- Add CONFIG_PTHREAD_IPC when using threads
- Add logging config suggestions
- test.c: fix undefined `ret` error
- Increase stack size for samples
- Ignore ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E in examples
- wc_port.h: add missing posix thread includes
- wc_port.h: move definitions to relevant section
- benchmark.c: fix missing `arc` and `argv` errors
- benchmark.c: fflush does not work on stdout in Zephyr
- Update z_fs_open implementation to support flags
* PSA: set AES key bits, define PSA_ALG_NONE/PSA_KEY_ID_NULL if needed
* Zephyr: add TimeNowInMilliseconds() for tls13.c, clock_settime() for test.c, update CMakeLists.txt
* Skip including unistd.h for Zephyr in benchmark.c
* Zephyr: update README, add nRF5340dk support to wolfssl_test sample app
* Zephyr: add wolfCrypt benchmark sample app
* Zephyr: add nRF5340 support to tls_thread sample app
* PSA: use specific hash algo with psa_sign/verify_hash()
* Zephyr: add support for PSA Crypto API with PK callbacks to wolfssl_tls_threaded sample app
* Zephyr: add new files to zephyr/include.am