* Adds crypto HW support for AES Direct and AES CCM. * Fixes to enable PIC32MZ hardware hashing where updates are cached via heap buffer and final performs single operations against hardware. * Fix for benchmark with 1024-bit certs passing in wrong size for `wc_RsaPrivateDecrypt` when using `USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024`. * Fix to resolve missing `strncasecmp` for the Microchip XC32. Workaround to use case sensitive version instead. This error occurred when building with HAVE_ECC defined in Harmony with XC32. * Cleanup of the PIC32MZ crypto and hashing hardware code. Replace `pic32mz-hash.c` with `pic32mz-crypt.c` * Add user_settings.h for mplabx and mcapi examples. * Sync up with Harmony changes for MCAPI.