VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1 Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight = 6720 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 345 ClientWidth = 14220 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 6720 ScaleWidth = 14220 StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 Caption = "Copy" Height = 465 Left = 6180 TabIndex = 1 Top = 6150 Width = 1995 End Begin VB.ListBox List1 BeginProperty Font Name = "Courier New" Size = 11.25 Charset = 0 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 5925 Left = 150 TabIndex = 0 Top = 120 Width = 13965 End End Attribute VB_Name = "Form1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit 'Contributed by: FireEye FLARE team 'Author: David Zimmer , 'License: Apache Public WithEvents uc As ucIntel32 Attribute uc.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Dim hContext As Long 'test sample ported from: (requires unicorn 1.0 for success) ' ' Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ecx As Long, edx As Long Dim address As Long, size As Long, endAt As Long Dim b() As Byte, c As Collection, mem As CMemRegion Me.Visible = True 'you can set UNICORN_PATH global variable to load a specific dll, do this before initilizing the class Set uc = New ucIntel32 If uc.hadErr Then List1.AddItem uc.errMsg Exit Sub End If List1.AddItem "ucvbshim.dll loaded @" & Hex(uc.hLib) List1.AddItem "Unicorn version: " & uc.Version List1.AddItem "Disassembler available: " & uc.DisasmAvail If uc.major < 1 Then List1.AddItem "Change Eip in hook test requires >= v1.x for success" List1.AddItem "Unicorn x86 32bit engine handle: " & Hex(uc.uc) ' ReDim b(8) 'for clarity in what we are testing.. ' b(0) = &H41 ' inc ECX @0x1000000 ' b(1) = &H41 ' inc ECX ' b(2) = &H41 ' inc ECX ' b(3) = &H41 ' inc ECX @0x1000003 ' b(4) = &H41 ' inc ECX ' b(5) = &H41 ' inc ECX ' ' b(6) = &H42 ' inc EDX @0x1000006 ' b(7) = &H42 ' inc EDX ' #define X86_CODE32_MEM_WRITE "\x89\x0D\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x41\x4a" // mov [0xaaaaaaaa], ecx; INC ecx; DEC edx 'we mash up two different test cases, first the change eip in hook test, then an invalid memory access 'note the format accepted by tobytes() is somewhat forgiving (always use 2char hex vals though) b() = toBytes("4141414141414242cc\x89\x0D\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\x41\x4a") ecx = 3 edx = 15 address = &H1000000 size = &H200000 endAt = address + UBound(b) + 1 If Not uc.mapMem(address, size) Then List1.AddItem "Failed to map in 2mb memory " & uc.errMsg Exit Sub End If ' write machine code to be emulated to memory If Not uc.writeMem(address, b()) Then List1.AddItem "Failed to write code to memory " & uc.errMsg Exit Sub End If List1.AddItem "starts at: " & uc.disasm(address) Dim b2() As Byte If uc.readMem(address, b2, UBound(b) + 1) Then '+1 because ubound is 0 based.. List1.AddItem "readMem: " & HexDump(b2, 1) End If uc.reg32(ecx_r) = ecx uc.reg32(edx_r) = edx List1.AddItem "start values ECX = " & ecx & " EDX = " & edx ' trace all instructions uc.addHook hc_code, UC_HOOK_CODE uc.addHook hc_memInvalid, UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED Or UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED 'uc.removeHook UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED Or UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED uc.addHook hc_int, UC_HOOK_INTR List1.AddItem "beginning emulation.." If Not uc.startEmu(address, endAt) Then List1.AddItem uc.errMsg ecx = uc.reg32(ecx_r) edx = uc.reg8(dl_r) List1.AddItem "ECX: 6 =? " & ecx List1.AddItem "EDX: 17 =? " & edx List1.AddItem uc.dumpFlags If ecx <> 6 Then List1.AddItem "failed to change eip in hook!" ReDim b(100) 'this will handle mapping and alignment automatically.. uc.writeBlock &H2001, b(), UC_PROT_READ Or UC_PROT_WRITE List1.AddItem "Initilizing sharedMemory with: aabbccddeeff0011223344556677889900" sharedMemory() = toBytes("aabbccddeeff0011223344556677889900") ReDim Preserve sharedMemory(&H1000) 'must be 4k bytes aligned... If Not uc.mapMemPtr(sharedMemory, &H4000, UBound(sharedMemory)) Then List1.AddItem "Failed to map in host memory " & uc.errMsg Else Dim bb As Byte, ii As Integer, ll As Long If Not uc.writeByte(&H4001, &H41) Then List1.AddItem "Failed to write byte to shared mem" Else List1.AddItem "Wrote 0x41 to sharedMemory + 1" If uc.readByte(&H4001, bb) Then List1.AddItem "readByte = " & Hex(bb) End If 'uc.writeInt &H4001, &H4142 'If uc.readInt(&H4001, ii) Then List1.AddItem Hex(ii) 'uc.writeLong &H4001, &H11223344 'If uc.readLong(&H4001, ll) Then List1.AddItem Hex(ll) Erase b2 If uc.readMem(&H4000, b2, 20) Then List1.AddItem "emu read of sharedMemory: " & HexDump(b2, 1) Else List1.AddItem "Failed to readMem on sharedMemory " & uc.errMsg End If List1.AddItem "sanity checking host mem: " & HexDump(sharedMemory, 1, , 20) End If List1.AddItem "Enumerating memory regions..." Set c = uc.getMemMap() For Each mem In c List1.AddItem mem.toString() Next If hContext <> 0 Then List1.AddItem "trying to restore context.." If Not uc.restoreContext(hContext) Then List1.AddItem uc.errMsg List1.AddItem uc.regDump() List1.AddItem "beginning emulation.." If Not uc.startEmu(uc.eip, endAt) Then List1.AddItem uc.errMsg List1.AddItem uc.regDump() List1.AddItem "releasing saved context.." If Not uc.freeContext(hContext) Then List1.AddItem uc.errMsg End If Set mem = c(2) If Not uc.changePermissions(mem, UC_PROT_ALL) Then List1.AddItem "Failed to change permissions on second alloc " & uc.errMsg Else List1.AddItem "Changed permissions on second alloc to ALL" List1.AddItem "redumping memory regions to check..." Set c = uc.getMemMap() For Each mem In c List1.AddItem mem.toString() Next End If If uc.unMapMem(&H2000) Then List1.AddItem "Successfully unmapped new alloc" Else List1.AddItem "Failed to unmap alloc " & uc.errMsg End If List1.AddItem "Mem allocs count now: " & uc.getMemMap().count End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText lbCopy(List1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'so IDE doesnt hang onto dll and we can recompile in development testing.. if you hit stop this benefit is lost.. 'do not use this in your real code, only for c dll development.. If uc.hLib <> 0 Then FreeLibrary uc.hLib End Sub Private Sub uc_CodeHook(ByVal address As Long, ByVal size As Long) List1.AddItem "> " & uc.disasm(address) If hContext = 0 And address = &H1000003 Then 'change the PC to "inc EDX" List1.AddItem "changing eip to skip last inc ecx's and saving context..." hContext = uc.saveContext() If hContext = 0 Then List1.AddItem "Failed to save context " & uc.errMsg uc.eip = &H1000006 End If End Sub Private Sub uc_Interrupt(ByVal intno As Long) List1.AddItem "Interrupt: " & intno End Sub Private Sub uc_InvalidMem(ByVal t As uc_mem_type, ByVal address As Long, ByVal size As Long, ByVal value As Long, continue As Boolean) 'continue defaults to false so we can ignore it unless we want to continue.. List1.AddItem "Invalid mem access address: " & Hex(address) & " size: " & Hex(size) & " type: " & memType2str(t) End Sub Private Sub uc_MemAccess(ByVal t As uc_mem_type, ByVal address As Long, ByVal size As Long, ByVal value As Long) List1.AddItem "mem access: address: " & Hex(address) & " size: " & Hex(size) & " type: " & memType2str(t) End Sub