Robert Xiao dfdc8e7e8e Switch to Maven to build the Java bits.
Maven is now used to update the constants, build the Java code, call make to
build the native library, and run all the tests. I have removed the "install"
and "uninstall" targets; instead, the expectation will be that the JNI library
will be placed somewhere on java.library.path and the JAR file will be used as
usual (e.g. in a downstream Maven project, or placed on the classpath of your

Since Maven is now running our tests, this eliminates the need to bundle test
dependencies in `testdep`, and makes the project structured more like a typical
Java project.
2023-06-29 16:08:18 -07:00

298 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Unicorn Engine
# By Dang Hoang Vu, 2013
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, re, os
INCL_DIR = os.path.join('..', 'include', 'unicorn')
include = [ 'arm.h', 'arm64.h', 'mips.h', 'x86.h', 'sparc.h', 'm68k.h', 'ppc.h', 'riscv.h', 's390x.h', 'tricore.h', 'unicorn.h' ]
template = {
'python': {
'header': "# For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT [%s_const.py]\n",
'footer': "",
'line_format': 'UC_%s = %s\n',
'out_file': './python/unicorn/%s_const.py',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'arm',
'arm64.h': 'arm64',
'mips.h': 'mips',
'x86.h': 'x86',
'sparc.h': 'sparc',
'm68k.h': 'm68k',
'ppc.h': 'ppc',
'riscv.h': 'riscv',
's390x.h' : 's390x',
'tricore.h' : 'tricore',
'unicorn.h': 'unicorn',
'comment_open': '#',
'comment_close': '',
'ruby': {
'header': "# For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT [%s_const.rb]\n\nmodule UnicornEngine\n",
'footer': "end",
'line_format': '\tUC_%s = %s\n',
'out_file': './ruby/unicorn_gem/lib/unicorn_engine/%s_const.rb',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'arm',
'arm64.h': 'arm64',
'mips.h': 'mips',
'x86.h': 'x86',
'sparc.h': 'sparc',
'm68k.h': 'm68k',
'ppc.h': 'ppc',
'riscv.h': 'riscv',
's390x.h' : 's390x',
'tricore.h' : 'tricore',
'unicorn.h': 'unicorn',
'comment_open': '#',
'comment_close': '',
'go': {
'header': "package unicorn\n// For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT [%s_const.go]\nconst (\n",
'footer': ")",
'line_format': '\t%s = %s\n',
'out_file': './go/unicorn/%s_const.go',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'arm',
'arm64.h': 'arm64',
'mips.h': 'mips',
'x86.h': 'x86',
'sparc.h': 'sparc',
'm68k.h': 'm68k',
'ppc.h': 'ppc',
'riscv.h': 'riscv',
's390x.h' : 's390x',
'tricore.h' : 'tricore',
'unicorn.h': 'unicorn',
'comment_open': '//',
'comment_close': '',
'java': {
'header': "// For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT\n\npackage unicorn;\n\npublic interface %sConst {\n",
'footer': "\n}\n",
'line_format': ' public static final int UC_%s = %s;\n',
'out_file': './java/src/main/java/unicorn/%sConst.java',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'Arm',
'arm64.h': 'Arm64',
'mips.h': 'Mips',
'x86.h': 'X86',
'sparc.h': 'Sparc',
'm68k.h': 'M68k',
'ppc.h': 'Ppc',
'riscv.h': 'Riscv',
's390x.h' : 'S390x',
'tricore.h' : 'TriCore',
'unicorn.h': 'Unicorn',
'comment_open': ' //',
'comment_close': '',
'dotnet': {
'header': "// For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT\n\nnamespace UnicornEngine.Const\n\nopen System\n\n[<AutoOpen>]\nmodule %s =\n",
'footer': "\n",
'line_format': ' let UC_%s = %s\n',
'out_file': os.path.join('dotnet', 'UnicornEngine', 'Const', '%s.fs'),
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'Arm',
'arm64.h': 'Arm64',
'mips.h': 'Mips',
'x86.h': 'X86',
'sparc.h': 'Sparc',
'm68k.h': 'M68k',
'ppc.h': 'Ppc',
'riscv.h': 'Riscv',
's390x.h' : 'S390x',
'tricore.h' : 'TriCore',
'unicorn.h': 'Common',
'comment_open': ' //',
'comment_close': '',
'pascal': {
'header': "// For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT\n\nunit %sConst;\n\ninterface\n\nconst",
'footer': "\nimplementation\nend.",
'line_format': ' UC_%s = %s;\n',
'out_file': os.path.join('pascal', 'unicorn', '%sConst.pas'),
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'Arm',
'arm64.h': 'Arm64',
'mips.h': 'Mips',
'x86.h': 'X86',
'sparc.h': 'Sparc',
'm68k.h': 'M68k',
'ppc.h': 'Ppc',
'riscv.h': 'Riscv',
's390x.h' : 'S390x',
'tricore.h' : 'TriCore',
'unicorn.h': 'Unicorn',
'comment_open': '//',
'comment_close': '',
'zig': {
'header': "// For Unicorn Engine. AUTO-GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT\n\npub const %sConst = enum(c_int) {\n",
'footer': "\n};\n",
'line_format': '\t%s = %s,\n',
'out_file': './zig/unicorn/%s_const.zig',
# prefixes for constant filenames of all archs - case sensitive
'arm.h': 'arm',
'arm64.h': 'arm64',
'mips.h': 'mips',
'x86.h': 'x86',
'sparc.h': 'sparc',
'm68k.h': 'm68k',
'ppc.h': 'ppc',
'riscv.h': 'riscv',
's390x.h' : 's390x',
'tricore.h' : 'tricore',
'unicorn.h': 'unicorn',
'comment_open': '//',
'comment_close': '',
# markup for comments to be added to autogen files
MARKUP = '//>'
def gen(lang):
global include, INCL_DIR
templ = template[lang]
for target in include:
prefix = templ[target]
outfile = open(templ['out_file'] %(prefix), 'wb') # open as binary prevents windows newlines
outfile.write((templ['header'] % (prefix)).encode("utf-8"))
if target == 'unicorn.h':
prefix = ''
with open(os.path.join(INCL_DIR, target)) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
previous = {}
count = 0
skip = 0
in_comment = False
for lno, line in enumerate(lines):
if "/*" in line:
in_comment = True
if "*/" in line:
in_comment = False
if in_comment:
if skip > 0:
# Due to clang-format, values may come up in the next line
skip -= 1
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(MARKUP): # markup for comments
outfile.write(("\n%s%s%s\n" %(templ['comment_open'], \
line.replace(MARKUP, ''), templ['comment_close'])).encode("utf-8"))
if line == '' or line.startswith('//'):
tmp = line.strip().split(',')
if len(tmp) >= 2 and tmp[0] != "#define" and not tmp[0].startswith("UC_"):
for t in tmp:
t = t.strip()
if not t or t.startswith('//'): continue
f = re.split('\s+', t)
# parse #define UC_TARGET (num)
define = False
if f[0] == '#define' and len(f) >= 3:
define = True
f.insert(1, '=')
if f[0].startswith("UC_" + prefix.upper()) or f[0].startswith("UC_CPU"):
if len(f) > 1 and f[1] not in ('//', '='):
print("WARNING: Unable to convert %s" % f)
print(" Line =", line)
elif len(f) > 1 and f[1] == '=':
# Like:
# UC_A =
# (1 << 2)
# #define UC_B \
# (UC_A | UC_C)
# Let's search the next line
if len(f) == 2:
if lno == len(lines) - 1:
print("WARNING: Unable to convert %s" % f)
print(" Line =", line)
skip += 1
next_line = lines[lno + 1]
next_line_tmp = next_line.strip().split(",")
rhs = next_line_tmp[0]
elif f[-1] == "\\":
idx = 0
rhs = ""
while True:
idx += 1
if lno + idx == len(lines):
print("WARNING: Unable to convert %s" % f)
print(" Line =", line)
skip += 1
next_line = lines[lno + idx]
next_line_f = re.split('\s+', next_line.strip())
if next_line_f[-1] == "\\":
rhs += "".join(next_line_f[:-1])
rhs += next_line.strip()
rhs = ''.join(f[2:])
rhs = str(count)
lhs = f[0].strip()
#print(f'lhs: {lhs} rhs: {rhs} f:{f}')
# evaluate bitshifts in constants e.g. "UC_X86 = 1 << 1"
match = re.match(r'(?P<rhs>\s*\d+\s*<<\s*\d+\s*)', rhs)
if match:
rhs = str(eval(match.group(1)))
# evaluate references to other constants e.g. "UC_ARM_REG_X = UC_ARM_REG_SP"
match = re.match(r'^([^\d]\w+)$', rhs)
if match:
rhs = previous[match.group(1)]
if not rhs.isdigit():
for k, v in previous.items():
rhs = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % k, v, rhs)
rhs = str(eval(rhs))
lhs_strip = re.sub(r'^UC_', '', lhs)
count = int(rhs) + 1
if (count == 1):
outfile.write((templ['line_format'] % (lhs_strip, rhs)).encode("utf-8"))
previous[lhs] = str(rhs)
def main():
lang = sys.argv[1]
if lang == "all":
for lang in template.keys():
print("Generating constants for {}".format(lang))
if not lang in template:
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported binding %s" % lang)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], " <python>")
print("Supported: {}".format(["all"] + [x for x in template.keys()]))