.TH "wmiir" 1 "Oct, 2009" "wmii-@VERSION@" .SH NAME .P wmiir \- The wmii 9P filesystem client .SH SYNOPSIS .P wmiir [\fI\-a \fI
\fR\fR] [\fI\-b\fR] {create | ls [\fI\-dlp\fR] | read | remove | write} \fI\fR .P wmiir [\fI\-a \fI
\fR\fR] [\fI\-b\fR] xwrite \fI\fR \fI\fR ... .P wmiir \-v .SH DESCRIPTION .P \fBwmiir\fR is a simple 9P filesystem client which ships with \fBwmii\fR, and connects to its virtual filesystem by default. \fBwmiir\fR is most often used to query and issue commands to \fBwmii\fR, both from the command line and from its \fBsh\fR\-based configuration scripts. .P Since the default encoding of 9P filesystems is UTF\-8, \fBwmiir\fR assumes that all data read and written is text data and translates to or from your locale character encoding as necessary. When working with non\-text data in a non\-UTF\-8 locale, the \fI\-b\fR flag should be specified to disable this behavior. .SH ARGUMENTS .TP \-a The address at which to connect to \fBwmii\fR. .TP \-b .RS With the \fI\-b\fR flag, data that you intend to read or write is treated as binary data. .RE .P : .SH COMMANDS .P The following commands deal with 9P filesystems. .TP create \fI\fR Creates a new file or directory in the filesystem. Permissions and file type are inferred by \fBwmii\fR. The contents of the standard input are written to the new file. .TP ls [\fI\-dlp\fR] \fI\fR Lists the contents of \fI\fR. Flags: .RS 8 .TP \-d Don't list the contents of directories. .TP \-l Long output. For each file, list its permissions, owner, group, size (bytes), mtime, and name. .TP \-p Print the full path to each file. .RS -8 .TP read \fI\fR Reads the entire contents of a file from the filesystem. Blocks until interrupted or EOF is received. Synonyms: \fBcat\fR .TP remove \fI\fR Removes \fI\fR from the filesystem. Synonyms: \fBrm\fR .TP write \fI\fR Writes the contents of the standard input to \fI\fR. .TP xwrite \fI\fR \fI\fR ... Writes each argument after \fI\fR to the latter. .P Additionally, wmiir provides the following utility commands relevant to scripting wmii: .TP namespace .RS Prints the current wmii namespace directory, usually equivalent to /tmp/ns.\fB$USER\fR.\fB${DISPLAY\fR%.0\fB}\fR, but possibly different depending on the value of \fB$NAMESPACE\fR and \fB$WMII_NAMESPACE\fR. .RE .RS Synonyms: \fBns\fR .RE .TP setsid [\fI\-0 \fI\fR\fR] [\fI\-f\fR] \fI\fR .RS Executes the given command after setting the session id (see setsid(2)). If \fI\-0\fR is given, the command is run with the given value as argv[\fI0\fR]. For instance, to run sh as a login shell, one might run .RE .nf wmiir setsid -0 -sh sh .fi .RS If \fI\-f\fR is given, wmiir will fork into the background before executing the command. .RE .TP proglist [\fI\-\-\fR] \fI\fR ... .RS Lists all executable commands in the given directories. .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \fB$WMII_ADDRESS\fR The address at which to connect to wmii. .TP \fB$NAMESPACE\fR The namespace directory to use if no address is provided. .SH SEE ALSO .P wmii(1), libixp[\fI2\fR] .P [\fI1\fR] http://www.suckless.org/wiki/wmii/tips/9p_tips .P [\fI2\fR] http://libs.suckless.org/libixp .\" man code generated by txt2tags 3.3 (http://txt2tags.org) .\" cmdline: txt2tags -o- wmiir.man1