wmii 3.10 @@ If you're reading this file before it's been installed, @@ substitute the following directories for their placeholders. @@ @DOCDIR@ doc/ @@ @EXAMPLES@ examples/ @@ @LOCALCONF@ ~/.wmii or ~/.wmii-hg (if this is a snapshot) @@ @ALTDOC@ alternative_wmiircs/ @@ Frequently Asked Questions ========================== 1. I've just upgraded and something doesn't work. ------------------------------------------------- If you compiled wmii yourself, please try again from a clean source tree. If wmii still fails, try deleting or renaming your old configuration files. If this fails, see questions #2. 2. I've read all of the docs, but I still need help. ---------------------------------------------------- You can get support[1] in the #suckless irc channel on irc.oftc.net, or you can subscribe to the mailing list by sending an email to dev+subscribe@suckless.org. You can also browse or search the mailing list archives[2] at Gmane. 3. I think I've found a bug. ---------------------------- You can report bugs at the issue tracker at the Google Code project[3]. Please be sure to search for your problem before you open a new issue. 4. How do I get a list of keyboard shortcuts? --------------------------------------------- The default keyboard shortcuts are listed in both the wmii(1) manpage and in the user guide[4]. You can also get a list of all current keyboard shortcuts at any time by selecting 'showkeys' from the actions menu (M-a). 5. How do I customize wmii? How do I change my keyboard shortcuts? ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can customize wmii by editing its configuration script. If you're using the stock wmiirc configuration script, you can add key bindings and change your theme by editing @LOCALCONF@/wmiirc_local. See @EXAMPLES@/wmiirc_local for more information. You should also be sure to read wmii(1) and the user guide[4]. 6. I've heard I can do my configuration in any language? -------------------------------------------------------- While wmii is driven by a sh(1) script by default, it ships with configuration scripts in several other languages, and more still are available elsewhere on the web. See @ALTDOC@/README for more information. 7. I've made some changes to my configuration. How do I reload it? ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can rerun your wmiirc script from the actions menu at any time. If you're running the stock wmiirc, just select wmiirc. If you're running the python wmiirc (and haven't moved it to @LOCALCONF@/wmiirc), type python/wmiirc, and so on. 8. How do I restart wmii without killing X? ------------------------------------------- You can either run 'exec wmii' from the actions menu or write 'exec wmii' to the /ctl virtual file. 9. Why is there space around my terminal windows? ------------------------------------------------- Your terminal has asked to only be resized in certain increments, and there's not enough space for another row. `wmii` is forced to compromise and leave blank space around it. If you'd rather wmii to ignore the terminal's request, write 'incmode ignore'[5] to the /ctl virtual file. 10. On FreeBSD, using p9p[6], I get an error about not being able to open /dev/fd/7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You need to mount fdescfs on /dev/fd. See the BUGS section of rc(1) for details. 11. How do I set a background image? ------------------------------------ This isn't the job of a window manager. You can set the background with a third party tool, such as wmsetbg, Esetbg, feh, qiv, xsetroot, etc. 12. How do I enable sequential shortcuts (like in ratpoison)? or How do I use wmii with emacs? The shortcuts collide! ------------------------------------------------------------- Some applications make extensive use of the Alt key. The preferred solution is to use the Windows, Apple, or Penguin key in its place. It's assigned the identifier Mod4 on most systems. Set the following in wmiirc_local: MODKEY=Mod4 Alternatively, you can use key chains, so you're required to press a certain key combination before wmii accepts its shortcuts: MODKEY=Control-i, 13. How do I find out the names of keys to define keyboard shorcuts? -------------------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way is to run wikeyname(1) and type the key you want to bind. [1] http://suckless.org/community [2] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.misc.suckless [3] http://wmii.googlecode.com/ [4] @DOCDIR@/wmii.pdf [5] For more information, see wmii(1). [6] http://plan9.us