/* * (C)opyright MMIV-MMVI Anselm R. Garbe * See LICENSE file for license details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "wm.h" /* static void max_client(void *obj, char *arg); */ /* action table for /?/ namespace */ /* Action client_acttbl[] = { {"max", max_client}, {0, 0} }; */ Client * alloc_client(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa) { XTextProperty name; Client *c = (Client *) cext_emallocz(sizeof(Client)); XSetWindowAttributes fwa; int bw = def.border, bh; long msize; static unsigned short id = 1; /* client itself */ c->id = id++; c->win = w; c->rect.x = wa->x; c->rect.y = wa->y; c->border = wa->border_width; c->rect.width = wa->width + 2 * c->border; c->rect.height = wa->height + 2 * c->border; XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy, c->win, 0); c->proto = win_proto(c->win); XGetTransientForHint(dpy, c->win, &c->trans); if(!XGetWMNormalHints(dpy, c->win, &c->size, &msize) || !c->size.flags) c->size.flags = PSize; XAddToSaveSet(dpy, c->win); XGetWMName(dpy, c->win, &name); if(name.value) { cext_strlcpy(c->name, (char *)name.value, sizeof(c->name)); free(name.value); } /* client.frame */ fwa.override_redirect = 1; fwa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; fwa.event_mask = SubstructureRedirectMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask; c->frame.bar = def.bar; c->frame.border = bw; bh = bar_height(c); c->frame.rect = c->rect; c->frame.rect.width += 2 * bw; c->frame.rect.height += bw + (bh ? bh : bw); c->frame.win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, c->frame.rect.x, c->frame.rect.y, c->frame.rect.width, c->frame.rect.height, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &fwa); c->frame.cursor = normal_cursor; XDefineCursor(dpy, c->frame.win, c->frame.cursor); c->frame.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, c->frame.win, 0, 0); XSync(dpy, False); client = (Client **)cext_array_attach((void **)client, c, sizeof(Client *), &clientsz); nclient++; return c; } void set_client_state(Client * c, int state) { long data[2]; data[0] = (long) state; data[1] = (long) None; XChangeProperty(dpy, c->win, wm_state, wm_state, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) data, 2); } static void client_name_event(Client *c) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CN %s\n", c->name); broadcast_event(buf); } void focus_client(Client *c) { Page *p = page ? page[sel] : nil; size_t i, j; Client *old = sel_client(); /* setup indexes */ if(c->area->page != p) { focus_page(c->area->page); p = c->area->page; } for(i = 0; i < p->narea; i++) { Area *a = p->area[i]; for(j = 0; j < a->nclient && (c != a->client[j]); j++); if(j < a->nclient) { p->sel = i; a->sel = j; break; } } if(old && (old != c)) { c->revert = old; grab_mouse(old->win, AnyModifier, Button1); draw_client(old); } ungrab_mouse(c->win, AnyModifier, AnyButton); grab_mouse(c->win, Mod1Mask, Button1); grab_mouse(c->win, Mod1Mask, Button3); XRaiseWindow(dpy, c->frame.win); XSetInputFocus(dpy, c->win, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime); XDefineCursor(dpy, c->win, normal_cursor); draw_client(c); XSync(dpy, False); client_name_event(c); } void map_client(Client * c) { XMapRaised(dpy, c->win); set_client_state(c, NormalState); } void unmap_client(Client * c) { ungrab_mouse(c->win, AnyModifier, AnyButton); XUnmapWindow(dpy, c->win); set_client_state(c, WithdrawnState); } void reparent_client(Client *c, Window w, int x, int y) { XReparentWindow(dpy, c->win, w, x, y); c->ignore_unmap++; } void configure_client(Client * c) { XConfigureEvent e; e.type = ConfigureNotify; e.event = c->win; e.window = c->win; e.x = c->rect.x; e.y = c->rect.y; if(c->area) { e.x += c->frame.rect.x; e.y += c->frame.rect.y; } e.width = c->rect.width; e.height = c->rect.height; e.border_width = c->border; e.above = None; e.override_redirect = False; XSelectInput(dpy, c->win, CLIENT_MASK & ~StructureNotifyMask); XSendEvent(dpy, c->win, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *) & e); XSelectInput(dpy, c->win, CLIENT_MASK); XSync(dpy, False); } static void send_client_message(Window w, Atom a, long value) { XEvent e; e.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.window = w; e.xclient.message_type = a; e.xclient.format = 32; e.xclient.data.l[0] = value; e.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; XSendEvent(dpy, w, False, NoEventMask, &e); XSync(dpy, False); } void close_client(Client * c) { if(c->proto & PROTO_DEL) send_client_message(c->win, wm_protocols, wm_delete); else XKillClient(dpy, c->win); } void handle_client_property(Client *c, XPropertyEvent *e) { XTextProperty name; long msize; if(e->atom == wm_protocols) { /* update */ c->proto = win_proto(c->win); return; } switch (e->atom) { case XA_WM_NAME: XGetWMName(dpy, c->win, &name); if(name.value) { cext_strlcpy(c->name, (char*) name.value, sizeof(c->name)); free(name.value); } if(c->area) draw_client(c); client_name_event(c); break; case XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR: XGetTransientForHint(dpy, c->win, &c->trans); break; case XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS: if(!XGetWMNormalHints(dpy, c->win, &c->size, &msize) || !c->size.flags) { c->size.flags = PSize; } break; } } void destroy_client(Client * c) { size_t i; for(i = 0; i < ndet; i++) if(det[i] == c) { cext_array_detach((void **)det, c, &detsz); ndet--; break; } XFreeGC(dpy, c->frame.gc); XDestroyWindow(dpy, c->frame.win); cext_array_detach((void **)client, c, &clientsz); nclient--; free(c); } /* speed reasoned function for client property change */ void draw_client(Client *c) { Draw d = { 0 }; unsigned int bh = bar_height(c); unsigned int bw = c->frame.border; XRectangle notch; d.align = WEST; d.drawable = c->frame.win; d.font = xfont; d.gc = c->frame.gc; if(c == sel_client()) d.color = def.sel; else d.color = def.norm; /* draw border */ if(bw) { notch.x = bw; notch.y = bw; notch.width = c->frame.rect.width - 2 * bw; notch.height = c->frame.rect.height - 2 * bw; d.rect = c->frame.rect; d.rect.x = d.rect.y = 0; d.notch = ¬ch; blitz_drawlabel(dpy, &d); } XSync(dpy, False); /* draw bar */ if(!bh) return; d.rect.x = 0; d.rect.y = 0; d.rect.width = c->frame.rect.width; d.rect.height = bh; d.notch = nil; d.data = c->name; blitz_drawlabel(dpy, &d); XSync(dpy, False); } void gravitate(Client * c, unsigned int tabh, unsigned int bw, int invert) { int dx = 0, dy = 0; int gravity = NorthWestGravity; if(c->size.flags & PWinGravity) { gravity = c->size.win_gravity; } /* y */ switch (gravity) { case StaticGravity: case NorthWestGravity: case NorthGravity: case NorthEastGravity: dy = tabh; break; case EastGravity: case CenterGravity: case WestGravity: dy = -(c->rect.height / 2) + tabh; break; case SouthEastGravity: case SouthGravity: case SouthWestGravity: dy = -c->rect.height; break; default: /* don't care */ break; } /* x */ switch (gravity) { case StaticGravity: case NorthWestGravity: case WestGravity: case SouthWestGravity: dx = bw; break; case NorthGravity: case CenterGravity: case SouthGravity: dx = -(c->rect.width / 2) + bw; break; case NorthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: dx = -(c->rect.width + bw); break; default: /* don't care */ break; } if(invert) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } c->rect.x += dx; c->rect.y += dy; } void attach_client(Client *c) { Page *p; if(!page) p = alloc_page(); else p = page[sel]; reparent_client(c, c->frame.win, c->rect.x, c->rect.y); if(p->sel) attach_column(c); else { Area *a = p->area[0]; a->client = (Client **)cext_array_attach((void **)a->client, c, sizeof(Client *), &a->clientsz); a->nclient++; c->area = a; } resize_client(c, &c->frame.rect, nil); map_client(c); XMapWindow(dpy, c->frame.win); focus_client(c); } void detach_client(Client *c, Bool unmap) { if(c->area) { size_t i; for(i = 0; i < nclient; i++) if(client[i]->revert == c) client[i]->revert = nil; if(area_to_index(c->area) > 0) detach_column(c); else { Area *a = c->area; cext_array_detach((void **)a->client, c, &a->clientsz); a->nclient--; if(!c->destroyed) { if(!unmap) { det = (Client **)cext_array_attach((void **)det, c, sizeof(Client *), &detsz); ndet++; unmap_client(c); } c->rect.x = c->frame.rect.x; c->rect.y = c->frame.rect.y; reparent_client(c, root, c->rect.x, c->rect.y); } } } c->area = nil; if(c->revert) focus_client(c->revert); if(c->destroyed) destroy_client(c); } Client * sel_client_of_page(Page *p) { if(p) { Area *a = p->narea ? p->area[p->sel] : nil; return (a && a->nclient) ? a->client[a->sel] : nil; } return nil; } Client * sel_client() { return npage ? sel_client_of_page(page[sel]) : nil; } Client * win_to_frame(Window w) { size_t i; for(i = 0; (i < clientsz) && client[i]; i++) if(client[i]->frame.win == w) return client[i]; return nil; } unsigned int bar_height(Client * c) { if(c->frame.bar) return xfont->ascent + xfont->descent + 4; return 0; } static void check_dimensions(Client *c, unsigned int tabh, unsigned int bw) { if(c->size.flags & PMinSize) { if(c->frame.rect.width - 2 * bw < c->size.min_width) c->frame.rect.width = c->size.min_width + 2 * bw; if(c->frame.rect.height - bw - (tabh ? tabh : bw) < c->size.min_height) c->frame.rect.height = c->size.min_height + bw + (tabh ? tabh : bw); } if(c->size.flags & PMaxSize) { if(c->frame.rect.width - 2 * bw > c->size.max_width) c->frame.rect.width = c->size.max_width + 2 * bw; if(c->frame.rect.height - bw - (tabh ? tabh : bw) > c->size.max_height) c->frame.rect.height = c->size.max_height + bw + (tabh ? tabh : bw); } } static void resize_incremental(Client *c, unsigned int tabh, unsigned int bw) { XSizeHints *s = &c->size; /* increment stuff, see chapter of the ICCCM Manual */ if(s->flags & PResizeInc) { int w = 0, h = 0; if(c->size.flags & PBaseSize) { w = c->size.base_width; h = c->size.base_height; } else if(c->size.flags & PMinSize) { /* base_{width,height} default to min_{width,height} */ w = c->size.min_width; h = c->size.min_height; } /* client_width = base_width + i * c->size.width_inc for an integer i */ w = c->frame.rect.width - 2 * bw - w; if(s->width_inc > 0) c->frame.rect.width -= w % s->width_inc; h = c->frame.rect.height - bw - (tabh ? tabh : bw) - h; if(s->height_inc > 0) c->frame.rect.height -= h % s->height_inc; } } void resize_client(Client *c, XRectangle *r, XPoint *pt) { unsigned int bh = bar_height(c); unsigned int bw = c->frame.border; if(area_to_index(c->area) > 0) resize_column(c, r, pt); else c->frame.rect = *r; /* resize if client requests special size */ check_dimensions(c, bh, bw); if(def.inc) resize_incremental(c, bh, bw); XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, c->frame.win, c->frame.rect.x, c->frame.rect.y, c->frame.rect.width, c->frame.rect.height); c->rect.x = bw; c->rect.y = bh ? bh : bw; c->rect.width = c->frame.rect.width - 2 * bw; c->rect.height = c->frame.rect.height - bw - (bh ? bh : bw); XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, c->win, c->rect.x, c->rect.y, c->rect.width, c->rect.height); configure_client(c); } /* static void max_client(void *obj, char *arg) { Client *c = obj; if(c->maximized) { c->frame.rect = c->frame.revert; resize_client(c, &c->frame.revert, nil); } else { c->frame.revert = c->frame.rect; c->frame.rect = c->area->rect; XRaiseWindow(dpy, c->frame.win); resize_client(c, &c->frame.rect, nil); } c->maximized = !c->maximized; } */ int cid_to_index(Area *a, unsigned short id) { int i; for(i = 0; i < a->nclient; i++) if(a->client[i]->id == id) return i; return -1; } int client_to_index(Client *c) { int i; Area *a = c->area; for(i = 0; i < a->nclient; i++) if(a->client[i] == c) return i; return -1; } void select_client(Client *c, char *arg) { if(area_to_index(c->area) > 0) select_column(c, arg); else { Area *a = c->area; int i = client_to_index(c); if(i == -1) return; if(!strncmp(arg, "prev", 5)) { if(!i) i = a->nclient - 1; else i--; } else if(!strncmp(arg, "next", 5)) { if(i + 1 < a->nclient) i++; else i = 0; } else { const char *errstr; i = cext_strtonum(arg, 1, a->nclient, &errstr); if(errstr) return; i--; } focus_client(a->client[i]); } }