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-- Ada Standard Library packages.
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Strings.Bounded;
with Ada.Text_IO.Bounded_IO;
-- GNAT Library packages.
with GNAT.Sockets;
-- The WolfSSL package.
with WolfSSL;
package body Tls_Server is
use type WolfSSL.Mode_Type;
use type WolfSSL.Byte_Index;
use type WolfSSL.Byte_Array;
use all type WolfSSL.Subprogram_Result;
package Messages is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (Max => 200);
use all type Messages.Bounded_String;
package Messages_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Bounded_IO (Messages);
procedure Put_Line (Text : String) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Text);
end Put_Line;
procedure Put_Line (Text : Messages.Bounded_String) is
Messages_IO.Put_Line (Text);
end Put_Line;
subtype Exit_Status is Ada.Command_Line.Exit_Status;
Exit_Status_Success : Exit_Status renames Ada.Command_Line.Success;
Exit_Status_Failure : Exit_Status renames Ada.Command_Line.Failure;
procedure Set (Status : Exit_Status) is
Ada.Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status (Status);
end Set;
subtype Port_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Port_Type;
subtype Level_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Level_Type;
subtype Socket_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Socket_Type;
subtype Option_Name is GNAT.Sockets.Option_Name;
subtype Option_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Option_Type;
subtype Family_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Family_Type;
subtype Sock_Addr_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Sock_Addr_Type;
subtype Inet_Addr_Type is GNAT.Sockets.Inet_Addr_Type;
Socket_Error : exception renames GNAT.Sockets.Socket_Error;
Reuse_Address : Option_Name renames GNAT.Sockets.Reuse_Address;
Socket_Level : Level_Type renames GNAT.Sockets.Socket_Level;
Family_Inet : Family_Type renames GNAT.Sockets.Family_Inet;
Any_Inet_Addr : Inet_Addr_Type renames GNAT.Sockets.Any_Inet_Addr;
CERT_FILE : constant String := "../certs/server-cert.pem";
KEY_FILE : constant String := "../certs/server-key.pem";
CA_FILE : constant String := "../certs/client-cert.pem";
subtype Byte_Array is WolfSSL.Byte_Array;
Reply : constant Byte_Array := "I hear ya fa shizzle!";
procedure Run is
A : Sock_Addr_Type;
L : Socket_Type; -- Listener socket.
C : Socket_Type; -- Client socket.
P : constant Port_Type := 11111;
Ch : Character;
Ssl : WolfSSL.Optional_WolfSSL;
Ctx : WolfSSL.Optional_Context;
Result : WolfSSL.Subprogram_Result;
M : Messages.Bounded_String;
Shall_Continue : Boolean := True;
Bytes_Written : Integer;
Input : WolfSSL.Read_Result;
GNAT.Sockets.Create_Socket (Socket => L);
GNAT.Sockets.Set_Socket_Option (Socket => L,
Level => Socket_Level,
Option => (Name => Reuse_Address,
Enabled => True));
GNAT.Sockets.Bind_Socket (Socket => L,
Address => (Family => Family_Inet,
Addr => Any_Inet_Addr,
Port => P));
GNAT.Sockets.Listen_Socket (Socket => L,
Length => 5);
-- Create and initialize WOLFSSL_CTX.
WolfSSL.Create_Context (Method => WolfSSL.TLSv1_3_Server_Method,
Context => Ctx);
if not Ctx.Exists then
Put_Line ("ERROR: failed to create WOLFSSL_CTX.");
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
-- Require mutual authentication.
(Context => Ctx.Instance,
Mode => WolfSSL.Verify_Peer & WolfSSL.Verify_Fail_If_No_Peer_Cert);
-- Load server certificates into WOLFSSL_CTX.
Result := WolfSSL.Use_Certificate_File (Context => Ctx.Instance,
File => CERT_FILE,
Format => WolfSSL.Format_Pem);
if Result = Failure then
M := Messages.To_Bounded_String ("ERROR: failed to load ");
Messages.Append (M, CERT_FILE);
Messages.Append (M, ", please check the file.");
Put_Line (M);
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
-- Load server key into WOLFSSL_CTX.
Result := WolfSSL.Use_Private_Key_File (Context => Ctx.Instance,
File => KEY_FILE,
Format => WolfSSL.Format_Pem);
if Result = Failure then
M := Messages.To_Bounded_String ("ERROR: failed to load ");
Messages.Append (M, KEY_FILE);
Messages.Append (M, ", please check the file.");
Put_Line (M);
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
Put_Line ("success to here at least");
-- Load client certificate as "trusted" into WOLFSSL_CTX.
Result := WolfSSL.Load_Verify_Locations (Context => Ctx.Instance,
File => CA_FILE,
Path => "");
if Result = Failure then
M := Messages.To_Bounded_String ("ERROR: failed to load ");
Messages.Append (M, CA_FILE);
Messages.Append (M, ", please check the file.");
Put_Line (M);
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
while Shall_Continue loop
Put_Line ("Waiting for a connection...");
GNAT.Sockets.Accept_Socket (Server => L,
Socket => C,
Address => A);
when Socket_Error =>
Shall_Continue := False;
Put_Line ("ERROR: failed to accept the connection.");
-- Create a WOLFSSL object.
WolfSSL.Create_WolfSSL (Context => Ctx.Instance, Ssl => Ssl);
if not Ssl.Exists then
Put_Line ("ERROR: failed to create WOLFSSL object.");
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
-- Attach wolfSSL to the socket.
Result := WolfSSL.Attach (Ssl => Ssl.Instance,
Socket => GNAT.Sockets.To_C (C));
-- Establish TLS connection.
Result := WolfSSL.Accept_Connection (Ssl.Instance);
if Result = Failure then
Put_Line ("Accept error.");
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
Put_Line ("Client connected successfully.");
Input := WolfSSL.Read (Ssl.Instance);
if Input.Result /= Success then
Put_Line ("Read error.");
Set (Exit_Status_Failure);
end if;
-- Print to stdout any data the client sends.
M := Messages.To_Bounded_String ("");
for I in Input.Buffer'Range loop
Ch := Character (Input.Buffer (I));
if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Graphic (Ch) then
Messages.Append (M, Ch);
-- Ignore the "newline" characters at end of message.
end if;
end loop;
Put_Line (M);
-- Check for server shutdown command.
if Input.Last >= 8 then
if Input.Buffer (1 .. 8) = "shutdown" then
Put_Line ("Shutdown command issued!");
Shall_Continue := False;
end if;
end if;
Bytes_Written := WolfSSL.Write (Ssl.Instance, Reply);
if Bytes_Written /= Reply'Length then
Put_Line ("ERROR: failed to write.");
end if;
Result := WolfSSL.Shutdown (Ssl.Instance);
WolfSSL.Free (Ssl);
GNAT.Sockets.Close_Socket (C);
Put_Line ("Shutdown complete.");
end loop;
GNAT.Sockets.Close_Socket (L);
WolfSSL.Free (Context => Ctx);
end Run;
end Tls_Server;