David Garske
Added details on RTC oscillator startup delay and implemented a delay_us function. Added information about NO_INLINE and USE_SLOW_SHOW to example user_settings.h. Moved the USE_SLOW_SHA2 into the SHA512 area.
2016-05-05 09:43:11 -07:00 |
Chris Conlon
switch pragma once uses, causes warnings on some compilers
2015-12-17 13:19:17 -07:00 |
David Garske
Updated the Rowley Crossworks example so it builds due to new user-crypto. Tested and verified new "CUSTOM_RAND_TYPE" using 8, 16 and 32 bit values.
2015-11-06 09:41:16 -08:00 |
David Garske
Added support for the Rowley CrossWorks for ARM IDE. Added new "WOLFSSL_ROWLEY_ARM" setting define. Added a sample solution (wolfssl.hzp) for building the WolfSSL library and sample test/benchmark applications. The sample applications are written for the Freescale Kinetis K64, but easily be customized for any Kinetis or further extended to support other ARM micro-controllers.
2015-10-06 10:45:46 -07:00 |