Please choose the folder to publish on the web.\n\nYou can have PoorMan create a default \"public_html\" in your home folder.\nOr you select one of your own folders instead. PoorMan Par plasê, sielç la cartele di publicâ sul web.\n\nSi pues fâ creâ a Puar Om chê predefinide, \"public_html\", te tô cartele home.\nOpûr selezionâ une des tôs cartelis.
Log To Console PoorMan Invie regjistri ae console
File Name PoorMan Non dal file
Starting up... PoorMan Daûr a inviâ il servidôr…
Select PoorMan Selezione
Logging view PoorMan Viodude regjistri
Save console as… PoorMan Salve console come…
Edit PoorMan Modifiche
Cancel PoorMan Cancele
Directory: PoorMan Cartele:
Hits: %lu PoorMan Richiestis: %lu
Hits: 0 PoorMan Richiestis: 0
Shutting down.\n PoorMan Daûr a distudâ il servidôr.\n
Select all PoorMan Selezione dut
Error Server PoorMan Erôr dal servidôr
Send file listing if there's no start page PoorMan Invie la liste dai file se no je la pagjine iniziâl
Create PoorMan log PoorMan Cree regjistri di Puar Om
Max. simultaneous connections: PoorMan Massim numar di conessions simultaniis:
Done PoorMan Fat
Site PoorMan Sît
Cannot start the server PoorMan Impussibil inviâ il servidôr
Create log file PoorMan Cree file di regjistri
Create public_html PoorMan Cree public_html
Clear hit counter PoorMan Azere contadôr des richiestis
Save log console selection PoorMan Salve la selezion dal regjistri de console
File Logging PoorMan Regjistrazion su file
Log file name: PoorMan Non dal file di regjistri:
Status: Running PoorMan Stât: in esecuzion
Directory: (none) PoorMan Cartele: (nissune)
A default web folder has been created at \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nMake sure there is a HTML file named \"index.html\" in that folder. PoorMan Une cartele web predefinide e je stade creade in \"/boot/home/public_html.\"\nSigurâsi che al sedi un file HTML clamât \"index.html\" te cartele.
Dir Created PoorMan Cartele creade
Save console selections as… PoorMan Salve selezion de console come…
Quit PoorMan Jes
Save log console PoorMan Salve il regjistri de console