/* * (C)opyright MMIV-MMVI Anselm R. Garbe * See LICENSE file for license details. */ #include #include #include #include "wm.h" Cursor cursor_for_motion(Client *c, int x, int y) { Frame *f = c->frame[c->sel]; int n, e, w, s, tn, te, tw, ts; if(!def.border) return cursor[CurNormal]; /* rectangle attributes of client are used */ w = x < def.border; e = x >= f->rect.width - def.border; n = y < def.border; s = y >= f->rect.height - def.border; tw = x < bar_height(); te = x > f->rect.width - bar_height(); tn = y < bar_height(); ts = s > f->rect.height - bar_height(); if((w && n) || (w && tn) || (n && tw)) return cursor[CurNW]; else if((e && n) || (e && tn) || (n && te)) return cursor[CurNE]; else if((w && s) || (w && ts) || (s && tw)) return cursor[CurSW]; else if((e && s) || (e && ts) || (s && te)) return cursor[CurSE]; else if(w) return cursor[CurW]; else if(e) return cursor[CurE]; else if(n) return cursor[CurN]; else if(s) return cursor[CurS]; return cursor[CurNormal]; } Align xy2align(XRectangle *rect, int x, int y) { int w = x <= rect->x + rect->width / 2; int n = y <= rect->y + rect->height / 2; int e = x > rect->x + rect->width / 2; int s = y > rect->y + rect->height / 2; int nw = w && n; int ne = e && n; int sw = w && s; int se = e && s; if(nw) return NWEST; else if(ne) return NEAST; else if(se) return SEAST; else if(sw) return SWEST; else if(w) return WEST; else if(e) return EAST; else if(n) return NORTH; else if(s) return SOUTH; return CENTER; } Align cursor2align(Cursor cur) { if(cur == cursor[CurW]) return WEST; else if(cur == cursor[CurNW]) return NWEST; else if(cur == cursor[CurN]) return NORTH; else if(cur == cursor[CurNE]) return NEAST; else if(cur == cursor[CurE]) return EAST; else if(cur == cursor[CurSE]) return SEAST; else if(cur == cursor[CurS]) return SOUTH; else if(cur == cursor[CurSW]) return SWEST; return CENTER; /* should not happen */ } static int check_vert_match(XRectangle *r, XRectangle *neighbor) { /* check if neighbor matches edge */ return (((neighbor->y <= r->y) && (neighbor->y + neighbor->height >= r->y)) || ((neighbor->y >= r->y) && (r->y + r->height >= neighbor->y))); } static int check_horiz_match(XRectangle * r, XRectangle * neighbor) { /* check if neighbor matches edge */ return (((neighbor->x <= r->x) && (neighbor->x + neighbor->width >= r->x)) || ((neighbor->x >= r->x) && (r->x + r->width >= neighbor->x))); } static void snap_move(XRectangle * r, XRectangle * rects, unsigned int num, int snapw, int snaph) { int i, j, w = 0, n = 0, e = 0, s = 0; /* snap to other windows */ for(i = 0; i <= snapw && !(w && e); i++) { for(j = 0; j < num && !(w && e); j++) { /* check west neighbors leftwards */ if(!w) { if(r->x - i == (rects[j].x + rects[j].width)) { /* * west edge of neighbor found, check * vert match */ w = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(w) r->x = rects[j].x + rects[j].width; } } /* check west neighbors rightwards */ if(!w) { if(r->x + i == (rects[j].x + rects[j].width)) { /* * west edge of neighbor found, check * vert match */ w = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(w) r->x = rects[j].x + rects[j].width; } } /* check east neighbors leftwards */ if(!e) { if(r->x + r->width - i == rects[j].x) { /* * east edge of neighbor found, check * vert match */ e = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(e) r->x = rects[j].x - r->width; } } /* check east neighbors rightwards */ if(!e) { if(r->x + r->width + i == rects[j].x) { /* * east edge of neighbor found, check * vert match */ e = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(e) r->x = rects[j].x - r->width; } } } /* snap to west screen border */ if(!w && (r->x - i == rect.x)) { w = 1; r->x = rect.x; } /* snap to west screen border */ if(!w && (r->x + i == rect.x)) { w = 1; r->x = rect.x; } /* snap to east screen border */ if(!e && (r->x + r->width - i == rect.width)) { e = 1; r->x = rect.x + rect.width - r->width; } if(!e && (r->x + r->width + i == rect.width)) { e = 1; r->x = rect.x + rect.width - r->width; } } for(i = 0; i <= snaph && !(n && s); i++) { for(j = 0; j < num && !(n && s); j++) { /* check north neighbors upwards */ if(!n) { if(r->y - i == (rects[j].y + rects[j].height)) { /* * north edge of neighbor found, * check horiz match */ n = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(n) r->y = rects[j].y + rects[j].height; } } /* check north neighbors downwards */ if(!n) { if(r->y + i == (rects[j].y + rects[j].height)) { /* * north edge of neighbor found, * check horiz match */ n = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(n) r->y = rects[j].y + rects[j].height; } } /* check south neighbors upwards */ if(!s) { if(r->y + r->height - i == rects[j].y) { /* * south edge of neighbor found, * check horiz match */ s = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(s) r->y = rects[j].y - r->height; } } /* check south neighbors downwards */ if(!s) { if(r->y + r->height + i == rects[j].y) { /* * south edge of neighbor found, * check horiz match */ s = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(s) r->y = rects[j].y - r->height; } } } /* snap to north screen border */ if(!n && (r->y - i == rect.y)) { n = 1; r->y = rect.y; } if(!n && (r->y + i == rect.y)) { n = 1; r->y = rect.y; } /* snap to south screen border */ if(!s && (r->y + r->height - i == rect.height)) { s = 1; r->y = rect.y + rect.height - r->height; } if(!s && (r->y + r->height + i == rect.height)) { s = 1; r->y = rect.y + rect.height - r->height; } } } static void draw_pseudo_border(XRectangle * r) { XRectangle pseudo = *r; pseudo.x += 2; pseudo.y += 2; pseudo.width -= 4; pseudo.height -= 4; XDrawRectangles(dpy, root, gc_xor, &pseudo, 1); XSync(dpy, False); } void mouse_move(Client *c) { int px = 0, py = 0, wex, wey, ex, ey, first = 1, i; Window dummy; XEvent ev; /* borders */ int snapw = rect.width * def.snap / 1000; int snaph = rect.height * def.snap / 1000; unsigned int num; unsigned int dmask; XRectangle *rects = rectangles(&num); XRectangle frect = c->frame[c->sel]->rect; XPoint pt; XQueryPointer(dpy, c->framewin, &dummy, &dummy, &i, &i, &wex, &wey, &dmask); XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, c->framewin, root, wex, wey, &ex, &ey, &dummy); pt.x = ex; pt.y = ey; XSync(dpy, False); XGrabServer(dpy); while(XGrabPointer (dpy, root, False, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, cursor[CurMove], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) usleep(20000); for(;;) { while(!XCheckMaskEvent (dpy, ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask, &ev)) { usleep(20000); continue; } switch (ev.type) { case ButtonRelease: if(!first) { draw_pseudo_border(&frect); resize_client(c, &frect, &pt, False); } free(rects); XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime /* ev.xbutton.time */ ); XUngrabServer(dpy); XSync(dpy, False); return; break; case MotionNotify: pt.x = ev.xmotion.x; pt.y = ev.xmotion.y; XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, c->framewin, root, ev.xmotion.x, ev.xmotion.y, &px, &py, &dummy); if(first) first = 0; else draw_pseudo_border(&frect); frect.x = px - ex; frect.y = py - ey; snap_move(&frect, rects, num, snapw, snaph); draw_pseudo_border(&frect); break; } } } static void snap_resize(XRectangle * r, XRectangle * o, Align align, XRectangle * rects, unsigned int num, int px, int ox, int py, int oy, int snapw, int snaph) { int i, j, pend = 0; int w, h; /* x */ switch (align) { case NEAST: case EAST: case SEAST: w = px - r->x + (o->width - ox); if(w < 10) break; r->width = w; if(w <= snapw) break; /* snap to border */ for(i = 0; !pend && (i < snapw); i++) { if(r->x + r->width - i == rect.x + rect.width) { r->width -= i; break; } if(r->x + r->width + i == rect.x + rect.width) { r->width += i; break; } for(j = 0; j < num; j++) { if(r->x + r->width - i == rects[j].x) { pend = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->width -= i; break; } } if(r->x + r->width + i == rects[j].x) { pend = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->width += i; break; } } } } break; case NWEST: case WEST: case SWEST: w = r->width + r->x - px + ox; if(w < 10) break; r->width = w; r->x = px - ox; if(w <= snapw) break; /* snap to border */ for(i = 0; !pend && (i < snapw); i++) { if(r->x - i == rect.x) { r->x -= i; r->width += i; break; } if(r->x + i == rect.x) { r->x += i; r->width -= i; break; } for(j = 0; j < num; j++) { if(r->x - i == rects[j].x + rects[j].width) { pend = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->x -= i; r->width += i; break; } } if(r->x + i == rects[j].x + rects[j].width) { pend = check_vert_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->x += i; r->width -= i; break; } } } } break; default: break; } /* y */ pend = 0; switch (align) { case SWEST: case SOUTH: case SEAST: h = py - r->y + (o->height - oy); if(h < 10) break; r->height = h; if(h <= snaph) break; /* snap to border */ for(i = 0; !pend && (i < snaph); i++) { if(r->y + r->height - i == rect.y + rect.height) { r->height -= i; break; } if(r->y + r->height + i == rect.y + rect.height) { r->height += i; break; } for(j = 0; j < num; j++) { if(r->y + r->height - i == rects[j].y) { pend = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->height -= i; break; } } if(r->y + r->height + i == rects[j].y) { pend = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->height += i; break; } } } } break; case NWEST: case NORTH: case NEAST: h = r->height + r->y - py + oy; if(h < 10) break; r->height = h; r->y = py - oy; if(h <= snaph) break; /* snap to border */ for(i = 0; !pend && (i < snaph); i++) { if(r->y - i == rect.y) { r->y -= i; r->height += i; break; } if(r->y + i == rect.y) { r->y += i; r->height -= i; break; } for(j = 0; j < num; j++) { if(r->y - i == rects[j].y + rects[j].height) { pend = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->y -= i; r->height += i; break; } } if(r->y + i == rects[j].y + rects[j].height) { pend = check_horiz_match(r, &rects[j]); if(pend) { r->y += i; r->height -= i; break; } } } } break; default: break; } } void mouse_resize(Client *c, Align align) { int px = 0, py = 0, i, ox, oy, first = 1; Window dummy; XEvent ev; /* borders */ int snapw = rect.width * def.snap / 1000; int snaph = rect.height * def.snap / 1000; unsigned int dmask; unsigned int num; XRectangle *rects = rectangles(&num); XRectangle frect = c->frame[c->sel]->rect; XRectangle origin = frect; XQueryPointer(dpy, c->framewin, &dummy, &dummy, &i, &i, &ox, &oy, &dmask); XSync(dpy, False); XGrabServer(dpy); while(XGrabPointer (dpy, c->framewin, False, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, cursor[CurResize], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) usleep(20000); for(;;) { while(!XCheckMaskEvent (dpy, ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask, &ev)) { usleep(20000); continue; } switch (ev.type) { case ButtonRelease: if(!first) { XPoint pt; draw_pseudo_border(&frect); pt.x = px; pt.y = py; resize_client(c, &frect, &pt, False); } XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime /* ev.xbutton.time */ ); XUngrabServer(dpy); XSync(dpy, False); return; break; case MotionNotify: XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, c->framewin, root, ev.xmotion.x, ev.xmotion.y, &px, &py, &dummy); if(first) first = 0; else draw_pseudo_border(&frect); snap_resize(&frect, &origin, align, rects, num, px, ox, py, oy, snapw, snaph); draw_pseudo_border(&frect); break; } } } void grab_mouse(Window w, unsigned long mod, unsigned int button) { XGrabButton(dpy, button, mod, w, False, ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None); if((mod != AnyModifier) && num_lock_mask) { XGrabButton(dpy, button, mod | num_lock_mask, w, False, ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None); XGrabButton(dpy, button, mod | num_lock_mask | LockMask, w, False, ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None); } } void ungrab_mouse(Window w, unsigned long mod, unsigned int button) { XUngrabButton(dpy, button, mod, w); if(mod != AnyModifier && num_lock_mask) { XUngrabButton(dpy, button, mod | num_lock_mask, w); XUngrabButton(dpy, button, mod | num_lock_mask | LockMask, w); } } char * warp_mouse(char *arg) { const char *errstr; char *sx = arg, *sy; unsigned int x, y; sy = strchr(sx, ' '); if(!sy) return "invalid argument"; *sy = 0; sy++; x = cext_strtonum(sx, 0, rect.width, &errstr); if(errstr) return "invalid x argument"; y = cext_strtonum(sy, 0, rect.height, &errstr); if(errstr) return "invalid y argument"; XWarpPointer(dpy, None, root, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y); XSync(dpy, False); return nil; }