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1 croatian x-vnd.Haiku-Installer 1610767827
2.1) GRUB 1\n InstallerApp 2.1) GRUB 1\n
2.2) GRUB 2\n InstallerApp 2.2) GRUB 2\n
Additional disk space required: %s InstallerWindow Potreban dodatni prostor na disku: %s
Additional disk space required: 0.0 KiB InstallerWindow Potreban dodatni prostor na disku: 0.0 KiB
All hard disks start with \"hd\".\n InstallerApp Svi tvrdi diskovi počinju sa \"hd\".\n
An error was encountered and the installation was not completed:\n\nError: %s InstallerWindow Došlo je do greške i instalacija nije dovršena:\n\Greška: %s
Are you sure you want to to stop the installation? InstallerWindow Jeste li sigurni da želite zaustaviti instalaciju?
Begin InstallerWindow Počni
Cancel InstallProgress Odustani
Cancel InstallerWindow Odustani
Choose the disk you want to install onto from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Iz pop-up izbornika izaberite disk na koji žekite instalirati.Zatim kliknite \"Počni\".
Choose the source and destination disk from the pop-up menus. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Izaberite izvor i odredišni disk iz pop-up izbornika.Zatim kliknite
Choose the source disk from the pop-up menu. Then click \"Begin\". InstallerWindow Izaberite disk izvora iz poo-up izbornika.Zatim kliknite \"Počni\".
Continue InstallerApp Nastavi
Finishing Installation. InstallProgress Završavam instalaciju.
GRUB's naming scheme is still: (hdN,n)\n\n InstallerApp Grub shema imenovanja je još: (hdN,n)\n\n
Have fun and thanks a lot for trying out Haiku! We hope you like it! InstallerApp Uživajte i puno vam hvala na isprobavanju Haiku-a!Nadamo se da vam se sviđa!
Hide optional packages InstallerWindow Sakrij neobavezne pakete.
Install from: InstallerWindow Instaliraj sa:
Install progress: InstallerWindow Napredak instalacije:
Installation canceled. InstallProgress Instalacija opozvana.
Installer\n\twritten by Jérôme Duval and Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n InstallerApp Installer\n\tnapisali Jérôme Duval i Stephan Aßmus\n\tCopyright 2005-2010, Haiku.\n\n
No partitions have been found that are suitable for installation. Please set up partitions and initialize at least one partition with the Be File System. InstallerWindow Nije pronađena ijedna particija pogodna za instalaciju.Molim uredite particije i inicirajte barem jednu sa Be File sustavom.
OK InstallProgress U redu
OK InstallerApp Uredu
Performing installation. InstallProgress Vršim instalaciju.
Please choose target InstallerWindow Molim izaberite metu
Press the Begin button to install from '%1s' onto '%2s'. InstallerWindow Pritisnite tipku Počni za instalaciju sa '%1s' na '%2s'.
Quit InstallerApp Isključi
Quit InstallerWindow Isključi
Restart system InstallerWindow Ponovo pokreni sustav
Set up partitions… InstallerWindow Postavi particije...
Show optional packages InstallerWindow Pokaži neobavezne pakete
So below the heading that must not be edited, add something similar to these lines:\n\n InstallerApp Ispod zaglavlja koje se ne smije uređivati,dodajte nešto poput ovih redaka:\n\n
Starting Installation. InstallProgress Pokretanje instalacije.
Stop InstallerWindow Stop
The destination disk may not have enough space. Try choosing a different disk or choose to not install optional items. InstallProgress Odredišni direktorij možda nema dovoljno prostara.Probajte izabrati drugi disk ili izaberite neinstaliranje neobaveznih stavki.
The disk can't be mounted. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Disk ne može biti montiran.Izaberite drugi disk.
The partition can't be mounted. Please choose a different partition. InstallProgress Particija se ne može montirati.molim izaberite drugu particiju.
Tools InstallerWindow Alati
Welcome to the Haiku Installer!\n\n InstallerApp Dobrodošli u Haiku instaler!\n\n
You can't install the contents of a disk onto itself. Please choose a different disk. InstallProgress Ne možete instalirati sadržaj diska na sami disk.Izaberite drugi disk.
You'll note that GRUB uses a different naming strategy for hard drives than Linux.\n\n InstallerApp Primjetili ste da GRUB koristi drugačije imenovanje za tvrde diskove nego Linux.\n\n
\"N\" is the hard disk number, starting with \"0\".\n InstallerApp \"N\" je broj tvrdog diska, počevši sa\"0\".\n
\"n\" is the partition number, also starting with \"0\".\n InstallerApp \"n\" je broj particije, koji također počinje sa \"0\".\n
\"n\" is the partition number, which for GRUB 2 starts with \"1\"\n InstallerApp \"n\" je broj particije, koji za GRUB 2 počinje sa \"1\"\n
\t# Haiku on /dev/sda7\n InstallerApp \t# Haiku on /dev/sda7\n
\t\tchainloader +1\n InstallerApp \t\tchainloader +1\n
\t\tset root=(hd0,7)\n InstallerApp \t\tset root=(hd0,7)\n
\tchainloader\t\t+1\n\n InstallerApp \tchainloader\t\t+1\n\n
\tmenuentry \"Haiku Alpha\" {\n InstallerApp \tmenuentry \"Haiku Alpha\" {\n
\trootnoverify\t\t(hd0,6)\n InstallerApp \trootnoverify\t\t(hd0,6)\n
\tsudo update-grub\n\n\n InstallerApp \tsudo update-grub\n\n\n
\t}\n\n InstallerApp \t}\n\n