<p>Haiku's grafiska gränssnitt är integrerat i själva operativsystemet. Till skillnad från Unix-baserade operativsystem finns det ingen separat fönsterhanterare, det går därför inte att starta upp Haiku till skalet. Haiku's fokus är på skrivbordsanvändaren, därför anses det inte vara nödvändigt.</p>
<p>Eftersom du antagligen har erfarenhet av andra grafiska miljöer hoppar vi över saker som menyer, höger-klick, drag-och-släpp med mera. I stället tar vi och tittar på vad som är unikt med Haiku's grafiska miljö.</p>
<li><p>Deskbar är Haiku's motsvarighet till Windows startmeny, och även verktygsfält om du så vill. Avsnittet <ahref="deskbar.html">Deskbar</a> beskriver dess funktionalitet ytterligare.</p></li>
<li>The yellow tab offers more than just a program's name or a document's filename:
<ul><li>You can move it by holding the <spanclass="key">SHIFT</span> key while dragging it to another position, enabling you to stack a number of windows and conveniently access them by their named tab.</li>
<li>You minimize a window with a double-click on its tab (or with <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">M</span>). A such hidden window can be accessed by its entry in the <ahref="deskbar.html">Deskbar</a> or the <ahref="twitcher.html">Twitcher</a>.</li>
<li>You can send a window to the back with a right-click on its tab (or its border).</li></ul></li>
<li><p>The "zoom" button (or <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">Z</span>). In most applications, this will expand a window to maximum size. It doesn't have to, however. Tracker windows, for example, will resize to best fit the contents.</p></li>
<p>Moving and resizing windows is a large part of interacting with several concurrently running applications. Instead of aiming at the small yellow title tab or the even tinier window border, there's a more convenient way to move a window. Also, additionally to its small size, the resize corner has another limitation: It only allows resizing at and in the direction of the lower right corner.</p>
<p>To address these issues, Haiku provides a neat solution using the window management key combo <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span> and the mouse. See also chapter <ahref="keyboard-shortcuts.html#general">Shortcuts and key combinations</a> for more shortcuts concerning window management.</p>
<p>Holding down <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span> will highlight the window borders nearest to the mouse pointer. Move the mouse in the direction of another border to change the target. Click and dragging with the <i>right mouse button</i> will resize the window along the highlighted border(s).</p>
<p>Hold down <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span> and click and drag with the <i>left mouse button</i> anywhere in a window to move it around. A quick click with the <i>right mouse button</i> sends it to the back.</p>
<p>It has all the usual things: A list of files of the current folder to choose from, in case of a save panel, a text field to enter a filename and a pop-up menu for different file formats and their settings.<br/>
You can enter parent folders with the pop-up menu above the file listing.</p>
<p>If you already have a Tracker window with the location for a file open, you can simply drag either any file or the folder-representation (i.e. the symbol to the far right in its menu bar) into the panel. This changes the panel to that new location.</p>
<p>Flera kortkommandon i dialogrutorna för öppna och spara är samma som i Tracker. Förutom dom kommandon som också är tillgängliga via <spanclass="menu">Arkiv</span> menyn, finns det några fler som kan vara bra att känna till:</p>
<tr><tdclass="onelinetop"><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">↓</span> eller <spanclass="key">ENTER</span></td><td></td><td>Öppnar underordnad mapp.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">D</span></td><td></td><td>Tar dig till Skrivbordet.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">H</span></td><td></td><td>Tar dig till din Hem mapp.</td></tr>
<p>The <spanclass="menu">Favorites</span> menu in open and save panels provides recently visited folders and favorite locations that you can set up yourself. As indicated by the little arrow, you can also use these locations to navigate further down the hierarchy via submenus.</p>
<p>To add a Favorite, you simply navigate to your destination and choose <spanclass="menu">Favorites | Add current folder</span>. From now on it will appear in every open/save panel. To remove a Favorite, choose <spanclass="menu">Favorites | Configure favorites...</span> and delete its entry.<br/>
All Favorites are kept in <spanclass="path">/boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Go/</span>. So you might as well add and remove links to files and folders there directly.</p>
<p>Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to <spanclass="menu">Show replicants</span> is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:</p>
<p>The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.<br/>
A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's <spanclass="menu">About</span> window and to <spanclass="menu">Remove replicant</span>.</p>
<divclass="box-info">Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf</span>. Unfortunately, this will remove <i>all</i> Replicants from the Desktop.</div>
<p>Examples for replicatable applications are the graphs of the <ahref="applications/activitymonitor.html">ActivityMonitor</a>, the <ahref="workspaces.html">Workspaces applet</a> or <ahref="applications/deskcalc.html">DeskCalc</a>.</p>