and compares the path of the node against the given pathobject.
Also make comparison method take a flag to indicate if it should
check if the second path is a true prefix of the first.
plus some namespace cleanup
Some statistics:
$ time (for i in `seq 100`;do noatun --help>/dev/null;done)
(; for i in `seq 100`; do; noatun --help > /dev/null; done; ) 148.64s
user 4.82s system 99% cpu 2:33.93 total
base + DF caching:
$ time (for i in `seq 100`;do noatun --help>/dev/null;done)
(; for i in `seq 100`; do; noatun --help > /dev/null; done; ) 151.15s
user 5.53s system 99% cpu 2:37.23 total
$ time (for i in `seq 100`;do noatun --help>/dev/null;done)
(; for i in `seq 100`; do; noatun --help > /dev/null; done; ) 492.36s user
5.34s system 99% cpu 8:19.17 total
reclaimed nodes hanging until all their children have been reclaimed
and then reclaim everything we can as far up to root as possible.
This is because the file system structures are currently interlinked
in a fashion which would make dotdot lookup based on purely a path
instead of a in-memory node parent member pointer very difficult.
Yes, this deserves a closer look some day.
hierarchy in the in-memory nodes. This allows us to easily do
reclaim, since we don't have to worry about reclaiming a node which
has alive children which might want to dotdot lookup later on.
macro which does strcmp against ".." and (the untranslated)
* make PUFFS_FLAG_BUILDPATH build paths also if dotdot is the case,
and adapt the regular path objects to this
* make nullfs lookup readable because we can now get rid of dotdot
processing there
since it's available only on RTL8129. From FreeBSD.
As defined in rtl81x9reg.h, bits of 0x80 and 0x40 in RTK_CFG1
seem to indicate LEDS0 and LEDS1 configuration initialized by
EEPROM settings, and they seem read only on my quick tests with
two 8169S based cards.