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/ $NetBSD: units.lib,v 1.30 2022/11/20 14:53:14 jakllsch Exp $
/ primitive units
m !a!
kg !b!
sec !c!
coul !d!
candela !e!
dollar !f!
bit !h!
erlang !i!
K !j!
/ prefixes
quetta- 1e30
ronna- 1e27
yotta- 1e24
zetta- 1e21
exa- 1e18
peta- 1e15
tera- 1e12
giga- 1e9
mega- 1e6
myria- 1e4
kilo- 1e3
hecto- 1e2
deka- 1e1
deci- 1e-1
centi- 1e-2
milli- 1e-3
micro- 1e-6
nano- 1e-9
pico- 1e-12
femto- 1e-15
atto- 1e-18
zopto- 1e-21
yocto- 1e-24
ronto- 1e-27
quecto- 1e-30
semi- .5
demi- .5
Q- quetta
R- ronna
Y- yotta
Z- zetta
E- exa
P- peta
T- tera
G- giga
M- mega
k- kilo
h- hecto
da- deka
d- deci
c- centi
m- milli
p- pico
f- femto
a- atto
z- zopto
y- yocto
r- ronto
q- quecto
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ constants
fuzz 1
pi 3.14159265358979323846
c 2.99792458e+8 m/sec fuzz
e 1.6021917e-19 coul fuzz
k 1.38047e-16 erg/degC
planck 6.626e-34 joule-sec
hbar 1.055e-34 joule-sec
mole 6.022169e+23 fuzz
g 9.80665 m/sec2
/ conversion factors used as adjectives
energy c2
force g
mercury 1.33322e+5 kg/m2-sec2
hg mercury
/ standard ratios
% 1|100
percent %
/ proof is specific to alcohol concentration
proof 1|200
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ counts
dozen 12
bakersdozen 13
score 20
gross 144
/ quire and ream are specific to counting sheets of paper
quire 25
ream 500
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ angles
radian .5 / pi
degree 1|180 pi-radian
circle 2 pi-radian
turn 2 pi-radian
revolution turn
rev turn
grade .9 degree
arcdeg 1 degree
arcmin 1|60 arcdeg
arcsec 1|60 arcmin
centesimalminute 1e-2 grade
centesimalsecond 1e-4 grade
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ solid angles
steradian radian2
sphere 4 pi-steradian
sr steradian
spat 4 pi sr
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Time
/ SI unit
second sec
s sec
/ special-case abbreviations
ms millisec
ns nanosec
us microsec
/ civil timekeeping
minute 60 sec
min minute
hour 60 min
hr hour
day 24 hr
da day
week 7 day
fortnight 14 da
month 1|12 year
mo month
year 365.24219879 day fuzz
yr year
decade 10 yr
century 100 year
millennium 1000 year
/ astronomical details
siderealyear 365.256360417 day
siderealday 23.934469444 hour
siderealhour 1|24 siderealday
lunarmonth 29.5305555 day
synodicmonth lunarmonth
siderealmonth 27.32152777 day
tropicalyear year
solaryear year
lunaryear 12 lunarmonth
/ misc
sigma microsec
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Frequency
hertz /sec
Hz hertz
hz /sec
khz 1e+3 /sec
mhz 1e+6 /sec
rpm rev/minute
rps rev/sec
fresnel 1e12 hertz
pulsatance 2 pi/sec
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Mass and weight
gram millikg
gramme gram
gm gram
mg milligram
metricton kilokg
tonne 1e+6 gm
atomicmassunit 1.66044e-27 kg fuzz
amu atomicmassunit
dalton amu
electronmass 9.1095e-31 kg
protonmass 1.6726e-27 kg
neutronmass 1.6606e-27 kg
carat 205 mg
metriccarat 200 mg
quintal 100 kg
/ Avoirdupois weight
lb .45359237 kg
pound lb
ounce 1|16 lb
oz ounce
dram 1|16 oz
dr dram
grain 1|7000 lb
gr grain
stone 14 lb
shortton 2000 lb
ton shortton
longton 2240 lb
bag 94 lb
cental 100 lb
longhundredweight 112 lb
longquarter 28 lb
pennyweight 1|20 oz
pwt pennyweight
shorthundredweight 100 lb
shortquarter 25 lb
weymass 252 lb
/ Related mass units
/ According to Wikipedia there are two definitions for hyl, one using
/ grams and one using kilograms. beware
hyl gm force sec2/m
slug lb-g-sec2/ft
/ Apothecary weight
scruple 20 grain
apdram 60 grain
drachm 60 grain
apounce 480 grain
appound 5760 grain
troypound appound
2020-04-22 19:57:57 +03:00
troyounce 1|12 troypound
/ Thai weight
salueng 3.75 gm
baht 4 salueng
tamlueng 4 baht
chang 20 tamlueng
hap 50 chang
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Length
/ SI unit
meter m
metre meter
/ special-case abbreviations
cm centimeter
mm millimeter
km kilometer
nm nanometer
/ other metric units
angstrom decinanometer
fermi 1e-15 m
micron micrometer
/ space-sized lengths
au 1.49597871e+11 m fuzz
astronomicalunit au
lightyear c-yr
parsec au-radian/arcsec
pc parsec
/ English system lengths
inch 2.54 cm
in inch
foot 12 in
feet foot
ft foot
yard 3 ft
yd yard
mile 5280 ft
mi mile
league 3 mi
mil 1e-3 in
/ nautical
/ Historically, the nautical mile was 6080 feet (6080.2 in England)
/ but was changed to 1852 meters (6076 feet and change) in the 20th
/ century with varying dates of adoption around the world.
/ The US cable is 720 feet. The international cable is 1/10 nautical
/ mile, which is substantially shorter. The UK Admiralty cable is
/ apparently 1/10 of a historical Admiralty nautical mile, which is
/ 1853.2 instead of 1852 meters. These definitions date from the 20th
/ century. Historically, a cable was 100 fathoms, but the fathom
/ hadn't yet been fixed at 6 feet, so cables weren't a fixed length
/ either.
fathom 6 ft
nmile 1852 m
nauticalmile nmile
marineleague 3 nmile
cable 1|10 nmile
uscable 720 ft
admiraltycable 185.32 m
/ surveying
/ The US survey foot is defined as 1200/3937 meters, as opposed to the
/ ordinary international foot, which is 0.3048 meter (that's exactly
/ 2.54 cm to the inch as defined above.) These differ slightly.
/ In the US, rods, chains, and furlongs are defined in terms of survey
/ feet, though the Wikipedia page on furlongs claims without citation
/ that some states use one definition and some the other. However, it
/ appears that as of 2022 this definition is on the way out, and other
/ jurisdictions define these units (to the extent they're used at all)
/ in terms of the international foot.
/ Consequently we'll make two sets of definitions and prefix the
/ variant US ones with "us".
/ Since historically this file defined "surveyfoot" and "surveyyard"
/ but "surveyorschain" and "surveyorslink", we will now end up with
/ several sets for consistency.
surveyfoot 1200|3937 meter
surveyyard 3 surveyfoot
rod 5.5 yard
rd rod
perch rod
pole rod
chain 66 foot
link 1|100 chain
furlong 220 yard
usrod 5.5 surveyyard
usperch usrod
uspole usrod
uschain 66 surveyfoot
uslink 1|100 uschain
usfurlong 220 surveyyard
surveyorsfoot surveyfoot
surveyorsyard surveyyard
surveyorsrod usrod
surveyorschain uschain
surveyorslink uslink
/ These are the same as the basic ones based on the international foot.
guntersrod rod
gunterschain chain
gunterslink link
/ typographical
pica 1|6 in
point 1|72 in
/ data centers and machine rooms
rackunit 1.75 in
RU rackunit
U rackunit
/ physics
bohrradius hbar2-C2/8.988e9 N m2-e2-electronmass
/ miscellaneous/historical/obscure English units
line 1|12 in
barleycorn 1|3 in
finger 7|8 in
nail 1|16 yd
palm 3 in
hand 4 in
quarter 9 in
span 9 in
cubit 18 in
militarypace 2.5 feet
pace 36 in
ell 45 in
smoot 67 in
rope 20 ft
bolt 40 yd
skein 120 yd
spindle 14400 yd
/ more ells
flemishell 27 inch
scottishell 37.2 inch
englishell 45 inch
/ I can't find supporting evidence for this definition.
rood 1.21e+3 yd
/ other
geodeticfoot surveyfoot
geographicalmile 1852 m
engineerschain 100 ft
engineerslink 100|100 ft
/ note that while caliber is technically a unit, caliber sizes for ammunition
/ are usually short names for more complicated specifications.
caliber 1e-2 in
frenchfoot 16|15 ft
frenchfeet frenchfoot
toise 6 frenchfeet
parasang 3.5 mi
/ Thai length
krabiat 0.5208 cm
nio 4 krabiat
khuep 12 nio
sok 2 khuep
wah 4 sok
sen 20 wah
yot 400 sen
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Speed
admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr
knot nmile/hr
mph mile/hr
/ The speed of sound varies substantially with density, and thus
/ both pressure and temperature. This number appears to be for
/ 0 degrees Celsius at sea level. The value is considerably lower
/ at typical flight altitudes for high-performance aircraft.
mach 331.46 m/sec
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Area
/ metric
are 1e+2 m2
hectare 1e+4 m2
/ English
sabin 1 ft2
square 100 ft2
acre 4840 yd2
homestead 1|4 mi2
quartersection 1|4 mi2
section mi2
township 36 mi2
/ particle physics
barn 1e-28 m2
shed 1e-24 barn
/ Thai area
tarangwah wah2
ngan 100 tarangwah
rai 4 ngan
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Volume
/ metric
cc cm3
liter kilocc
litre liter
ml milliliter
stere m3
/ US liquid volume
gallon 231 in3
gal gallon
quart 1|4 gal
qt quart
pint 1|2 qt
pt pint
cup 1|2 pt
gill 1|4 pt
floz 1|16 pt
tablespoon 1|2 floz
teaspoon 1|3 tablespoon
fldr 1|8 floz
minim 1|60 fldr
barrel 42 gal
hogshead 63 gallon
hd hogshead
noggin 1|8 qt
fifth 4|5 qt
firkin 9 gal
kilderkin 18 gal
pipe 4 barrel
tun 8 barrel
/ US dry volume
dry 268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz
peck 8 dry-quart
pk peck
bushel 4 peck
bu bushel
strike 2 bu
sack 3 bu
coomb 4 bu
seam 8 bu
chaldron 36 bushel
wey 40 bu
last 80 bu
cord 128 ft3
cordfoot cord
/ British volume
imperial 1.20095
brgallon 277.420 in3 fuzz
brquart 1|4 brgallon
brpint 1|2 brquart
brfloz 1|20 brpint
brpeck 554.84 in3 fuzz
brbushel 4 brpeck
cran 37.5 brgallon
/ Bottles
bottle 750 milliliter
/bottle fifth
miniature 100 milliliter
split 1|4 bottle
half 1|2 bottle
magnum 2 bottle
jeroboam 4 bottle
rehoboam 6 bottle
methuselah 8 bottle
salmanazar 12 bottle
balthazar 16 bottle
nebuchadnezzar 20 bottle
sovereign 34 bottle
/ Bottles - alternate names and spellings
pony split
fillette half
tappithen 3 bottle
rheoboam rehoboam
shalmaneser salmanazar
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Force
/ SI unit
newton kg-m/sec2
nt newton
N newton
/ metric units
dyne cm-gm/sec2
sthene 1e+3 nt
/ foot/pound units
lbf lb g
kip 1000 lbf
poundal ft-lb/sec2
pdl poundal
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Pressure
/ SI unit
pascal nt/m2
/ metric units
bar 1e+5 nt/m2
barie 1e-1 nt/m2
barye 1e-1 nt/m2
pieze 1e+3 nt/m2
/ other
atmosphere 1.01325e+5 nt/m2
atm atmosphere
psi lb-g/in2
torr mm hg
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Energy and work (and power)
joule nt-m
watt joule/sec
W watt
cal 4.1868 joule
calorie cal
kcal kilocal
kcalorie kilocal
frigorie kilocal
britishthermalunit 1.05506e+3 joule fuzz
btu britishthermalunit
erg cm2-gm/sec2
horsepower 550 ft-lb-g/sec
hp horsepower
therm 1e+5 btu
thermie 1e+6 cal
tnt 4.6e+6 m2/sec2
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Temperature
degC K
kelvin K
degF 5|9 degC
degreesrankine degF
degrankine degreesrankine
degreerankine degF
degreaumur 10|8 degC
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Electrical
/ SI units
coulomb coul
C coul
ampere coul/sec
amp ampere
V volt
volt watt/amp
ohm volt/amp
farad coul/volt
henry sec2/farad
weber volt-sec
tesla weber/m2
/ special-case abbreviations
mh millihenry
uf microfarad
pf picofarad
/ other
biot 10 amp
debye 3.336e-30 coul-m
faraday 9.652e+4 coul
gamma 1e-9 weber/m2
gauss 1e-4 weber/m2
gilbert 7.95775e-1 amp
kilohm kiloohm
maxwell 1e-8 weber
megohm megaohm
mho /ohm
oersted 2.5e+2 pi-amp/m
oe oersted
siemens /ohm
statcoul 1|2.99792458e9 coul
statamp 1|2.99792458e9 amp
statvolt 2.99792458e2 volt
statcoulomb statcoul
statampere statamp
/ franklin is an alternate name for statcoulomb
franklin statcoul
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ more energy
eV e V
ev e-volt
electronvolt e-volt
bev 1e+9 e-volt
kev 1e+3 e-volt
rydberg 1.36054e+1 ev
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Radiant intensity (and related phenomena)
/ SI units
cd candela
lumen cd sr
lux cd sr/m2
/ Miscellaneous units
apostilb cd/pi-m2
blondel cd/pi-m2
candle 1.02 candela
equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2
equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2
equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2
footcandle lumen/ft2
footlambert cd/pi-ft2
hefnercandle .92 cd
lambert cd/pi-cm2
nit cd/m2
nox 1e-3 lux
phot lumen/cm2
skot 1e-3 apostilb
stilb cd/cm2
langley cal/cm2
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Radioactivity and radiation dosimetry
/ Activity
becquerel /sec
Bq becquerel
curie 3.7e+10 /sec
Ci curie
rutherford 1e+6 /sec
/ Absorbed radiation dose
gray joule/kg
Gy gray
rad 100 erg/gm
/ Equivalent radiation dose
sievert joule/kg
Sv sievert
rem 1e-2 sievert
/ Legacy radiation dose
roentgen 2.58e-4 coulomb/kg
rontgen roentgen
R roentgen
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Currency
/ Wall Street Journal, July 2, 1993
$ dollar
argentinapeso $
australiadollar .66 $
bahraindinar 2.6522 $
brazilcruzeiro .000019 $
britainpound 1.49 $
canadadollar .77 $
czechkoruna .034 $
chilepeso .0025 $
chinarenminbi .174856 $
colombiapeso .001495 $
denmarkkrone .15 $
ecuadorsucre .000539 $
europeeuro 0.9142 $
greatbritainpound britainpound
hongkongdollar .13 $
hungaryforint .011 $
indiarupee .03211 $
indonesiarupiah .0004782 $
israelshekel .3642 $
japanyen .0093 $
jordandinar 1.4682 $
kuwaitdinar 3.3173 $
lebanonpound .000578 $
malaysiaringgit .338 $
maltalira 2.6042 $
mexicopeso .3205128 $
newzealanddollar .539 $
norwaykrone .139 $
pakistanrupee .037 $
perunewsol .5065 $
philippinespeso .03738 $
polandzloty .000059 $
saudiarabiariyal .26702 $
singaporedollar .6157 $
slovakkoruna .034 $
southafricarand .21 $
southkoreawon .001 $
swedenkrona .13 $
switzerlandfranc .66 $
taiwandollar .038285 $
thailandbaht .03962 $
turkeylira .0000929 $
unitedarabdirham .2723 $
uruguaynewpeso .246852 $
venezuelabolivar .011 $
/ The following currencies are locked to the Euro:
/ <URL:>
belgiumfranc 1|40.3399 euro
germanymark 1|1.95583 euro
spainpeseta 1|166.386 euro
francefranc 1|6.55957 euro
irelandpunt 1|.787564 euro
italylira 1|1936.27 euro
luxembourgfranc 1|40.3399 euro
netherlandsguilder 1|2.20371 euro
austriaschilling 1|13.7603 euro
portugalescudo 1|200.482 euro
finlandmarkka 1|5.94573 euro
greecedrachma 1|340.750 euro
mark germanymark
euro europeeuro
bolivar venezuelabolivar
peseta spainpeseta
rand southafricarand
escudo portugalescudo
newsol perunewsol
guilder netherlandsguilder
hollandguilder netherlandsguilder
peso mexicopeso
yen japanyen
lira italylira
rupee indiarupee
drachma greecedrachma
franc francefranc
markka finlandmarkka
sucre ecuadorsucre
poundsterling britainpound
cruzeiro brazilcruzeiro
buck dollar
cent centidollar
fin 5 dollar
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ size of data
baud bit/sec
byte 8 bit
block 512 byte
kbyte 1024 byte
megabyte 1024 kbyte
gigabyte 1024 megabyte
meg megabyte
gig gigabyte
2015-09-20 18:09:06 +03:00
terabyte 1024 gigabyte
petabyte 1024 terabyte
/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/ Trivia and miscellaneous units
arpentcan 27.52 mi
arpentlin 191.835 ft
boardfoot 144 in3
bottommeasure 1|40 in
refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour
caratgold 1|24
ccs 1|36 erlang
cfs ft3/sec
circularinch 1|4 pi-in2
circularmil 1e-6|4 pi-in2
clusec 1e-8 mm-hg m3/s
crith 9.06e-2 gm
diopter /m
displacementton 35 ft3
doppelzentner 100 kg
drop .03 cm3
galileo 1e-2 m/sec2
imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft3
karat 1|24
key kg
lusec 1e-6 mm-hg m3/s
mgd megagal/day
minersinch 1.5 ft3/min
mpg mile/gal
poise gm/cm-sec
registerton 100 ft3
rhe 10 m2/nt-sec
shippington 40 ft3
stoke 1e-4 m2/sec
timberfoot ft3
water gram g / cc
Xunit 1.00202e-13 m
brewster 1e-12 m2/newton
poncelet 100 kg m g / sec
denier .05|450 gram / m
tex .001 gram / m
iudiptheria 62.8 microgram
iupenicillin .6 microgram
iuinsulin 41.67 microgram
cottonyarncount 2520 ft/pound
linenyarncount 900 ft/pound
worstedyarncount 1680 ft/pound
metricyarncount meter/gram
jewelerspoint 2 milligram