2022-12-30 17:12:11 -07:00

228 lines
7.1 KiB

/* startup.c
* Copyright (C) 2006-2023 wolfSSL Inc.
* This file is part of wolfSSL.
* wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
/* Startup routines for STM32L596G bare-metal example */
extern unsigned int _stored_data;
extern unsigned int _start_data;
extern unsigned int _end_data;
extern unsigned int _start_bss;
extern unsigned int _end_bss;
extern unsigned int _end_stack;
extern unsigned int _start_heap;
static volatile unsigned int avail_mem = 0;
static unsigned int stack_ptr;
extern void isr_usart1(void);
extern void main(void);
void isr_reset(void) {
register unsigned int *src, *dst;
src = (unsigned int *) &_stored_data;
dst = (unsigned int *) &_start_data;
/* Copy the .data section from flash to RAM. */
while (dst < (unsigned int *)&_end_data) {
*dst = *src;
/* Initialize the BSS section to 0 */
dst = &_start_bss;
while (dst < (unsigned int *)&_end_bss) {
*dst = 0U;
/* Paint the stack. */
avail_mem = &_end_stack - &_start_heap;
asm volatile("mrs %0, msp" : "=r"(stack_ptr));
dst = ((unsigned int *)(&_end_stack)) - (8192 / sizeof(unsigned int)); ;
while ((unsigned int)dst < stack_ptr) {
*dst = 0xDEADC0DE;
/* Run the program! */
void isr_fault(void)
/* Panic. */
while(1) ;;
void isr_memfault(void)
/* Panic. */
while(1) ;;
void isr_busfault(void)
/* Panic. */
while(1) ;;
void isr_usagefault(void)
/* Panic. */
while(1) ;;
void isr_empty(void)
/* Ignore the event and continue */
volatile unsigned jiffies = 0;
void isr_systick(void)
__attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector")))
void (* const IV[])(void) =
(void (*)(void))(&_end_stack),
isr_reset, // Reset
isr_fault, // NMI
isr_fault, // HardFault
isr_memfault, // MemFault
isr_busfault, // BusFault
isr_usagefault, // UsageFault
0, 0, 0, 0, // 4x reserved
isr_empty, // SVC
isr_empty, // DebugMonitor
0, // reserved
isr_empty, // PendSV
isr_systick, // SysTick
isr_empty, // NVIC_WWDG_IRQ 0
isr_empty, // PVD_IRQ 1
isr_empty, // TAMP_STAMP_IRQ 2
isr_empty, // RTC_WKUP_IRQ 3
isr_empty, // FLASH_IRQ 4
isr_empty, // RCC_IRQ 5
isr_empty, // EXTI0_IRQ 6
isr_empty, // EXTI1_IRQ 7
isr_empty, // EXTI2_IRQ 8
isr_empty, // EXTI3_IRQ 9
isr_empty, // EXTI4_IRQ 10
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM0_IRQ 11
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM1_IRQ 12
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM2_IRQ 13
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM3_IRQ 14
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM4_IRQ 15
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM5_IRQ 16
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM6_IRQ 17
isr_empty, // ADC_IRQ 18
isr_empty, // CAN1_TX_IRQ 19
isr_empty, // CAN1_RX0_IRQ 20
isr_empty, // CAN1_RX1_IRQ 21
isr_empty, // CAN1_SCE_IRQ 22
isr_empty, // EXTI9_5_IRQ 23
isr_empty, // TIM1_BRK_TIM9_IRQ 24
isr_empty, // TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQ 25
isr_empty, // TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11_IRQ 26
isr_empty, // TIM1_CC_IRQ 27
isr_empty, // TIM2_IRQ 28
isr_empty, // TIM3_IRQ 29
isr_empty, // TIM4_IRQ 30
isr_empty, // I2C1_EV_IRQ 31
isr_empty, // I2C1_ER_IRQ 32
isr_empty, // I2C2_EV_IRQ 33
isr_empty, // I2C2_ER_IRQ 34
isr_empty, // SPI1_IRQ 35
isr_empty, // SPI2_IRQ 36
isr_usart1, // USART1_IRQ 37
isr_empty, // USART2_IRQ 38
isr_empty, // USART3_IRQ 39
isr_empty, // EXTI15_10_IRQ 40
isr_empty, // RTC_ALARM_IRQ 41
isr_empty, // USB_FS_WKUP_IRQ 42
isr_empty, // TIM8_BRK_TIM12_IRQ 43
isr_empty, // TIM8_UP_TIM13_IRQ 44
isr_empty, // TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14_IRQ 45
isr_empty, // TIM8_CC_IRQ 46
isr_empty, // DMA1_STREAM7_IRQ 47
isr_empty, // FSMC_IRQ
isr_empty, // SDIO_IRQ
isr_empty, // TIM5_IRQ
isr_empty, // SPI3_IRQ
isr_empty, // UART4_IRQ
isr_empty, // UART5_IRQ
isr_empty, // TIM6_DAC_IRQ
isr_empty, // TIM7_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM0_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM1_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM2_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM3_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM4_IRQ
isr_empty, // ETH_IRQ
isr_empty, // ETH_WKUP_IRQ
isr_empty, // CAN2_TX_IRQ
isr_empty, // CAN2_RX0_IRQ
isr_empty, // CAN2_RX1_IRQ
isr_empty, // CAN2_SCE_IRQ
isr_empty, // OTG_FS_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM5_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM6_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2_STREAM7_IRQ
isr_empty, // USART6_IRQ
isr_empty, // I2C3_EV_IRQ
isr_empty, // I2C3_ER_IRQ
isr_empty, // OTG_HS_EP1_OUT_IRQ
isr_empty, // OTG_HS_EP1_IN_IRQ
isr_empty, // OTG_HS_WKUP_IRQ
isr_empty, // OTG_HS_IRQ
isr_empty, // DCMI_IRQ
isr_empty, // CRYP_IRQ
isr_empty, // HASH_RNG_IRQ
isr_empty, // FPU_IRQ
isr_empty, // UART7_IRQ
isr_empty, // UART8_IRQ
isr_empty, // SPI4_IRQ
isr_empty, // SPI5_IRQ
isr_empty, // SPI6_IRQ
isr_empty, // SAI1_IRQ
isr_empty, // LCD_TFT_IRQ
isr_empty, // LCD_TFT_ERR_IRQ
isr_empty, // DMA2D_IRQ