kaleb-himes 306b280ccd Add test cases and implement peer suggestions
Fix failing jenkins test cases

Add detection for file size with static memory

Account for cert without pathLen constraint set including test cases

Resolve OCSP case and test where cert->pathLen expected to be NULL
2019-10-11 15:03:38 -06:00

200 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

# assemble-chains.sh
# Create certs and assemble all the certificate CA path test cert chains.
if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$2 Failed, Abort"
exit 1
echo "$2 Succeeded!"
# $1 - chain ID
# $2 - ICA Number (Example entity signed by ICA1 signed by ICA2 and so on)
# $2 - pathLength to use
# $3 - Signer of this Intermediate
# $4 - The signers Key
# example: create_an_intermediate "chainA" "ICA1" "0" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
echo "pathLen = $3, $pathLen"
echo ""
#pipe the following arguments to openssl req...
if [ "$pathLen" = "no_pathlen" ]; then
echo "Updating $chainID-$icaNum-$pathLen.pem"
echo -e "US\\nWashington\\nSeattle\\nwolfSSL Inc.\\nEngineering\\n$chainID-$icaNum-$pathLen\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n.\\n.\\n" | openssl req -new -key "$chainID-$icaNum-key.pem" -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -sha256 > temp-req.pem
check_result $? "Step 1"
openssl x509 -req -in temp-req.pem -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions wolfssl_opts_ICA -days 1000 -CA $signer -CAkey $signerKey -set_serial 100 -sha256 > "$chainID-$icaNum-$pathLen.pem"
check_result $? "Step 2"
rm temp-req.pem
openssl x509 -in "$chainID-$icaNum-$pathLen.pem" -text > ca_tmp.pem
check_result $? "Step 3"
mv ca_tmp.pem "$chainID-$icaNum-$pathLen.pem"
echo "Updating $chainID-$icaNum-pathlen$pathLen.pem"
echo -e "US\\nWashington\\nSeattle\\nwolfSSL Inc.\\nEngineering\\n$chainID-$icaNum-pathlen$pathLen\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n.\\n.\\n" | openssl req -new -key "$chainID-$icaNum-key.pem" -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -sha256 > temp-req.pem
check_result $? "Step 1"
openssl x509 -req -in temp-req.pem -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions "pathlen_$pathLen" -days 1000 -CA $signer -CAkey $signerKey -set_serial 100 -sha256 > "$chainID-$icaNum-pathlen$pathLen.pem"
check_result $? "Step 2"
rm temp-req.pem
openssl x509 -in "$chainID-$icaNum-pathlen$pathLen.pem" -text > ca_tmp.pem
check_result $? "Step 3"
mv ca_tmp.pem "$chainID-$icaNum-pathlen$pathLen.pem"
echo "End of Section"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
########## update chainA-entity.pem ################
# $1 - chain ID
# $2 - ICA Number (Example entity signed by ICA1 signed by ICA2 and so on)
# $2 - pathLength to use
# $3 - Signer of this Intermediate
# $4 - The signers Key
# example: create_an_intermediate "chainA" "ICA1" "0" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
echo "Updating $chainID-entity.pem"
echo ""
#pipe the following arguments to openssl req...
echo -e "US\\nWashington\\nSeattle\\nwolfSSL Inc.\\nEngineering\\n$chainID-entity\\ninfo@wolfssl.com\\n.\\n.\\n" | openssl req -new -key "$chainID-entity-key.pem" -config ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -nodes -sha256 > temp-req.pem
check_result $? "Step 1"
openssl x509 -req -in temp-req.pem -extfile ../renewcerts/wolfssl.cnf -extensions test_pathlen -days 1000 -CA "$signer" -CAkey "$signerKey" -set_serial 101 -sha256 > "$chainID"-entity.pem
check_result $? "Step 2"
rm temp-req.pem
openssl x509 -in "$chainID"-entity.pem -text > cert_tmp.pem
check_result $? "Step 3"
mv cert_tmp.pem "$chainID"-entity.pem
echo "End of Section"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
########## Create the certs ################
create_an_intermediate "chainA" "ICA1" "0" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainA" "chainA-ICA1-pathlen0.pem" "chainA-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainB" "ICA2" "1" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainB" "ICA1" "0" "chainB-ICA2-pathlen1.pem" "chainB-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainB" "chainB-ICA1-pathlen0.pem" "chainB-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainC" "ICA1" "1" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainC" "chainC-ICA1-pathlen1.pem" "chainC-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainD" "ICA1" "127" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainD" "chainD-ICA1-pathlen127.pem" "chainD-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainE" "ICA1" "128" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainE" "chainE-ICA1-pathlen128.pem" "chainE-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainF" "ICA2" "0" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainF" "ICA1" "1" "chainF-ICA2-pathlen0.pem" "chainF-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainF" "chainF-ICA1-pathlen1.pem" "chainF-ICA1-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA7" "100" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA6" "10" "chainG-ICA7-pathlen100.pem" "chainG-ICA7-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA5" "20" "chainG-ICA6-pathlen10.pem" "chainG-ICA6-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA4" "5" "chainG-ICA5-pathlen20.pem" "chainG-ICA5-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA3" "99" "chainG-ICA4-pathlen5.pem" "chainG-ICA4-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA2" "1" "chainG-ICA3-pathlen99.pem" "chainG-ICA3-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainG" "ICA1" "0" "chainG-ICA2-pathlen1.pem" "chainG-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainG" "chainG-ICA1-pathlen0.pem" "chainG-ICA1-key.pem"
# Fail: PathLen of 2, signing PathLen of 2, signing Pathlen of 2, signing PathLen 0
# max_path_len = 2, max_path_len -= 1 (1), max_path_len -= 1 (0), max-path_len 0, non-entity cert.
create_an_intermediate "chainH" "ICA4" "2" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainH" "ICA3" "2" "chainH-ICA4-pathlen2.pem" "chainH-ICA4-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainH" "ICA2" "2" "chainH-ICA3-pathlen2.pem" "chainH-ICA3-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainH" "ICA1" "0" "chainH-ICA2-pathlen2.pem" "chainH-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainH" "chainH-ICA1-pathlen0.pem" "chainH-ICA1-key.pem"
# Success, PathLen of 2 followed by 2 Intermediates with no pathLen set
create_an_intermediate "chainI" "ICA3" "2" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainI" "ICA2" "no_pathlen" "chainI-ICA3-pathlen2.pem" "chainI-ICA3-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainI" "ICA1" "no_pathlen" "chainI-ICA2-no_pathlen.pem" "chainI-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainI" "chainI-ICA1-no_pathlen.pem" "chainI-ICA1-key.pem"
# Fail: PathLen of 2 followed by 3 Intermediates with no pathLen set
create_an_intermediate "chainJ" "ICA4" "2" "../ca-cert.pem" "../ca-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainJ" "ICA3" "no_pathlen" "chainJ-ICA4-pathlen2.pem" "chainJ-ICA4-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainJ" "ICA2" "no_pathlen" "chainJ-ICA3-no_pathlen.pem" "chainJ-ICA3-key.pem"
create_an_intermediate "chainJ" "ICA1" "no_pathlen" "chainJ-ICA2-no_pathlen.pem" "chainJ-ICA2-key.pem"
create_an_entity "chainJ" "chainJ-ICA1-no_pathlen.pem" "chainJ-ICA1-key.pem"
########## Assemble Chains ################
# Success: PathLen of 0
## chainA-ICA1-pathlen0.pem: signed by ca-cert.pem
## chainA-entity.pem: signed by chainA-ICA1-pathlen0.pem
cat chainA-entity.pem chainA-ICA1-pathlen0.pem > chainA-assembled.pem
# Success: PathLen of 1
## chainB-ICA2-pathlen1.pem: signed by ca-cert.pem
## chainB-ICA1-pathlen0.pem: signed by chainB-ICA2-pathlen1.pem
## chainB-entity.pem: signed by chainB-ICA1-pathlen0.pem
cat chainB-entity.pem chainB-ICA1-pathlen0.pem chainB-ICA2-pathlen1.pem > chainB-assembled.pem
## chainC-entity.pem: signed by chainC-ICA1-pathlen1.pem
cat chainC-entity.pem chainC-ICA1-pathlen1.pem > chainC-assembled.pem
# Success: PathLen of 127
## chainD-ICA1-pathlen127.pem: signed by ca-cert.pem
## chainD-entity.pem: signed by chainD-entity.pem
cat chainD-entity.pem chainD-ICA1-pathlen127.pem > chainD-assembled.pem
# Failure: PathLen of 128
## chainE-ICA1-pathlen128.pem: signed by ca-cert.pem
## chainE-entity.pem: signed by chainE-ICA1-pathlen128.pem
cat chainE-entity.pem chainE-ICA1-pathlen128.pem > chainE-assembled.pem
# Failure: PathLen of 0, signing PathLen of 1
## chainF-ICA1-pathlen1.pem: signed by chainA-ICA1-pathlen0.pem
## chainF-entity.pem: signed by chainF-ICA1-pathlen1.pem
cat chainF-entity.pem chainF-ICA1-pathlen1.pem chainF-ICA2-pathlen0.pem > chainF-assembled.pem
# Success: PathLen of 127, signing PathLen of 10, signing PathLen of 20, signing
# PathLen of 5, signing PathLen of 99, signing PathLen of 1, signing
# PathLen of 0
cat chainG-entity.pem chainG-ICA1-pathlen0.pem > chainG-assembled.pem
cat chainG-ICA2-pathlen1.pem chainG-ICA3-pathlen99.pem >> chainG-assembled.pem
cat chainG-ICA4-pathlen5.pem chainG-ICA5-pathlen20.pem >> chainG-assembled.pem
cat chainG-ICA6-pathlen10.pem chainG-ICA7-pathlen100.pem >> chainG-assembled.pem
# Fail: PathLen of 2, signing PathLen of 2, signing Pathlen of 2, signing PathLen 0
# max_path_len = 2, max_path_len -= 1 (1), max_path_len -= 1 (0), max-path_len 0, non-entity cert.
cat chainH-entity.pem chainH-ICA1-pathlen0.pem > chainH-assembled.pem
cat chainH-ICA2-pathlen2.pem chainH-ICA3-pathlen2.pem >> chainH-assembled.pem
cat chainH-ICA4-pathlen2.pem >> chainH-assembled.pem
# Fail:
cat chainI-entity.pem chainI-ICA1-no_pathlen.pem > chainI-assembled.pem
cat chainI-ICA2-no_pathlen.pem chainI-ICA3-pathlen2.pem >> chainI-assembled.pem
# Fail: PathLen of 2, signing PathLen of 2, signing Pathlen of 2, signing PathLen 0
# max_path_len = 2, max_path_len -= 1 (1), max_path_len -= 1 (0), max-path_len 0, non-entity cert.
cat chainJ-entity.pem chainJ-ICA1-no_pathlen.pem > chainJ-assembled.pem
cat chainJ-ICA2-no_pathlen.pem chainJ-ICA3-no_pathlen.pem >> chainJ-assembled.pem
cat chainJ-ICA4-pathlen2.pem >> chainJ-assembled.pem