167 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-HaikuDepot 4293876709
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
An error occurred while refreshing the repository: %error% LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Si è verificât un erôr intal inzornâ il dipuesit: %error%
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Check for updates… MainWindow Control inzornaments…
Uninstall PackageManager Disinstale
(%Votes%) FeaturedPackagesView (%Votes%)
Uninstalled PackageListView Disinstalât
Available packages MainWindow Pachets disponibii
Create account UserLoginWindow Cree account
OK App Va ben
Mostly stable RatePackageWindow Pal plui stabil
Account created successfully. You can now rate packages and do other useful things. UserLoginWindow Account creât cun sucès. Si pues cumò votâ i pachets e fâ altris robis utilis.
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
The response to the captcha was incorrect. ServerHelper La rispueste al captcha e jere sbaliade.
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Develop packages MainWindow Pachets di svilup
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
Rate package… PackageInfoView Vote pachet…
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Starting the package daemon failed:\n\n%Error% App Inviament dal demoni dai pachets falît:\n\n %Error%
<no info> PackageInfoView <nessune informazion>
No user ratings available. PackageInfoView Nissune valutazion dai utents disponibile.
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Local Repository Load Error LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Erôr cjariament dipuesit locâl
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
The user name needs to be at least 3 letters long. UserLoginWindow Il non utent al scugne jessi lunc almancul di 3 letaris.
Downloading package '%name%' WorkStatusView Daûr a discjariâ il pachet '%name%'
Failed to create account UserLoginWindow No si è rivâts a creâ l'account
Ignore UserLoginWindow Ignore
Rating PackageListView Valutazion
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Synchronizing icons ServerIconExportUpdateProcess Sincronizazion iconis
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Does not start RatePackageWindow No si invie
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
Show MainWindow Mostre
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
But none could be listed here, sorry. UserLoginWindow Nus displâs, ma nuie al pues jessi listât achì.
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
An error occurred while obtaining the package list: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Si è verificât un erôr intal otignî la liste dai pachets: %message%
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
There are problems with the data you entered:\n\n UserLoginWindow Problemis cui dâts inserîts:\n\n
The authentication was successful. UserLoginWindow Autenticât cun sucès.
Not specified RatePackageWindow No specificât
Unstable but usable RatePackageWindow Instabil, ma che si pues doprâ
Active PackageListView Atîf
Login or Create account MainWindow Jentre o Regjistriti
<Package contents not available for remote packages> PackageContentsView <Contignûts dal pachet no disponibii pai pachets rimots>
{0, plural,one{1 package to download}other{# packages to download}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{1 pachet di discjariâ}other{# pachets di discjariâ}}
Ratings PackageInfoView Valutazions
Switch account… MainWindow Cambie account…
Preferred language: UserLoginWindow Lenghe preferide:
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Server Error ServerHelper Erôr di servidôr
It was not possible to contact the web service. UserLoginWindow Nol è stât pussibil contatâ il servizi web.
Name PackageListView Non
Local LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Locâl
Rate %Package% RatePackageWindow Vote %Package%
An error occurred while initializing the package manager: %message% LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Si è verificât un erôr intal inizializâ il gjestôr dal pachet: %message%
Quit HaikuDepot App Siere HaikuDepot
Repository Update Error LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Erôr inzornament dipuesit
Category FilterView Categorie
User rating RatePackageWindow Valutazion utents
Installed packages MainWindow Pachets instalâts
A requested object or an object involved in the request was not found on the server. ServerHelper Un ogjet domandât o un ogjet che al centrave cu la richieste nol è stât cjatât sul servidôr.
Other users can see this rating RatePackageWindow I altris utents a puedin viodi cheste valutazion
Stable RatePackageWindow Stabile
This application is too old to communicate with the HaikuDepot server system. Obtain a newer version of HaikuDepot by updating your Haiku system. The minimum version of HaikuDepot required is \"%s\". ServerHelper Cheste aplicazion e je masse vecje par comunicâ cul sisteme dal servidôr di HaikuDepot. Oten une gnove version di HaikuDepot inzornant il sisteme Haiku. La version minime necessarie di HaikuDepot e je \"%s\".
Fatal error PackageManager Erôr fatâl
Package action failed PackageInfoView Azion pachet falide
No changelog available. PackageInfoView Nissun regjistri des modifichis disponibil.
There are problems in the form:\n\n UserLoginWindow A son problemis tal modul:\n\n
Error App Erôr
There was a puzzling response from the web service. UserLoginWindow La rispueste dal servizi web e jere ambigue.
Not logged in MainWindow No jentrât
No, quit HaikuDepot App No, siere HaikuDepot
Featured packages FeaturedPackagesView Pachets in risalt
Your rating was uploaded successfully. You can update or remove it at the HaikuDepot Server website. RatePackageWindow La tô valutazion e je stade cjariade cun sucès. Tu puedis modificâle o gjavâle sul sît web dal servidôr di HaikuDepot.
Network Error ServerHelper Erôr di rêt
Available PackageListView Disponibil
Cancel UserLoginWindow Anule
HaikuDepot needs the package daemon to function, and it appears to be not running.\nWould you like to start it now? App HaikuDepot al à bisugne dal demoni dai pachets par funzionâ, ma pal moment al semee che nol sedi in esecuzion.\nInviâlu cumò?
Click a package to view information PackageInfoView Fâs clic suntun pachet par viodi plui informazions
Contents PackageInfoView Contignût
Close PackageManager Siere
A network transport error has arisen communicating with the HaikuDepot server system: %s ServerHelper Al è vignût fûr un erôr di traspuart di rêt tal comunicâ cul sisteme dal servidôr di HaikuDepot: %s
Changelog PackageInfoView Regjistri modifichis
Rating not possible MainWindow Valutazion dineade
About PackageInfoView Informazions su
Authentication failed. The user does not exist or the wrong password was supplied. UserLoginWindow Autenticazion falide. L'utent nol esist o la peraule di ordin indicade e je sbaliade.
%FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# process} other{# processes}} ProcessCoordinator %FIRST_PROCESS_DESCRIPTION% +{0, plural, one{# procès} other{# procès}}
Reboot required PackageManager Tornâ a inviâ necessari
Very unstable RatePackageWindow Une vore instabil
All packages PackageListView Ducj i pachets
Network Transport Error ServerHelper Erôr traspuart di rêt
Stability RatePackageWindow Stabilitât
Send RatePackageWindow Invie
Start package daemon App Invie demoni dai pachets
The password is too weak or invalid. Please use at least 8 characters with at least 2 numbers and 2 upper-case letters. UserLoginWindow La peraule di ordin e je debile o no je valide. Dopre almancul 8 caratars cun almancul 2 numars e 2 letaris maiusculis.
The package action could not be scheduled: %Error% PackageInfoView Nol è stât pussibil programâ la azion sul pachet: %Error%
Cancel RatePackageWindow Anule
Inactive PackageListView Inatîf
Synchronizing meta-data about repositories ServerRepositoryDataUpdateProcess Sincronizazion meta-dâts in merit ai dipuesits
OK MainWindow Va ben
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} PackageListView {0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}}
OK PackageInfoView Va ben
Downloading: PackageInfoView Ricezion:
Success UserLoginWindow Lât a bon fin
It responded with: %message% UserLoginWindow Al à rispuindût cun: %message%
Package daemon problem App Probleme cul demoni dai pachets
(%Votes%) PackageInfoView (%Votes%)
Repository PackageListView Dipuesit
%hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%) PackageInfoView %hd.timestamp% (version %hd.version%)
Close UserLoginWindow Siere
Close RatePackageWindow Siere
Synchronizing package data for repository '%REPO_NAME%' ServerPkgDataUpdateProcess Sincronizazion dâts pachet pal dipuesit '%REPO_NAME%'
Failed to create account: %s\n UserLoginWindow No si è rivâts a creâ l'account: %s\n
Size PackageListView Dimension
Your rating: RatePackageWindow La tô valutazion:
Your rating was updated. RatePackageWindow La tô valutazion e je stade inzornade.
All categories FilterView Dutis lis categoriis
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Repositories MainWindow Dipuesits
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
n/a PackageInfoView n/d
Cancel MainWindow Anule
{0, plural,one{(1 more to download)}other{(# more to download)}} WorkStatusView {0, plural,one{(ancjemò 1 discjariament)}other{(ancjemò # discjariaments)}}
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Refresh repositories MainWindow Inzorne dipuesits
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
If you do not provide an email address, you will not be able to reset your password if you forget it. UserLoginWindow Se no si indiche une direzion email, no si podarà ristabilî la peraule di ordin, tal câs che si le dismenteedi.
Package Update Error MainWindow Erôr inzornament pachet
Tools MainWindow Struments
The passwords do not match. UserLoginWindow Lis peraulis di ordin no corispuindin.
This package doesn't seem to be on the HaikuDepot Server, so it's not possible to create a new rating or edit an existing rating. MainWindow Chest pachet nol semee esisti sul servidôr HaikuDepot, duncje nol è pussibil creâ une gnove valutazion o modificâ une esistente.
Language RatePackageWindow Lenghe
Authentication failed. Connection to the service failed. UserLoginWindow Autenticazion falide. Conession al servizi falide.
Log out MainWindow Termine session
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
Comment language: RatePackageWindow Lenghe dal coment:
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Status PackageListView Stât
The username is already taken. Please choose another. UserLoginWindow Chest non utent al è za doprât. Sielç un altri.
Update RatePackageWindow Inzorne
OK ServerHelper Va ben
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
Language UserLoginWindow Lenghe
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
OK UserLoginWindow Va ben
Reading repository data LocalPkgDataLoadProcess Leture dâts dal dipuesit
Synchronizing reference data from server ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess Sincronizazion dâts di riferiment dal servidôr
Stability: RatePackageWindow Stabilitât:
A validation error has occurred ServerHelper Si è verificât un erôr di convalide
The captcha puzzle needs to be solved. UserLoginWindow Si scugne risolvi il captcha.
Source packages MainWindow Pachets sorzint
- no package size -
User name: UserLoginWindow Non utent:
Try again App Torne prove
Rate package RatePackageWindow Valute pachet
The email address appears to be malformed. UserLoginWindow La direzion email e semee jessi malformade.
You have not solved the captcha puzzle correctly. UserLoginWindow No tu âs risolt ben il captcha.
Unknown PackageListView No cognossût
Log in UserLoginWindow Jentre
Logged in as %User% MainWindow Jentrât come %User%
Email address: UserLoginWindow Direzion email:
Screenshot ScreenshotWindow Istantanie
HaikuDepot System name HaikuDepot
A reboot is necessary to complete the installation process. PackageManager Al covente tornâ a inviâ il sisteme par completâ la instalazion.
Search terms: FilterView Tiermins di ricercje:
Pending… PackageListView In spiete…
Repeat pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Ripet il sproc di ordin:
Category: FilterView Categorie:
Authentication failed UserLoginWindow Autenticazion falide
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
Manage repositories… MainWindow Gjestìs dipuesits…
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Fetching remote repository data LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess Daûr a recuperâ i dâts dal dipuesit rimot
Description PackageListView Descrizion
Pass phrase: UserLoginWindow Sproc di ordin:
Open %DeskbarLink% PackageManager Vierç %DeskbarLink%
Install PackageManager Instale
Input validation UserLoginWindow Convalide input
An unexpected error has been sent from the HaikuDepot server [%i] ServerHelper Un erôr inspietât al è stât inviât dal servidôr di HaikuDepot [%i]
Log in… MainWindow Acès…
You need to be logged into an account before you can rate packages. MainWindow Si scugne jessi jentrâts intun account prime di podê valutâ i pachets.
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
Client version too old ServerHelper Version dal client masse vecje
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
Authorization or security issue ServerHelper Probleme di autorizazion o sigurece
2019-09-01 09:06:54 +00:00
9999.99 KiB PackageListView 9999.99 KiB
2019-07-27 15:47:36 +00:00
All repositories MainWindow Ducj i dipuesits
2019-08-04 08:05:05 +00:00
%Version% PackageInfoView %Version%