# configure.ac # # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 wolfSSL Inc. # # This file is part of CyaSSL. # # AC_INIT([cyassl],[2.8.5],[https://github.com/cyassl/cyassl/issues],[cyassl],[http://www.yassl.com]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) # using $targget_cpu to only turn on fastmath by default on x86_64 AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_BUILD AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 -Wall -Werror -Wno-portability foreign tar-ustar subdir-objects no-define color-tests]) AC_PREREQ([2.63]) AC_ARG_PROGRAM AC_DEFUN([PROTECT_AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS], [AX_SAVE_FLAGS AC_LANG_PUSH([C]) AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_LANG_POP([C]) AX_RESTORE_FLAGS ]) #PROTECT_AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h:config.in])dnl Keep filename to 8.3 for MS-DOS. #shared library versioning CYASSL_LIBRARY_VERSION=5:2:0 # | | | # +------+ | +---+ # | | | # current:revision:age # | | | # | | +- increment if interfaces have been added # | | set to zero if interfaces have been removed # | or changed # | +- increment if source code has changed # | set to zero if current is incremented # +- increment if interfaces have been added, removed or changed AC_SUBST([CYASSL_LIBRARY_VERSION]) # capture user C_EXTRA_FLAGS from ./configure line, CFLAGS may hold -g -O2 even # if user doesn't override, no way to tell USER_C_EXTRA_FLAGS="$C_EXTRA_FLAGS" LT_PREREQ([2.2]) LT_INIT([disable-static],[win32-dll]) LT_LANG([C++]) LT_LANG([C]) gl_VISIBILITY AS_IF([ test -n "$CFLAG_VISIBILITY" ], [ AM_CPPFLAGS="$AM_CPPFLAGS $CFLAG_VISIBILITY" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $CFLAG_VISIBILITY" ]) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES],[AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gethostbyname]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getaddrinfo]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([gettimeofday]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([inet_ntoa]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memset]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS([socket]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([limits.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netdb.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netinet/in.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stddef.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/ioctl.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/socket.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/time.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([errno.h]) AC_CHECK_LIB(network,socket) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long, 8) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long, 4) AC_C_BIGENDIAN # mktime check takes forever on some systems, if time supported it would be # highly unusual for mktime to be missing #AC_FUNC_MKTIME AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CC_C_O AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_UINT8_T AM_PROG_AS AM_PROG_CC_C_O LT_LIB_M OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-Os -fomit-frame-pointer" OPTIMIZE_FAST_CFLAGS="-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer" OPTIMIZE_HUGE_CFLAGS="-funroll-loops -DTFM_SMALL_SET -DTFM_HUGE_SET" DEBUG_CFLAGS="-g -DDEBUG -DDEBUG_CYASSL" # Thread local storage AX_TLS([AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_THREAD_LS"]) # DEBUG AX_DEBUG AS_IF([test "$ax_enable_debug" = "yes"], [AM_CFLAGS="$DEBUG_CFLAGS $AM_CFLAGS"], [AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNDEBUG"]) # SINGLE THREADED AC_ARG_ENABLE([singlethreaded], [ --enable-singlethreaded Enable CyaSSL single threaded (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED=no ]) AS_IF([ test "x$ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED" = "xno" ],[ AX_PTHREAD([ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_PTHREAD], [1], [Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files.]) AM_CFLAGS="-D_POSIX_THREADS $AM_CFLAGS $PTHREAD_CFLAGS" LIBS="$LIBS $PTHREAD_LIBS" ],[ ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED=yes ]) ]) AS_IF([ test "x$ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED" = "xyes" ],[ AM_CFLAGS="-DSINGLE_THREADED $AM_CFLAGS" ]) # DTLS AC_ARG_ENABLE([dtls], [ --enable-dtls Enable CyaSSL DTLS (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_DTLS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_DTLS=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_DTLS" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="-DCYASSL_DTLS $AM_CFLAGS" fi # OPENSSL Extra Compatibility AC_ARG_ENABLE([opensslextra], [ --enable-opensslextra Enable extra OpenSSL API, size+ (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="-DOPENSSL_EXTRA $AM_CFLAGS" fi if test "$ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_SMALL" = "yes" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable small and opensslextra, only one or the other.]) fi # IPv6 Test Apps AC_ARG_ENABLE([ipv6], [ --enable-ipv6 Enable testing of IPV6 (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_IPV6=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_IPV6=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_IPV6" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DTEST_IPV6" fi # Fortress build AC_ARG_ENABLE([fortress], [ --enable-fortress Enable SSL fortress build (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_FORTRESS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_FORTRESS=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_FORTRESS" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DFORTRESS -DCYASSL_ALWAYS_VERIFY_CB -DOPENSSL_EXTRA -DCYASSL_DES_ECB -DCYASSL_AES_COUNTER -DCYASSL_AES_DIRECT -DCYASSL_DER_LOAD -DCYASSL_SHA512 -DCYASSL_SHA384 -DCYASSL_KEY_GEN" fi # ssl bump build AC_ARG_ENABLE([bump], [ --enable-bump Enable SSL Bump build (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_BUMP=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_BUMP=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_BUMP" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DLARGE_STATIC_BUFFERS -DCYASSL_CERT_GEN -DCYASSL_KEY_GEN -DHUGE_SESSION_CACHE -DOPENSSL_EXTRA -DFP_MAX_BITS=8192 -DCYASSL_DER_LOAD -DCYASSL_ALT_NAMES -DCYASSL_TEST_CERT" fi ENABLED_SLOWMATH="yes" # lean psk build AC_ARG_ENABLE([leanpsk], [ --enable-leanpsk Enable Lean PSK build (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_LEANPSK=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_LEANPSK=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_LEANPSK -DHAVE_NULL_CIPHER -DSINGLE_THREADED -DNO_AES -DNO_FILESYSTEM -DNO_RABBIT -DNO_RSA -DNO_DSA -DNO_DH -DNO_CERTS -DNO_PWDBASED -DNO_DES3 -DNO_MD4 -DNO_MD5 -DNO_ERROR_STRINGS -DNO_OLD_TLS -DNO_RC4 -DNO_WRITEV -DNO_SESSION_CACHE -DNO_DEV_RANDOM -DCYASSL_USER_IO -DNO_SHA -DUSE_SLOW_SHA" ENABLED_SLOWMATH="no" ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_LEANPSK], [test "x$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "xyes"]) # big cache AC_ARG_ENABLE([bigcache], [ --enable-bigcache Enable big session cache (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_BIGCACHE=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_BIGCACHE=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_BIGCACHE" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DBIG_SESSION_CACHE" fi # HUGE cache AC_ARG_ENABLE([hugecache], [ --enable-hugecache Enable huge session cache (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_HUGECACHE=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_HUGECACHE=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_HUGECACHE" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHUGE_SESSION_CACHE" fi # SMALL cache AC_ARG_ENABLE([smallcache], [ --enable-smallcache Enable small session cache (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SMALLCACHE=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SMALLCACHE=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SMALLCACHE" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DSMALL_SESSION_CACHE" fi # Persistent session cache AC_ARG_ENABLE([savesession], [ --enable-savesession Enable persistent session cache (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SAVESESSION=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SAVESESSION=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SAVESESSION" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DPERSIST_SESSION_CACHE" fi # Persistent cert cache AC_ARG_ENABLE([savecert], [ --enable-savecert Enable persistent cert cache (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SAVECERT=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SAVECERT=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SAVECERT" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DPERSIST_CERT_CACHE" fi # Atomic User Record Layer AC_ARG_ENABLE([atomicuser], [ --enable-atomicuser Enable Atomic User Record Layer (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_ATOMICUSER=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ATOMICUSER=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ATOMICUSER" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DATOMIC_USER" fi # Public Key Callbacks AC_ARG_ENABLE([pkcallbacks], [ --enable-pkcallbacks Enable Public Key Callbacks (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_PKCALLBACKS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_PKCALLBACKS=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_PKCALLBACKS" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_PK_CALLBACKS" fi # SNIFFER ENABLED_SNIFFTEST=no AC_ARG_ENABLE([sniffer], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-sniffer],[ Enable CyaSSL sniffer support (default: disabled) ])],[ ENABLED_SNIFFER=yes AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_SNIFFER -DOPENSSL_EXTRA" AS_IF([ test "x$enableval" = "xyes" ],[ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([pcap/pcap.h],[ ENABLED_SNIFFTEST=yes ],[ AC_MSG_WARN([cannot enable sniffer test without having libpcap available.]) ]) ]) ],[ ENABLED_SNIFFER=no ]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SNIFFER], [ test "x$ENABLED_SNIFFER" = "xyes" ]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SNIFFTEST], [ test "x$ENABLED_SNIFFTEST" = "xyes" ]) # AES-GCM AC_ARG_ENABLE([aesgcm], [ --enable-aesgcm Enable CyaSSL AES-GCM support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_AESGCM=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_AESGCM=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_AESGCM" = "word32" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DGCM_WORD32" ENABLED_AESGCM=yes fi if test "$ENABLED_AESGCM" = "small" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DGCM_SMALL" ENABLED_AESGCM=yes fi if test "$ENABLED_AESGCM" = "table" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DGCM_TABLE" ENABLED_AESGCM=yes fi if test "$ENABLED_AESGCM" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_AESGCM" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_AESGCM], [test "x$ENABLED_AESGCM" = "xyes"]) # AES-CCM AC_ARG_ENABLE([aesccm], [ --enable-aesccm Enable CyaSSL AES-CCM support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_AESCCM=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_AESCCM=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_AESCCM" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_AESCCM" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_AESCCM], [test "x$ENABLED_AESCCM" = "xyes"]) # AES-NI AC_ARG_ENABLE([aesni], [ --enable-aesni Enable CyaSSL AES-NI support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_AESNI=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_AESNI=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_AESNI" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_AESNI" if test "$GCC" = "yes" then # GCC needs these flags, icc doesn't # opt levels greater than 2 may cause problems on systems w/o aesni AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -maes -msse4" fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_AESNI], [test "x$ENABLED_AESNI" = "xyes"]) # Camellia AC_ARG_ENABLE([camellia], [ --enable-camellia Enable CyaSSL Camellia support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_CAMELLIA=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CAMELLIA=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_CAMELLIA" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_CAMELLIA" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_CAMELLIA], [test "x$ENABLED_CAMELLIA" = "xyes"]) # MD2 AC_ARG_ENABLE([md2], [ --enable-md2 Enable CyaSSL MD2 support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_MD2=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MD2=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_BUMP" = "yes" then ENABLED_MD2="yes" fi if test "$ENABLED_MD2" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_MD2" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MD2], [test "x$ENABLED_MD2" = "xyes"]) # NULL CIPHER AC_ARG_ENABLE([nullcipher], [ --enable-nullcipher Enable CyaSSL NULL cipher support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_NULL_CIPHER=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_NULL_CIPHER=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_NULL_CIPHER" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_NULL_CIPHER" fi # RIPEMD AC_ARG_ENABLE([ripemd], [ --enable-ripemd Enable CyaSSL RIPEMD-160 support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_RIPEMD=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_RIPEMD=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_RIPEMD" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_RIPEMD" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_RIPEMD], [test "x$ENABLED_RIPEMD" = "xyes"]) # BLAKE2 AC_ARG_ENABLE([blake2], [ --enable-blake2 Enable CyaSSL BLAKE2 support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_BLAKE2=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_BLAKE2=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_BLAKE2" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_BLAKE2" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_BLAKE2], [test "x$ENABLED_BLAKE2" = "xyes"]) # SHA512 AC_ARG_ENABLE([sha512], [ --enable-sha512 Enable CyaSSL SHA-512 support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SHA512=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SHA512=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SHA512" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_SHA512 -DCYASSL_SHA384" fi if test "$ENABLED_FORTRESS" = "yes" then ENABLED_SHA512="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SHA512], [test "x$ENABLED_SHA512" = "xyes"]) # SESSION CERTS AC_ARG_ENABLE([sessioncerts], [ --enable-sessioncerts Enable session cert storing (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SESSIONCERTS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SESSIONCERTS=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SESSIONCERTS" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DSESSION_CERTS" fi # KEY GENERATION AC_ARG_ENABLE([keygen], [ --enable-keygen Enable key generation (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_KEYGEN=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_KEYGEN=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_KEYGEN" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_KEY_GEN" fi # CERT GENERATION AC_ARG_ENABLE([certgen], [ --enable-certgen Enable cert generation (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_CERTGEN=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CERTGEN=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_CERTGEN" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_CERT_GEN" fi # CERT REQUEST GENERATION AC_ARG_ENABLE([certreq], [ --enable-certreq Enable cert request generation (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_CERTREQ=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CERTREQ=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_CERTREQ" = "yes" then if test "$ENABLED_CERTGEN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable certreq without enabling certgen.]) fi AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_CERT_REQ" fi # SEP AC_ARG_ENABLE([sep], [ --enable-sep Enable sep extensions (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SEP=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SEP=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SEP" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="-DCYASSL_SEP -DKEEP_PEER_CERT $AM_CFLAGS" fi # HKDF AC_ARG_ENABLE([hkdf], [ --enable-hkdf Enable HKDF (HMAC-KDF) support (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_HKDF=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_HKDF=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_HKDF" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_HKDF" fi # DSA AC_ARG_ENABLE([dsa], [ --enable-dsa Enable DSA (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_DSA=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_DSA=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_DSA" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_DSA" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_DSA], [test "x$ENABLED_DSA" = "xyes"]) # ECC AC_ARG_ENABLE([ecc], [ --enable-ecc Enable ECC (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_ECC=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ECC=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_ECC -DTFM_ECC256 -DECC_SHAMIR" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ECC], [test "x$ENABLED_ECC" = "xyes"]) if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_SMALL" = "yes" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable ecc and small, ecc requires TLS which small turns off.]) fi # FP ECC, Fixed Point cache ECC AC_ARG_ENABLE([fpecc], [ --enable-fpecc Enable Fixed Point cache ECC (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_FPECC=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_FPECC=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_FPECC" = "yes" then if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable fpecc without enabling ecc.]) fi AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DFP_ECC" fi # ECC encrypt AC_ARG_ENABLE([eccencrypt], [ --enable-eccencrypt Enable ECC encrypt (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_ECC_ENCRYPT=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ECC_ENCRYPT=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ECC_ENCRYPT" = "yes" then if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable eccencrypt without enabling ecc.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_HKDF" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable eccencrypt without enabling hkdf.]) fi AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_ECC_ENCRYPT" fi # PSK AC_ARG_ENABLE([psk], [ --enable-psk Enable PSK (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_PSK=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_PSK=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_PSK" = "no" && test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_PSK" fi if test "$ENABLED_PSK" = "no" && test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then ENABLED_PSK=yes fi # ERROR STRINGS AC_ARG_ENABLE([errorstrings], [ --enable-errorstrings Enable error strings table (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_ERROR_STRINGS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ERROR_STRINGS=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ERROR_STRINGS" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_ERROR_STRINGS" else # turn off error strings if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_ERROR_STRINGS" ENABLED_ERROR_STRINGS=no fi fi # OLD TLS AC_ARG_ENABLE([oldtls], [ --enable-oldtls Enable old TLS versions < 1.2 (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_OLD_TLS=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_OLD_TLS=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_OLD_TLS" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_OLD_TLS" else # turn off old if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_OLD_TLS" ENABLED_OLD_TLS=no fi fi # STACK SIZE info for examples AC_ARG_ENABLE([stacksize], [ --enable-stacksize Enable stack size info on examples (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_STACKSIZE=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_STACKSIZE=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_STACKSIZE" = "yes" then AC_CHECK_FUNC([posix_memalign], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR(stacksize needs posix_memalign)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([pthread_attr_setstack], [], AC_CHECK_LIB([pthread],[pthread_attr_setstack])) AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_STACK_SIZE -DCYASSL_LOW_MEMORY" fi # MEMORY AC_ARG_ENABLE([memory], [ --enable-memory Enable memory callbacks (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_MEMORY=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MEMORY=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_MEMORY" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_CYASSL_MEMORY" else # turn off memory cb if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then # but don't turn on NO_CYASSL_MEMORY because using own ENABLED_MEMORY=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MEMORY], [test "x$ENABLED_MEMORY" = "xyes"]) # RSA AC_ARG_ENABLE([rsa], [ --enable-rsa Enable RSA (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_RSA=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_RSA=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_RSA" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_RSA" else # turn off RSA if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_RSA" ENABLED_RSA=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_RSA], [test "x$ENABLED_RSA" = "xyes"]) # DH AC_ARG_ENABLE([dh], [ --enable-dh Enable DH (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_DH=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_DH=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_DH" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_DH" else # turn off DH if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_DH" ENABLED_DH=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_DH], [test "x$ENABLED_DH" = "xyes"]) # ASN # turn off asn, which means no certs, no rsa, no dh, no dsa, no ecc, # and no big int, use this to disable all public key stuff AC_ARG_ENABLE([asn], [ --enable-asn Enable ASN (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_ASN=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ASN=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_ASN -DNO_CERTS -DNO_BIG_INT" else # turn off ASN if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_ASN -DNO_CERTS -DNO_BIG_INT" ENABLED_ASN=no fi fi if test "$ENABLED_RSA" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please disable rsa if disabling asn.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_DSA" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please disable dsa if disabling asn.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_DH" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please disable dh if disabling asn.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please disable ecc if disabling asn.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_PSK" = "no" && test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please enable psk if disabling asn.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then ENABLED_FASTMATH=no ENABLED_SLOWMATH=no fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_ASN], [test "x$ENABLED_ASN" = "xyes"]) # AES AC_ARG_ENABLE([aes], [ --enable-aes Enable AES (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_AES=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_AES=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_AES" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_AES" else # turn off AES if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_AES" ENABLED_AES=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_AES], [test "x$ENABLED_AES" = "xyes"]) # CODING AC_ARG_ENABLE([coding], [ --enable-coding Enable Coding base 16/64 (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_CODING=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CODING=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_CODING" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_CODING" else # turn off CODING if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_CODING" ENABLED_CODING=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_CODING], [test "x$ENABLED_CODING" = "xyes"]) # DES3 AC_ARG_ENABLE([des3], [ --enable-des3 Enable DES3 (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_DES3=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_DES3=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_DES3" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_DES3" else # turn off DES3 if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_DES3" ENABLED_DES3=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_DES3], [test "x$ENABLED_DES3" = "xyes"]) # ARC4 AC_ARG_ENABLE([arc4], [ --enable-arc4 Enable ARC4 (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_ARC4=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_ARC4=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_ARC4" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_RC4" else # turn off ARC4 if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_RC4" ENABLED_ARC4=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_RC4], [test "x$ENABLED_ARC4" = "xyes"]) # MD5 AC_ARG_ENABLE([md5], [ --enable-md5 Enable MD5 (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_MD5=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MD5=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_MD5" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_MD5 -DNO_OLD_TLS" else # turn off MD5 if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_MD5 -DNO_OLD_TLS" ENABLED_MD5=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MD5], [test "x$ENABLED_MD5" = "xyes"]) # SHA AC_ARG_ENABLE([sha], [ --enable-sha Enable SHA (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_SHA=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SHA=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_SHA" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_SHA -DNO_OLD_TLS" else # turn off SHA if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_SHA -DNO_OLD_TLS" ENABLED_SHA=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SHA], [test "x$ENABLED_SHA" = "xyes"]) # MD4 AC_ARG_ENABLE([md4], [ --enable-md4 Enable MD4 (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_MD4=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MD4=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_MD4" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_MD4" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MD4], [test "x$ENABLED_MD4" = "xyes"]) # PWDBASED AC_ARG_ENABLE([pwdbased], [ --enable-pwdbased Enable PWDBASED (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_PWDBASED=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_PWDBASED=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_PWDBASED" = "no" then if test "$ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA" = "yes" then # opensslextra needs pwdbased ENABLED_PWDBASED=yes else AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_PWDBASED" fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_PWDBASED], [test "x$ENABLED_PWDBASED" = "xyes"]) # HC128 AC_ARG_ENABLE([hc128], [ --enable-hc128 Enable HC-128 (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_HC128=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_HC128=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_HC128" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_HC128" else AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_HC128" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_HC128], [test "x$ENABLED_HC128" = "xyes"]) # RABBIT AC_ARG_ENABLE([rabbit], [ --enable-rabbit Enable RABBIT (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_RABBIT=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_RABBIT=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_RABBIT" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_RABBIT" else AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_RABBIT" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_RABBIT], [test "x$ENABLED_RABBIT" = "xyes"]) # Web Server Build AC_ARG_ENABLE([webserver], [ --enable-webserver Enable Web Server (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_WEBSERVER=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_WEBSERVER=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_WEBSERVER" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_WEBSERVER" fi # Filesystem Build AC_ARG_ENABLE([filesystem], [ --enable-filesystem Enable Filesystem support (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_FILESYSTEM=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_FILESYSTEM=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_FILESYSTEM" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_FILESYSTEM" else # turn off filesystem if leanpsk on if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_FILESYSTEM" ENABLED_FILESYSTEM=no fi fi # inline Build AC_ARG_ENABLE([inline], [ --enable-inline Enable inline functions (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_INLINE=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_INLINE=yes ] ) if test "$ENABLED_INLINE" = "no" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DNO_INLINE" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_INLINE], [test "x$ENABLED_INLINE" = "xyes"]) # OCSP AC_ARG_ENABLE([ocsp], [ --enable-ocsp Enable OCSP (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_OCSP=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_OCSP=no ], ) if test "$ENABLED_OCSP" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_OCSP" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_OCSP], [test "x$ENABLED_OCSP" = "xyes"]) # CRL AC_ARG_ENABLE([crl], [ --enable-crl Enable CRL (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_CRL=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CRL=no ], ) if test "$ENABLED_CRL" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_CRL" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_CRL], [test "x$ENABLED_CRL" = "xyes"]) # CRL Monitor AC_ARG_ENABLE([crl-monitor], [ --enable-crl-monitor Enable CRL Monitor (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_CRL_MONITOR=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_CRL_MONITOR=no ], ) if test "$ENABLED_CRL_MONITOR" = "yes" then case $host_os in *linux* | *darwin* | *freebsd*) AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_CRL_MONITOR" ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([crl monitor only allowed on linux, OS X, or freebsd]) ;; esac fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_CRL_MONITOR], [test "x$ENABLED_CRL_MONITOR" = "xyes"]) # NTRU ntruHome=`pwd`/NTRU_algorithm ntruInclude=$ntruHome/cryptolib ntruLib=$ntruHome AC_ARG_ENABLE([ntru], [ --enable-ntru Enable NTRU (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_NTRU=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_NTRU=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_NTRU" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_NTRU -I$ntruInclude" AM_LDFLAGS="$AM_LDFLAGS -L$ntruLib" LIBS="$LIBS -lntru_encrypt" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_NTRU], [test "x$ENABLED_NTRU" = "xyes"]) if test "$ENABLED_NTRU" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_SMALL" = "yes" then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot enable ntru and small, ntru requires TLS which small turns off.]) fi # SNI AC_ARG_ENABLE([sni], [ --enable-sni Enable SNI (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_SNI=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_SNI=no ] ) if test "x$ENABLED_SNI" = "xyes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS -DHAVE_SNI" fi # Maximum Fragment Length AC_ARG_ENABLE([maxfragment], [ --enable-maxfragment Enable Maximum Fragment Length (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_MAX_FRAGMENT=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MAX_FRAGMENT=no ] ) if test "x$ENABLED_MAX_FRAGMENT" = "xyes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS -DHAVE_MAX_FRAGMENT" fi # Truncated HMAC AC_ARG_ENABLE([truncatedhmac], [ --enable-truncatedhmac Enable Truncated HMAC (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_TRUNCATED_HMAC=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_TRUNCATED_HMAC=no ] ) if test "x$ENABLED_TRUNCATED_HMAC" = "xyes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS -DHAVE_TRUNCATED_HMAC" fi # TLS Extensions AC_ARG_ENABLE([tlsx], [ --enable-tlsx Enable all TLS Extensions (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_TLSX=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_TLSX=no ] ) if test "x$ENABLED_TLSX" = "xyes" then ENABLED_SNI=yes ENABLED_MAX_FRAGMENT=yes ENABLED_TRUNCATED_HMAC=yes AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_TLS_EXTENSIONS -DHAVE_SNI -DHAVE_MAX_FRAGMENT -DHAVE_TRUNCATED_HMAC" fi #valgrind AC_ARG_ENABLE([valgrind], [ --enable-valgrind Enable valgrind for unit tests (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_VALGRIND=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_VALGRIND=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_VALGRIND" = "yes" then AC_CHECK_PROG([HAVE_VALGRIND],[valgrind],[yes],[no]) if test "$HAVE_VALGRIND" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([Valgrind not found.]) fi enable_shared=no enable_static=yes AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_VALGRIND" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_VALGRIND], [test "x$ENABLED_VALGRIND" = "xyes"]) # Test certs, use internal cert functions for extra testing AC_ARG_ENABLE([testcert], [ --enable-testcert Enable Test Cert (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_TESTCERT=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_TESTCERT=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_TESTCERT" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DCYASSL_TEST_CERT" fi # set fastmath default FASTMATH_DEFAULT=no if test "$target_cpu" = "x86_64" then FASTMATH_DEFAULT=yes fi # fastmath AC_ARG_ENABLE([fastmath], [ --enable-fastmath Enable fast math ops (default: enabled on x86_64)], [ ENABLED_FASTMATH=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_FASTMATH=$FASTMATH_DEFAULT] ) if test "x$ENABLED_FASTMATH" = "xyes" then # turn off fastmth if leanpsk on or asn off if test "$ENABLED_LEANPSK" = "yes" || test "$ENABLED_ASN" = "no" then ENABLED_FASTMATH=no else AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DUSE_FAST_MATH" ENABLED_SLOWMATH="no" fi fi # fast HUGE math AC_ARG_ENABLE([fasthugemath], [ --enable-fasthugemath Enable fast math + huge code (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_BUMP" = "yes" then ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH="yes" fi if test "$ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH" = "yes" then ENABLED_FASTMATH="yes" AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DUSE_FAST_MATH" ENABLED_SLOWMATH="no" fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_FASTMATH], [test "x$ENABLED_FASTMATH" = "xyes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_SLOWMATH], [test "x$ENABLED_SLOWMATH" = "xyes"]) # Enable Examples, used to disable examples AC_ARG_ENABLE([examples], [ --enable-examples Enable Examples (default: enabled)], [ ENABLED_EXAMPLES=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_EXAMPLES=yes ] ) AS_IF([test "x$ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED" = "xyes"], [ENABLED_EXAMPLES="no"]) AS_IF([test "x$ENABLED_FILESYSTEM" = "xno"], [ENABLED_EXAMPLES="no"]) AS_IF([test "x$ENABLED_INLINE" = "xno"], [ENABLED_EXAMPLES="no"]) # certs still have sha signatures for now AS_IF([test "x$ENABLED_SHA" = "xno"], [ENABLED_EXAMPLES="no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_EXAMPLES], [test "x$ENABLED_EXAMPLES" = "xyes"]) # LIBZ ENABLED_LIBZ="no" trylibzdir="" AC_ARG_WITH([libz], [ --with-libz=PATH PATH to libz install (default /usr/) ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libz]) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_LIBZ" LIBS="$LIBS -lz" AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include ]], [[ deflateInit(0, 8); ]])],[ libz_linked=yes ],[ libz_linked=no ]) if test "x$libz_linked" == "xno" ; then if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then trylibzdir=$withval fi if test "x$withval" == "xyes" ; then trylibzdir="/usr" fi AM_LDFLAGS="$AM_LDFLAGS -L$trylibzdir/lib" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$trylibzdir/include" AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include ]], [[ deflateInit(0, 8); ]])],[ libz_linked=yes ],[ libz_linked=no ]) if test "x$libz_linked" == "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([libz isn't found. If it's already installed, specify its path using --with-libz=/dir/]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fi ENABLED_LIBZ="yes" ] ) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_LIBZ], [test "x$ENABLED_LIBZ" = "xyes"]) # cavium trycaviumdir="" AC_ARG_WITH([cavium], [ --with-cavium=PATH PATH to cavium/software dir ], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for cavium]) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_CAVIUM" if test "x$withval" == "xyes" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([need a PATH for --with-cavium]) fi if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then trycaviumdir=$withval fi LDFLAGS="$AM_LDFLAGS $trycaviumdir/api/cavium_common.o" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$trycaviumdir/include" AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include "cavium_common.h"]], [[ CspShutdown(CAVIUM_DEV_ID); ]])],[ cavium_linked=yes ],[ cavium_linked=no ]) if test "x$cavium_linked" == "xno" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([cavium isn't found. If it's already installed, specify its path using --with-cavium=/dir/]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) enable_shared=no enable_static=yes ] ) # microchip api AC_ARG_ENABLE([mcapi], [ --enable-mcapi Enable Microchip API (default: disabled)], [ ENABLED_MCAPI=$enableval ], [ ENABLED_MCAPI=no ] ) if test "$ENABLED_MCAPI" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -DHAVE_MCAPI -DCYASSL_AES_COUNTER -DCYASSL_AES_DIRECT" fi if test "$ENABLED_MCAPI" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_SHA512" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please enable sha512 if enabling mcapi.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_MCAPI" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_ECC" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please enable ecc if enabling mcapi.]) fi if test "$ENABLED_MCAPI" = "yes" && test "$ENABLED_LIBZ" = "no" then AC_MSG_ERROR([please use --with-libz if enabling mcapi.]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_MCAPI], [test "x$ENABLED_MCAPI" = "xyes"]) # OPTIMIZE FLAGS if test "$GCC" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -Wall -Wno-unused" if test "$ax_enable_debug" = "no" then if test "$ENABLED_FASTMATH" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_FAST_CFLAGS" if test "$ENABLED_FASTHUGEMATH" = "yes" then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_HUGE_CFLAGS" fi else AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS $OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS" fi fi fi LIB_SOCKET_NSL AC_ARG_ENABLE([gcc-hardening], AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-gcc-hardening, Enable compiler security checks (default: disabled)), [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-all" AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS -fwrapv -fPIE -Wstack-protector" AM_CFLAGS="$AM_CFLAGS --param ssp-buffer-size=1" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pie" fi]) AX_HARDEN_CC_COMPILER_FLAGS # link to ws2_32 if on mingw case $host_os in *mingw32) LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lws2_32" ;; esac # add user C_EXTRA_FLAGS back CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $USER_C_EXTRA_FLAGS" OPTION_FLAGS="$USER_C_EXTRA_FLAGS $AM_CFLAGS" CREATE_HEX_VERSION AC_SUBST([AM_CPPFLAGS]) AC_SUBST([AM_CFLAGS]) AC_SUBST([AM_LDFLAGS]) # FINAL AC_CONFIG_FILES([stamp-h], [echo timestamp > stamp-h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([cyassl/version.h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([cyassl/options.h]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([support/cyassl.pc]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([rpm/spec]) AX_CREATE_GENERIC_CONFIG AX_AM_JOBSERVER([yes]) AC_OUTPUT # force make clean echo "---" echo "Running make clean..." make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 echo # generate user options header echo "---" echo "Generating user options header..." OPTION_FILE="cyassl/options.h" rm -f $OPTION_FILE echo "/* cyassl options.h" >> $OPTION_FILE echo " * generated from configure options" >> $OPTION_FILE echo " *" >> $OPTION_FILE echo " * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 wolfSSL Inc." >> $OPTION_FILE echo " *" >> $OPTION_FILE echo " * This file is part of CyaSSL." >> $OPTION_FILE echo " *" >> $OPTION_FILE echo " */" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#pragma once" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#ifdef __cplusplus" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "extern \"C\" {" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#endif" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE for option in $OPTION_FLAGS; do defonly=`echo $option | sed 's/-D//'` if test "$defonly" != "$option" then noequalsign=`echo $defonly | sed 's/=/ /'` echo "#undef $noequalsign" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#define $noequalsign" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE else echo "option w/o begin -D is $option, not saving to $OPTION_FILE" fi done echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#ifdef __cplusplus" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "}" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "#endif" >> $OPTION_FILE echo "" >> $OPTION_FILE echo # output config summary echo "---" echo "Configuration summary for $PACKAGE_NAME version $VERSION" echo "" echo " * Installation prefix: $prefix" echo " * System type: $host_vendor-$host_os" echo " * Host CPU: $host_cpu" echo " * C Compiler: $CC_VERSION" echo " * C Flags: $CFLAGS" echo " * C++ Compiler: $CXX_VERSION" echo " * C++ Flags: $CXXFLAGS" echo " * CPP Flags: $CPPFLAGS" echo " * LIB Flags: $LIB" echo " * Debug enabled: $ax_enable_debug" echo " * Warnings as failure: $ac_cv_warnings_as_errors" echo " * make -j: $enable_jobserver" echo " * VCS checkout: $ac_cv_vcs_checkout" echo echo " Features " echo " * Single threaded: $ENABLED_SINGLETHREADED" echo " * Filesystem: $ENABLED_FILESYSTEM" echo " * OpenSSL Extra API: $ENABLED_OPENSSLEXTRA" echo " * fastmath: $ENABLED_FASTMATH" echo " * sniffer: $ENABLED_SNIFFER" echo " * snifftest: $ENABLED_SNIFFTEST" echo " * ARC4: $ENABLED_ARC4" echo " * AES: $ENABLED_AES" echo " * AES-NI: $ENABLED_AESNI" echo " * AES-GCM: $ENABLED_AESGCM" echo " * AES-CCM: $ENABLED_AESCCM" echo " * DES3: $ENABLED_DES3" echo " * Camellia: $ENABLED_CAMELLIA" echo " * NULL Cipher: $ENABLED_NULL_CIPHER" echo " * MD5: $ENABLED_MD5" echo " * RIPEMD: $ENABLED_RIPEMD" echo " * SHA: $ENABLED_SHA" echo " * SHA-512: $ENABLED_SHA512" echo " * BLAKE2: $ENABLED_BLAKE2" echo " * keygen: $ENABLED_KEYGEN" echo " * certgen: $ENABLED_CERTGEN" echo " * certreq: $ENABLED_CERTREQ" echo " * HC-128: $ENABLED_HC128" echo " * RABBIT: $ENABLED_RABBIT" echo " * PWDBASED: $ENABLED_PWDBASED" echo " * HKDF: $ENABLED_HKDF" echo " * MD4: $ENABLED_MD4" echo " * PSK: $ENABLED_PSK" echo " * LEANPSK: $ENABLED_LEANPSK" echo " * RSA: $ENABLED_RSA" echo " * DSA: $ENABLED_DSA" echo " * DH: $ENABLED_DH" echo " * ECC: $ENABLED_ECC" echo " * FPECC: $ENABLED_FPECC" echo " * ECC_ENCRYPT: $ENABLED_ECC_ENCRYPT" echo " * ASN: $ENABLED_ASN" echo " * CODING: $ENABLED_CODING" echo " * MEMORY: $ENABLED_MEMORY" echo " * ERROR_STRINGS: $ENABLED_ERROR_STRINGS" echo " * DTLS: $ENABLED_DTLS" echo " * Old TLS Versions: $ENABLED_OLD_TLS" echo " * OCSP: $ENABLED_OCSP" echo " * CRL: $ENABLED_CRL" echo " * CRL-MONITOR: $ENABLED_CRL_MONITOR" echo " * Persistent session cache: $ENABLED_SAVESESSION" echo " * Persistent cert cache: $ENABLED_SAVECERT" echo " * Atomic User Record Layer: $ENABLED_ATOMICUSER" echo " * Public Key Callbacks: $ENABLED_PKCALLBACKS" echo " * NTRU: $ENABLED_NTRU" echo " * SNI: $ENABLED_SNI" echo " * Maximum Fragment Length: $ENABLED_MAX_FRAGMENT" echo " * Truncated HMAC: $ENABLED_TRUNCATED_HMAC" echo " * All TLS Extensions: $ENABLED_TLSX" echo " * valgrind unit tests: $ENABLED_VALGRIND" echo " * LIBZ: $ENABLED_LIBZ" echo " * Examples: $ENABLED_EXAMPLES" echo "" echo "---"