mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 22:35:20 +03:00
312 lines
11 KiB
312 lines
11 KiB
import datetime
import operator
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
from threading import Thread, Timer
import pygmi
from pygmi import *
from pygmi import event
identity = lambda k: k
# Begin Configuration
# Note: This file loads ~/.wmii/wmiirc_local.py if it exists.
# Configuration should be placed in that file, and this file
# left unmodified, if possible. wmiirc_local should import
# wmiirc or any other modules it needs.
# Keys
keys.defs = dict(
# Bars
noticebar=('right', '!notice')
# Theme
background = '#333333'
wmii['font'] = 'drift,-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
wmii['normcolors'] = '#000000', '#c1c48b', '#81654f'
wmii['focuscolors'] = '#000000', '#81654f', '#000000'
wmii['grabmod'] = keys.defs['mod']
wmii['border'] = 2
def setbackground(color):
call('xsetroot', '-solid', color)
terminal = 'wmiir', 'setsid', '@TERMINAL@'
pygmi.shell = os.environ.get('SHELL', 'sh')
tray = 'witray',
def load(self):
return wmii.cache['normcolors'], re.sub(r'^.*: ', '', call('uptime')).replace(', ', ' ')
def time(self):
return wmii.cache['focuscolors'], datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%c')
wmii.colrules = (
('gimp', '17+83+41'),
('.*', '62+38 # Golden Ratio'),
wmii.tagrules = (
('MPlayer|VLC', '~'),
def unresponsive_client(client):
msg = 'The following client is not responding. What would you like to do?'
resp = call('wihack', '-transient', client.id,
'xmessage', '-nearmouse', '-buttons', 'Kill,Wait', '-print',
'%s\n %s' % (msg, client.label))
if resp == 'Kill':
# End Configuration
client.awrite('/event', 'Start wmiirc')
tags = Tags()
('Quit', Match('Start', 'wmiirc')): lambda *a: sys.exit(),
'CreateTag': tags.add,
'DestroyTag': tags.delete,
'FocusTag': tags.focus,
'UnfocusTag': tags.unfocus,
'UrgentTag': lambda args: tags.set_urgent(args.split()[1], True),
'NotUrgentTag': lambda args: tags.set_urgent(args.split()[1], False),
'AreaFocus': lambda args: (args == '~' and
(setbackground(floatbackground), True) or
'Unresponsive': lambda args: Thread(target=unresponsive_client,
'Notice': lambda args: notice.show(args),
Match(('LeftBarClick', 'LeftBarDND'), '1'): lambda e, b, tag: tags.select(tag),
Match('LeftBarClick', '4'): lambda *a: tags.select(tags.next(True)),
Match('LeftBarClick', '5'): lambda *a: tags.select(tags.next()),
Match('LeftBarMouseDown', 3): lambda e, n, tag: clickmenu((
('Delete', lambda t: Tag(t).delete()),
), (tag,)),
Match('ClientMouseDown', _, 3): lambda e, client, n: clickmenu((
('Delete', lambda c: Client(c).kill()),
('Kill', lambda c: Client(c).slay()),
('Fullscreen', lambda c: Client(c).set('Fullscreen', 'on')),
), (client,)),
Match('ClientClick', _, 4): lambda e, c, n: Tag('sel').select('up'),
Match('ClientClick', _, 5): lambda e, c, n: Tag('sel').select('down'),
class Actions(event.Actions):
def rehash(self, args=''):
program_menu.choices = program_list(os.environ['PATH'].split(':'))
def showkeys(self, args=''):
def quit(self, args=''):
def eval_(self, args=''):
exec args
def exec_(self, args=''):
wmii['exec'] = args
def exit(self, args=''):
client.awrite('/event', 'Quit')
program_menu = Menu(histfile='%s/history.progs' % confpath[0], nhist=5000,
action=curry(call, 'wmiir', 'setsid',
pygmi.shell, '-c', background=True))
action_menu = Menu(histfile='%s/history.actions' % confpath[0], nhist=500,
choices=lambda: Actions._choices,
tag_menu = Menu(histfile='%s/history.tags' % confpath[0], nhist=100,
choices=lambda: sorted(tags.tags.keys()))
def clickmenu(choices, args):
ClickMenu(choices=(k for k, v in choices),
action=lambda choice: dict(choices).get(choice, identity)(*args)
class Notice(Button):
def __init__(self):
super(Notice, self).__init__(*noticebar, colors=wmii.cache['normcolors'])
self.timer = None
self.show(' ')
def tick(self):
self.create(wmii.cache['normcolors'], ' ')
def write(self, notice):
client.awrite('/event', 'Notice %s' % notice.replace('\n', ' '))
def show(self, notice):
if self.timer:
self.create(wmii.cache['normcolors'], notice)
self.timer = Timer(noticetimeout, self.tick)
notice = Notice()
keys.bind('main', (
"Moving around",
('%(mod)s-%(left)s', "Select the client to the left",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('left')),
('%(mod)s-%(right)s', "Select the client to the right",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('right')),
('%(mod)s-%(up)s', "Select the client above",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('up')),
('%(mod)s-%(down)s', "Select the client below",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('down')),
('%(mod)s-space', "Toggle between floating and managed layers",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('toggle')),
"Moving through stacks",
('%(mod)s-Control-%(up)s', "Select the stack above",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('up', stack=True)),
('%(mod)s-Control-%(down)s', "Select the stack below",
lambda k: Tag('sel').select('down', stack=True)),
"Moving clients around",
('%(mod)s-Shift-%(left)s', "Move selected client to the left",
lambda k: Tag('sel').send(Client('sel'), 'left')),
('%(mod)s-Shift-%(right)s', "Move selected client to the right",
lambda k: Tag('sel').send(Client('sel'), 'right')),
('%(mod)s-Shift-%(up)s', "Move selected client up",
lambda k: Tag('sel').send(Client('sel'), 'up')),
('%(mod)s-Shift-%(down)s', "Move selected client down",
lambda k: Tag('sel').send(Client('sel'), 'down')),
('%(mod)s-Shift-space', "Toggle selected client between floating and managed layers",
lambda k: Tag('sel').send(Client('sel'), 'toggle')),
"Client actions",
('%(mod)s-f', "Toggle selected client's fullsceen state",
lambda k: Client('sel').set('Fullscreen', 'toggle')),
('%(mod)s-Shift-c', "Close client",
lambda k: Client('sel').kill()),
"Changing column modes",
('%(mod)s-d', "Set column to default mode",
lambda k: setattr(Tag('sel').selcol, 'mode', 'default-max')),
('%(mod)s-s', "Set column to stack mode",
lambda k: setattr(Tag('sel').selcol, 'mode', 'stack-max')),
('%(mod)s-m', "Set column to max mode",
lambda k: setattr(Tag('sel').selcol, 'mode', 'stack+max')),
"Running programs",
('%(mod)s-a', "Open wmii actions menu",
lambda k: action_menu()),
('%(mod)s-p', "Open program menu",
lambda k: program_menu()),
('%(mod)s-Return', "Launch a terminal",
lambda k: call(*terminal, background=True)),
"Tag actions",
('%(mod)s-t', "Change to another tag",
lambda k: tags.select(tag_menu())),
('%(mod)s-Shift-t', "Retag the selected client",
lambda k: setattr(Client('sel'), 'tags', tag_menu())),
('%(mod)s-n', "Move to the view to the left",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.next())),
('%(mod)s-b', "Move to the view to the right",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.next(True))),
('%(mod)s-Shift-n', "Move to the view to the left, take along current client",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.next(), take_client=Client('sel'))),
('%(mod)s-Shift-b', "Move to the view to the right, take along current client",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.next(True), take_client=Client('sel'))),
('%(mod)s-i', "Move to the newer tag in the tag stack",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.NEXT)),
('%(mod)s-o', "Move to the older tag in the tag stack",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.PREV)),
('%(mod)s-Shift-i', "Move to the newer tag in the tag stack, take along current client",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.NEXT, take_client=Client('sel'))),
('%(mod)s-Shift-o', "Move to the older tag in the tag stack, take along current client",
lambda k: tags.select(tags.PREV, take_client=Client('sel'))),
def bind_num(i):
keys.bind('main', (
"Tag actions",
('%%(mod)s-%d' % i, "Move to view '%d'" % i,
lambda k: tags.select(str(i))),
('%%(mod)s-Shift-%d' % i, "Retag selected client with tag '%d'" % i,
lambda k: setattr(Client('sel'), 'tags', i)),
map(bind_num, range(0, 10))
keys.bind('main', (
"Changing modes",
('%(mod)s-Control-r', "Enter resize mode",
lambda k: setattr(keys, 'mode', 'resize')),
('%(mod)s-Control-t', "Enter passthrough mode",
lambda k: setattr(keys, 'mode', 'passthrough')),
keys.bind('passthrough', (
"Changing modes",
('%(mod)s-Control-t', "Leave passthrough mode",
lambda k: setattr(keys, 'mode', 'main')),
keys.bind('resize', (
('Escape', "Leave resize mode",
lambda k: setattr(keys, 'mode', 'main')),
), import_={'main': ('%(mod)s-%(left)s', '%(mod)s-%(right)s',
'%(mod)s-%(up)s', '%(mod)s-%(down)s',
def addresize(mod, desc, cmd, *args):
keys.bind('resize', (
(mod + '%(left)s', "%s selected client to the left" % desc,
lambda k: Tag('sel').ctl(cmd, 'sel sel', 'left',
(mod + '%(right)s', "%s selected client to the right" % desc,
lambda k: Tag('sel').ctl(cmd, 'sel sel', 'right',
(mod + '%(up)s', "%s selected client up" % desc,
lambda k: Tag('sel').ctl(cmd, 'sel sel', 'up',
(mod + '%(down)s', "%s selected client down" % desc,
lambda k: Tag('sel').ctl(cmd, 'sel sel', 'down',
addresize('', 'Grow', 'grow')
addresize('Control-', 'Shrink', 'grow', '-1')
addresize('Shift-', 'Nudge', 'nudge')
if not os.environ.get('WMII_NOPLUGINS', ''):
dirs = filter(curry(os.access, _, os.R_OK),
('%s/plugins' % dir for dir in confpath))
files = filter(re.compile(r'\.py$').search,
reduce(operator.add, map(os.listdir, dirs), []))
for f in ['wmiirc_local'] + ['plugins.%s' % file[:-3] for file in files]:
exec 'import %s' % f
except Exception, e:
call(*tray, background=True)
# vim:se sts=4 sw=4 et: