mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:24:23 +03:00
254 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
254 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env wmii9rc
# WMII Configuration
path=($PLAN9/bin $path)
WMII_NORMCOLORS=('#222222' '#5FBF77' '#2A7F3F')
WMII_FOCUSCOLORS=('#ffffff' '#153F1F' '#2A7F3F')
fn wmiimenu {
dmenu -b -fn $WMII_FONT \
fn 9menu {
wmii9menu -font $WMII_FONT \
-^(nf nb br)^$WMII_NORMCOLORS \
-^(sf sb br)^$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS $*
fn config_whatis {
confpath=`{echo $WMII_CONFPATH | sed 'y/:/ /'}
prog=$1; shift
echo `{{path=$confpath whatis $prog} | grep -v '=|^fn '} $*
if(echo $0 | grep -vs '/rc.wmii$') {
echo Fatal: This file should only be run as rc.wmii >[1=2]
exit badname
if(! test -x $PLAN9/bin/read) {
echo 'Can''t find the ''read'' command' >[1=2]
xmessage -file - <<'!'
exec `{config_whatis wmiirc}
rc.wmii can't run:
You have a Plan 9 utilities installed, but are missing the 'read' command.
This likely means that you have an out-of-date 9base installed.
wmiirc will be run instead.
# Source Variables, &c
local = `{config_whatis rc.wmii.local}
. <{awk '//; /^# Overrides/ { exit }' $local </dev/null}
# Column Rules
wmiir write /colrules <<!
/./ -> 60+40
# Tagging Rules
wmiir write /tagrules <<!
/XMMS.*/ -> ~
/MPlayer.*/ -> ~
/.*/ -> !
/.*/ -> 1
# Status Bar Info
fn status {
echo -n `{uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g'} '|' `{date}
fn viewtitle { echo $* }
# Events
fn Event-Start {
switch($1) {
case wmiirc
rm -f $progs_file
fn Event-Key { eval Key-$1 $1 }
fn Event-CreateTag { echo $WMII_NORMCOLORS `{viewtitle $*} | wmiir create /lbar/$"* }
fn Event-DestroyTag { wmiir remove /lbar/$"* }
fn Event-FocusTag { wmiir xwrite /lbar/$"* $WMII_FOCUSCOLORS `{viewtitle $*} }
fn Event-UnfocusTag { wmiir xwrite /lbar/$"* $WMII_NORMCOLORS `{viewtitle $*} }
fn Event-UrgentTag { shift; wmiir xwrite /lbar/$"* '*'$"* }
fn Event-NotUrgentTag { shift; wmiir xwrite /lbar/$"* $"* }
fn Event-LeftBarClick { shift; wmiir xwrite /ctl view $* }
menulast = ''
fn Event-ClientMouseDown {
client = $1; button = $2
if(~ $button 3) {
do=`{9menu -initial $menulast Nop Delete Fullscreen}
switch($do) {
case Delete
wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl kill
case Fullscreen
wmiir xwrite /client/$client/ctl Fullscreen
if(! ~ $#do 0)
menulast = $do;
# Actions
fn Action {
action=$1; shift
if(whatis Action-$action | grep -s '^fn ') {
Action-$action $* &
};if not {
run_command `{config_whatis $action} $* &
fn Action-rehash { proglist $PATH >$progs_file }
fn Action-quit { wmiir xwrite /ctl quit }
fn Action-status {
flag x -
flag r -
if(wmiir remove /rbar/status >[2]/dev/null)
sleep 2
echo $WMII_NORMCOLORS | wmiir create /rbar/status
while(status | wmiir write /rbar/status)
sleep 1
# Key Bindings
fn Key-$MODKEY-Control-t {
switch(`{wmiir read /keys | wc -l}) {
case 0 1
wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod $MODKEY
case *
wmiir xwrite /keys $MODKEY-Control-t
wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod Mod3
fn Key-$MODKEY-$LEFT { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select left }
fn Key-$MODKEY-$RIGHT { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select right }
fn Key-$MODKEY-$DOWN { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select down }
fn Key-$MODKEY-$UP { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select up }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-$LEFT { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel left }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-$RIGHT { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel right }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-$DOWN { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel down }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-$UP { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel up }
fn Key-$MODKEY-space { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select toggle }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-space { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel toggle }
fn Key-$MODKEY-d { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel default }
fn Key-$MODKEY-s { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel stack }
fn Key-$MODKEY-m { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel max }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-c { wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl kill }
fn Key-$MODKEY-a { Action `{actionlist | wmiimenu} & }
fn Key-$MODKEY-p { ifs=() { run_command `{wmiimenu <$progs_file} & } }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Return { run_command $WMII_TERM & }
fn Key-$MODKEY-t { wmiir xwrite /ctl view `{read_tags | wmiimenu} & }
fn Key-$MODKEY-Shift-t {
wmiir xwrite /client/`{wmiir read /client/sel/ctl}^/tags `{read_tags | wmiimenu} &
fn Key-$MODKEY-^`{seq 0 9} { wmiir xwrite /ctl view `{echo $1 | sed 's/.*-//'} }
fn Key-Shift-$MODKEY-^`{seq 0 9} { wmiir xwrite /client/sel/tags `{echo $1 | sed 's/.*-//'} }
# Functions
fn proglist {
/bin/ls -lL `{echo $* | sed 'y/:/ /'} >[2]/dev/null \
| awk '$1 ~ /^[^d].*x/ { print $NF }' \
| sort | uniq
fn getfuns {
env | sed -n 's/^fn#'^$1^'-([^=]+).*/\1/p'
fn actionlist {
{ proglist $WMII_CONFPATH
getfuns Action
} | sort | uniq
fn initkeys {
getfuns Key | wmiir write /keys
fn read_tags {
wmiir ls /tag | sed 's,/,,; /^sel$/d'
fn run_command {
@{ rfork ns
eval exec $*
# WM Configuration
wmiir write /ctl <<!
grabmod $MODKEY
border 2
xsetroot -solid $WMII_BACKGROUND
# Source Overrides
. <{awk '/^# Overrides/, 0' $local </dev/null}
# Misc Setup
Action status &
proglist $PATH >$progs_file &
# Tag Bar Setup
'{ for(bar in `{comm -23 <{wmiir ls /lbar} <{read_tags}})
wmiir remove /lbar/$bar
seltag=`{wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl | sed 1q}
for(tag in `{read_tags}) {
if(~ $tag $seltag)
echo $WMII_FOCUSCOLORS `{viewtitle $tag} | wmiir create /lbar/$tag
if not
echo $WMII_NORMCOLORS `{viewtitle $tag} | wmiir create /lbar/$tag
# Keygrab Setup
if(echo Start wmiirc | ! wmiir write /event >[2]/dev/null)
exit 1
# Event Loop
wmiir read /event |
while(*=`{read}) {
event = $1; shift
Event-$event $*
} >[2]/dev/null </dev/null