better error messages if the user tries to use symbolic names such as "echo" and "echorep" in "ipv6-icmp ... icmp-type ..." rules. Consider the following rules: # cat /etc/ipf6.conf pass in quick proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp-type 128 pass in quick proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp-type echo Use of symbolic names give now the following error: # ipf -Fa -6f /etc/ipf6.conf 2: Unknown ICMPv6 type (echo) specified (use numeric value instead) The first rule with numeric value will work as expected: # ipfstat -6hi 0 pass in quick proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp-type 128 NOTE: You MUST use numerical values for ICMPv6 types. See /sys/netinet/icmp6.h for available codes!