Catena cyber 216c348c35
Oss-fuzz ideal integration (#1262)
* Fix watchpoint leak in ARM

* Builds fuzz targets with sanitizer support

* Builds fuzz targets with directory driver

* Adds script to dowlonad public corpus

* Adds CIfuzz

To checks Pull Requests with fuzzing

* Use static library for fuzz targets

* Less verbose logs for fuzz driver directory
2020-05-21 16:15:12 +08:00

12 lines
370 B

#change to script directory
cd `dirname $0`
ls fuzz_emu*.c | sed 's/.c//' | while read target
#download public corpus
wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/unicorn-backup.clusterfuzz-external.appspot.com/corpus/libFuzzer/unicorn_$target/public.zip"
unzip -q public.zip -d corpus_$target
#run target on corpus
./$target corpus_$target