wmiir wmii-@VERSION@ Oct, 2009 %!includeconf: header.t2t = NAME = wmiir - The wmii 9P filesystem client = SYNOPSIS = wmiir [-a
] [-b] {create | ls [-dlp] | read | remove | write} + wmiir [-a
] [-b] xwrite ... + wmiir -v = DESCRIPTION = `wmiir` is a simple 9P filesystem client which ships with `wmii`, and connects to its virtual filesystem by default. `wmiir` is most often used to query and issue commands to `wmii`, both from the command line and from its `sh`-based configuration scripts. Since the default encoding of 9P filesystems is UTF-8, `wmiir` assumes that all data read and written is text data and translates to or from your locale character encoding as necessary. When working with non-text data in a non-UTF-8 locale, the _-b_ flag should be specified to disable this behavior. = ARGUMENTS = : -a The address at which to connect to `wmii`. : -b With the _-b_ flag, data that you intend to read or write is treated as binary data. : = COMMANDS = The following commands deal with 9P filesystems. : create Creates a new file or directory in the filesystem. Permissions and file type are inferred by `wmii`. The contents of the standard input are written to the new file. : ls [-dlp] Lists the contents of . Flags: >> : -d Don't list the contents of directories. : -l Long output. For each file, list its permissions, owner, group, size (bytes), mtime, and name. : -p Print the full path to each file. << : read Reads the entire contents of a file from the filesystem. Blocks until interrupted or EOF is received. Synonyms: `cat` : remove Removes from the filesystem. Synonyms: `rm` : write Writes the contents of the standard input to . : xwrite ... Writes each argument after to the latter. : Additionally, wmiir provides the following utility commands relevant to scripting wmii: : namespace Prints the current wmii namespace directory, usually equivalent to /tmp/ns.$USER.${DISPLAY%.0}, but possibly different depending on the value of $NAMESPACE and $WMII_NAMESPACE. Synonyms: `ns` : setsid [-0 ] [-f] Executes the given command after setting the session id (see setsid(2)). If _-0_ is given, the command is run with the given value as argv[0]. For instance, to run sh as a login shell, one might run ``` wmiir setsid -0 -sh sh If _-f_ is given, wmiir will fork into the background before executing the command. : proglist [--] ... Lists all executable commands in the given directories. = ENVIRONMENT = : $WMII_ADDRESS The address at which to connect to wmii. : $NAMESPACE The namespace directory to use if no address is provided. : = SEE ALSO = wmii(1), libixp[2] [1] http://www.suckless.org/wiki/wmii/tips/9p_tips + [2] http://libs.suckless.org/libixp