This commit is contained in:
Kris Maglione 2009-09-28 17:24:01 -04:00
parent 79ad0dd568
commit be8776aaad

View File

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ column_setmode(Area *a, const char *mode) {
char *s, *t, *orig;
char add, old;
/* The mapping between the current internal
* The mapping between the current internal
* representation and the external interface
* is currently a bit complex. That will probably
* change.
@ -343,69 +344,69 @@ column_surplus(Area *a) {
static void
column_fit(Area *a, uint *ncolp, uint *nuncolp) {
column_fit(Area *a, uint *n_colp, uint *n_uncolp) {
Frame *f, **fp;
uint minh, dy;
uint ncol, nuncol;
uint colh, uncolh;
uint n_col, n_uncol;
uint col_h, uncol_h;
int surplus, i, j;
/* The minimum heights of collapsed and uncollpsed frames.
minh = labelh(def.font);
colh = labelh(def.font);
uncolh = minh + colh + 1;
col_h = labelh(def.font);
uncol_h = minh + col_h + 1;
if(a->max && !resizing)
colh = 0;
col_h = 0;
/* Count collapsed and uncollapsed frames. */
ncol = 0;
nuncol = 0;
n_col = 0;
n_uncol = 0;
for(f=a->frame; f; f=f->anext) {
frame_resize(f, f->colr);
if(nuncol == 0) {
if(n_uncol == 0) {
(a->sel ? a->sel : a->frame)->collapsed = false;
/* FIXME: Kludge. See frame_attachrect. */
dy = Dy(a->view->r[a->screen]) - Dy(a->r);
minh = colh * (ncol + nuncol - 1) + uncolh;
minh = col_h * (n_col + n_uncol - 1) + uncol_h;
if(dy && Dy(a->r) < minh)
a->r.max.y += min(dy, minh - Dy(a->r));
surplus = Dy(a->r)
- (ncol * colh)
- (nuncol * uncolh);
- (n_col * col_h)
- (n_uncol * uncol_h);
/* Collapse until there is room */
if(surplus < 0) {
i = ceil(-1.F * surplus / (uncolh - colh));
if(i >= nuncol)
i = nuncol - 1;
nuncol -= i;
ncol += i;
surplus += i * (uncolh - colh);
i = ceil(-1.F * surplus / (uncol_h - col_h));
if(i >= n_uncol)
i = n_uncol - 1;
n_uncol -= i;
n_col += i;
surplus += i * (uncol_h - col_h);
/* Push to the floating layer until there is room */
if(surplus < 0) {
i = ceil(-1.F * surplus / colh);
if(i > ncol)
i = ncol;
ncol -= i;
surplus += i * colh;
i = ceil(-1.F * surplus / col_h);
if(i > n_col)
i = n_col;
n_col -= i;
surplus += i * col_h;
/* Decide which to collapse and which to float. */
j = nuncol - 1;
i = ncol - 1;
j = n_uncol - 1;
i = n_col - 1;
for(fp=&a->frame; *fp;) {
f = *fp;
if(f != a->sel) {
@ -427,22 +428,22 @@ column_fit(Area *a, uint *ncolp, uint *nuncolp) {
fp = &f->anext;
if(ncolp) *ncolp = ncol;
if(nuncolp) *nuncolp = nuncol;
if(n_colp) *n_colp = n_col;
if(n_uncolp) *n_uncolp = n_uncol;
column_settle(Area *a) {
Frame *f;
uint yoff, yoffcr;
int surplus, nuncol, n;
int surplus, n_uncol, n;
nuncol = 0;
n_uncol = 0;
surplus = column_surplus(a);
for(f=a->frame; f; f=f->anext)
if(!f->collapsed) nuncol++;
if(!f->collapsed) n_uncol++;
if(nuncol == 0) {
if(n_uncol == 0) {
fprint(2, "%s: Badness: No uncollapsed frames, column %d, view %q\n",
argv0, area_idx(a), a->view->name);
@ -453,8 +454,8 @@ column_settle(Area *a) {
yoff = a->r.min.y;
yoffcr = yoff;
n = surplus % nuncol;
surplus /= nuncol;
n = surplus % n_uncol;
surplus /= n_uncol;
for(f=a->frame; f; f=f->anext) {
f->r = rectsetorigin(f->r, Pt(a->r.min.x, yoff));
f->colr = rectsetorigin(f->colr, Pt(a->r.min.x, yoffcr));
@ -729,7 +730,6 @@ column_resizeframe(Frame *f, Rectangle r) {
column_resizeframe_h(f, r);
/* view_arrange(v); */