* set DEFAULT_ENABLED_ALL_ASM=no if enable_afalg or ENABLED_32BIT;
* omit enable_srtp_kdf from enable-all-crypto if enable_afalg.
linuxkm: add GetCAByAKID to wolfssl_linuxkm_pie_redirect_table.
src/x509.c: in GenerateDNSEntryIPString(), use XMEMSET() to initialize tmpName, not = {0}, to avoid unmaskable compiler emission of memset() call.
wolfssl/openssl/ssl.h: add OPENSSL_EXTRA to an existing OPENSSL_ALL-gated section, consistent with gating of correspinding section in wolfssl/ssl.h.
wolfssl/wolfcrypt/settings.h: adopt setup for WOLFSSL_SP_NO_UMAAL from wolfssl/wolfcrypt/sp_int.h now that it's used by wolfcrypt/src/port/arm/thumb2-poly1305-asm.S.