[ -z "$scriptname" ] && scriptname="$wmiiscript" echo Start $wmiiscript | wmiir write /event 2>/dev/null || exit 1 wi_newline=' ' _wi_script() { # Awk script to mangle key/event/action definition spec # into switch-case functions and lists of the cases. Also # generates a simple key binding help text based on KeyGroup # clauses and comments that appear on key lines. # # Each clause (Key, Event, Action) generates a function of the # same name which executes the indented text after the matching # clause. Clauses are selected based on the first argument passed # to the mangled function. Additionally, a variable is created named # for the plouralized version of the clause name (Keys, Events, # Actions) which lists each case value. These are used for actions # menus and to write wmii's /keys file. cat <<'!' BEGIN { arg[1] = "Nop" narg = 1; body = ""; keyhelp = "" } function quote(s) { gsub(/'/, "'\\''", s) return "'" s "'" } function addevent() { var = arg[1] "s" for(i=2; i <= narg; i++) { if(body == "") delete a[arg[1],arg[i]] else a[arg[1],arg[i]] = body if(i == 2) { # There's a bug here. Can you spot it? gsub("[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", "_", arg[2]); body = sprintf("%s %s \"$@\"", arg[1], arg[2]) } } } /^(Key)Group[ \t]/ { sub(/^[^ \t]+[ \t]+/, "") keyhelp = keyhelp "\n " $0 "\n" } /^(Event|Key|Action|Menu)[ \t]/ { addevent() split($0, tmp, /[ \t]+#[ \t]*/) narg = split(tmp[1], arg) if(arg[1] == "Key" && tmp[2]) for (i=2; i <= narg; i++) keyhelp = keyhelp sprintf(" %-20s %s\n", arg[i], tmp[2]) body = "" } /^[ \t]/ { sub(/^( |\t)/, "") body = body"\n"$0 } END { addevent() for(k in a) { split(k, b, SUBSEP) c[b[1]] = c[b[1]] b[2] "\n" if(body != "") d[b[1]] = d[b[1]] quote(b[2]) ")" a[k] "\n;;\n" } for(k in c) printf "%ss=%s\n", k, quote(c[k]) for(k in d) { printf "%s() {\n", k printf " %s=$1; shift\n", tolower(k) printf "case $%s in\n%s\n*) return 1\nesac\n", tolower(k), d[k] printf "}\n" } print "KeysHelp=" quote(keyhelp) } ! } _wi_text() { cat <<'!' Event Start if [ "$1" = "$wmiiscript" ]; then exit fi Event Key Key "$@" ! eval "cat </dev/null); shift if [ -n "$prog" ]; then if [ -z "$sflag" ] then "$prog" "$@" else . "$prog" fi else return 1 fi } wi_script() { _noprog=true if [ "$1" = -f ]; then shift _noprog=/dev/null fi which=$(which which) _prog=$(PATH="$WMII_CONFPATH" $which $1 || echo $_noprog); shift shift; echo "$_prog $*" } wi_runcmd() { if [ "$1" = -t ]; then shift set -- wihack -tags $(wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl | sed 1q) "$*" fi eval exec "$*" & } wi_tags() { wmiir ls /tag | sed 's,/,,; /^sel$/d' } wi_seltag() { wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl | sed 1q | tr -d '\012' } wi_selclient() { wmiir read /client/sel/ctl | sed 1q | tr -d '\012' } wi_eventloop() { echo "$Keys" | wmiir write /keys if [ "$1" = -i ] then cat else wmiir read /event fi | awk '/./ { print; fflush() } END { print "" }' | while :; do # Work around a dash bug. # Only quit on successful read of a blank line. read wi_event || continue test -n "$wi_event" || break IFS="$wi_newline" wi_arg=$(echo "$wi_event" | sed 's/^[^ ]* //') unset IFS set -- $wi_event event=$1; shift Event $event "$@" done true } action() { action=$1; shift if [ -n "$action" ]; then set +x Action $action "$@" \ || wi_runconf $action "$@" fi }