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1 indonesian x-vnd.Haiku-BootManager 3886671855
The boot manager has been successfully installed on your system. BootManagerController Manajer boot telah berhasil diinstal pada sistem anda.
After two seconds DefaultPartitionPage Setelah dua detik
Uninstall Boot Manager UninstallPage Title Uninstall Manager Boot
At least one partition must be selected! BootManagerController Setidaknya satu partisi harus dipilih!
Restore MBR BootManagerController Button Pulihkan MBR
Hard Drive DrivesPage Default disk name Hard Drive
USB Drive DrivesPage Default disk name USB Drive
The Master Boot Record (MBR) of the boot device:\n\t%s\nwill now be saved to disk. Please select a file to save the MBR into.\n\nIf something goes wrong with the installation or if you later wish to remove the boot menu, simply run the bootman program and choose the 'Uninstall' option. BootManagerController Master Boot Record (MBR) dari perangkat booting:\n\t%s\nakan segera disimpan ke disk. Silakan pilih file untuk menyimpan MBR.\n\nJika ada yang tidak beres dengan instalasi atau jika Anda ingin menghapus menu booting, cukup jalankan program bootman dan pilih opsi 'Uninstall'.
About to restore the Master Boot Record (MBR) of %disk from %file. Do you wish to continue? BootManagerController Don't translate the place holders: %disk and %file Akan mengembalikan Master Boot Record (MBR) %disk dari %file. Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?
First partition starts too early BootManagerController Title Partisi pertama dimulai terlalu dini
An error occurred writing the boot menu. The Master Boot Record might be destroyed, you should restore the MBR now! BootManagerController Terjadi kesalahan saat menulis menu booting. Master Boot Record mungkin hancur, Anda harus mengembalikan MBR sekarang!
Partitions PartitionsPage Title Partisi
Timeout: %s DefaultPartitionPage Waktu habis dalam: %s
Select FileSelectionPage Button Memilih
Incompatible format! DrivesPage Cannot install Format tidak kompatibel!
Cannot access! DrivesPage Cannot install Tidak dapat mengakses!
Uninstall boot manager BootManagerController Title Copot manager boot
After four seconds DefaultPartitionPage Setelah empat detik
Uninstallation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title Penghapusan instalasi menu gagal
Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. BootManagerController Silakan cari file save Master Boot Record (MBR) untuk dipulihkan. Ini adalah file yang dibuat saat boot manager pertama kali diinstal.
Next WizardView Button Lanjut
Uninstallation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Penghapusan instalasi menu boot selesai
Please select the drive you want the boot manager to be installed to or uninstalled from. DrivesPage Silakan pilih drive yang anda inginkan untuk manager boot dipasang atau dihapus darinya.
Please specify a default partition and a timeout.\nThe boot menu will load the default partition after the timeout unless you select another partition. You can also have the boot menu wait indefinitely for you to select a partition.\nKeep the 'ALT' key pressed to disable the timeout at boot time. DefaultPartitionPage Harap tentukan partisi default dan batas waktu.\nMenu boot akan memuat partisi default setelah batas waktu kecuali Anda memilih partisi lain. Anda juga dapat memiliki menu booting menunggu tanpa batas waktu untuk memilih partisi.\nJaga tombol 'ALT' ditekan untuk menonaktifkan batas waktu saat boot.
After one second DefaultPartitionPage Setelah satu detik
The following partitions were detected. Please check the box next to the partitions to be included in the boot menu. You can also set the names of the partitions as you would like them to appear in the boot menu. PartitionsPage Partisi berikut terdeteksi. Harap centang kotak di samping partisi yang akan disertakan dalam menu booting. Anda juga dapat mengatur nama partisi seperti yang Anda inginkan agar muncul di menu booting.
After one minute DefaultPartitionPage Setelah satu menit
The old Master Boot Record could not be saved to %s. You can continue the installation but there will be no way to uninstall the boot menu. BootManagerController Master Boot Record lama tidak dapat disimpan ke %s. Anda dapat melanjutkan penginstalan namun tidak akan ada cara untuk mencopot pemasangan menu booting.
The Master Boot Record of the boot device (%DISK) has been successfully restored from %FILE. BootManagerController Master Boot Record dari perangkat booting (%DISK) telah berhasil dipulihkan dari %FILE.
Quit WizardView Button Keluar
Write boot menu BootManagerController Button Tuliskan menu booting
The Master Boot Record could not be restored! BootManagerController Master Boot Record tidak dapat dipulihkan!
Uninstall DrivesPage Button Uninstall
Default Partition DefaultPartitionPage Title Partisi standar
After five seconds DefaultPartitionPage Setelah lima detik
Back BootManagerController Button Kembali
Installation of boot menu completed BootManagerController Title Pemasangan menu boot selesai
Unnamed %d LegacyBootMenu Default name of a partition whose name could not be read from disk; characters in codepage 437 are allowed only Tanpa nama %d
File: FileSelectionPage Text control label Berkas:
Previous WizardView Button Sebelumnya
The first partition on the disk starts too early and does not leave enough space free for a boot menu.\nBoot Manager needs 2 KiB available space before the first partition. BootManagerController Partisi pertama pada disk dimulai terlalu dini dan tidak meninggalkan ruang kosong untuk menu booting.\nManajer Boot membutuhkan 2 ruang KiB yang tersedia sebelum partisi pertama.
Install DrivesPage Button Pasang
2018-10-23 11:31:30 +00:00
About to write the following boot menu to the boot disk (%s). Please verify the information below before continuing. BootManagerController Akan menulis menu but berikut ke diska but(%s). Harap verifikasi informasi di bawah ini sebelum melanjutkan.
Unknown LegacyBootMenu Text is shown for an unknown partition type Tidak diketahui
Update DrivesPage Button Memperbarui
Please locate the Master Boot Record (MBR) save file to restore from. This is the file that was created when the boot manager was first installed. UninstallPage Silakan cari file save Master Boot Record (MBR) untuk dipulihkan. Ini adalah file yang dibuat saat boot manager pertama kali diinstal.
Drives DrivesPage Title Drive
No space available! DrivesPage Cannot install Tidak ada tempat yang tersedia!
Never DefaultPartitionPage Tak pernah
Partition table not compatible BootManagerController Title Tabel partisi tidak kompatibel
Old Master Boot Record saved BootManagerController Title Master Boot Record lama disimpan
Old Master Boot Record backup failure BootManagerController Title Master Boot Record lama gagal dicadangkan
Boot Manager is unable to read the partition table! BootManagerController Boot Manager tidak dapat membaca tabel partisi!
Error reading partition table BootManagerController Title Ada kesalahan saat membaca tabel partisi
Installation of boot menu failed BootManagerController Title Pemasangan menu boot gagal
The partition table of the first hard disk is not compatible with Boot Manager.\nBoot Manager only works with IBM PC MBR partitions. BootManagerController Tabel partisi hard disk pertama tidak kompatibel dengan Boot Manager.\nBoot Manager hanya bekerja dengan partisi IBM PC MBR.
Backup Master Boot Record BootManagerController Title Cadangkan Master Boot Record
2018-10-23 11:31:30 +00:00
About to write the boot menu to disk. Are you sure you want to continue? BootManagerController Akan menulis menu but ke diska. Apakah anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?
The old Master Boot Record was successfully saved to %s. BootManagerController Master Boot Record lama berhasil disimpan ke %s.
Default Partition: DefaultPartitionPage Menu field label Partitisi standar:
Partitions DefaultPartitionPage Pop up menu title Partisi
BootManager System name BootManager
Summary BootManagerController Title Ringkasan
OK BootManagerController Button OKE
Immediately DefaultPartitionPage Segera
Done BootManagerController Button Selesai
After three seconds DefaultPartitionPage Setelah tiga detik