as pmax/dev/findcons.c:
* Follow the same logic: look for the device the PROM is using.
* If it's a framebuffer and we don't have a driver for it, try other
* framebuffers in PROM search order.
* If no match found, warn user and fall over to serial console.
* if no serial console found, go back to PROM.
Rework tc/scc.c attach routine to give cleaner initialization semantics.
Prune out old 'braindamage' code.
* Do rcons output properly, using cn_tab->cn_dev which points
at rcons cdevsw entrypoints.
* The pmadx console code was using keyboard (serial) device
(major,minor) for raster consoles with special code in the keyboard
drivers to catch output intended for consoles, pull it off the device
queue, and print them via cnputc().
* Other minor cleanup to pmax scc driver.
also calls biowait().
Some drives seek to modepage on every modepage geometry-sense in rzready()
cache dev_t of last readied device in rzdump() to elide rzready() calls.
2x speedup of dumps on rz25 and 20x-30x speedup on some IBM OEM 4gig drives.
from DELAY(100) to DELAY(150). The newer accurate DELAY() calibration
left some mice (mostly VSXXX-GA square, not VSXXX-AA hockeypuck)
ignoring the MOUSE_INCREMENTAL command.
The 150ms delay is verified to work on 3100s on both kinds of mice.
Fix cursor sprite for X11 startup/exit:
* add cursor on/off functions.
* Default cursor state is off (for framebuffer console).
* Turn off cursor in each driver's xxxCursorInit() entrypoint.
* Turn on cursor at the end of each driver's xxxLoadCursor() entrypoint.
works with X11R5 servers shipped with NetBSD 1.3.
* add cursor on/off functions.
* Default cursor state is off (for framebuffer console).
* Turn off cursor in each driver's xxxCursorInit() entrypoint.
* Turn on cursor at the end of each driver's xxxLoadCursor() entrypoint.
works with X11R5 servers shipped with NetBSD 1.3.
* Add code to query CDs for size, from MI scsi cd.c. Use it on CDs.
* Set C partition size for CDs. 4.4bsd/pmax code only set `a' partition
size and required users to mount `a' partition, breking raw-device
access like "disklabel rz?".
* Avoid possible divide-by-zero call to howmany() from rzstart(),
on removable media that aren't ready at device-open time.
Verified to work on rrz42.
until a proper fix is available:
Perpetuate the 4.4bsd design even further. Change keyboard-driver
open routines to check for an active raster console. If active, set the
keyboard struct tty's t_winsize from the rcons t_winsize on first open.
See pr 4438 for remaining problems and discussion of a complete fix.
* add includes for sys/dev/scsipi headers.
* cut-and-paste mode_sense and disk-geometry sense code from sd.c,
with name changes sd -> rz.
* Write `rz_command()' to send SCSI sense commands based on
existing rz size-sensing code.
* get geometry info with page 4 and page 5 mode sense.
* use resulting geom info for default label, fake label, and when
using ultrix labels. (ultrix labels have no geometry info).
Fixes incrrect-label bugs with using sysinst to install onto
Ultrix-labelled disks.
* Check for a disklabel matching the known values in an install diskimage.
If found, update incore disklabel's RAW_PART with the size reported
by the disk, clobbering the size used by vnd(4).*
* If geometry info is bogus or /missing, supply a fake geometry
(as in sd.c). Saves readdisklabel() and sysinst from divide-by-zero errors.
* lint: RAWPART -> RAW_PART.
(currently only CD-ROM drives on i386). The sys/dev/scsipi system provides 2
busses to which devices can attach (scsibus and atapibus). This needed to
change some include files and structure names in the low level scsi drivers.
Add DDB interface to /sys/arch/mips/mips..
Rework heuristic stack traceback to work with DDB.
Add hooks to print exception log from DDB.
Add hooks from pmax console drivers: call Debugger()
after break from serial console, or 'DO' key from LK-xxx.