This cleans up the 'make check' output considerably. When all goes well,
you will only see the "PASS" line for each of $TESTS.
Weston logs into a separate file than stdout and stderr, so server logs
end up in one file per test, and other output to another file per test.
'make distclean' does not remove the tests/logs/ directory.
Also changes the weston-tests-env interpreter to bash, since I think &>
and ${1/.la/.so} might be bashisms.
The weston-tests-env script needs to be able to handle weston
test extension style tests as well as module style tests.
Signed-off-by: U. Artie Eoff <>
Renamed weston-test test environment script to weston-tests-env
to avoid ambiguity with weston-test.c (the weston test extension).
Signed-off-by: U. Artie Eoff <>