Update DISTRIBUTERS for clarity. Install LICENSE file by default.

This commit is contained in:
Kris Maglione 2009-10-13 21:37:04 -04:00
parent a188af95e6
commit e7f871642b
3 changed files with 85 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,42 +1,88 @@
The following conditions apply to any distribution which
uses the name wmii. These conditions apply only to wmii
name, and not to its source code or any other materials.
When in doubt about any of these conditions or other matters
of packaging or distribution, please contact the wmii
mailing lists <wmii-hackers@suckless.org> or
<wmii@suckless.org>, or Kris Maglione <fbsdaemon@gmail.com>.
This file only applies to those who wish to distribute wmii in any
form. The conditions herein do not apply to end users in any manner
Any binary distribution of wmii MUST have a properly set
version string. This string may normally be set in
'mk/wmii.mk', and is set automatically to the Mercurial
revision number for builds from a Mercurial tree, so long as
the 'hg' command is present and properly functioning.
License Terms
Any version which is not an official release or snapshot
MUST be contain the hg revision number in its version
string. This SHOULD be formatted as hgXXXX, where XXXX is
the decimal revision number.
wmii is licensed under the liberal MIT License. This license allows
for free modification and distribution of the source code, so long
as credit is given to the author. To this end, the LICENSE file, or
an equivalent statement of its contents, MUST be distributed with
any significant binary or source portions of this software. The file
SHOULD be included with the software's documentation. The default
installation sequence provides for this.
The version string of any snapshot release MUST contain the
date of the snapshot in the form YYYYMMDD, and SHOULD
contain the word snap or snapshot. The version string of a
snapshot MAY contain the version name of a full release that
the snapshot is expected to lead to, but it MUST be either
directly preceded, or directly followed by, the word 'pre',
optionally separated by a non-alphanumeric character,
Note that this condition only applies to distribution, and that the
end use is under no obligation to keep or install a copy of the
LICENSE file. Note also that this software may be sublicensed under
more restrictive terms, though the original LICENSE text MUST remain.
The wmii Name
The following conditions apply to any distribution which uses the
name wmii. These conditions apply only to wmii name, and not to its
source code or any other included materials.
When in doubt about any of these conditions or other matters of
packaging or distribution, please contact the wmii mailing lists at
<dev@suckless.org> or Kris Maglione <maglione.k@gmail.com>. The
conditions herein MAY be contravened by any more lenient
distribution terms agreed upon by the latter, which SHOULD replace
this file in the form of a PGP signed permissions notice.
Version Strings
Any binary distribution of wmii MUST have a properly set VERSION
string. This is the string printed by the 'wmii' binary when
invoked with the '-v' flag.
This string may normally be set in 'mk/wmii.mk'. Unmodified builds
from the Mercurial tree automatically set this string based on the
Mercurial local revision number, so long as the 'hg' command is
present and properly functioning.
Any version which is an official release, alpha, or beta, MUST
contain the release version. Alpha and beta releases MUST be
proceeded directly by "a" or "b" followed by the alpha or beta
number respectively. wmii 4.0, Alpha 3, for instance, MUST be
formatted as 4.0a3
Any version which is not an official release or snapshot MUST be
contain the Mercurial local revision number or changeset hash in its
version string. The local revion number MUST be within 5 revisions
of the equivalent changeset in the official canonical repositories
at http://hg.suckless.org/ and http://wmii.googlecode.com/. This
SHOULD be formatted as hgXXXX, where XXXX is the decimal revision
The version string of any official snapshot release MUST, if it does
not contain Mercurial revision information as above, contain the
date of the snapshot in the form YYYYMMDD, and SHOULD contain the
word snap or snapshot.
The version string of a snapshot MAY contain the version name of a
full release that the snapshot is expected to precede, but it MUST
be either directly preceded, or directly followed by, the word
'pre', optionally separated by a non-alphanumeric character,
including -~_,./.
Any binary distribution which is modified in any non-trivial
way MUST signify the modifications in its name or version
string. This includes patches to use Xft for font display,
but does NOT include minor patches to improve consistency
with the rest of the system, including changing the default
terminal emulator or changing any build flags as set in
Source form distribution MAY include non-trivial patches
without such modifications, provided that the user is made
clearly aware of them at build time and/or prompted in some
way to enable or disable them.
Any binary distribution which is modified in any non-trivial way
MUST signify the modifications in its name or version string. This
DOES NOT include minor patches to improve consistency with the rest
of the system, including changing the default terminal emulator,
POSIX-compliant shell, or installation prefix.
Source form distribution MAY include non-trivial patches without
such modifications, provided that the user is made clearly aware of
them at build or install time and/or prompted in some way to enable
or disable them.

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
© 2006-2009 Kris Maglione <fbsdaemon@gmail.com>
© 2003-2006 Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at suckless dot org>
Copyright © 2006-2009 Kris Maglione <maglione.k@gmail.com>
Copyright © 2003-2006 Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at suckless dot org>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),

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@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ DIRS = \
libutf \
apt-get -qq install build-essential debhelper libxext-dev x11proto-xext-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev