/* * (C)opyright MMIV-MMVI Anselm R. Garbe * See LICENSE file for license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wm.h" static char E9pversion[] = "9P version not supported"; static char Enoperm[] = "permission denied"; static char Enofid[] = "fid not found"; static char Enofile[] = "file not found"; static char Enomode[] = "mode not supported"; static char Enofunc[] = "function not supported"; static char Enocommand[] = "command not supported"; #define WMII_IOUNIT 2048 /* * filesystem specification * / Droot * /def/ Ddef * /def/border Fborder 0..n * /def/bar Fbar 0, 1 * /def/snap Fsnap 0..n * /def/inc Finc 0..n * /def/font Ffont xlib font name * /def/selcolors Fselcolors sel color * /def/normcolors Fnormcolors normal colors * /keys/ Dkeys * /keys/foo Fkey * /bar/ Dbar * /bar/expand Fexpand id of expandable label * /bar/new/ Dlabel * /bar/1/ Dlabel * /bar/1/data Fdata * /bar/1/colors Fcolors <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> * /event Fevent * /ctl Fctl command interface (root) * /new/ Dpage returns new page * /sel/ Dpage sel page * /1/ Dpage page * /1/ctl Fctl command interface (page) * /1/sel/ Darea * /1/new/ Darea * /1/float/ Darea floating clients in area 0 * /1/float/ctl Fctl command interface (area) * /1/float/sel/ Dclient * /1/float/1/ Dclient * /1/float/1/border Fborder 0..n * /1/float/1/bar Fbar 0, 1 * /1/float/1/name Fname name of client * /1/float/1/geom Fgeom geometry of client * /1/float/1/ctl Fctl command interface (client) * /1/1/ Darea * /1/1/ctl Fctl command interface (area) * /1/1/1/sel/ Dclient * /1/1/1/1/ Dclient * /1/1/1/border Fborder 0..n * /1/1/1/bar Fbar 0, 1 * /1/1/1/name Fname name of client * /1/1/1/geom Fgeom geometry of client * /1/1/1/ctl Fctl command interface (client) */ Qid root_qid; const char *err; /* IXP stuff */ /** * Qid->path is calculated related to the index of the associated structure. * i1 is associated to page, key or label * i2 is associated to area * i3 is associated to client * ie /sel/sel/ctl is i1id = sel page id, i2id = sel area id , i3id = 0 (no id) */ unsigned long long mkqpath(unsigned char type, unsigned short i1id, unsigned short i2id, unsigned short i3id) { return ((unsigned long long) type << 48) | ((unsigned long long) i1id << 32) | ((unsigned long long) i2id << 16) | (unsigned long long) i3id; } static unsigned char qpath_type(unsigned long long path) { return (path >> 48) & 0xff; } static unsigned short qpath_i1id(unsigned long long path) { return (path >> 32) & 0xffff; } static unsigned short qpath_i2id(unsigned long long path) { return (path >> 16) & 0xffff; } static unsigned short qpath_i3id(unsigned long long path) { return path & 0xffff; } static void decode_qpath(Qid *qid, unsigned char *type, int *i1, int *i2, int *i3) { unsigned short i1id = qpath_i1id(qid->path); unsigned short i2id = qpath_i2id(qid->path); unsigned short i3id = qpath_i3id(qid->path); *type = qpath_type(qid->path); if(i1id) { switch(*type) { case Fctl: case Dpage: *i1 = pid_to_index(i1id); break; case Fkey: *i1 = kid_to_index(i1id); break; case Fdata: case Fcolors: case Dlabel: *i1 = lid_to_index(i1id); break; } if(i2id && (*i1 != -1)) { *i2 = aid_to_index(page[*i1], i2id); if(i3id && (*i2 != -1)) *i3 = cid_to_index(page[*i1]->area[*i2], i3id); } } } static char * qid_to_name(Qid *qid) { unsigned char type; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0; static char buf[32]; decode_qpath(qid, &type, &i1, &i2, &i3); if((i1 == -1) || (i2 == -1) || (i3 == -1)) return 0; switch(type) { case Droot: return "/"; break; case Ddef: return "def"; break; case Dkeys: return "keys"; break; case Fbar: case Dbar: return "bar"; break; case Dpage: if(i1 == sel) return "sel"; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i1 + 1); return buf; break; case Dlabel: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i1 + 1); return buf; break; case Darea: if(!i2) { if(page[i1]->sel) return "float"; else return "sel"; } if(page[i1]->sel == i2) return "sel"; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i2 + 1); return buf; break; case Dclient: if(page[i1]->area[i2]->sel == i3) return "sel"; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i3 + 1); return buf; break; case Fselcolors: return "selcolors"; break; case Fnormcolors: return "normcolors"; break; case Ffont: return "font"; break; case Fcolors: return "colors"; break; case Fdata: return "data"; break; case Fexpand: return "expand"; break; case Fctl: return "ctl"; break; case Fborder: return "border"; break; case Fsnap: return "border"; break; case Finc: return "inc"; break; case Fgeom: return "geometry"; break; case Fname: return "name"; break; case Fevent: return "event"; break; case Fkey: return key[i1]->name; break; default: return nil; break; } } static int name_to_type(char *name, unsigned char dir_type) { unsigned int i; if(!name || !name[0] || !strncmp(name, "/", 2) || !strncmp(name, "..", 3)) return Droot; if(!strncmp(name, "new", 4)) { switch(dir_type) { case Droot: return Dpage; break; case Dbar: return Dlabel; break; case Dpage: return Darea; break; } } if(!strncmp(name, "bar", 4)) { if(dir_type == Droot) return Dbar; else return Fbar; } if(!strncmp(name, "def", 4)) return Ddef; if(!strncmp(name, "keys", 5)) return Dkeys; if(!strncmp(name, "ctl", 4)) return Fctl; if(!strncmp(name, "event", 6)) return Fevent; if(!strncmp(name, "snap", 5)) return Fsnap; if(!strncmp(name, "name", 5)) return Fname; if(!strncmp(name, "border", 7)) return Fborder; if(!strncmp(name, "inc", 4)) return Finc; if(!strncmp(name, "geometry", 9)) return Fgeom; if(!strncmp(name, "expand", 7)) return Fexpand; if(!strncmp(name, "colors", 7)) return Fcolors; if(!strncmp(name, "selcolors", 10)) return Fselcolors; if(!strncmp(name, "normcolors", 11)) return Fnormcolors; if(!strncmp(name, "font", 5)) return Ffont; if(!strncmp(name, "data", 5)) return Fdata; if(name_to_key(name)) return Fkey; if(!strncmp(name, "sel", 4)) goto dyndir; i = (unsigned short) cext_strtonum(name, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err) return -1; dyndir: /*fprintf(stderr, "nametotype: dir_type = %d\n", dir_type);*/ switch(dir_type) { case Droot: return Dpage; break; case Dbar: return Dlabel; break; case Dpage: return Darea; break; case Darea: return Dclient; break; } return -1; } static int mkqid(Qid *dir, char *wname, Qid *new, Bool iswalk) { unsigned char dir_type; int dir_i1 = 0, dir_i2 = 0, dir_i3 = 0; int type, i; decode_qpath(dir, &dir_type, &dir_i1, &dir_i2, &dir_i3); if((dir_i1 == -1) || (dir_i2 == -1) || (dir_i3 == -1)) return -1; type = name_to_type(wname, dir_type); new->dir_type = dir_type; new->version = 0; switch(type) { case Droot: *new = root_qid; break; case Ddef: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; new->path = mkqpath(Ddef, 0, 0, 0); break; case Dkeys: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; new->path = mkqpath(Dkeys, 0, 0, 0); break; case Dbar: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; new->path = mkqpath(Dbar, 0, 0, 0); break; case Dlabel: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; if(!strncmp(wname, "new", 4)) { if(iswalk) new->path = mkqpath(Dlabel, new_label()->id, 0, 0); else new->path = mkqpath(Dlabel, 0,0 ,0); } else { i = cext_strtonum(wname, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err || (i - 1 >= nlabel)) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Dlabel, label[i - 1]->id, 0, 0); } break; case Dpage: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; if(!strncmp(wname, "new", 4)) { if(iswalk) { Page *p = alloc_page(); new->path = mkqpath(Dpage, p->id, 0, 0); focus_page(p); } else new->path = mkqpath(Dpage, 0, 0, 0); } else if(!strncmp(wname, "sel", 4)) { if(!npage) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Dpage, page[sel]->id, 0, 0); } else { i = cext_strtonum(wname, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err || (i - 1 >= npage)) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Dpage, page[i - 1]->id, 0, 0); } break; case Darea: { Page *p = page[dir_i1]; new->type = IXP_QTDIR; if(!strncmp(wname, "new", 4)) { if(iswalk) { Area *a = alloc_area(p); fprintf(stderr, "p->id %d, a->id %d\n", p->id, a->id); new->path = mkqpath(Darea, p->id, a->id, 0); } else new->path = mkqpath(Darea, p->id, 0, 0); /* simple stat */ } else if(!strncmp(wname, "sel", 4)) new->path = mkqpath(Darea, p->id, p->area[p->sel]->id, 0); else { i = cext_strtonum(wname, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err || (i - 1 >= p->narea)) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Darea, p->id, p->area[i - 1]->id, 0); } } break; case Dclient: { Page *p = page[dir_i1]; Area *a = p->area[dir_i2]; new->type = IXP_QTDIR; if(!strncmp(wname, "sel", 4)) { if(!a->nclient) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Dclient, p->id, a->id, a->client[a->sel]->id); } else { i = cext_strtonum(wname, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err || (i - 1 >= a->nclient)) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Dclient, p->id, a->id, a->client[i - 1]->id); } } break; case Fkey: { Key *k; if(!(k = name_to_key(wname))) return -1; new->type = IXP_QTFILE; new->path = mkqpath(Fkey, k->id, 0, 0); } break; case Fdata: case Fcolors: if((dir_type == Dlabel) && (dir_i1 >= nlabel)) return -1; default: new->type = IXP_QTFILE; new->path = mkqpath(type, qpath_i1id(dir->path), qpath_i2id(dir->path), qpath_i3id(dir->path)); break; } return 0; } static char * xversion(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { if(strncmp(fcall->version, IXP_VERSION, strlen(IXP_VERSION))) return E9pversion; else if(fcall->maxmsg > IXP_MAX_MSG) fcall->maxmsg = IXP_MAX_MSG; fcall->id = RVERSION; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xattach(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *new = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPMap)); new->qid = root_qid; new->fid = fcall->fid; c->map = (IXPMap **)cext_array_attach((void **)c->map, new, sizeof(IXPMap *), &c->mapsz); fcall->id = RATTACH; fcall->qid = root_qid; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xwalk(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { unsigned short nwqid = 0; Qid dir = root_qid; IXPMap *m; /*fprintf(stderr, "wm: xwalk: fid=%d\n", fcall->fid);*/ if(!(m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid))) return Enofid; /*fprintf(stderr, "wm: xwalk1: fid=%d\n", fcall->fid);*/ if(fcall->fid != fcall->newfid && (ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->newfid))) return Enofid; /*fprintf(stderr, "wm: xwalk2: fid=%d\n", fcall->fid);*/ if(fcall->nwname) { dir = m->qid; for(nwqid = 0; (nwqid < fcall->nwname) && !mkqid(&dir, fcall->wname[nwqid], &fcall->wqid[nwqid], True); nwqid++) { dir = fcall->wqid[nwqid]; } if(!nwqid) { /*fprintf(stderr, "%s", "xwalk: no such file\n");*/ return Enofile; } } /*fprintf(stderr, "wm: xwalk3: fid=%d\n", fcall->fid);*/ /* a fid will only be valid, if the walk was complete */ if(nwqid == fcall->nwname) { if(fcall->fid != fcall->newfid) { m = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPMap)); c->map = (IXPMap **)cext_array_attach((void **)c->map, m, sizeof(IXPMap *), &c->mapsz); } m->qid = dir; m->fid = fcall->newfid; } fcall->id = RWALK; fcall->nwqid = nwqid; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xcreate(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); if(!(fcall->mode | IXP_OWRITE)) return Enomode; if(!m) return Enofid; if(!strncmp(fcall->name, ".", 2) || !strncmp(fcall->name, "..", 3)) return "illegal file name"; if(qpath_type(m->qid.path) != Dkeys) return Enoperm; grab_key(create_key(fcall->name)); mkqid(&m->qid, fcall->name, &m->qid, False); fcall->id = RCREATE; fcall->qid = m->qid; fcall->iounit = WMII_IOUNIT; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xopen(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); if(!m) return Enofid; if(!(fcall->mode | IXP_OREAD) && !(fcall->mode | IXP_OWRITE)) return Enomode; fcall->id = ROPEN; fcall->qid = m->qid; fcall->iounit = WMII_IOUNIT; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static unsigned int mkstat(Stat *stat, Qid *dir, char *name, unsigned long long length, unsigned int mode) { stat->mode = mode; stat->atime = stat->mtime = time(0); cext_strlcpy(stat->uid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->uid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->gid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->gid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->muid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->muid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->name, name, sizeof(stat->name)); stat->length = length; mkqid(dir, name, &stat->qid, False); return ixp_sizeof_stat(stat); } static unsigned int type_to_stat(Stat *stat, char *wname, Qid *dir) { unsigned char dir_type; int dir_i1 = 0, dir_i2 = 0, dir_i3 = 0; int type; char buf[32]; Client *c; decode_qpath(dir, &dir_type, &dir_i1, &dir_i2, &dir_i3); if((dir_i1 == -1) || (dir_i2 == -1) || (dir_i3 == -1)) return -1; type = name_to_type(wname, dir_type); switch (type) { case Dclient: case Darea: case Dpage: case Ddef: case Dkeys: case Dbar: case Dlabel: case Droot: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, 0, DMDIR | DMREAD | DMEXEC); break; case Fctl: case Fevent: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, 0, DMREAD); break; case Fborder: if(dir_type == Ddef) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", def.border); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", page[dir_i1]->area[dir_i2]->client[dir_i3]->frame.border); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fbar: if(dir_type == Ddef) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", def.bar); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", page[dir_i1]->area[dir_i2]->client[dir_i3]->frame.bar); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Finc: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", def.inc); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fgeom: c = page[dir_i1]->area[dir_i2]->client[dir_i3]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %d %d %d", c->frame.rect.x, c->frame.rect.y, c->frame.rect.width, c->frame.rect.height); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fsnap: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", def.snap); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fname: c = page[dir_i1]->area[dir_i2]->client[dir_i3]; return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(c->name), DMREAD); break; case Fkey: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, 0, DMWRITE); break; case Fexpand: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", iexpand + 1); return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fdata: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, (dir_i1 == nlabel) ? 0 : strlen(label[dir_i1]->data), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fcolors: case Fselcolors: case Fnormcolors: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, 23, DMREAD | DMWRITE); case Ffont: return mkstat(stat, dir, wname, strlen(def.font), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; } return 0; } static char * xremove(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); unsigned char type; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0; if(!m) return Enofid; decode_qpath(&m->qid, &type, &i1, &i2, &i3); if((i1 == -1) || (i2 == -1) || (i3 == -1)) return Enofile; switch(type) { case Dlabel: { Label *l = label[i1]; /* clunk */ cext_array_detach((void **)c->map, m, &c->mapsz); free(m); /* now detach the label */ detach_label(l); free(l); if(iexpand >= nlabel) iexpand = 0; draw_bar(); } break; case Fkey: { Key *k = key[i1]; ungrab_key(k); destroy_key(k); } break; default: return Enoperm; break; } fcall->id = RREMOVE; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xread(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { Stat stat; IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); unsigned char *p = fcall->data; unsigned int i, len; char buf[32]; unsigned char type; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0; Client *client; if(!m) return Enofid; decode_qpath(&m->qid, &type, &i1, &i2, &i3); if((i1 == -1) || (i2 == -1) || (i3 == -1)) return Enofile; fcall->count = 0; if(fcall->offset) { switch (type) { case Droot: /* jump to offset */ len = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "event", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "def", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "keys", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "bar", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); for(i = 0; i < npage; i++) { if(i == sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len += type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(len <= fcall->offset) continue; break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < npage; i++) { if(i == sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dkeys: /* jump to offset */ len = 0; for(i = 0; i < nkey; i++) { len += type_to_stat(&stat, key[i]->name, &m->qid); fprintf(stderr, "len=%d <= fcall->offset=%lld\n", len, fcall->offset); if(len <= fcall->offset) continue; break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < nkey; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "offset xread %s\n", key[i]->name); len = type_to_stat(&stat, key[i]->name, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dbar: /* jump to offset */ len = type_to_stat(&stat, "expand", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); for(i = 0; i < nlabel; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len += type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(len <= fcall->offset) continue; break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < nlabel; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dpage: /* jump to offset */ len = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); for(i = 0; i < page[i1]->narea; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len += type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(len <= fcall->offset) continue; break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < page[i1]->narea; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Darea: /* jump to offset */ len = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); for(i = 0; i < page[i1]->area[i2]->nclient; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->area[i2]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len += type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(len <= fcall->offset) continue; break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < page[i1]->area[i2]->nclient; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->area[i2]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Fevent: memcpy(&c->pending, fcall, sizeof(Fcall)); c->is_pending = 1; return nil; break; default: break; } } else { switch (type) { case Droot: /*fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Droot dir creation\n");*/ fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "event", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "def", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "keys", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "bar", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); for(i = 0; i < npage; i++) { if(i == sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dkeys: for(i = 0; i < nkey; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "normal xread %s\n", key[i]->name); len = type_to_stat(&stat, key[i]->name, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dbar: fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "expand", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); for(i = 0; i < nlabel; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dlabel: if(i1 >= nlabel) return Enofile; fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "colors", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "data", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); break; case Ddef: fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "border", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "bar", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "inc", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "snap", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "selcolors", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "normcolors", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "font", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); break; case Dpage: fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); for(i = 0; i < page[i1]->narea; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Darea: fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); for(i = 0; i < page[i1]->area[i2]->nclient; i++) { if(i == page[i1]->area[i2]->sel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "sel"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i + 1); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, &m->qid); if(fcall->count + len > fcall->iounit) break; fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Dclient: fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "border", &m->qid); /*fprintf(stderr, "msgl=%d\n", fcall->count);*/ p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "bar", &m->qid); /*fprintf(stderr, "msgl=%d\n", fcall->count);*/ p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "name", &m->qid); /*fprintf(stderr, "msgl=%d\n", fcall->count);*/ p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "geometry", &m->qid); /*fprintf(stderr, "msgl=%d\n", fcall->count);*/ p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", &m->qid); /*fprintf(stderr, "msgl=%d\n", fcall->count);*/ p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); break; case Fctl: return Enoperm; break; case Fevent: memcpy(&c->pending, fcall, sizeof(Fcall)); c->is_pending = 1; return nil; break; case Fborder: if(m->qid.dir_type == Ddef) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", def.border); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]->frame.border); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Fbar: if(m->qid.dir_type == Ddef) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", def.bar); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]->frame.bar); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Finc: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", def.inc); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Fgeom: client = page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %d %d %d", client->frame.rect.x, client->frame.rect.y, client->frame.rect.width, client->frame.rect.height); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Fsnap: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", def.snap); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Fname: if((fcall->count = strlen(page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]->name))) memcpy(p, page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]->name, fcall->count); break; case Fexpand: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", iexpand + 1); fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, fcall->count); break; case Fdata: if(i1 >= nlabel) return Enofile; if((fcall->count = strlen(label[i1]->data))) memcpy(p, label[i1]->data, fcall->count); break; case Fcolors: if(i1 >= nlabel) return Enofile; if((fcall->count = strlen(label[i1]->colstr))) memcpy(p, label[i1]->colstr, fcall->count); break; case Fselcolors: if((fcall->count = strlen(def.selcolor))) memcpy(p, def.selcolor, fcall->count); break; case Fnormcolors: if((fcall->count = strlen(def.normcolor))) memcpy(p, def.normcolor, fcall->count); break; case Ffont: if((fcall->count = strlen(def.font))) memcpy(p, def.font, fcall->count); break; default: return "invalid read"; break; } } fcall->id = RREAD; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xstat(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); char *name; if(!m) return Enofid; name = qid_to_name(&m->qid); if(!type_to_stat(&fcall->stat, name, &m->qid)) return Enofile; fcall->id = RSTAT; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xwrite(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { char buf[256]; IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); unsigned short i; unsigned char type; int i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0; if(!m) return Enofid; decode_qpath(&m->qid, &type, &i1, &i2, &i3); if((i1 == -1) || (i2 == -1) || (i3 == -1)) return Enofile; switch (qpath_type(m->qid.path)) { case Fctl: if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf) - 1) return Enocommand; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; switch(m->qid.dir_type) { case Droot: if(!strncmp(buf, "quit", 5)) srv.running = 0; else if(!strncmp(buf, "pager", 6)) pager(); else if(!strncmp(buf, "detached", 9)) detached_clients(); else if(!strncmp(buf, "attach", 7)) attach_detached_client(); else if(!strncmp(buf, "select", 6)) select_page(&buf[7]); else return Enocommand; break; case Dpage: if(!strncmp(buf, "exec ", 5)) { aq = (Page **)cext_array_attach((void **)aq, page[i1], sizeof(Page *), &aqsz); spawn(&buf[5]); } break; case Darea: if(!strncmp(buf, "select ", 7)) { Area *a = page[i1]->area[i2]; if(a->nclient) select_client(a->client[a->sel], &buf[7]); } break; case Dclient: /* /TODO: /n/{float,n}/n/ctl commands */ break; default: break; } break; case Fsnap: if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf)) return "snap value out of range 0..0xffff"; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; i = cext_strtonum(buf, 0, 0xffff, &err); if(err) return "snap value out of range 0..0xffff"; def.snap = i; break; case Fborder: if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf)) return "border value out of range 0..0xffff"; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; i = cext_strtonum(buf, 0, 0xffff, &err); if(err) return "border value out of range 0..0xffff"; if(m->qid.dir_type == Ddef) def.border = i; else { Client *c = page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]; c->frame.border = i; resize_client(c, &c->frame.rect, 0); } break; case Fbar: if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf)) return "bar value out of range 0, 1"; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; i = cext_strtonum(buf, 0, 1, &err); if(err) return "bar value out of range 0, 1"; if(m->qid.dir_type == Ddef) def.border = i; else { Client *c = page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]; c->frame.bar = i; resize_client(c, &c->frame.rect, 0); } break; case Finc: if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf)) return "increment value out of range 0, 1"; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; i = cext_strtonum(buf, 0, 1, &err); if(err) return "increment value out of range 0, 1"; def.inc = i; for(i = 0; i < nclient; i++) if(client[i]->area) resize_client(client[i], &client[i]->frame.rect, 0); break; case Fgeom: { Client *c = page[i1]->area[i2]->client[i3]; if(fcall->count > sizeof(buf)) return "geometry values out of range"; memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; blitz_strtorect(&rect, &c->frame.rect, buf); resize_client(c, &c->frame.rect, 0); } break; case Fexpand: { const char *err; if(fcall->count && fcall->count < 16) { memcpy(buf, fcall->data, fcall->count); buf[fcall->count] = 0; i = (unsigned short) cext_strtonum(buf, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(!err && (i - 1 < nlabel)) { iexpand = i - 1; draw_bar(); break; } } } return Enofile; break; case Fdata: { unsigned int len = fcall->count; if(len >= sizeof(label[i1]->data)) len = sizeof(label[i1]->data) - 1; memcpy(label[i1]->data, fcall->data, len); label[i1]->data[len] = 0; draw_bar(); } break; case Fcolors: fprintf(stderr, "Fcolors len=%d i1=%d nlabel=%d\n", fcall->count, i1, nlabel); if((i1 >= nlabel) || (fcall->count != 23) || (fcall->data[0] != '#') || (fcall->data[8] != '#') || (fcall->data[16] != '#') ) return "wrong color format"; memcpy(label[i1]->colstr, fcall->data, fcall->count); label[i1]->colstr[fcall->count] = 0; blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen, label[i1]->colstr, &label[i1]->color); draw_bar(); break; case Fselcolors: fprintf(stderr, "Fselcolors len=%d\n", fcall->count); if((fcall->count != 23) || (fcall->data[0] != '#') || (fcall->data[8] != '#') || (fcall->data[16] != '#') ) return "wrong color format"; memcpy(def.selcolor, fcall->data, fcall->count); def.selcolor[fcall->count] = 0; blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen, def.selcolor, &def.sel); for(i = 0; i < nclient; i++) if(client[i]->area->page == page[sel]) draw_client(client[i]); break; case Fnormcolors: fprintf(stderr, "Fnormcolors len=%d\n", fcall->count); if((fcall->count != 23) || (fcall->data[0] != '#') || (fcall->data[8] != '#') || (fcall->data[16] != '#') ) return "wrong color format"; memcpy(def.normcolor, fcall->data, fcall->count); def.normcolor[fcall->count] = 0; blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen, def.normcolor, &def.norm); for(i = 0; i < nclient; i++) if(client[i]->area->page == page[sel]) draw_client(client[i]); break; case Ffont: if(def.font) free(def.font); def.font = cext_emallocz(fcall->count + 1); memcpy(def.font, fcall->data, fcall->count); XFreeFont(dpy, xfont); xfont = blitz_getfont(dpy, def.font); for(i = 0; i < nclient; i++) { if(!client[i]->area->page) continue; resize_client(client[i], &client[i]->frame.rect, 0); } update_bar_geometry(); break; case Fkey: break; default: return "invalid write"; break; } fcall->id = RWRITE; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static char * xclunk(IXPConn *c, Fcall *fcall) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); if(!m) return Enofid; cext_array_detach((void **)c->map, m, &c->mapsz); free(m); fcall->id = RCLUNK; ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, fcall); return nil; } static void do_fcall(IXPConn *c) { static Fcall fcall; unsigned int msize; char *errstr; if((msize = ixp_server_receive_fcall(c, &fcall))) { /*fprintf(stderr, "do_fcall=%d\n", fcall.id);*/ switch(fcall.id) { case TVERSION: errstr = xversion(c, &fcall); break; case TATTACH: errstr = xattach(c, &fcall); break; case TWALK: errstr = xwalk(c, &fcall); break; case TCREATE: errstr = xcreate(c, &fcall); break; case TOPEN: errstr = xopen(c, &fcall); break; case TREMOVE: errstr = xremove(c, &fcall); break; case TREAD: errstr = xread(c, &fcall); break; case TWRITE: errstr = xwrite(c, &fcall); break; case TCLUNK: errstr = xclunk(c, &fcall); break; case TSTAT: errstr = xstat(c, &fcall); break; default: errstr = Enofunc; break; } if(errstr) ixp_server_respond_error(c, &fcall, errstr); } check_x_event(nil); } void broadcast_event(char *event) { size_t i; fprintf(stderr, "broadcasting: %s", event); for(i = 0; (i < srv.connsz) && srv.conn[i]; i++) { IXPConn *c = srv.conn[i]; if(c->is_pending) { /* pending reads on /event only, no qid checking */ IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->pending.fid); unsigned char *p = c->pending.data; if(!m) { if(ixp_server_respond_error(c, &c->pending, Enofid)) break; } else if(qpath_type(m->qid.path) == Fevent) { c->pending.count = strlen(event); memcpy(p, event, c->pending.count); c->pending.id = RREAD; if(ixp_server_respond_fcall(c, &c->pending)) break; } } } } void new_ixp_conn(IXPConn *c) { int fd = ixp_accept_sock(c->fd); if(fd >= 0) ixp_server_open_conn(c->srv, fd, do_fcall, ixp_server_close_conn); }