David Garske 0a725f4d56 Fixes for AES with STM32 crypto hardware:
* Fixes to ensure the "const" input buffer is not modified for AES GCM calls with STM32 hardware crypto.
* Improvements to allow AES GCM hardware acceleration for inputs that are not a multiple of AES block size.
* Switched the wolfCrypt test for STM32_CRYPTO to use the standard AES GCM tests with 12-byte IV and less than 16-byte auth data.
* Fixes for building with the standard peripheral library.
* Fixes for building with `NO_AES_DECRYPT`.
`./configure --enable-debug --disable-shared --enable-cryptonly CFLAGS="-DNO_AES_DECRYPT"`
2018-12-07 17:23:38 -08:00