/* * (C)opyright MMIV-MMVI Anselm R. Garbe * See LICENSE file for license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libixp2/ixp.h" #include "blitz.h" /* * filesystem specification * / Droot * /display Fdisplay 'north', 'south', 'none' * /font Ffont * /event Fevent * /expand Fexpand id of expandable label * /ctl Fctl command interface * /new Dnew returns content of new item * /default/ Ditem * /default/color Fcolor <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> * /1/ Ditem * /1/data Fdata * /1/color Fcolor <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> <#RRGGBB> */ /* 8-bit qid.path.type */ enum { Droot, Ditem, Fctl, Fdisplay, Ffont, Fexpand, Fevent, Fdata, /* data to display */ Fcolor }; typedef struct { char data[256]; char color[24]; unsigned long fg; unsigned long bg; unsigned long border; XRectangle rect; } Item; static char E9pversion[] = "9P version not supported"; static char Enoperm[] = "permission denied"; static char Enofid[] = "fid not assigned"; static char Enofile[] = "file not found"; static char Enomode[] = "mode not supported"; static char Enofunc[] = "function not supported"; static unsigned char *msg[IXP_MAX_MSG]; char *errstr = 0; static size_t nitem = 0; static size_t itemsz = 0; static size_t iexpand = 0; static Item **item = 0; static char *address = nil; static pid_t mypid = 0; static IXPServer srv = { 0 }; static Qid root_qid; static Display *dpy; static int screen_num; static char *font = nil; static Align align = CENTER; static XFontStruct *xfont; static GC gc; static Window win; static XRectangle brect, rect; static Pixmap pmap; static void do_pend_fcall(char *event); static char *version[] = { "wmiibar - window manager improved bar - " VERSION "\n" " (C)opyright MMIV-MMVI Anselm R. Garbe\n", 0 }; static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "%s %d", "usage: wmiibar -a [-v]\n" " -a server address \n" " -v version info\n", 0); exit(1); } static int dummy_error_handler(Display * dpy, XErrorEvent * err) { return 0; } static void new_item() { Item *it = cext_emallocz(sizeof(Item)); if(nitem > 0) { cext_strlcpy(it->color, item[0]->color, sizeof(it->color)); it->fg = item[0]->fg; it->bg = item[0]->bg; it->border = item[0]->border; } item = (Item **)cext_array_attach((void **)item, it, sizeof(Item *), &itemsz); nitem++; } static void detach_item(Item *it) { cext_array_detach((void **)item, it, &itemsz); nitem--; } static void draw() { size_t i; unsigned int w = 0; Draw d = { 0 }; d.gc = gc; d.drawable = pmap; d.rect = brect; d.rect.y = 0; d.font = xfont; if(nitem == 1) { /* /default only */ d.fg = item[0]->fg; d.bg = item[0]->bg; d.border = item[0]->border; blitz_drawlabel(dpy, &d); } else { if(!iexpand) iexpand = nitem - 1; for(i = 1; i < nitem; i++) { Item *it = item[i]; it->rect.x = it->rect.y = 0; it->rect.width = it->rect.height = brect.height; if(i == iexpand) continue; if(strlen(it->data)) { if(!strncmp(it->data, "%m:", 3)) it->rect.width = brect.height / 2; else it->rect.width += XTextWidth(xfont, it->data, strlen(it->data)); } w += it->rect.width; } if(w >= brect.width) { /* failsafe mode, give all labels same width */ w = brect.width / nitem; for(i = 1; i < nitem; i++) item[i]->rect.width = w; i--; item[i]->rect.width = brect.width - ((i - 1) * w); } else item[iexpand]->rect.width = brect.width - w; for(i = 1; i < nitem; i++) { d.fg = item[i]->fg; d.bg = item[i]->bg; d.border = item[i]->border; if(i > 1) item[i]->rect.x = item[i - 1]->rect.x + item[i - 1]->rect.width; d.rect = item[i]->rect; d.data = item[i]->data; if(d.data && !strncmp(d.data, "%m:", 3)) blitz_drawmeter(dpy, &d); else blitz_drawlabel(dpy, &d); } } XCopyArea(dpy, pmap, win, gc, 0, 0, brect.width, brect.height, 0, 0); XSync(dpy, False); } static void update_color(Item *it) { it->fg = blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen_num, &it->color[0]); it->bg = blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen_num, &it->color[8]); it->border = blitz_loadcolor(dpy, screen_num, &it->color[16]); } static void update_geometry() { char buf[64]; brect = rect; brect.height = xfont->ascent + xfont->descent + 4; if(align == SOUTH) brect.y = rect.height - brect.height; XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, win, brect.x, brect.y, brect.width, brect.height); XSync(dpy, False); XFreePixmap(dpy, pmap); pmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, brect.width, brect.height, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen_num)); XSync(dpy, False); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "NewGeometry %d %d %d %d\n", brect.x, brect.y, brect.width, brect.height); do_pend_fcall(buf); draw(); } static void handle_buttonpress(XButtonPressedEvent * e) { size_t i; char buf[32]; for(i = 0; i < nitem; i++) if(blitz_ispointinrect(e->x, e->y, &item[i]->rect)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Button%dPress %d\n", e->button, i); do_pend_fcall(buf); } } static void check_x_event(IXPServer *s, IXPConn *c) { XEvent e; while(XPending(dpy)) { XNextEvent(dpy, &e); switch (e.type) { case ButtonPress: handle_buttonpress(&e.xbutton); break; case Expose: if(e.xexpose.count == 0) draw(); break; default: break; } } } /* IXP stuff */ static unsigned long long mkqpath(unsigned char type, unsigned short item) { return ((unsigned long long) item << 8) | (unsigned long long) type; } static unsigned char qpath_type(unsigned long long path) { return path & 0xff; } static unsigned short qpath_item(unsigned long long path) { return (path >> 8) & 0xffff; } static char * qid_to_name(Qid *qid) { unsigned char type = qpath_type(qid->path); unsigned short i = qpath_item(qid->path); static char buf[32]; switch(type) { case Droot: return "/"; break; case Ditem: if(!i) return "default"; else if(i == nitem) return "new"; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i); return buf; break; case Fctl: return "ctl"; break; case Fdisplay: return "display"; break; case Ffont: return "font"; break; case Fexpand: return "expand"; break; case Fdata: return "data"; break; case Fevent: return "event"; break; case Fcolor: return "color"; break; default: return nil; break; } } static int name_to_type(char *name) { const char *err; unsigned int i; if(!name || !name[0] || !strncmp(name, "/", 2) || !strncmp(name, "..", 3)) return Droot; if(!strncmp(name, "default", 8) || !strncmp(name, "new", 4)) return Ditem; if(!strncmp(name, "ctl", 4)) return Fctl; if(!strncmp(name, "display", 8)) return Fdisplay; if(!strncmp(name, "font", 5)) return Ffont; if(!strncmp(name, "expand", 7)) return Fexpand; if(!strncmp(name, "data", 5)) return Fdata; if(!strncmp(name, "event", 6)) return Fevent; if(!strncmp(name, "color", 6)) return Fcolor; i = (unsigned short) cext_strtonum(name, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(!err && (i <= nitem)) return Ditem; return -1; } static int mkqid(Qid *dir, char *wname, Qid *new) { const char *err; int type = name_to_type(wname); unsigned short i = qpath_item(dir->path); if((dir->type != IXP_QTDIR) || (type == -1)) return -1; new->version = 0; switch(type) { case Droot: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; *new = root_qid; break; case Ditem: new->type = IXP_QTDIR; if(!strncmp(wname, "default", 8)) new->path = mkqpath(Ditem, 0); else if(!strncmp(wname, "new", 4)) new->path = mkqpath(Ditem, nitem); else { unsigned short i = cext_strtonum(wname, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(err || (i >= nitem)) return -1; new->path = mkqpath(Ditem, i); } break; case Fdata: /* note, Fdata needs to be before Fcolor, fallthrough */ if(!i) return -1; case Fcolor: if(i > nitem) return -1; default: new->type = IXP_QTFILE; new->path = mkqpath(type, i); break; } return 0; } static int xversion(IXPConn *c) { if(strncmp(c->fcall->version, IXP_VERSION, strlen(IXP_VERSION))) { errstr = E9pversion; return -1; } else if(c->fcall->maxmsg > IXP_MAX_MSG) c->fcall->maxmsg = IXP_MAX_MSG; c->fcall->id = RVERSION; return 0; } static int xattach(IXPConn *c) { IXPMap *new = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPMap)); new->qid = root_qid; new->fid = c->fcall->fid; c->map = (IXPMap **)cext_array_attach((void **)c->map, new, sizeof(IXPMap *), &c->mapsz); c->fcall->id = RATTACH; c->fcall->qid = root_qid; return 0; } static int xwalk(IXPConn *c) { unsigned short nwqid = 0; Qid dir = root_qid; IXPMap *m; if(!(m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid))) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } if(c->fcall->fid != c->fcall->newfid && (ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->newfid))) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } if(c->fcall->nwname) { dir = m->qid; for(nwqid = 0; (nwqid < c->fcall->nwname) && !mkqid(&dir, c->fcall->wname[nwqid], &c->fcall->wqid[nwqid]); nwqid++) dir = c->fcall->wqid[nwqid]; if(!nwqid) { errstr = Enofile; return -1; } } /* a fid will only be valid, if the walk was complete */ if(nwqid == c->fcall->nwname) { if(c->fcall->fid != c->fcall->newfid) { m = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPMap)); c->map = (IXPMap **)cext_array_attach((void **)c->map, m, sizeof(IXPMap *), &c->mapsz); } m->qid = dir; m->fid = c->fcall->newfid; } c->fcall->id = RWALK; c->fcall->nwqid = nwqid; return 0; } static int xopen(IXPConn *c) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } if(!(c->fcall->mode | IXP_OREAD) && !(c->fcall->mode | IXP_OWRITE)) { errstr = Enomode; return -1; } c->fcall->id = ROPEN; c->fcall->qid = m->qid; c->fcall->iounit = c->fcall->maxmsg - (sizeof(unsigned char) + sizeof(unsigned short) + 2 * sizeof(unsigned int)); return 0; } static unsigned int mkstat(Stat *stat, Qid *dir, char *name, unsigned long long length, unsigned int mode) { stat->mode = mode; stat->atime = stat->mtime = time(0); cext_strlcpy(stat->uid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->uid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->gid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->gid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->muid, getenv("USER"), sizeof(stat->muid)); cext_strlcpy(stat->name, name, sizeof(stat->name)); stat->length = length; mkqid(dir, name, &stat->qid); return ixp_sizeof_stat(stat); } static unsigned int type_to_stat(Stat *stat, char *name, unsigned short i) { int type = name_to_type(name); Qid dir = {IXP_QTDIR, 0, mkqpath(Ditem, i)}; char buf[16]; switch (type) { case Droot: case Ditem: return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, 0, DMDIR | DMREAD | DMEXEC); break; case Fctl: return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, 0, DMWRITE); break; case Fdisplay: if(align == SOUTH || align == NORTH) return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, 6, DMREAD | DMWRITE); else return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, 5, DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fevent: return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, 0, DMREAD); break; case Ffont: return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, strlen(font), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fexpand: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", iexpand); return mkstat(stat, &root_qid, name, strlen(buf), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fdata: if(i == nitem) i = 0; return mkstat(stat, &dir, name, strlen(item[i]->data), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; case Fcolor: if(i == nitem) i = 0; return mkstat(stat, &dir, name, strlen(item[i]->color), DMREAD | DMWRITE); break; default: errstr = "invalid stat"; break; } return 0; } static int xremove(IXPConn *c) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); unsigned short i; if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } i = qpath_item(m->qid.path); if((qpath_type(m->qid.path) == Ditem) && i && (i < nitem)) { Item *it = item[i]; detach_item(it); free(it); c->fcall->id = RREMOVE; if(iexpand >= nitem) iexpand = 0; draw(); return 0; } errstr = Enoperm; return -1; } static int xread(IXPConn *c) { Stat stat; IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); unsigned char *p = c->fcall->data; unsigned short i; unsigned int len; char buf[32]; if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } i = qpath_item(m->qid.path); c->fcall->count = 0; if(c->fcall->offset) { switch (qpath_type(m->qid.path)) { case Droot: /* jump to offset */ len = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", 0); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "display", 0); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "font", 0); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", 0); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "event", 0); len += type_to_stat(&stat, "default", 0); for(i = 1; i < nitem; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i); len += type_to_stat(&stat, buf, i); if(len < c->fcall->offset) continue; else break; } /* offset found, proceeding */ for(; i < nitem; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, i); if(c->fcall->count + len >= c->fcall->iounit) break; c->fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Fevent: return 1; break; default: break; } } else { switch (qpath_type(m->qid.path)) { case Droot: c->fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "ctl", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "display", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "font", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "new", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "event", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "default", 0); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); for(i = 1; i < nitem; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i); len = type_to_stat(&stat, buf, i); if(c->fcall->count + len >= c->fcall->iounit) break; c->fcall->count += len; p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); } break; case Ditem: if(i > nitem) goto error_xread; if(!i) { c->fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "color", i); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); break; } if(i == nitem) new_item(); c->fcall->count = type_to_stat(&stat, "color", i); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); c->fcall->count += type_to_stat(&stat, "data", i); p = ixp_enc_stat(p, &stat); break; case Fctl: errstr = Enoperm; return -1; break; case Fdisplay: switch(align) { case SOUTH: memcpy(p, "south", 5); c->fcall->count = 5; break; case NORTH: memcpy(p, "north", 5); c->fcall->count = 5; break; default: memcpy(p, "none", 4); c->fcall->count = 4; break; } break; case Ffont: if((c->fcall->count = strlen(font))) memcpy(p, font, c->fcall->count); break; case Fexpand: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", iexpand); c->fcall->count = strlen(buf); memcpy(p, buf, c->fcall->count); break; case Fevent: return 1; break; case Fdata: if(i == nitem) new_item(); if(i >= nitem) goto error_xread; if((c->fcall->count = strlen(item[i]->data))) memcpy(p, item[i]->data, c->fcall->count); break; case Fcolor: if(i == nitem) new_item(); if(i >= nitem) goto error_xread; if((c->fcall->count = strlen(item[i]->color))) memcpy(p, item[i]->color, c->fcall->count); break; default: error_xread: if(!errstr) errstr = "invalid read"; return -1; break; } } c->fcall->id = RREAD; return 0; } static int xstat(IXPConn *c) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); char *name; if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } name = qid_to_name(&m->qid); if(!type_to_stat(&c->fcall->stat, name, qpath_item(m->qid.path))) return -1; c->fcall->id = RSTAT; return 0; } static int xwrite(IXPConn *c) { char buf[256]; IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); unsigned short i; if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } i = qpath_item(m->qid.path); switch (qpath_type(m->qid.path)) { case Fctl: if(c->fcall->count == 5) { memcpy(buf, c->fcall->data, 4); buf[4] = 0; if(!strncmp(buf, "quit", 5)) { srv.running = 0; break; } } errstr = "command not supported"; return -1; break; case Fdisplay: if(c->fcall->count != 6 && c->fcall->count != 5) goto error_xwrite; memcpy(buf, c->fcall->data, c->fcall->count); buf[c->fcall->count] = 0; if(blitz_strtoalign(&align, buf) == -1) goto error_xwrite; update_geometry(); if(align == NORTH || align == SOUTH) { XMapRaised(dpy, win); draw(); } else XUnmapWindow(dpy, win); XSync(dpy, False); break; case Ffont: if(font) free(font); font = cext_emallocz(c->fcall->count + 1); memcpy(font, c->fcall->data, c->fcall->count); xfont = blitz_getfont(dpy, font); update_geometry(); break; case Fexpand: { const char *err; if(c->fcall->count && c->fcall->count < 16) { memcpy(buf, c->fcall->data, c->fcall->count); buf[c->fcall->count] = 0; i = (unsigned short) cext_strtonum(buf, 1, 0xffff, &err); if(i < nitem) { iexpand = i; draw(); break; } } } errstr = "item not found"; return -1; break; case Fdata: { unsigned int len = c->fcall->count; if(i == nitem) new_item(); if(!i || (i >= nitem)) goto error_xwrite; if(len >= sizeof(item[i]->data)) len = sizeof(item[i]->data) - 1; memcpy(item[i]->data, c->fcall->data, len); item[i]->data[len] = 0; draw(); } break; case Fcolor: if(i == nitem) new_item(); if((i >= nitem) || (c->fcall->count != 24) || (c->fcall->data[0] != '#') || (c->fcall->data[8] != '#') || (c->fcall->data[16] != '#')) { errstr = "wrong color format"; goto error_xwrite; } memcpy(item[i]->color, c->fcall->data, c->fcall->count); item[i]->color[c->fcall->count] = 0; update_color(item[i]); draw(); break; default: error_xwrite: if(!errstr) errstr = "invalid write"; return -1; break; } c->fcall->id = RWRITE; return 0; } static int xclunk(IXPConn *c) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, c->fcall->fid); if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; return -1; } cext_array_detach((void **)c->map, m, &c->mapsz); free(m); c->fcall->id = RCLUNK; return 0; } static void close_ixp_conn(IXPServer *s, IXPConn *c) { size_t i; cext_array_detach((void **)s->conn, c, &s->connsz); if(c->map) { for(i = 0; (i < c->mapsz) && c->map[i]; i++) free(c->map[i]); free(c->map); } if(c->pend) { for(i = 0; (i < c->pendsz) && c->pend[i]; i++) free(c->pend[i]); free(c->pend); } shutdown(c->fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(c->fd); free(c); } static void do_fcall(IXPServer *s, IXPConn *c) { unsigned int msize; int ret = -1; errstr = 0; if(!(msize = ixp_recv_message(c->fd, msg, IXP_MAX_MSG, &errstr))) { close_ixp_conn(s, c); return; } if(!c->fcall) c->fcall = cext_emallocz(sizeof(Fcall)); if((msize = ixp_msg_to_fcall(msg, IXP_MAX_MSG, c->fcall))) { switch(c->fcall->id) { case TVERSION: ret = xversion(c); break; case TATTACH: ret = xattach(c); break; case TWALK: ret = xwalk(c); break; case TREMOVE: ret = xremove(c); break; case TOPEN: ret = xopen(c); break; case TREAD: ret = xread(c); break; case TWRITE: ret = xwrite(c); break; case TCLUNK: ret = xclunk(c); break; case TSTAT: ret = xstat(c); break; default: break; } } if(ret == -1) { if(!errstr) errstr = Enofunc; c->fcall->id = RERROR; cext_strlcpy(c->fcall->errstr, errstr, sizeof(c->fcall->errstr)); } else if(ret == 1) { c->pend = (Fcall **)cext_array_attach((void **)c->pend, c->fcall, sizeof(Fcall *), &c->pendsz); c->fcall = nil; return; /* response asynchroneously */ } msize = ixp_fcall_to_msg(c->fcall, msg, IXP_MAX_MSG); if(ixp_send_message(c->fd, msg, msize, &errstr) != msize) close_ixp_conn(s, c); } static Fcall * pending(IXPConn *c, unsigned char id) { size_t i; for(i = 0; (i < c->pendsz) && c->pend[i]; i++) if(c->pend[i]->id == id) return c->pend[i]; return nil; } static void do_pend_fcall(char *event) { size_t i; Fcall *fcall; for(i = 0; (i < srv.connsz) && srv.conn[i]; i++) { IXPConn *c = srv.conn[i]; /* all pending TREADs are on /event, so no qid checking necessary */ while((fcall = pending(c, TREAD))) { IXPMap *m = ixp_server_fid2map(c, fcall->fid); unsigned char *p = fcall->data; unsigned int msize; if(!m) { errstr = Enofid; fcall->id = RERROR; } else if(qpath_type(m->qid.path) == Fevent) { fcall->count = strlen(event); memcpy(p, event, fcall->count); fcall->id = RREAD; } msize = ixp_fcall_to_msg(fcall, msg, IXP_MAX_MSG); /* remove pending request */ cext_array_detach((void **)c->pend, fcall, &c->pendsz); free(fcall); if(ixp_send_message(c->fd, msg, msize, &errstr) != msize) { close_ixp_conn(&srv, c); break; } } } } static void new_ixp_conn(IXPServer *s, IXPConn *c) { IXPConn *new; int fd = ixp_accept_sock(c->fd); if(fd >= 0) { new = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPConn)); new->fd = fd; new->read = do_fcall; new->close = close_ixp_conn; s->conn = (IXPConn **)cext_array_attach((void **)s->conn, new, sizeof(IXPConn *), &s->connsz); } } /* main */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; IXPConn *c; XSetWindowAttributes wa; XGCValues gcv; /* command line args */ for(i = 1; (i < argc) && (argv[i][0] == '-'); i++) { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'v': fprintf(stdout, "%s", version[0]); exit(0); break; case 'a': if(i + 1 < argc) address = argv[++i]; else usage(); break; default: usage(); break; } } dpy = XOpenDisplay(0); if(!dpy) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", "wmiibar: cannot open display\n"); exit(1); } XSetErrorHandler(dummy_error_handler); screen_num = DefaultScreen(dpy); if(!address) usage(); i = ixp_create_sock(address, &errstr); if(i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "wmiibar: fatal: %s\n", errstr); exit(1); } /* IXP server */ c = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPConn)); c->fd = i; c->read = new_ixp_conn; c->close = close_ixp_conn; srv.conn = (IXPConn **)cext_array_attach((void **)srv.conn, c, sizeof(IXPConn *), &srv.connsz); /* X server */ c = cext_emallocz(sizeof(IXPConn)); c->fd = ConnectionNumber(dpy); c->read = check_x_event; srv.conn = (IXPConn **)cext_array_attach((void **)srv.conn, c, sizeof(IXPConn *), &srv.connsz); root_qid.type = IXP_QTDIR; root_qid.version = 0; root_qid.path = mkqpath(Droot, 0); mypid = getpid(); /* default settings */ new_item(); cext_strlcpy(item[0]->color, BLITZ_SEL_COLOR, sizeof(item[0]->color)); update_color(item[0]); /* X stuff */ font = strdup(BLITZ_FONT); xfont = blitz_getfont(dpy, font); wa.override_redirect = 1; wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; wa.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask; rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen_num); rect.height = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen_num); brect = rect; brect.height = xfont->ascent + xfont->descent + 4; brect.y = rect.height - brect.height; win = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen_num), brect.x, brect.y, brect.width, brect.height, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen_num), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen_num), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); XDefineCursor(dpy, win, XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr)); XSync(dpy, False); gcv.function = GXcopy; gcv.graphics_exposures = False; gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, 0, 0); pmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, brect.width, brect.height, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen_num)); /* main loop */ errstr = ixp_server_loop(&srv); if(errstr) fprintf(stderr, "wmiibar: fatal: %s\n", errstr); /* cleanup */ for(i = 0; (i < srv.connsz) && srv.conn[i]; i++) if(srv.conn[i]->close) srv.conn[i]->close(&srv, srv.conn[i]); return errstr ? 1 : 0; }