/* * main.c */ #include "main.h" #include "util.h" #if !BSPCFG_ENABLE_IO_SUBSYSTEM #error This application requires BSPCFG_ENABLE_IO_SUBSYSTEM defined \ non-zero in user_config.h. Please recompile BSP with this option. #endif #ifndef BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL_DEFINED #error This application requires BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL to be not NULL. \ Please set corresponding BSPCFG_ENABLE_TTYx to non-zero in \ user_config.h and recompile BSP with this option. #endif #if defined BSP_SDCARD_ESDHC_CHANNEL #if ! BSPCFG_ENABLE_ESDHC #error This application requires BSPCFG_ENABLE_ESDHC defined non-zero in \ user_config.h. Please recompile libraries with this option. #endif #elif defined BSP_SDCARD_SDHC_CHANNEL #if ! BSPCFG_ENABLE_SDHC #error This application requires BSPCFG_ENABLE_SDHC defined non-zero in \ user_config.h. Please recompile libraries with this option. #endif #endif #if defined (BSP_SDCARD_SPI_CHANNEL) #define SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL BSP_SDCARD_SPI_CHANNEL #elif defined (BSP_SDCARD_ESDHC_CHANNEL) #define SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL BSP_SDCARD_ESDHC_CHANNEL #elif defined (BSP_SDCARD_SDHC_CHANNEL) #define SDCARD_COM_CHANNEL BSP_SDCARD_SDHC_CHANNEL #else #error "SDCARD low level communication device not defined!" #endif TASK_TEMPLATE_STRUCT MQX_template_list[] = { /* Task number, Entry point, Stack, Pri, String, Auto? */ {MAIN_TASK, Main_task, 20000, 9, "main", MQX_AUTO_START_TASK}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } }; /*TASK*----------------------------------------------------- * * Task Name : Main_task * Comments : * This task sets up the SD card and Ethernet devices, * then starts the example CyaSSL client. The example * CyaSSL client connects to a server over SSL and sends * a simple HTTP GET message, then prints out the reply * from the server. * * To change the IP address and port of the server, * change the yasslIP and yasslPort variables in * client_test(). Note that yasslIP needs to be given * in hexadecimal. * *END*-----------------------------------------------------*/ void Main_task(uint32_t initial_data) { int ret = 0; char filesystem_name[] = "a:"; char partman_name[] = "pm:"; MQX_FILE_PTR com_handle, sdcard_handle, filesystem_handle, partman_handle; printf("Starting client example... \n"); ret = sdcard_open(&com_handle, &sdcard_handle, &partman_handle, &filesystem_handle, partman_name, filesystem_name); if (ret != 0) { printf("error: sdcard_open(), ret = %d\n", ret); _mqx_exit(1); } printf("SD card installed to %s\n", filesystem_name); setup_ethernet(); setup_clock(); client_test(); ret = sdcard_close(&sdcard_handle, &partman_handle, &filesystem_handle, partman_name, filesystem_name); if (ret != 0) { printf("error: sdcard_close(), ret = %d\n", ret); _mqx_exit(1); } printf("SD card uninstalled.\n"); _mqx_exit(0); } void setup_ethernet(void) { int error; _enet_handle ehandle; /* for Ethernet driver */ _rtcs_if_handle ihandle; _enet_address address; error = RTCS_create(); if (error) { err_sys("failed to create RTCS"); } ENET_get_mac_address(BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, ENET_IPADDR, address); /* Set up the Ethernet driver */ error = ENET_initialize(BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, address, 0, &ehandle); if (error) err_sys("failed to initialize Ethernet driver"); error = RTCS_if_add(ehandle, RTCS_IF_ENET, &ihandle); if (error) err_sys("failed to add interface for Ethernet"); error = RTCS_if_bind(ihandle, ENET_IPADDR, ENET_IPMASK); if (error) err_sys("failed to bind interface for Ethernet"); #ifdef GATE_IPADDR RTCS_gate_add(GATE_IPADDR, INADDR_ANY, INADDR_ANY); #endif printf("Ethernet device %d bound to %X\n", BSP_DEFAULT_ENET_DEVICE, ENET_IPADDR); } void setup_clock(void) { uint32_t ret = 0, i = 0; uint32_t sntp_connected = 0; uint32_t sntp_max_tries = 3; TIME_STRUCT time_s; DATE_STRUCT date_s; /* NTP server: nist1-lnk.binary.net */ _ip_address ipaddr = IPADDR(216,229,0,179); for (i = 0; i < sntp_max_tries; i++) { printf("Getting time from NTP server [ attempt %d of %d ]...\n", i+1, sntp_max_tries); /* update time from NTP server */ ret = SNTP_oneshot(ipaddr, 5000); if (ret == RTCS_OK) { sntp_connected = 1; printf("SNTP successfully updated device time\n"); break; } else if (ret == RTCSERR_TIMEOUT) { printf("SNTP attempt timed out.\n"); } _time_delay(1000); } if (sntp_connected == 0) { err_sys("SNTP failed to update device time"); } /* print device time, for debug purposes */ _time_get(&time_s); _time_to_date(&time_s, &date_s); printf("Current time: %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", date_s.YEAR, date_s.MONTH, date_s.DAY, date_s.HOUR, date_s.MINUTE, date_s.SECOND); return; } int myVerify(int preverify, CYASSL_X509_STORE_CTX* store) { (void)preverify; char buffer[80]; printf("In verification callback, error = %d, %s\n", store->error, CyaSSL_ERR_error_string(store->error, buffer)); return 0; } void client_test(void) { char msg[64]; char reply[1024]; int sockfd, input; int ret = 0, msgSz = 0; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; CYASSL_CTX* ctx; CYASSL* ssl; long yasslIP = IPADDR(192,168,1,125); long yasslPort = 11111; /* for debug, compile CyaSSL with DEBUG_CYASSL defined */ CyaSSL_Debugging_ON(); CyaSSL_Init(); ctx = CyaSSL_CTX_new(CyaTLSv1_2_client_method()); if (ctx == 0) err_sys("setting up ctx"); CyaSSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, myVerify); ret = CyaSSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, clientCert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("can't load client cert file, check file"); ret = CyaSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, clientKey, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("can't load client key file, check file"); ret = CyaSSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, caCert, 0); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("can't load CA cert file, check file"); /* create socket descriptor */ sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd == RTCS_SOCKET_ERROR) { err_sys("socket creation failed"); } else { printf("socket created successfully\n"); } /* * Unlike most TCP/IP stacks, RTCS requires that sin_port and * sin_addr needs to be in Host Byte Order, not Network Byte Order. * This means we shouldn't use htons() when setting these values. */ memset((char*)&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_port = yasslPort; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = yasslIP; ret = connect(sockfd, &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); if (ret != RTCS_OK) { err_sys("connect() failed"); } else { printf("Connected to %lx, port %d.\n", servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr, servaddr.sin_port); } if ( (ssl = CyaSSL_new(ctx)) == NULL) err_sys("CyaSSL_new failed"); CyaSSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd); ret = CyaSSL_connect(ssl); if (ret != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("CyaSSL_connect failed"); printf("CyaSSL_connect() ok, sending GET...\n"); msgSz = 28; strncpy(msg, "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", msgSz); if (CyaSSL_write(ssl, msg, msgSz) != msgSz) err_sys("CyaSSL_write() failed"); input = CyaSSL_read(ssl, reply, sizeof(reply)-1); if (input > 0) { reply[input] = 0; printf("Server response: %s\n", reply); while (1) { input = CyaSSL_read(ssl, reply, sizeof(reply)-1); if (input > 0) { reply[input] = 0; printf("%s\n", reply); } else { break; } } } CyaSSL_shutdown(ssl); CyaSSL_free(ssl); CyaSSL_CTX_free(ctx); CyaSSL_Cleanup(); } /* EOF */