--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_PemCertToDer to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_X509_load_certificate_file to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_cmp_peer_cert_to_file to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring ProcessFile to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_CertManagerVerify to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_SetTmpDH_file_wrapper to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_writev to reduce stack usage:
--- variable staticBuffer moved to the heap (1023 bytes saved)
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_CertManagerVerifyBuffer to reduce stack usage:
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_PemCertToDer to reduce stack usage:
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_X509_load_certificate_file to reduce stack usage:
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_cmp_peer_cert_to_file to reduce stack usage:
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
ssl: refactoring CyaSSL_KeyPemToDer to reduce stack usage:
--- variable info moved to the heap (sizeof(EncryptedInfo) saved)
api tests refectory with ifdef and prototypes cleaning + use of asserts. Now, if the tests fails, it will point the line error and expected behavior like this:
ERROR - tests/api.c line 715 failed with:
test: server_args.return_code is true
result: server_args.return_code => FALSE