Put real data into file systems before resizing: the test data
was randomly generated and is in pairs of files each a power-of-two and
power-of-two plus one bytes to hopefully catch block and frag issues.
Each test fills (nearly) the file system with test data. If shrinking,
it removes enough data so that the shrunken file system will be large enough
to accomodate the data. (It's done this way to hopefully ensure some or
most of the data will need to be moved when shrinking). The files are
then checked with MD5 against the known list. This particular method
was chosen to reduce the amount of data checked in while still retaining
There are more tests to come; since resize_ffs(8) currently does not
support ffsv2 or byteswapped file systems, only a couple token expected-fail
test cases for those were added. Also, only 8:1 blocksize:fragsize
combinations are currently tested.
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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CVS: Please evaluate your changes and consider the following.
CVS: Abort checkin if you answer no.
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CVS: Do the changed files compile?
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for clang without assembler. This declares a global variable with
attribute used to prevent optimisation, attribute section to change
the placement and includes __COUNTER__ in the variable name for
to ensure it's been properly extended. Clears up some problems at certain
blocksizes which showed up during creation of atf tests, which is done
using file-backed file systems.