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/* $NetBSD: rf_aselect.c,v 1.24 2006/03/23 03:43:54 oster Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Author: Mark Holland, William V. Courtright II
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
* its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
* Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
* School of Computer Science
* Carnegie Mellon University
* Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
* rights to redistribute these changes.
* aselect.c -- algorithm selection code
2001-11-13 10:11:12 +03:00
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: rf_aselect.c,v 1.24 2006/03/23 03:43:54 oster Exp $");
2001-11-13 10:11:12 +03:00
#include <dev/raidframe/raidframevar.h>
#include "rf_archs.h"
#include "rf_raid.h"
#include "rf_dag.h"
#include "rf_dagutils.h"
#include "rf_dagfuncs.h"
#include "rf_general.h"
#include "rf_desc.h"
#include "rf_map.h"
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
static void InitHdrNode(RF_DagHeader_t **, RF_Raid_t *, RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *);
int rf_SelectAlgorithm(RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t);
* Create and Initialiaze a dag header and termination node
static void
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
InitHdrNode(RF_DagHeader_t **hdr, RF_Raid_t *raidPtr, RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc)
/* create and initialize dag hdr */
*hdr = rf_AllocDAGHeader();
(*hdr)->status = rf_enable;
(*hdr)->numSuccedents = 0;
(*hdr)->nodes = NULL;
(*hdr)->raidPtr = raidPtr;
(*hdr)->next = NULL;
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
(*hdr)->desc = desc;
* Create a DAG to do a read or write operation.
* create a list of dagLists, one list per parity stripe.
* return the lists in the desc->dagList (which is a list of lists).
* Normally, each list contains one dag for the entire stripe. In some
* tricky cases, we break this into multiple dags, either one per stripe
* unit or one per block (sector). When this occurs, these dags are returned
* as a linked list (dagList) which is executed sequentially (to preserve
* atomic parity updates in the stripe).
* dags which operate on independent parity goups (stripes) are returned in
* independent dagLists (distinct elements in desc->dagArray) and may be
* executed concurrently.
* Finally, if the SelectionFunc fails to create a dag for a block, we punt
* and return 1.
* The above process is performed in two phases:
* 1) create an array(s) of creation functions (eg stripeFuncs)
* 2) create dags and concatenate/merge to form the final dag.
* Because dag's are basic blocks (single entry, single exit, unconditional
* control flow, we can add the following optimizations (future work):
* first-pass optimizer to allow max concurrency (need all data dependencies)
* second-pass optimizer to eliminate common subexpressions (need true
* data dependencies)
* third-pass optimizer to eliminate dead code (need true data dependencies)
#define MAXNSTRIPES 50
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
rf_SelectAlgorithm(RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags)
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *asm_h = desc->asmap;
RF_IoType_t type = desc->type;
RF_Raid_t *raidPtr = desc->raidPtr;
void *bp = desc->bp;
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap = asm_h->stripeMap;
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asm_p;
RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h = NULL, *tempdag_h, *lastdag_h;
RF_DagList_t *dagList, *dagListend;
int i, j, k;
RF_FuncList_t *stripeFuncsList, *stripeFuncs, *stripeFuncsEnd, *temp;
RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asm_up, *asm_bp;
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***asmh_u, *endASMList;
RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***asmh_b;
RF_ASMHeaderListElem_t *asmhle, *tmpasmhle;
RF_VoidFunctionPointerListElem_t *vfple, *tmpvfple;
RF_FailedStripe_t *failed_stripes_list, *failed_stripes_list_end;
RF_FailedStripe_t *tmpfailed_stripe, *failed_stripe = NULL;
RF_ASMHeaderListElem_t *failed_stripes_asmh_u_end = NULL;
RF_ASMHeaderListElem_t *failed_stripes_asmh_b_end = NULL;
RF_VoidFunctionPointerListElem_t *failed_stripes_vfple_end = NULL;
RF_VoidFunctionPointerListElem_t *failed_stripes_bvfple_end = NULL;
RF_VoidFuncPtr **stripeUnitFuncs, uFunc;
RF_VoidFuncPtr **blockFuncs, bFunc;
int numStripesBailed = 0, cantCreateDAGs = RF_FALSE;
int numStripeUnitsBailed = 0;
int stripeNum, numUnitDags = 0, stripeUnitNum, numBlockDags = 0;
RF_StripeNum_t numStripeUnits;
RF_SectorNum_t numBlocks;
RF_RaidAddr_t address;
int length;
RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *physPtr;
caddr_t buffer;
lastdag_h = NULL;
asmh_u = asmh_b = NULL;
stripeUnitFuncs = NULL;
blockFuncs = NULL;
stripeFuncsList = NULL;
stripeFuncsEnd = NULL;
failed_stripes_list = NULL;
failed_stripes_list_end = NULL;
/* walk through the asm list once collecting information */
/* attempt to find a single creation function for each stripe */
desc->numStripes = 0;
for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
stripeFuncs = rf_AllocFuncList();
if (stripeFuncsEnd == NULL) {
stripeFuncsList = stripeFuncs;
} else {
stripeFuncsEnd->next = stripeFuncs;
stripeFuncsEnd = stripeFuncs;
(raidPtr->>SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_p, &(stripeFuncs->fp));
/* check to see if we found a creation func for this stripe */
if (stripeFuncs->fp == NULL) {
/* could not find creation function for entire stripe
* so, let's see if we can find one for each stripe
* unit in the stripe */
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
/* create a failed stripe structure to attempt to deal with the failure */
failed_stripe = rf_AllocFailedStripeStruct();
if (failed_stripes_list == NULL) {
failed_stripes_list = failed_stripe;
failed_stripes_list_end = failed_stripe;
} else {
failed_stripes_list_end->next = failed_stripe;
failed_stripes_list_end = failed_stripe;
/* create an array of creation funcs (called
* stripeFuncs) for this stripe */
numStripeUnits = asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
/* lookup array of stripeUnitFuncs for this stripe */
failed_stripes_asmh_u_end = NULL;
failed_stripes_vfple_end = NULL;
for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
/* remap for series of single stripe-unit
* accesses */
address = physPtr->raidAddress;
length = physPtr->numSector;
buffer = physPtr->bufPtr;
asmhle = rf_AllocASMHeaderListElem();
if (failed_stripe->asmh_u == NULL) {
failed_stripe->asmh_u = asmhle; /* we're the head... */
failed_stripes_asmh_u_end = asmhle; /* and the tail */
} else {
/* tack us onto the end of the list */
failed_stripes_asmh_u_end->next = asmhle;
failed_stripes_asmh_u_end = asmhle;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
asmhle->asmh = rf_MapAccess(raidPtr, address, length, buffer, RF_DONT_REMAP);
asm_up = asmhle->asmh->stripeMap;
vfple = rf_AllocVFPListElem();
if (failed_stripe->vfple == NULL) {
failed_stripe->vfple = vfple;
failed_stripes_vfple_end = vfple;
} else {
failed_stripes_vfple_end->next = vfple;
failed_stripes_vfple_end = vfple;
/* get the creation func for this stripe unit */
(raidPtr->>SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_up, &(vfple->fn));
/* check to see if we found a creation func
* for this stripe unit */
if (vfple->fn == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
/* could not find creation function
* for stripe unit so, let's see if we
* can find one for each block in the
* stripe unit */
numBlocks = physPtr->numSector;
numBlockDags += numBlocks;
/* lookup array of blockFuncs for this
* stripe unit */
for (k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++) {
/* remap for series of single
* stripe-unit accesses */
address = physPtr->raidAddress + k;
length = 1;
buffer = physPtr->bufPtr + (k * (1 << raidPtr->logBytesPerSector));
asmhle = rf_AllocASMHeaderListElem();
if (failed_stripe->asmh_b == NULL) {
failed_stripe->asmh_b = asmhle;
failed_stripes_asmh_b_end = asmhle;
} else {
failed_stripes_asmh_b_end->next = asmhle;
failed_stripes_asmh_b_end = asmhle;
asmhle->asmh = rf_MapAccess(raidPtr, address, length, buffer, RF_DONT_REMAP);
asm_bp = asmhle->asmh->stripeMap;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
vfple = rf_AllocVFPListElem();
if (failed_stripe->bvfple == NULL) {
failed_stripe->bvfple = vfple;
failed_stripes_bvfple_end = vfple;
} else {
failed_stripes_bvfple_end->next = vfple;
failed_stripes_bvfple_end = vfple;
(raidPtr->>SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_bp, &(vfple->fn));
/* check to see if we found a
* creation func for this
* stripe unit */
if (vfple->fn == NULL)
cantCreateDAGs = RF_TRUE;
} else {
RF_ASSERT(j == numStripeUnits);
if (cantCreateDAGs) {
/* free memory and punt */
if (numStripesBailed > 0) {
stripeNum = 0;
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncsList;
failed_stripe = failed_stripes_list;
for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
if (stripeFuncs->fp == NULL) {
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_u;
while (asmhle) {
tmpasmhle= asmhle;
asmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_b;
while (asmhle) {
tmpasmhle= asmhle;
asmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
vfple = failed_stripe->vfple;
while (vfple) {
tmpvfple = vfple;
vfple = tmpvfple->next;
vfple = failed_stripe->bvfple;
while (vfple) {
tmpvfple = vfple;
vfple = tmpvfple->next;
/* only move to the next failed stripe slot if the current one was used */
tmpfailed_stripe = failed_stripe;
failed_stripe = failed_stripe->next;
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncs->next;
RF_ASSERT(stripeNum == numStripesBailed);
while (stripeFuncsList != NULL) {
temp = stripeFuncsList;
stripeFuncsList = stripeFuncsList->next;
Fix the "We panic if we can't create a DAG" problem that's existed ~forever. This requires a number of things: 1) If we can't create a DAG, set desc->numStripes to 0 in rf_SelectAlgorithm. This will ensure that we don't attempt to free any dagArray[] elements in rf_StateCleanup. 2) Modify rf_State_CreateDAG() to not panic in the event of a DAG failure. Instead, set the bp->b_flags and bp->b_error, and set things up to skip to rf_State_Cleanup(). 3) Need to mark desc->status as "bad" so that we actually stop looking for a different DAG. (which we won't find... no matter how many times we try). 4) rf_State_LastState() will then do the biodone(), and return EIO for the IO in question. 5) Remove some " || 1 "'s from ProcessNode(). These were for debugging, and we don't need the failure notices spewing over and over again as the failing DAGs are processed. 6) Needed to change if (asmap->numDataFailed + asmap->numParityFailed > 1) to if ((asmap->numDataFailed + asmap->numParityFailed > 1) || (raidPtr->numFailures > 1)){ in rf_raid5.c so that it doesn't try to return rf_CreateNonRedundantWriteDAG as the creation function. 7) Note that we can't apply the above change to the RAID 1 code as with the silly "fake 2-D" RAID 1 sets, it is possible to have 2 failed components in the RAID 1 set, and that would stop them from working. (I really don't know why/how those "fake 2-D" RAID 1 sets even work with all the "single-fault" assumptions present in the rest of the code.) 8) Needed to protect rf_RAID0DagSelect() in a similar way -- it should return NULL as the createFunc. 9) No point printing out "Multiple disks failed..." a zillion times.
2004-01-03 00:41:08 +03:00
desc->numStripes = 0;
return (1);
} else {
/* begin dag creation */
stripeNum = 0;
stripeUnitNum = 0;
/* create a list of dagLists and fill them in */
dagListend = NULL;
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncsList;
failed_stripe = failed_stripes_list;
for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
/* grab dag header for this stripe */
dag_h = NULL;
dagList = rf_AllocDAGList();
/* always tack the new dagList onto the end of the list... */
if (dagListend == NULL) {
desc->dagList = dagList;
} else {
dagListend->next = dagList;
dagListend = dagList;
dagList->desc = desc;
if (stripeFuncs->fp == NULL) {
/* use bailout functions for this stripe */
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_u;
vfple = failed_stripe->vfple;
/* the following two may contain asm headers and
block function pointers for multiple asm within
this access. We initialize tmpasmhle and tmpvfple
here in order to allow for that, and for correct
operation below */
tmpasmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_b;
tmpvfple = failed_stripe->bvfple;
for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
uFunc = vfple->fn; /* stripeUnitFuncs[stripeNum][j]; */
if (uFunc == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
/* use bailout functions for
* this stripe unit */
for (k = 0; k < physPtr->numSector; k++) {
/* create a dag for
* this block */
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr, desc);
if (dag_h == NULL) {
dag_h = tempdag_h;
} else {
lastdag_h->next = tempdag_h;
lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
bFunc = tmpvfple->fn; /* blockFuncs[stripeUnitNum][k]; */
asm_bp = tmpasmhle->asmh->stripeMap; /* asmh_b[stripeUnitNum][k]->stripeMap; */
(*bFunc) (raidPtr, asm_bp, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
tmpasmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
tmpvfple = tmpvfple->next;
} else {
/* create a dag for this unit */
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr, desc);
if (dag_h == NULL) {
dag_h = tempdag_h;
} else {
lastdag_h->next = tempdag_h;
lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
asm_up = asmhle->asmh->stripeMap; /* asmh_u[stripeNum][j]->stripeMap; */
(*uFunc) (raidPtr, asm_up, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
asmhle = asmhle->next;
vfple = vfple->next;
RF_ASSERT(j == asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed);
/* merge linked bailout dag to existing dag
* collection */
failed_stripe = failed_stripe->next;
} else {
/* Create a dag for this parity stripe */
These changes complete the effective removal of malloc() from all write paths within RAIDframe. They also resolve the "panics with RAID 5 sets with more than 3 components" issue which was present (briefly) in the commits which were previously supposed to address the malloc() issue. With this new code the 5-component RAID 5 set panics are now gone. It is also now also possible to swap to RAID 5. The changes made are: 1) Introduce rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and rf_FreeStripeBuffer() to allocate/free one stripe's worth of space. rf_AllocStripeBuffer() is used in rf_MapUnaccessedPortionOfStripe() where it is not sufficient to allocate memory using just rf_AllocBuffer(). rf_FreeStripeBuffer() is called from rf_FreeRaidAccDesc(), well after the DAG is finished. 2) Add a set of emergency "stripe buffers" to struct RF_Raid_s. Arrange for their initialization in rf_Configure(). In low-memory situations these buffers will be returned by rf_AllocStripeBuffer() and re-populated by rf_FreeStripeBuffer(). 3) Move RF_VoidPointerListElem_t *iobufs from the dagHeader into into struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s. This is more consistent with the original code, and will not result in items being freed "too early". 4) Add a RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc to RF_DagHeader_s so that we have a way to find desc->iobufs. 5) Arrange for desc in the DagHeader to be initialized in InitHdrNode(). 6) Don't cleanup iobufs in rf_FreeDAG() -- the freeing is now delayed until rf_FreeRaidAccDesc() (which is how the original code handled the allocList, and for which there seem to be some subtle, undocumented assumptions). 7) Rename rf_AllocBuffer2() to be rf_AllocBuffer() and remove the former rf_AllocBuffer(). Fix all callers of rf_AllocBuffer(). (This was how it was *supposed* to be after the last time these changes were made, before they were backed out). 8) Remove RF_IOBufHeader and all references to it. 9) Remove desc->cleanupList and all references to it. Fixes PR#20191
2004-04-10 03:10:16 +04:00
InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr, desc);
dag_h = tempdag_h;
lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
(stripeFuncs->fp) (raidPtr, asm_p, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
dagList->dags = dag_h;
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncs->next;
RF_ASSERT(i == desc->numStripes);
/* free memory */
if ((numStripesBailed > 0) || (numStripeUnitsBailed > 0)) {
stripeNum = 0;
stripeUnitNum = 0;
/* walk through io, stripe by stripe */
/* here we build up dag_h->asmList for this dag...
we need all of these asm's to do the IO, and
want them in a convenient place for freeing at a
later time */
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncsList;
failed_stripe = failed_stripes_list;
dagList = desc->dagList;
for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
dag_h = dagList->dags;
if (dag_h->asmList) {
endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
while (endASMList->next)
endASMList = endASMList->next;
} else
endASMList = NULL;
if (stripeFuncs->fp == NULL) {
numStripeUnits = asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
/* walk through stripe, stripe unit by
* stripe unit */
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_u;
vfple = failed_stripe->vfple;
/* this contains all of the asm headers for block funcs,
so we have to initialize this here instead of below.*/
tmpasmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_b;
for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
if (vfple->fn == NULL) {
numBlocks = physPtr->numSector;
/* walk through stripe
* unit, block by
* block */
for (k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++) {
if (dag_h->asmList == NULL) {
dag_h->asmList = tmpasmhle->asmh; /* asmh_b[stripeUnitNum][k];*/
endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
} else {
endASMList->next = tmpasmhle->asmh;
endASMList = endASMList->next;
tmpasmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
if (dag_h->asmList == NULL) {
dag_h->asmList = asmhle->asmh;
endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
} else {
endASMList->next = asmhle->asmh;
endASMList = endASMList->next;
asmhle = asmhle->next;
vfple = vfple->next;
failed_stripe = failed_stripe->next;
dagList = dagList->next; /* need to move in stride with stripeFuncs */
stripeFuncs = stripeFuncs->next;
RF_ASSERT(stripeNum == numStripesBailed);
RF_ASSERT(stripeUnitNum == numStripeUnitsBailed);
failed_stripe = failed_stripes_list;
while (failed_stripe) {
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_u;
while (asmhle) {
tmpasmhle= asmhle;
asmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
asmhle = failed_stripe->asmh_b;
while (asmhle) {
tmpasmhle= asmhle;
asmhle = tmpasmhle->next;
vfple = failed_stripe->vfple;
while (vfple) {
tmpvfple = vfple;
vfple = tmpvfple->next;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
vfple = failed_stripe->bvfple;
while (vfple) {
tmpvfple = vfple;
vfple = tmpvfple->next;
2005-02-27 03:26:58 +03:00
tmpfailed_stripe = failed_stripe;
failed_stripe = tmpfailed_stripe->next;
while (stripeFuncsList != NULL) {
temp = stripeFuncsList;
stripeFuncsList = stripeFuncsList->next;
return (0);