All existing files will be replaced? PackageView Todos os arquivos existentes serão sobrescritos. +Other… PackageView Outro… +The symbolic link named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the link with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView A ligação simbólica chamada '%s' já existe no caminho indicado.\nSubstituir a ligação pela forecida por este pacote ou ignorar? +Stop PackageStatus Parar +Install to: PackageView Instalar em: +The given package seems to be already installed on your system. Would you like to uninstall the existing one and continue the installation? PackageInstall O pacote selecionado parece já estar instalado. Gostaria de desinstalar o já existente e continuar com a instalação? +Skip all PackageView Ignorar todos +The installation of the package has been aborted. PackageView A instalação foi abortada. +No installation type selected PackageView Nenhum tipo de instalação selecionado +Do you want to remember this decision for the rest of this installation?\n PackageView Deseja lembrar-se desta decisão por toda a instalação?\n +The selected package was not removed from your system. The given installed package information file might have been corrupted. UninstallView O pacote selecionado não foi removido do sistema. O ficheiro de informações do pacote instalado poderá ter sido corrompido. +Install… UninstallView Instalar… +The item named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the item with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Já existe um item chamado '%s' na pasta indicada.\nSubstituir pelo item deste pacote ou ignorar? +Installing files and folders PackageInstall Instalando ficheiros e pastas +Installed packages UninstallWindow Pacotes instalados +Remove UninstallView Remover +The requested package failed to install on your system. This might be a problem with the target package file. Please consult this issue with the package distributor. PackageView Falha ao na instalação. Este pode ser um problema com o arquivo do pacote. Por favor busque os responsáveis pelo pacote para maiores informações. +OK UninstallView OK +Accept PackageTextViewer Aceitar +Abort PackageView Abortar +Disclaimer PackageTextViewer Aviso legal +Preparing package PackageInstall Preparando o pacote +The package you requested has been successfully installed on your system. PackageView O pacote selecionado foi instalado com êxito. +Installation progress PackageView Progresso da instalação +Decline PackageTextViewer Não aceitar +Continue PackageTextViewer Continuar +Installing package PackageStatus Instalando o pacote +Install %name% PackageView Instalar %name% +%index% of %total% PackageInstall %index% de %total% +No package selected. UninstallView Nenhum pacote selecionado. +%name% (%size% free) PackageView %name% (%size% livre) +Error while installing the package\n PackageView Erro ao instalar o pacote\n +Finishing installation PackageInstall Terminando a instalação +No package available. PackageInfo Nenhum pacote disponível. +The script named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the script with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView O script chamado '%s' já existe no caminho indicado.\nSubstituir o script pelo fornecido por este pacote ou ignorar? +Installation type: PackageView Tipo da instalação: +The package you selected has been successfully removed from your system. UninstallView O pacote que selecionou foi removido com sucesso do seu computador. +There seems to be a file size mismatch in the package file. The package might be corrupted or have been modified after its creation. Do you still wish to continue? PackageInfo Parece haver uma incongruência no tamanho do ficheiro. O pagote poderá estar corrompido ou ter sido modificado após a sua criação. Ainda pretende continuar? +%name% (%size%) PackageView %name% (%size%) +Abort PackageInstall Abortar +The file named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the file with the one from this package or skip it? PackageView Já existe um ficheiro chamado '%s' na pasta indicada.\nSubstituir o ficheiro pelo que é fornecido por este pacote, ou ignorar? +Replace all PackageView Substituir todos +The package file is not readable.\nOne of the possible reasons for this might be that the requested file is not a valid BeOS .pkg package. PackageView Arquivo de pacotes inválido.\nEste arquivo pode não ser um .pkg válido do BeOS. +Continue PackageInfo Continuar +No package selected. PackageInfo Nenhum pacote selecionado. +Error! \"%s\" is not a valid path.\n Packageinstaller main Erro! \"%s\" não é um caminho válido no sistema.\n +The directory named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the directory with one from this package or skip it? PackageView Já existe uma pasta chamada '%s' no caminho indicado.\nSubstituir a pasta pela fornecida por este pacote ou ignorar? +LegacyPackageInstaller System name InstaladorDePacotesAntigos +Ask again PackageView Perguntar denovo +Begin PackageView Iniciar +OK PackageView OK +Abort PackageInfo Abortar +Done PackageInstall Feito +Error (%s)! Could not open \"%s\".\n Packageinstaller main Erro (%s)! Impossível abrir \"%s\".\n +Skip PackageView Ignorar +Image not loaded correctly PackageImageViewer Imagem não carregada corretamente diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/uk.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/uk.catkeys index 39c022d754..b0076e0b33 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/uk.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/packageinstaller/uk.catkeys @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-PackageInstaller 3110601390 +1 ukrainian x-vnd.Haiku-PackageInstaller 2472572058 Package description UninstallView Опис пакунку none PackageView жодного Continue PackageInstall Продовжити @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Continue PackageInfo Продовжити No package selected. PackageInfo Не вибрано пакунок. Error! \"%s\" is not a valid path.\n Packageinstaller main Помилка! \"%s\" не є правильним шляхом.\n The directory named '%s' already exists in the given path.\nReplace the directory with one from this package or skip it? PackageView Каталог з іменем '%s' повністю присутній за вказаним шляхом.\nЗамінити його подібним з цього пакунку чи пропустити? +LegacyPackageInstaller System name Встановлювач попередніх версій Ask again PackageView Запитати знову Begin PackageView Почати OK PackageView Гаразд diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/da.catkeys index 242399641d..1719be1667 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/da.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/da.catkeys @@ -1,10 +1,18 @@ -1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 794776701 -Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Begynder (4x4) -Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Ekspert (8x8) -Game PairsWindow Spil -Intermediate (6x6) PairsWindow Øvet (6x6) -New PairsWindow Ny -New game PairsWindow Nyt spil +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 818003250 +Pairs System name Par Quit PairsWindow Afslut -Quit game PairsWindow Afslut spil +Medium PairsWindow Mellem +Game PairsWindow Spil +Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Ekspert (8x8) +New PairsWindow Ny +OK Pairs OK +Pairs did not find enough vector icons to start; it needs at least %zu, found %zu.\n Pairs Don't translate \"%zu\", but make sure to keep them. Par fandt ikke nok vektorikoner til at starte; det behøver mindst %zu, fandt %zu.\n +You completed the game in {0, plural, one{# click} other{# clicks}}.\n PairsWindow Du fuldførte partiet i {0, plural, one{# klik} other{# klik}}.\n +Small PairsWindow Lille Size PairsWindow Størrelse +%app%\n\twritten by Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n PairsWindow %app%\n\tskrevet af Ralf Schülke\n\tOphavsret 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n +Quit game PairsWindow Afslut spil +Large PairsWindow Stor +Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Begynder (4x4) +Intermediate (6x6) PairsWindow Øvet (6x6) +New game PairsWindow Nyt spil diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/it.catkeys index a9dc879cf9..ede55c0c2a 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/it.catkeys @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ Quit game PairsWindow Esci dal gioco Large PairsWindow Grande Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Principiante (4×4) Intermediate (6x6) PairsWindow Intermedio (6×6) -New game PairsWindow Nuovo partita +New game PairsWindow Nuova partita diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/pt.catkeys index 12a84d7ecf..3cb5ed2504 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/pairs/pt.catkeys @@ -1,12 +1,18 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 1126884905 -Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Principiante (4x4) -Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Especialista (8x8) -Game PairsWindow Jogo -Intermediate (6x6) PairsWindow Médio (6x6) -New PairsWindow Novo -New game PairsWindow Novo jogo -OK PairsView OK -Pairs did not find enough vector icons in the system; it needs at least %d. PairsView A aplicação Pairs não encontrou ícones vectoriais suficientes no sistema; são necessários pelo menos %d. +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Pairs 818003250 +Pairs System name Pares Quit PairsWindow Sair -Quit game PairsWindow Terminar jogo +Medium PairsWindow Médio +Game PairsWindow Jogo +Expert (8x8) PairsWindow Especialista (8x8) +New PairsWindow Novo +OK Pairs OK +Pairs did not find enough vector icons to start; it needs at least %zu, found %zu.\n Pairs Don't translate \"%zu\", but make sure to keep them. O Pares não encontrou ícones vetoriais suficientes para iniciar. Precisa no mínimo de %zu, mas encontrou apenas %zu.\n +You completed the game in {0, plural, one{# click} other{# clicks}}.\n PairsWindow Você completou o jogo em {0, plural, one{# clique} other{# cliques}}.\n +Small PairsWindow Pequeno Size PairsWindow Tamanho +%app%\n\twritten by Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n PairsWindow %app%\n\tescrito por Ralf Schülke\n\tCopyright 2008-2010, Haiku Inc.\n\n +Quit game PairsWindow Terminar jogo +Large PairsWindow Grande +Beginner (4x4) PairsWindow Principiante (4x4) +Intermediate (6x6) PairsWindow Médio (6x6) +New game PairsWindow Novo jogo diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa2c02f245 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku.PatchBay 3114958111 +No MIDI devices found! Patch Bay Ingen MIDI-enheder fundet! diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68d2280795 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/patchbay/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku.PatchBay 3114958111 +No MIDI devices found! Patch Bay Não foram encontrados dispositivos MIDI! diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/people/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/people/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3b56d25a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/people/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Be-PEPL 2332202134 +Launching the FileTypes preflet to configure Person attributes has failed.\n\nError: People Start af filtyper-preflet'en til at konfigurere person-attributter mislykkedes.\n\nFejl: +Unnamed person People Unavngivet person +New person… People Ny person… +Address People Adresse +Zip People Postnummer +Select all People Vælg alle +Could not create %s. People Kunne ikke oprette %s. +Quit People Afslut +Company People Virksomhed +Name People Navn +The file '%name%' could not be written. People Filen '%name%' kunne ikke skrives. +Contact name People Kontaktnavn +Cancel People Annuller +Edit People Rediger +Save changes before closing? People Gem ændringer inden lukning? +People System name Mennesker +Error People Fejl +Revert People Tilbagefør +Country People Land +Person Short mimetype description Person +New person People Ny person +Save People Gem +Fax People Fax +URL People URL +%name% picture People %name%-billede +Home phone People Hjemmetelefon +none Groups list ingen +Save as… People Gem som… +Cut People Klip +Contact information for a person. Long mimetype description Kontaktinformation for en person. +Remove image People Fjern billede +City People By +Undo People Fortryd +Don't save People Gem ikke +Configure attributes People Konfigurer attributter +Work phone People Arbejdstelefon +State People Tilstand +Nickname People Kaldenavn +OK People OK +File People Fil +Redo People Omgør +Close People Luk +Copy People Kopiér +Paste People Indsæt +E-mail People E-mail +Group People Gruppe +Drop an image here,\nor use the contextual menu. People Slip et billede her,\neller brug genvejsmenuen. +Load image… People Indlæs billede… +Sorry People Beklager diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/people/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/people/it.catkeys index 5ab8123dc7..205e80b8a8 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/people/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/people/it.catkeys @@ -46,5 +46,5 @@ Paste People Incolla E-mail People E-mail Group People Gruppo Drop an image here,\nor use the contextual menu. People Trascina un immagine qui,\ne usa il menu contestuale. -Load image… People Carica un immagine... +Load image… People Carica un'immagine... Sorry People Spiacenti diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/people/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/people/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5a9370543 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/people/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Be-PEPL 2332202134 +Launching the FileTypes preflet to configure Person attributes has failed.\n\nError: People Falhou o início do painel de preferências de Tipos de Ficheiro para configurar os atributos de Pessoa.\n\nErro: +Unnamed person People Pessoa sem nome +New person… People Nova pessoa… +Address People Endereço +Zip People Código postal +Select all People Selecionar tudo +Could not create %s. People Não foi possível criar %s. +Quit People Sair +Company People Empresa +Name People Nome +The file '%name%' could not be written. People Não foi possível escrever o ficheiro '%name%'. +Contact name People Nome do contacto +Cancel People Cancelar +Edit People Editar +Save changes before closing? People Guardar as alterações antes de fechar? +People System name Pessoas +Error People Erro +Revert People Reverter +Country People País +Person Short mimetype description Pessoa +New person People Nova pessoa +Save People Guardar +Fax People Fax +URL People URL +%name% picture People Foto de %name% +Home phone People Telefone de casa +none Groups list nenhum +Save as… People Guardar como… +Cut People Cortar +Contact information for a person. Long mimetype description Informação de contacto de uma pessoa. +Remove image People Remover imagem +City People Cidade +Undo People Desfazer +Don't save People Não guardar +Configure attributes People Configurar atributos +Work phone People Telefone de trabalho +State People Estado +Nickname People Alcunha +OK People OK +File People Ficheiro +Redo People Refazer +Close People Fechar +Copy People Copiar +Paste People Colar +E-mail People E-mail +Group People Grupo +Drop an image here,\nor use the contextual menu. People Largue uma imagem aqui,\nou use o menu de contexto. +Load image… People Carregar imagem… +Sorry People Desculpe diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d90c32ac80 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 1829050509 +Select web folder PoorMan Vælg webmappe +Console logging PoorMan Konsollogning +Create Log File PoorMan Opret logfil +File logging PoorMan Fillogning +Website options PoorMan Websted-valgmuligheder +Log to file PoorMan Log til fil +Shutting down. PoorMan Lukker ned. +Error Dir PoorMan Fejlmappe +Web folder: PoorMan Webmappe: +Please choose the folder to publish on the web.\n\nYou can have PoorMan create a default \"public_html\" in your home folder.\nOr you select one of your own folders instead. PoorMan Vælg venligst mappen som skal udgives på webbet.\n\nDu kan få PoorMan til at oprette en standard \"public_html\" i din hjemmemappe.\nEller du kan vælge en af dine egne mapper i stedet. +Log To Console PoorMan Log til konsol +File Name PoorMan Filnavn +Starting up... PoorMan Starter... +Select PoorMan Vælg +Logging view PoorMan Logning-visning +Save console as… PoorMan Gem konsol som… +Edit PoorMan Rediger +Cancel PoorMan Annuller +Directory: PoorMan Mappe: +Hits: %lu PoorMan Træf: %lu +Hits: 0 PoorMan Træf: 0 +Shutting down.\n PoorMan Lukker ned.\n +Select all PoorMan Vælg alle +Error Server PoorMan Fejl ved server +Send file listing if there's no start page PoorMan Send filoplistning hvis der ikke er nogen startside +Create PoorMan log PoorMan Opret PoorMan-log +Max. simultaneous connections: PoorMan Maks. samtidige forbindelser: +Done PoorMan Færdig +Site PoorMan Sted +Cannot start the server PoorMan Kan ikke starte serveren +Create log file PoorMan Opret logfil +Create public_html PoorMan Opret public_html +Clear hit counter PoorMan Ryd træftæller +Status: Stopped PoorMan Status: Stoppet +File PoorMan Fil +Settings… PoorMan Indstillinger… +Log To File PoorMan Log til fil +Connections PoorMan Forbindelser +Controls PoorMan Styringer +Log to console PoorMan Log til konsol +Advanced PoorMan Avanceret +Copy PoorMan Kopiér +Logging PoorMan Logning +PoorMan System name PoorMan +Clear console log PoorMan Ryd konsollog +Run server PoorMan Kør server +Create PoorMan Opret +{0, plural, one{# connection} other{# connections}} PoorMan {0, plural, one{# forbindelse} other{# forbindelser}} +done.\n PoorMan færdig.\n +PoorMan settings PoorMan PoorMan-indstillinger +Console Logging PoorMan Konsollogning +Clear log file PoorMan Ryd logfil +Save log console selection PoorMan Gem valg af logkonsol +File Logging PoorMan Fillogning +Log file name: PoorMan Navn på logfil: +Status: Running PoorMan Status: Kørende +Directory: (none) PoorMan Mappe: (ingen) +A default web folder has been created at \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nMake sure there is a HTML file named \"index.html\" in that folder. PoorMan Der er blevet oprettet en standardwebmappe i \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nSørg for at der er en HTML-fil ved navn \"index.html\" i mappen. +Dir Created PoorMan Mappe oprettet +Save console selections as… PoorMan Gem konsolvalg som… +Quit PoorMan Afslut +Save log console PoorMan Gem logkonsol +Start page: PoorMan Startside: +OK PoorMan OK +Website location PoorMan Webstedsplacering diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8226086563 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/poorman/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PoorMan 1340961741 +Select web folder PoorMan Selecionar pasta web +File Name PoorMan Nome do Ficheiro +Select PoorMan Selecionar +Edit PoorMan Editar +Cancel PoorMan Cancelar +Select all PoorMan Selecionar tudo +Error Server PoorMan Erro do Servidor +Done PoorMan Concluído +Cannot start the server PoorMan Não foi possível iniciar o servidor +Status: Stopped PoorMan Estado: Parado +File PoorMan Ficheiro +Settings… PoorMan Definições… +Connections PoorMan Ligações +Controls PoorMan Controlos +Advanced PoorMan Avançado +Copy PoorMan Copiar +Create PoorMan Criar +done.\n PoorMan concluído.\n +Clear log file PoorMan Limpar ficheiro de registo +Log file name: PoorMan Nome do ficheiro de registo: +Directory: (none) PoorMan Diretório: (nenhum) +Dir Created PoorMan Diretório Criado +Quit PoorMan Sair +Start page: PoorMan Página inicial: diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..824b39a090 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-PowerStatus 3173765686 +Design capacity low warning: PowerStatus Advarsel om designkapacitet lav: +Show percent PowerStatus Vis procent +Design capacity: PowerStatus Designkapacitet: + mW PowerStatus mW +The battery level is getting low, please plug in the device. PowerStatus Batteriniveauet er ved at være lavt, sæt venligst strømstikket i enheden. +Battery low PowerStatus Batteriet er lavt +Type: PowerStatus Type: +non-rechargeable PowerStatus ikke-genopladelig +Empty battery slot PowerStatus Tom batteri plads + mV PowerStatus mV +Run in window PowerStatus Kør i vindue +PowerStatus System name Strømstatus + mWh PowerStatus mWh +Battery info… PowerStatus Batteriinfo… +Damaged battery PowerStatus Beskadiget batteri +Show time PowerStatus Vis tid +Last full charge: PowerStatus Sidste fulde opladning: +Battery unused PowerStatus Batteri ubrugt +Extended battery info PowerStatus Udviddet batteriinfo + mA PowerStatus mA +Current rate: PowerStatus Nuværende rate: +discharging PowerStatus aflader +Show text label PowerStatus Vis tekstetiket +About… PowerStatus Om… +Model number: PowerStatus Modelnummer: +Install in Deskbar PowerStatus Installer i skrivebordslinje + mAh PowerStatus mAh +Capacity: PowerStatus Kapacitet: +Battery discharging PowerStatus Batteri aflader +Serial number: PowerStatus Serienummer: +Battery critical PowerStatus Batteri kritisk +Capacity granularity 1: PowerStatus Kapacitet kornethed 1: +OEM info: PowerStatus OEM-info: +Design voltage: PowerStatus Designspænding: +Battery charging PowerStatus Batteri oplader +The battery level is critical, please plug in the device immediately. PowerStatus Batteriniveauet er kritisk, sæt venligst strømstikket i enheden med det samme. +Design capacity warning: PowerStatus Advarsel om designkapacitet: +Quit PowerStatus Afslut +rechargeable PowerStatus genopladeligt +charging PowerStatus oplader +You can run PowerStatus in a window or install it in the Deskbar. PowerStatus Du kan køre strømstatus i et vindue eller installer det i skrivebordslinjen. +Show status icon PowerStatus Vis statusikon +Capacity granularity 2: PowerStatus Kapacitet kornethed 2: +Technology: PowerStatus Teknologi: +no battery PowerStatus intet batteri diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62f68d9044 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/powerstatus/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-PowerStatus 3173765686 +Design capacity low warning: PowerStatus Aviso de baixa capacidade de origem: +Show percent PowerStatus Ver porcentagem +Design capacity: PowerStatus Capacidade de origem: + mW PowerStatus mW +The battery level is getting low, please plug in the device. PowerStatus O nível de bateria está a ficar baixo, por favor ligue o dispositivo à corrente. +Battery low PowerStatus Bateria fraca +Type: PowerStatus Tipo: +non-rechargeable PowerStatus não recarregável +Empty battery slot PowerStatus Compartimento da bateria vazio + mV PowerStatus mV +Run in window PowerStatus Executar numa janela +PowerStatus System name Estado de Energia + mWh PowerStatus mWh +Battery info… PowerStatus Informações da bateria… +Damaged battery PowerStatus Bateria danificada +Show time PowerStatus Mostrar tempo +Last full charge: PowerStatus Última carga completa: +Battery unused PowerStatus Bateria sem uso +Extended battery info PowerStatus Informação detalhada da bateria + mA PowerStatus mA +Current rate: PowerStatus Consumo atual: +discharging PowerStatus a descarregar +Show text label PowerStatus Mostrar etiqueta de texto +About… PowerStatus Acerca… +Model number: PowerStatus Número do modelo: +Install in Deskbar PowerStatus Instalar na Deskbar + mAh PowerStatus mAh +Capacity: PowerStatus Capacidade: +Battery discharging PowerStatus Bateria a descarregar +Serial number: PowerStatus Número de série: +Battery critical PowerStatus Bateria em nível crítico +Capacity granularity 1: PowerStatus Granularidade de capacidade 1: +OEM info: PowerStatus Informação OEM: +Design voltage: PowerStatus Voltagem de origem: +Battery charging PowerStatus Bateria a carregar +The battery level is critical, please plug in the device immediately. PowerStatus O nível da bateria é crítico, por favor ligue imediatamente o dispositivo à corrente. +Design capacity warning: PowerStatus Aviso de capacidade de origem: +Quit PowerStatus Sair +rechargeable PowerStatus recarregável +charging PowerStatus carregando +You can run PowerStatus in a window or install it in the Deskbar. PowerStatus Você pode executar a aplicação Estado de Energia numa janela ou instalá-la na Deskbar. +Show status icon PowerStatus Ver ícone de estado +Capacity granularity 2: PowerStatus Granularidade de capacidade 2: +Technology: PowerStatus Tecnologia: +no battery PowerStatus sem bateria diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..520ca71d1a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 168752057 +Error saving file ProcessController Fejl ved gemning af fil +Display priority ProcessController Visningsprioritet +That's no Fun! ProcessController Det var kedeligt! +What do you want to do with the team \"%s\"? ProcessController Hvad vil du gøre med temaet \"%s\"? +Your setting file could not be saved!\n(%s) ProcessController Din indstillingsfil kunne ikke gemmes!\n(%s) +Processor %d ProcessController Processor %d +Live in the Deskbar ProcessController Live i skrivebordslinjen +Kill this team! ProcessController Dræb teamet! +OK ProcessController OK +You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Du kan køre Processtyring i et vindue eller installere det i skrivebordslinjen. +Real-time priority ProcessController Realtidsprioritet +Custom priority ProcessController Tilpasset prioritet +Debug this thread! ProcessController Fejlret tråden! +Low priority ProcessController Lav prioritet +Urgent display priority ProcessController Vigtig visning prioritet +Memory usage ProcessController Hukommelsesforbrug +Ok! ProcessController Ok! +Normal priority ProcessController Normal prioritet +Restart Deskbar ProcessController Genstart skrivebordslinje +About ProcessController… ProcessController Om Processtyring… +Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Anvendelse: %s [-deskbar]\n +Please confirm ProcessController Bekræft venligst +Urgent priority ProcessController Vigtig prioritet +What do you want to do with the thread \"%s\"? ProcessController Hvad vil du gøre med tråden \"%s\"? +(c) 1996-2001 Georges-Edouard Berenger, berenger@francenet.fr\n ProcessController (c) 1996-2001 Georges-Edouard Berenger, berenger@francenet.fr\n +Idle priority ProcessController Inaktivitetsprioritet +Real-time display priority ProcessController Realtidsvisning prioritet +Threads and CPU usage ProcessController Tråde- og CPU-forbrud +Quit application ProcessController Afslut program +Info ProcessController Info +Kill this thread! ProcessController Dræb tråden! +This team is already gone… ProcessController Teamet er allerede borte… +Gone teams… ProcessController Teams som er borte… +Quit an application ProcessController Afslut et program +Cancel ProcessController Annuller +Install in Deskbar ProcessController Installer i skrivebordslinje +Debug this team! ProcessController Fejlret teamet! +Low latency ProcessController Lav latens +ProcessController System name Processtyring +Lowest active priority ProcessController Laveste aktive prioritet +Restart Tracker ProcessController Genstart tracker +System resources & caches… ProcessController Systemressourcer og mellemlagre… +Damned! ProcessController Forbandet! +New Terminal ProcessController Ny terminal +Power saving ProcessController Strømstyring +ProcessController is already installed in Deskbar. ProcessController Processtyring er allerede installeret i skrivebordslinje. +This is the last active processor…\nYou can't turn it off! ProcessController Dette er den sidste aktive processer …\nDu kan ikke slå den fra! +This thread is already gone… ProcessController Tråden er allerede væk… +Run in window ProcessController Kør i vindue diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/it.catkeys index 3bd96b398e..5e06e697dd 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/it.catkeys @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Info ProcessController Informazioni Kill this thread! ProcessController Termina questo thread! This team is already gone… ProcessController Questo team è già terminato… Gone teams… ProcessController Team terminati... -Quit an application ProcessController Chiudi un'applcazione +Quit an application ProcessController Chiudi un'applicazione Cancel ProcessController Cancella Install in Deskbar ProcessController Installa nella Deskbar Debug this team! ProcessController Effettua il debug di questo team! diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cad12e9907 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/processcontroller/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ProcessController 315281146 +Error saving file ProcessController Erro ao guardar o ficheiro +Processor %d ProcessController Processador %d +You can run ProcessController in a window or install it in the Deskbar. ProcessController Pode executar o Gestor de Processos numa janela ou instalá-lo na Deskbar. +Real-time priority ProcessController Prioridade em tempo real +Memory usage ProcessController Utilização de memória +Normal priority ProcessController Prioridade normal +Restart Deskbar ProcessController Reiniciar a Deskbar +About ProcessController… ProcessController Acerca do Gestor de Processos… +Usage: %s [-deskbar]\n ProcessController Utilização: %s [-deskbar]\n +Please confirm ProcessController Por favor confirme +(c) 1996-2001 Georges-Edouard Berenger, berenger@francenet.fr\n ProcessController (c) 1996-2001 Georges-Edouard Berenger, berenger@francenet.fr\n +Quit application ProcessController Sair da aplicação +Info ProcessController Informações +Cancel ProcessController Cancelar +Install in Deskbar ProcessController Instalar na Deskbar +ProcessController System name Gestor de Processos +Restart Tracker ProcessController Reiniciar o Tracker +New Terminal ProcessController Novo Terminal +Power saving ProcessController Poupança de energia +ProcessController is already installed in Deskbar. ProcessController O Gestor de Processos já está instalado na Deskbar. +Run in window ProcessController Executar numa janela diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..704b955e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-Pulse 139895817 +Normal mode DeskbarPulseView Normal tilstand +Info CPUButton Info +Quit DeskbarPulseView Afslut +Info DeskbarPulseView Info +Normal mode MiniPulseView Normal tilstand +Frame color ConfigView Ramme farve +Error PulseApp Fejl +Bar colors ConfigView Søjle farve +%.2f GHz NormalPulseView %.2f GHz +Defaults PrefsWindow Standarder +%ld MHz NormalPulseView %ld MHz +Mini mode PrefsWindow Minitilstand +CPU progress bar NormalPulseView CPU fremskridt bar +Fade colors ConfigView Fade farver +About Pulse… PulseView Om Pulse… +Pulse NormalPulseView Pulse +Deskbar mode NormalPulseView Skrivebordslinje-tilstand +Remove replicant CPUButton Fjern replikant +You can't disable the last active CPU. PulseView Du kan ikke deaktivere den sidste aktive CPU. +Width of icon: ConfigView Bredde af ikon: +Deskbar mode MiniPulseView Skrivebordslinje-tilstand +OK PulseView OK +%s\n\nBy David Ramsey and Arve Hjønnevåg\nRevised by Daniel Switkin\n PulseApp %s\n\nAf David Ramsey og Arve Hjønnevåg\nRevideret af Daniel Switkin\n +OK PrefsWindow OK +Pulse PulseApp Pulse +Removing from Deskbar failed.\n%s DeskbarPulseView Fjernelse fra skrivebordslinje mislykkede.\n%s +OK PulseApp OK +About Pulse… CPUButton Om Pulse… +Deskbar mode PrefsWindow Skrivebordslinje-tilstand +Mini mode DeskbarPulseView Minitilstand +You can't disable the last active CPU. CPUButton Du kan ikke deaktivere den sidste aktive CPU. +OK CPUButton OK +Deskbar CPUButton Skrivebordslinje +Settings… PulseView Indstillinger… +Deskbar menu CPUButton Skrivebordslinje-menu +Mini mode NormalPulseView Minitilstand +Quit MiniPulseView Afslut +Info PulseView Info +Usage: Pulse [--mini] [-w width] [--width=width]\n\t[--deskbar] [--normal] [--framecolor 0xrrggbb]\n\t[--activecolor 0xrrggbb] [--idlecolor 0xrrggbb] PulseApp Anvendelse: Pulse [--mini] [-w bredde] [--width=højde]\n\t[--deskbar] [--normal] [--framecolor 0xrrggbb]\n\t[--activecolor 0xrrggbb] [--idlecolor 0xrrggbb] +OK DeskbarPulseView OK +Info PulseApp Info +Pulse System name Pulse +Active color ConfigView Aktiv farve +Installing in Deskbar failed\n%s PulseApp Installation i skrivebordslinje mislykkede\n%s +Idle color ConfigView Stille farve +Normal mode PrefsWindow Normal tilstand +Pulse settings PulseWindow Pulse-indstillinger diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9fa00c38c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/pulse/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-Pulse 3788463253 +Normal mode DeskbarPulseView Modo normal +Info CPUButton Informação +Quit DeskbarPulseView Encerrar +Info DeskbarPulseView Informação +Normal mode MiniPulseView Modo normal +Frame color ConfigView Cor do quadro +Error PulseApp Erro +Bar colors ConfigView Cor das barras +%.2f GHz NormalPulseView %.2f GHz +Defaults PrefsWindow Padrões +%ld MHz NormalPulseView %ld MHz +Mini mode PrefsWindow Modo mini +CPU progress bar NormalPulseView Barra de progresso do CPU +Fade colors ConfigView Cores fracas +About Pulse… PulseView Acerca do Pulse… +Pulse NormalPulseView Pulse +Deskbar mode NormalPulseView Modo Deskbar +Remove replicant CPUButton Remover replicante +You can't disable the last active CPU. PulseView Não pode desativar o ultimo CPU. +Width of icon: ConfigView Largura do icon: +Deskbar mode MiniPulseView Modo Deskbar +OK PulseView OK +%s\n\nBy David Ramsey and Arve Hjønnevåg\nRevised by Daniel Switkin\n PulseApp %s\n\nPor David Ramsey e Arve Hjønnevåg\nRevisto por Daniel Switkin\n +OK PrefsWindow OK +Pulse PulseApp Pulse +Removing from Deskbar failed.\n%s DeskbarPulseView A remoção da Deskbar falhou.\n%s +OK PulseApp OK +About Pulse… CPUButton Acerca do Pulse… +Deskbar mode PrefsWindow Modo deskbar +Mini mode DeskbarPulseView Modo mini +You can't disable the last active CPU. CPUButton Não pode desativar o ultimo CPU. +OK CPUButton OK +Deskbar CPUButton Deskbar +Settings… PulseView Definições… +Deskbar menu CPUButton Menu do deskbar +Mini mode NormalPulseView Modo mini +Quit MiniPulseView Ecerrar +Info PulseView Informação +OK DeskbarPulseView OK +Info PulseApp Informação +Pulse System name Pulse +Active color ConfigView Cor ativo +Installing in Deskbar failed\n%s PulseApp A instalação na Deskbar falhou\n%s +Idle color ConfigView Cor de inatividade +Normal mode PrefsWindow Modo normal +Pulse settings PulseWindow Definições do Pulse diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60e44404fd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 3958461128 +Include window border ScreenshotWindow Inkluder vindueskant +Overwrite ScreenshotWindow Overskriv +Save in: ScreenshotWindow Gem i: +Error saving \"%s\":\n\t%s ScreenshotWindow Fejl ved gemning af \"%s\":\n\t%s +This file already exists.\n Are you sure you would like to overwrite it? ScreenshotWindow Filen findes allerede.\n Er du sikker på, at du vil overskrive den? +OK ScreenshotWindow OK +The destination path exists but is not a folder. ScreenshotWindow Destinationsstien findes men er ikke en mappe. +Select ScreenshotWindow Vælg +Save as: ScreenshotWindow Gem som: +seconds ScreenshotWindow sekunder +New screenshot ScreenshotWindow Nyt skærmbillede +Screenshot System name Skærmbillede +Desktop ScreenshotWindow Skrivebord +Artwork folder ScreenshotWindow Kunstmappe +Translator Settings ScreenshotWindow Oversættelsesindstillinger +Include mouse pointer ScreenshotWindow Inkluder musemarkør +overwrite ScreenshotWindow overskriv +Settings… ScreenshotWindow Indstillinger… +Choose folder ScreenshotWindow Vælg mappe +Name: ScreenshotWindow Navn: +Choose folder… ScreenshotWindow Vælg mappe… +Please select ScreenshotWindow Vælg venligst +Failed to save screenshot ScreenshotWindow Kunne ikke gemme skærmbillede +Cancel ScreenshotWindow Annuller +Delay: ScreenshotWindow Forsinkelse: +Copy to clipboard ScreenshotWindow Kopiér til udklipsholderen +screenshot Screenshot Base filename of screenshot files skærmbillede +Home folder ScreenshotWindow Hjemmemappe +Save ScreenshotWindow Gem +Capture active window ScreenshotWindow Optag aktivt vindue diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/it.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/it.catkeys index 47e7bad426..6949f2e110 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/it.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/it.catkeys @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Include window border ScreenshotWindow Includi bordi finestra Overwrite ScreenshotWindow Sovrascrivi Save in: ScreenshotWindow Salva in: -Error saving \"%s\":\n\t%s ScreenshotWindow Errore nel salvataggion di \"%s\":\n\t%s +Error saving \"%s\":\n\t%s ScreenshotWindow Errore nel salvataggio di \"%s\":\n\t%s This file already exists.\n Are you sure you would like to overwrite it? ScreenshotWindow Questo file esiste già.\nSei sicuro di volerlo sovrascrivere? OK ScreenshotWindow OK The destination path exists but is not a folder. ScreenshotWindow Il percorso di destinazione esiste ma non è una cartella. diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..46b974f241 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/Screenshot/pt.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku-screenshot 3958461128 +Include window border ScreenshotWindow Incluir limite da janela +Overwrite ScreenshotWindow Escrever por cima +Save in: ScreenshotWindow Guardar em: +Error saving \"%s\":\n\t%s ScreenshotWindow Erro ao guardar \"%s\":\n\t%s +This file already exists.\n Are you sure you would like to overwrite it? ScreenshotWindow O ficheiro já existe.\n Tem a certeza de que pretende substituí-lo? +OK ScreenshotWindow OK +The destination path exists but is not a folder. ScreenshotWindow O caminho de destino existe mas não é uma pasta. +Select ScreenshotWindow Selecionar +Save as: ScreenshotWindow Guardar como: +seconds ScreenshotWindow segundos +New screenshot ScreenshotWindow Nova captura de ecrã +Screenshot System name Captura de Ecrã +Desktop ScreenshotWindow Área de Trabalho +Artwork folder ScreenshotWindow Pasta artwork +Translator Settings ScreenshotWindow Configurações do Tradutor +Include mouse pointer ScreenshotWindow Incluir ponteiro do rato +overwrite ScreenshotWindow substituir +Settings… ScreenshotWindow Configurações… +Choose folder ScreenshotWindow Selecionar pasta +Name: ScreenshotWindow Nome: +Choose folder… ScreenshotWindow Selecionar pasta… +Please select ScreenshotWindow Por favor selecione +Failed to save screenshot ScreenshotWindow Ocorreu uma falha ao guardar a captura de ecrã +Cancel ScreenshotWindow Cancelar +Delay: ScreenshotWindow Atraso: +Copy to clipboard ScreenshotWindow Copiar para a Área de Transferência +screenshot Screenshot Base filename of screenshot files captura_de_ecrã +Home folder ScreenshotWindow Pasta home +Save ScreenshotWindow Guardar +Capture active window ScreenshotWindow Capturar janela ativa diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e0bdb08f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.haiku-screenshot-cli 721864121 +screenshot Screenshot Base filename of screenshot files skærmbillede diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/pt.catkeys index 5ffee436c2..8a43453497 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/screenshot/screenshot/pt.catkeys @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-screenshot-cli 721864121 +1 portuguese x-vnd.haiku-screenshot-cli 721864121 screenshot Screenshot Base filename of screenshot files captura diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00f09f0640 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.Haiku-ShowImage 3998703664 +Use as background… Menus Brug som baggrund… +File Menus Fil +Slide delay Menus Glide forsinkelse +Selection mode Menus Valg +Zoom in Menus Zoom ind +The document '%s' has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt Dokumentet '%s' er blevet ændret. Vil du lukke dokumentet? +Page setup… Menus Sideopsætning… +Print… Menus Udskriv… +Get info… Menus Hent info… +OK SaveToFile OK +Previous page Menus Forrige side +View Menus Vis +Full screen Menus Fuld skærm +Go to page Menus Gå til side +Zoom out Menus Zoom ud +Quit Menus Afslut +Rotate counterclockwise Menus Roter mod uret +High-quality zooming Menus Højkvalitets zoom +Browse Menus Gennemse +Edit Menus Rediger +Could not load image! Either the file or an image translator for it does not exist. LoadAlerts Kunne ikke indlæse billede! Enten eksisterer filen eller en billedeoversætter for den ikke. +First page Menus Første side +The document '%s' (page %d) has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt Dokumentet '%s' (side %d) er blevet ændret. Vil du lukke dokumentet? +Leave full screen Menus Forlad fuld skærm +Close Menus Luk +Close ClosePrompt Luk +Resize to (in 1/72 inches): PrintOptionsWindow Sæt størrelse til (i 1/72 tommer): +Rating Menus Ratio +Flip left to right Menus Spejlvend +Show caption in full screen mode Menus Vis billedetekst i fuld skærm +DPI: PrintOptionsWindow DPI: +Open… Menus Åbn… +Next file Menus Næste fil +Clear selection Menus Ryd valg +Close document ClosePrompt Luk dokument +Height: PrintOptionsWindow Højde: +The file '%s' could not be written. SaveToFile Filen '%s' kunne ikke blive skrevet. +Cancel ClosePrompt Annuller +Show tool bar Menus Vis værktøjslinje +Fit to window Menus Tilpas til vindue +Print options PrintOptionsWindow Printerindstillinger +Copy Menus Kopiér +Progress monitor ProgressWindow Fremskridtsmonitor +Last page Menus Sidste side +Stretch to window Menus Valgtilstand +Previous file Menus Forrige fil +ShowImage System name Visbillede +Slide show Menus Slideshow +Fit image to page PrintOptionsWindow Tilpas billedet til siden +Flip top to bottom Menus Vend billedet på hovedet +Select all Menus Vælg alt +Zoom factor in %: PrintOptionsWindow Zoom faktor i %: +Width: PrintOptionsWindow Bredde: +Image Menus Billede +Move to Trash Menus Flyt til papirkurven +OK Alerts OK +Rotate clockwise Menus Roter med uret +Job setup PrintOptionsWindow Jobopsætning +Original size Menus Original størrelse +Next page Menus Næste side +Save as… Menus Gem som… diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/pt.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/pt.catkeys index 7a6f71bc81..9c43a014ac 100644 --- a/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/pt.catkeys +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/showimage/pt.catkeys @@ -1,39 +1,62 @@ -1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ShowImage 2984414415 -Browse Menus Navegar -Cancel ClosePrompt Cancelar -Close ClosePrompt Fechar -Close document ClosePrompt Fechar documento -Could not load image! Either the file or an image translator for it does not exist. LoadAlerts Não foi possível abrir a imagem! Ou um arquivo ou um tradutor de imagem necessário não existe. -DPI: PrintOptionsWindow DPI: -First page Menus Primeira página -Fit image to page PrintOptionsWindow Ajustar imagem à página -Flip left to right Menus Inverter horizontalmente -Flip top to bottom Menus Inverter verticalmente +1 portuguese x-vnd.Haiku-ShowImage 3998703664 +Use as background… Menus Usar como papel de parede… +File Menus Ficheiro +Slide delay Menus Tempo de transição +Selection mode Menus Modo de seleção +Zoom in Menus Aumentar zoom +The document '%s' has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt O documento '%s' foi modificado. Você deseja fechar o documento? +Page setup… Menus Configuração de página… +Print… Menus Imprimir… +Get info… Menus Obter informações… +OK SaveToFile OK +Previous page Menus Página anterior +View Menus Ver Full screen Menus Ecrã inteiro Go to page Menus Ir para a página -Height: PrintOptionsWindow Altura: -High-quality zooming Menus Zoom de alta qualidade -Image Menus Imagem -Job setup PrintOptionsWindow Configurar trabalho de impressão -Last page Menus Última página -Next file Menus Próximo ficheiro -Next page Menus Próxima página -Original size Menus Tamanho original -Previous file Menus Ficheiro anterior -Previous page Menus Página anterior -Print options PrintOptionsWindow Opções de impressão -Resize to (in 1/72 inches): PrintOptionsWindow Redimensionar para (em 1/72 polegadas): -Rotate clockwise Menus Rodar para a direita -Rotate counterclockwise Menus Rodar para a esquerda -Show caption in full screen mode Menus Mostrar legenda no modo de ecrã inteiro -Slide delay Menus Tempo de transição -Slide show Menus Apresentação de Diapositivos -The document '%s' (page %d) has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt O documento '%s' (página %d) foi modificado. Você deseja fechar o documento? -The document '%s' has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt O documento '%s' foi modificado. Você deseja fechar o documento? -Undo Menus Anular -Use as background… Menus Usar como papel de parede... -View Menus Ver -Width: PrintOptionsWindow Largura: -Zoom factor in %: PrintOptionsWindow Zoom em %: -Zoom in Menus Aumentar zoom Zoom out Menus Diminuir zoom +Quit Menus Sair +Rotate counterclockwise Menus Rodar para a esquerda +High-quality zooming Menus Zoom de alta qualidade +Browse Menus Navegar +Edit Menus Editar +Could not load image! Either the file or an image translator for it does not exist. LoadAlerts Não foi possível abrir a imagem! Ou um arquivo ou um tradutor de imagem necessário não existe. +First page Menus Primeira página +The document '%s' (page %d) has been changed. Do you want to close the document? ClosePrompt O documento '%s' (página %d) foi modificado. Você deseja fechar o documento? +Leave full screen Menus Sair do ecrã completo +Close Menus Fechar +Close ClosePrompt Fechar +Resize to (in 1/72 inches): PrintOptionsWindow Redimensionar para (em 1/72 polegadas): +Rating Menus Classificação +Flip left to right Menus Inverter horizontalmente +Show caption in full screen mode Menus Mostrar legenda no modo de ecrã inteiro +DPI: PrintOptionsWindow DPI: +Open… Menus Abrir… +Next file Menus Próximo ficheiro +Clear selection Menus Limpar seleção +Close document ClosePrompt Fechar documento +Height: PrintOptionsWindow Altura: +The file '%s' could not be written. SaveToFile Não foi possível escrever o ficheiro '%s'. +Cancel ClosePrompt Cancelar +Show tool bar Menus Mostrar barra de ferramentas +Fit to window Menus Ajustar à janela +Print options PrintOptionsWindow Opções de impressão +Copy Menus Copiar +Progress monitor ProgressWindow Monitor de progresso +Last page Menus Última página +Stretch to window Menus Esticar à medida da janela +Previous file Menus Ficheiro anterior +ShowImage System name ShowImage +Slide show Menus Apresentação de Diapositivos +Fit image to page PrintOptionsWindow Ajustar imagem à página +Flip top to bottom Menus Inverter verticalmente +Select all Menus Mostrar tudo +Zoom factor in %: PrintOptionsWindow Zoom em %: +Width: PrintOptionsWindow Largura: +Image Menus Imagem +Move to Trash Menus Mover para o Lixo +OK Alerts OK +Rotate clockwise Menus Rodar para a direita +Job setup PrintOptionsWindow Configurar trabalho de impressão +Original size Menus Tamanho original +Next page Menus Próxima página +Save as… Menus Guardar como… diff --git a/data/catalogs/apps/softwareupdater/da.catkeys b/data/catalogs/apps/softwareupdater/da.catkeys new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9bc329776 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/catalogs/apps/softwareupdater/da.catkeys @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +1 danish x-vnd.haiku-softwareupdater 369324613 +Updating version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Opdaterer version +Click here to install {0, plural, one{# updated package} other{# updated packages}}. CheckManager Klik her for at installere {0, plural, one{# opdateret pakke} other{# opdateret pakker}}. +Packages to be uninstalled SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Pakker som skal afinstalleres +No active network connection was found UpdateManager Error message Der blev ikke fundet nogen aktiv netværksforbindelse +Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Afslut +There were no updates found. CheckManager Der blev ikke fundet nogen opdateringer. +Updates have not been completed, are you sure you want to quit? SoftwareUpdaterWindow Opdateringer er blevet fuldført, er du sikker på, at du vil afslutte? +Updates found SoftwareUpdaterWindow Fandt opdateringer +Update now SoftwareUpdaterWindow Opdater nu +For some reason, we could not reboot your computer. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Vi kunne, af en eller anden grund, ikke genstarte din computer. +OK UpdateManager OK +Unrecognized argument SoftwareUpdaterApp Error message Ikke-genkendt argument +There were no updates found. CheckAction Der blev ikke fundet nogen opdateringer. +No updates available UpdateAction Ingen tilgængelige opdateringer +New packages to be installed SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Nye pakker som skal installeres +Packages to be updated SoftwareUpdaterWindow List super item label Pakker som skal opdateres +to SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text til +Attempting to cancel the updates… SoftwareUpdaterWindow Forsøger at annullere opdateringerne … +Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. CheckManager Kontakter software-softwarekilder for at søge efter pakkeopdateringer. +Available updates found CheckManager Fandt tilgængelige opdateringer +from repository SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text fra softwarekilde +Contacting software repositories to check for package updates. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Kontakter software-softwarekilder for at søge efter pakkeopdateringer. +Cancelling updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Annullerer opdateringer +Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Annuller +There were no updates found. UpdateAction Der blev ikke fundet nogen opdateringer. +OK SoftwareUpdaterWindow OK +Please choose from these update options:\n\nUpdate:\n\tUpdates all installed packages.\nFull sync:\n\tSynchronizes the installed packages with the repositories. SoftwareUpdaterWindow Vælg venligst fra følgende opdateringsvalgmuligheder:\n\nOpdater:\n\tOpdaterer alle installerede pakker.\nFuld synkronisering:\n\tSynkroniserer de installerede pakker med softwarekilderne. +The following changes will be made: SoftwareUpdaterWindow Følgende ændringer vil blive foretaget: +Argument variables are no longer accepted\n SoftwareUpdaterApp Argumentvariabler accepteres ikke mere\n +Fatal error while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Fatal fejl ved søgning efter opdateringer: %s\n +SoftwareUpdater System name Softwareopdatering +No active network connection was found.\n CheckManager Der blev ikke fundet nogen aktive netværksforbindelse.\n +Applying changes UpdateManager Anvender ændringer +Full sync SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Fuld synkronisering +Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label Afslut +Updates have been successfully installed. UpdateManager Opdateringer er blevet installeret. +Exception occurred while updating packages : %s\n UpdateAction Der opstod en undtagelse under opdatering af pakker: %s\n +A reboot is necessary to complete the update process. UpdateManager Det er nødvendigt at genstarte for at fuldføre opdateringsprocessen. +Exception occurred while checking for updates: %s\n CheckAction Der opstod en undtagelse under søgning efter opdateringer: %s\n +Packages are being updated UpdateManager Pakker opdateres +Cancel SoftwareUpdaterWindow Annuller +Don't quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Afslut ikke +Click here to run SoftwareUpdater. Some updates will require a problem solution to be selected. CheckManager Klik her for at køre Softwareopdatering. Nogle opdateringer kræver at en problemløsning er valgt. +Checking for updates SoftwareUpdaterWindow Søger efter opdateringer +Updates completed UpdateManager Opdateringer fuldført +Reboot SoftwareUpdaterWindow Genstart +Show more details SoftwareUpdaterWindow Vis flere detaljer +Installing version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Installerer version +Checking for updates CheckManager Søger efter opdateringer +No remote repositories are available UpdateManager Error message Der er ikke nogen tilgængelige fjernsoftwarekilder +Software {0, plural, one{update} other{updates}} available CheckManager Software {0, plural, one{opdatering} other{opdateringer}} tilgængelig +Reboot SoftwareUpdaterWindow Button label Genstart +Update SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Opdater +Open Repositories SoftwareUpdaterWindow Alert button label Åbn softwarekilder +Updates did not complete UpdateAction Opdateringer blev ikke fuldført +Invalid update type, cannot continue with updates UpdateAction Ugyldig opdateringstype, kan ikke fortsætte med opdateringer +Uninstalling version SoftwareUpdaterWindow List item text Afinstallerer version +%i of %i UpdateManager Do not translate %i %i af %i +Quit SoftwareUpdaterWindow Afslut +No updates available CheckManager Der er ikke nogen opdateringer tilgængelige +Usage: SoftwareUpdater [