diff --git a/faq-compile.txt b/faq-compile.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7307e07a..00000000
--- a/faq-compile.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Compile FAQ
-Q.  I get one of the following errors:
-    - "security/pam_appl.h: File or directory doesn't exist"
-    - "configure: error: please install libpam0g-dev or pam-devel"
-    What is wrong?
-A.  You need to install the pam development package.
-    For Debian / Ubuntu this package is called libpam0g-dev.
-    For Red Hat / SUSE this package is called pam-devel.
-Q.  I get an error: "configure: error: please install libssl-dev or openssl-devel"
-A.  You need to install the openssl development package.
-    For Debian / Ubuntu this package is called libssl-dev.
-    For Red Hat / Fedora this package is called openssl-devel.
-    For SUSE / openSUSE this package is called libopenssl-devel.
-Q.  I get one of the following errors:
-    - "configure: error: please install libx11-dev or libX11-devel"
-    - "configure: error: please install libx11-dev and libxfixes-dev or libXfixes-devel"
-A.  You need to install the X11 and X11 Xfixes development package(s).
-    For Debian: libx11-dev and libxfixes-dev.
-    For Red Hat / SUSE: libX11-devel and libXfixes-devel.
-Q.  I get an error: "rail.c:31:35: fatal error: X11/extensions/Xrandr.h: No such file or directory"
-A.  You need to install the Xrandr development package.
-    For Debian / Ubuntu this package is called libxrandr-dev.
-    For SUSE / openSUSE this package is called libXrandr-devel.
-Q.  How do I configure the same continuous integration bulids for my XRDP fork as the official XRDP repository?
-A.  The XRDP project uses both Travis-CI.org and Cirrus-CI.com for continuous integration.
-    Both of these services are free for open source projects (both the official 
-    repository and forks), and these services integrate with Github to build any 
-    changes pushed to public Github repositories.
-    To configure Travis CI for your XRDP fork on github:
-    1. Follow Travis CI instructions for connecting your github account to Travis CI
-        https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/tutorial/#to-get-started-with-travis-ci-using-github
-    2. In the Travis CI dashboard setting page select your XRDP fork repository for building pushed branches.
-    3. Push a commit to a branch in your XRDP fork on github and Travis CI should 
-        start building the branch because the XRDP repository already contain a .travis.yml file.
-    To configure Cirrus CI for your XRDP fork on github:
-    1. Follow Cirrus CI instructions for connecting your github account to Cirrus CI
-        https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/quick-start/
-    2. In the Github setting page for the Cirrus CI application, enable Cirrus CI 
-        access to your XRDP fork repository.
-    3. Push a commit to a branch in your XRDP fork on github and Cirrus CI should 
-        start building the branch because the XRDP repository already contain a .cirrus.yml file.