mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 15:19:21 +03:00
updated extra/p9p, to reflect last changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +1,23 @@
# periodically print date and load average to the bar
PIDFILE=/tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/`{basename $0}^'pid'
if(test -r $PIDFILE) {
kill -2 `{cat $PIDFILE} >[2]/dev/null
if (~ $1 stop) exit
if(test -r $PIDFILE)
kill `{cat $PIDFILE}
echo $pid >$PIDFILE
xwrite /bar/new/colors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
lab=`{wmiir read /bar|maxlab}
wmiir create /bar/status
xwrite /bar/status/colors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
# install signal handler for artificial sigexit:
fn sigint {
if(test -f $PIDFILE && ~ `{cat $PIDFILE} $pid)
rm -f $PIDFILE
wmiir remove /bar/$lab
if(test -f $PIDFILE && ~ `{cat $PIDFILE} $pid)
rm -f $PIDFILE
echo $PIDFILE sigint
wmiir remove /bar/status
fn statustext {
# if you need a formatted date, use awk
echo `{date} `{uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g'}
while(text=`{statustext} xwrite /bar/$lab/data $"text){
sleep 2
while(text=`{date | sed 's/GMT .*//'} xwrite /bar/status/data $"text){
sleep 2
} &
echo $apid > $PIDFILE
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# display a welcome message that contains the wmii tutorial
xmessage -file - <<END
Welcome to wmii, the non-wimp environment of the WMI Project.
This is a small step by step tutorial, intended to make you a little bit
familiar with wmii.
NOTE: Some characters in shortcuts have a special meaning. S is the Shift
key, C is the Ctrl key, M is the Meta key (usually Alt), and the hyphen means
that you have to press the surrounding keys at the same time.
Let's go!
- Start two xterms by pressing M-t twice.
- Switch between the three windows: M-j, M-k
You can also use M-Tab instead of M-j. If you prefer the mouse, then
just click the desired window.
- Create a new page: M-C-y
IMPORTANT: this text will then no longer be visible. In order to continue
reading you'll now often have to go back to the first page. Use M-h
or M-l for cycling through the existing pages. The digit in the left
corner at the bottom indicates which page you're on. You can directly
select a specific page as well: M-S-1, etc. Make sure that you are on the
second page before performing the next steps.
- Apply the float layout to the current page: M-S-f
Watch the leftmost bar label: the 't', which stood for 'tiled', has now
turned into an 'f', for 'float'.
- Open the programs menu: M-C-p
Type 'xclock' and press Enter.
- Resize the xclock window: left-click on the border and, while holding the
button down, move the cursor around.
- Move the xclock window: left-click on the title bar and, while holding
the button down, move the cursor around.
- Open the actions menu: M-C-a
Remove the current page by selecting the rmpage action. The xclock window
will be automatically detached and we'll land on the first page.
- Attach the xclock window again: M-a
- Select one of the terminals and close it: M-C-c
Close xclock as well.
- Swap the remaining terminal with the left master tile by moving the terminal
window somewhere to the left. Afterwards, swap them once again, but this
time by pressing M-Enter.
- Working with mouse efficiently:
selecting a window: just click the desired window
move a window : press M+Button1Press and move the window
resize a window (only with non managed): press M+Button3Press and resize it
(this can also be done by clicking the titlebar of the window/borders respectively)
- We'll now have a look at the internal filesystem used by wmii. Executing
wmiir read /
in the shell of the terminal will list all the files in the root directory.
Files ending with a slash are directories. As you can see, / contains a
"normal" file and four directories. These directories correspond to the
four main components of wmii: wmiiwm, wmiibar, wmiikeys, and wmiimenu. If you
are curious, you can now dig deeper into the directory trees. For instance,
wmiir read /bar/1/b1press
will show you which command gets executed when you left-click on the page
label in the bar.
We hope that these steps gave you an idea of how wmii works. You can reread
them at any time by pressing M-C-a and selecting 'welcome'.
You should now take a look at the wmii(1) man page. An FAQ is available on
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# window manager improved 2 wrapper
if(! ~ $#* 0) {
exec wmiiwm $*
if(! wmiiwm -c) {
exit 1 # wmiiwm is already running or $DISPLAY is unset
path=($HOME/.wmii-3 CONFPREFIX/wmii-3 9PREFIX/bin $path)
# start window manager and utilities:
mkdir -m 700 -p /tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY
wmiiwm -a $WMII_ADDRESS &
# display the wmii introduction if necessary:
if(mkdir $HOME/.wmii-3 >[2]/dev/null) {
welcome &
# run configuration:
sleep 1
wmiirc &
# wait for wmiifs's termination:
wait $wmiipid
@ -1,57 +1,40 @@
# configure wmii
PIDFILE=/tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/`{basename $0}^'pid'
fn xwrite {a=$1; shift; echo -n $* | wmiir write $a}
fn xwrite {
echo -n $2 | wmiir write $1
fn maxlab {
awk '/[0-9]+$/ {if($10>max) max=$10} END{print max}'
if(test -r $PIDFILE) {
kill -2 `{cat $PIDFILE} >[2]/dev/null
if(test -r $PIDFILE)
kill `{cat $PIDFILE}
if(~ stop $1) exit
echo $pid >$PIDFILE
# install signal handler for artificial sigexit:
fn sigint {
if(test -f $PIDFILE && ~ `{cat $PIDFILE} $pid)
rm -f $PIDFILE
WMII_NORMCOLORS='#222222 #eeeeee #666666'
WMII_SELCOLORS='#ffffff #285577 #4c7899'
xwrite /def/border $CLIENT_BORDER
xwrite /def/inc 0
xwrite /def/border 3
xwrite /def/snap 20
xwrite /def/font $WMII_FONT
xwrite /def/selcolors $WMII_SELCOLORS
xwrite /def/normcolors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
xwrite /ws/tag 1
wmiir write /def/rules <<END
/XMMS:.*/ -> ~0
/Gimp.*:.*/ -> ~3
for(i in `{seq 1 `{wmiir read /bar|maxlab}})
wmiir remove /bar/1 >/dev/null >[2=1]
xwrite /bar/new/colors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
xwrite /bar/new/colors $WMII_SELCOLORS
xwrite /bar/1/data 1
xwrite /bar/expand 2
wmiir create /bar/foo
xwrite /bar/foo/colors $WMII_SELCOLORS
xwrite /bar/expand foo
fn items {
ls -lpQ $* | awk '!/^d/ && $1 ~ /x/ {print $NF}' | sort | uniq
items $old_path >/tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/p.menu &
fn items {ls -lpL $* | awk '!/^d/ && $1 ~ /x/ {print $NF}'| sort | uniq}
items `{echo $OLD_PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'} >/tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/p.menu &
xsetroot -solid '#0b1014'
@ -59,96 +42,85 @@ status &
for(i in \
$MODKEY-Control-^(c w,y q,y p a y) \
$MODKEY-^(t d a n m Return) \
$MODKEY-^(h l j k Tab ) \
$MODKEY-Shift-^(a h l p Return) \
$MODKEY-Shift-^`{seq 1 9} \
$MODKEY-Control-^`{seq 1 9})
echo -n | wmiir create /keys/$i
$MODKEY-^(t Return space h l j k Tab m s e n `{seq 0 9}) \
$MODKEY-Shift-^(Return space `{seq 0 9}) \
$MODKEY-Control-^(c w,y q,y p a)) \
echo -n | wmiir create /def/$i
wmiir read /event |
while(event=`{read}) {
if(~ $event(1) PN)
xwrite /bar/1/data $event(2)
if(~ $event(1) CN) {
buf=`{echo $"event | sed 's/^CN //'}
xwrite /bar/2/data $"buf
if(~ $event(1) CF) {
buf=`{echo $event| awk '{print "warp "$2+6" "$3+6}'}
xwrite /ctl $"buf
if(~ $event(1) LB) { # label button press
switch($event(3)) { # button
case 1
if(~ $event(2) 1) { # label
xwrite /ctl pager
if not {
xwrite /ctl 'select prev'
case 3
xwrite /ctl 'select next'
case 4
xwrite /ctl 'select next'
case 5
xwrite /ctl 'select prev'
if(~ $event(1) K) { # key press
switch($event(2)) {
case $MODKEY-Control-c
xwrite /sel/sel/sel/ctl kill
case $MODKEY-Control-w,y
wmiirc &
case $MODKEY-Control-q,y
xwrite /ctl quit
case $MODKEY-Control-p
cmd=`{cat /tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/p.menu | wmiimenu}
if(! ~ $#cmd 0)
extern $cmd
} &
case $MODKEY-Control-a
cmd=`{items CONFPREFIX/wmii-3 $HOME/.wmii-3 | wmiimenu}
if(! ~ $#cmd 0)
} &
case $MODKEY-t
extern xterm -rv &
case $MODKEY-n
wmiir read /sel/new >/dev/null >[2=1]
case $MODKEY-m
xwrite /sel/sel/sel/ctl max
case $MODKEY-Return
xwrite /sel/sel/sel/ctl 'sendtoarea prev'
case $MODKEY-Shift-Return
xwrite /sel/sel/sel/ctl 'sendtoarea next'
case $MODKEY-Control-y
wmiir read /new >/dev/null >[2=1]
case $MODKEY-h
xwrite /sel/ctl 'select prev'
case $MODKEY-l
xwrite /sel/ctl 'select next'
case $MODKEY-Tab
xwrite /sel/sel/ctl 'select next'
case $MODKEY-j
xwrite /sel/sel/ctl 'select next'
case $MODKEY-k
xwrite /sel/sel/ctl 'select prev'
case $MODKEY-Shift-h
xwrite /ctl 'select prev'
case $MODKEY-Shift-l
xwrite /ctl 'select next'
case $MODKEY-Shift-p
xwrite /ctl pager
case $MODKEY-Shift-[1-9]
xwrite /ctl 'select '^`{echo $event|awk -F- '{print $3}'}
case $MODKEY-Control-[1-9]
xwrite /sel/sel/sel/ctl 'sendtopage '^`{echo $event|awk -F- '{print $3}'}
wmiir read /event|
while(e=`{read}) {
switch($e(1)) {
case NT
wmiir create /bar/$t
if(~ $t $olt)
xwrite /bar/$"t/colors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
if not
xwrite /bar/$"t/colors $WMII_SELCOLORS
xwrite /bar/$"t/data $e(2)
case RT
wmiir remove /bar/$e(2)
case TF
if (! ~ $#oldt 0)
xwrite /bar/$oldt/colors $WMII_SELCOLORS
xwrite /bar/$t/data $e(2)
xwrite /bar/$t/colors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
case LB
xwrite /ctl select $e(2)
case K
switch($e(2)) {
case $MODKEY-Control-c
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl kill
case $MODKEY-Control-w,y
case $MODKEY-Control-q,y
xwrite /ctl quit
case $MODKEY-Control-p
extern `{wmiimenu < /tmp/ns.$USER.$DISPLAY/p.menu}&
case $MODKEY-Control-a
`{items /usr/local/etc/wmii-3 $HOME/.wmii-3 | wmiimenu}&
case $MODKEY-t
extern xterm&
case $MODKEY-m
xwrite /ws/sel/mode max
case $MODKEY-s
xwrite /ws/sel/mode stack
case $MODKEY-e
xwrite /ws/sel/mode equal
case $MODKEY-n
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto new
case $MODKEY-Return
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto prev
case $MODKEY-Shift-Return
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto next
case $MODKEY-space
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto 0
case $MODKEY-Shift-space
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto 1
case $MODKEY-h
xwrite /ws/ctl select prev
case $MODKEY-l
xwrite /ws/ctl select next
case $MODKEY-Tab
xwrite /ws/sel/ctl select next
case $MODKEY-j
xwrite /ws/sel/ctl select next
case $MODKEY-k
xwrite /ws/sel/ctl select prev
case $MODKEY-[0-9]
xwrite /ctl `{echo $e | awk -F- '{print "select "$2}'}
case $MODKEY-Shift-Return
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto next
case $MODKEY-Shift-space
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/ctl sendto 1
case $MODKEY-Shift-[0-9]
xwrite /ws/sel/sel/tags ' '`{echo $e | awk -F- '{print $3}'}
} &
echo $apid >$PIDFILE
Reference in New Issue
Block a user