2009-10-10 14:57:00 -04:00

410 lines
11 KiB

# High-level wmii configuration.
# Ruby code in this file has access
# to a CONFIG constant which contains
# the data in this configuration file.
# Copyright protects this work.
# See LICENSE file for details.
# Program preferences.
terminal: urxvt
browser: firefox
editor: mousepad
filer: thunar
# Appearance settings.
# Where to display the horizontal status bar?
# Possible choices are "top" and "bottom".
bar: bottom
# The font to use in all text drawn by wmii.
font: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Thickness of client border (measured in pixels).
border: 1
# Number of seconds a notice should be displayed.
notice: 5
# Color schemes for everything drawn by wmii.
# <scheme>: "<text> <background> <border>"
# You can find more color schemes here:
# http://wmii.suckless.org/scripts_n_snips/themes
normal: "#000000 #c1c48b #81654f"
focus: "#000000 #81654f #000000"
error: "#000000 #81654f #000000"
notice: "#000000 #a1956d #413328"
success: "#000000 #c1c48b #81654f"
# Color of desktop background.
background: "#333333"
# Settings for columns drawn by wmii.
# mode: <the wmii "colmode" setting>
# rule: <the wmii "colrules" setting>
mode: default
rule: |
/gimp/ -> 17+83+41
/.*/ -> 62+38 # Golden Ratio
# Mapping of clients to views they must appear on.
# - <client props regular expression> : <tags to apply>
# These mappings are processed in top-to-bottom order.
# Processing stops after the first matching mapping is applied.
- /MPlayer|VLC/ : ~
# Self-refreshing buttons on the status bar.
# - <button name>:
# refresh: <number of seconds to wait before refreshing the content>
# content: <Ruby code whose result is displayed as the content>
# click: <Ruby code to handle mouse clicks on the status button.
# This code has access to a "mouse_button" variable which is
# an integer representing the mouse button that was clicked.>
# You can refresh a particular status button in Ruby using:
# status "your button name"
# The horizontal order in which these buttons appear on the status
# bar reflects the vertical order in which they are defined below.
- system_load:
refresh: 10
content: |
load_averages = File.read('/proc/loadavg').split.first(3)
current_load = load_averages.first.to_f
# visually indicate the intensity of system load
color = case
when current_load > 3.0 then CONFIG['display']['color']['error']
when current_load > 1.5 then CONFIG['display']['color']['notice']
[color, *load_averages]
- clock:
refresh: 5
content: Time.now.to_s
# Interaction settings.
# The wmii "grabmod" setting.
grab: Mod4
# Prefix for all shortcuts.
mod: Mod4
# Direction keys.
up: k
down: j
left: h
right: l
# Key bindings.
# <key sequence>: <Ruby code to execute>
# A key sequence may contain ${...} expressions which
# are replaced with the value corresponding to '...'
# in the 'control' section of this configuration file.
# For example, if the 'control' section of
# this configuration file appeared like this:
# control:
# foo: Mod4
# bar: y
# and the following key sequence was used:
# ${foo}-${bar},${bar}
# then after ${...} expression replacement,
# that key sequence would appear like this:
# Mod4-y,y
# focus
${mod}-${up}: | # focus above client
curr_view.select(:up) rescue nil
${mod}-${down}: | # focus below client
curr_view.select(:down) rescue nil
${mod}-${left}: | # focus left client
curr_view.select(:left) rescue nil
${mod}-${right}: | # focus right client
curr_view.select(:right) rescue nil
${mod}-space: | # focus floating area (toggle)
# focus the view whose index or name equals the pressed number
${mod}-1: focus_view tags[0] || 1
${mod}-2: focus_view tags[1] || 2
${mod}-3: focus_view tags[2] || 3
${mod}-4: focus_view tags[3] || 4
${mod}-5: focus_view tags[4] || 5
${mod}-6: focus_view tags[5] || 6
${mod}-7: focus_view tags[6] || 7
${mod}-8: focus_view tags[7] || 8
${mod}-9: focus_view tags[8] || 9
${mod}-0: focus_view tags[9] || 10
# move
${mod}-Shift-${up}: | # move grouping toward the top
grouping.each {|c| c.send(:up) rescue nil }
${mod}-Shift-${down}: | # move grouping toward the bottom
grouping.each {|c| c.send(:down) rescue nil }
${mod}-Shift-${left}: | # move grouping toward the left
grouping.each {|c| c.send(:left) rescue nil }
${mod}-Shift-${right}: | # move grouping toward the right
grouping.each {|c| c.send(:right) rescue nil }
${mod}-Shift-space: | # move grouping to floating area (toggle)
grouping.each {|c| c.send(:toggle) rescue nil }
# move grouping to the view whose index or name equals the pressed number
${mod}-Shift-1: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[0] || 1 }
${mod}-Shift-2: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[1] || 2 }
${mod}-Shift-3: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[2] || 3 }
${mod}-Shift-4: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[3] || 4 }
${mod}-Shift-5: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[4] || 5 }
${mod}-Shift-6: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[5] || 6 }
${mod}-Shift-7: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[6] || 7 }
${mod}-Shift-8: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[7] || 8 }
${mod}-Shift-9: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[8] || 9 }
${mod}-Shift-0: grouping.each {|c| c.tags = tags[9] || 10 }
# client
${mod}-f: | # zoom client to fullscreen (toggle)
${mod}-Shift-c: | # kill the current client
# column
${mod}-d: | # apply equal-spacing layout to current column
curr_area.layout = 'default-max'
${mod}-v: | # apply stacked layout to current column
curr_area.layout = 'stack-max'
${mod}-m: | # apply maximized layout to current column
curr_area.layout = 'stack+max'
# menu
${mod}-a: | # run internal action chosen from a menu
if choice = key_menu(actions, 'run action:')
action choice
${mod}-p: | # run external program chosen from a menu
if choice = key_menu(@programs, 'run program:')
launch choice
${mod}-t: | # focus view chosen from a menu
if choice = key_menu(tags, 'show view:')
focus_view choice
# launcher
${mod}-Return: | # launch a terminal
# Launch a new terminal and set its
# working directory to be the same
# as the currently focused terminal.
work = ENV['HOME']
label = curr_client.label.read rescue ''
# iterate in reverse order because
# paths are usually at end of label
label.split(' ').reverse_each do |s|
path = File.expand_path(s)
if File.exist? path
unless File.directory? path
path = File.dirname(path)
work = path
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.cd work do
launch CONFIG['program']['terminal']
# Event handlers.
# <event name>: <Ruby code to execute>
# The Ruby code has access to an "argv" variable which
# is a list of arguments that were passed to the event.
CreateTag: |
tag = argv[0]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
but.create unless but.exist?
but.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color']['normal']} #{tag}"
DestroyTag: |
tag = argv[0]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
but.remove if but.exist?
FocusTag: |
tag = argv[0]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
but.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color']['focus']} #{tag}" if but.exist?
UnfocusTag: |
tag = argv[0]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
but.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color']['normal']} #{tag}" if but.exist?
UrgentTag: |
tag = argv[1]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
but.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color']['notice']} #{tag}" if but.exist?
NotUrgentTag: |
tag = argv[1]
but = fs.lbar[tag]
color = curr_view.id == tag ? 'focus' : 'normal'
but.write "#{CONFIG['display']['color'][color]} #{tag}" if but.exist?
LeftBarClick: &LeftBarClick |
mouse_button, view_id = argv
if mouse_button == '1' # primary button
focus_view view_id
# allows the user to drag a file over a
# view button and activate that view while
# still holding on to their dragged file!
LeftBarDND: *LeftBarClick
RightBarClick: |
status_click *argv.reverse
ClientMouseDown: |
client_id, mouse_button = argv
if mouse_button == '3' # secondary button
client = Client.new(client_id)
case click_menu %w[stick group fullscreen kill slay], 'client'
when 'stick' then client.stick!
when 'group' then client.group!
when 'fullscreen' then client.fullscreen!
when 'kill' then client.kill
when 'slay' then client.slay
# Internal scripts.
# <action name>: <Ruby code to execute>
# Arbitrary logic.
# script:
# before: <Ruby code to execute before processing this file>
# after: <Ruby code to execute after processing this file>