The addition of these registers in the C base caused the rust values for all floating point registers and the PC to point to some of the CSR registers instead.
Rust bindings for the Unicorn emulator with utility functions.
Checkout Unicorn2 source code at dev branch.
use unicorn_engine::{Unicorn, RegisterARM};
use unicorn_engine::unicorn_const::{Arch, Mode, Permission, SECOND_SCALE};
fn main() {
let arm_code32: Vec<u8> = vec![0x17, 0x00, 0x40, 0xe2]; // sub r0, #23
let mut unicorn = Unicorn::new(Arch::ARM, Mode::LITTLE_ENDIAN).expect("failed to initialize Unicorn instance");
let mut emu = unicorn.borrow();
emu.mem_map(0x1000, 0x4000, Permission::ALL).expect("failed to map code page");
emu.mem_write(0x1000, &arm_code32).expect("failed to write instructions");
emu.reg_write(RegisterARM::R0, 123).expect("failed write R0");
emu.reg_write(RegisterARM::R5, 1337).expect("failed write R5");
let _ = emu.emu_start(0x1000, (0x1000 + arm_code32.len()) as u64, 10 * SECOND_SCALE, 1000);
assert_eq!(emu.reg_read(RegisterARM::R0, Ok(100));
assert_eq!(emu.reg_read(RegisterARM::R5, Ok(1337));
Further sample code can be found in tests/unicorn.rs
Add this to your Cargo.toml
unicorn-engine = "2.0.0-rc3"
These bindings are based on Sébastien Duquette's (@ekse) unicorn-rs. We picked up the project, as it is no longer maintained. Thanks to all contributors.