diff --git a/bindings/python/unicorn/unicorn.py b/bindings/python/unicorn/unicorn.py
index 7f76976c..5fe77ee4 100644
--- a/bindings/python/unicorn/unicorn.py
+++ b/bindings/python/unicorn/unicorn.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import ctypes
 import ctypes.util
 import distutils.sysconfig
+from functools import wraps
 import pkg_resources
 import inspect
 import os.path
@@ -199,6 +200,27 @@ def uc_arch_supported(query):
     return _uc.uc_arch_supported(query)
+def _catch_hook_exception(func):
+    @wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Catches exceptions raised in hook functions.
+        If an exception is raised, it is saved to the Uc object and a call to stop
+        emulation is issued.
+        """
+        try:
+            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        except Exception as e:
+            # If multiple hooks raise exceptions, just use the first one
+            if self._hook_exception is None:
+                self._hook_exception = e
+            self.emu_stop()
+    return wrapper
 class uc_x86_mmr(ctypes.Structure):
     """Memory-Management Register for instructions IDTR, GDTR, LDTR, TR."""
     _fields_ = [
@@ -300,6 +322,7 @@ class Uc(object):
         self._ctype_cbs = {}
         self._callback_count = 0
+        self._hook_exception = None  # The exception raised in a hook
     def release_handle(uch):
@@ -317,6 +340,9 @@ class Uc(object):
         if status != uc.UC_ERR_OK:
             raise UcError(status)
+        if self._hook_exception is not None:
+            raise self._hook_exception
     # stop emulation
     def emu_stop(self):
         status = _uc.uc_emu_stop(self._uch)
@@ -474,41 +500,49 @@ class Uc(object):
             raise UcError(status)
         return result.value
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hookcode_cb(self, handle, address, size, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         cb(self, address, size, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_mem_invalid_cb(self, handle, access, address, size, value, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         return cb(self, access, address, size, value, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_mem_access_cb(self, handle, access, address, size, value, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         cb(self, access, address, size, value, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_intr_cb(self, handle, intno, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         cb(self, intno, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_insn_invalid_cb(self, handle, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         return cb(self, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_insn_in_cb(self, handle, port, size, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         return cb(self, port, size, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_insn_out_cb(self, handle, port, size, value, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
         cb(self, port, size, value, data)
+    @_catch_hook_exception
     def _hook_insn_syscall_cb(self, handle, user_data):
         # call user's callback with self object
         (cb, data) = self._callbacks[user_data]
diff --git a/tests/regress/hook_raises_exception.py b/tests/regress/hook_raises_exception.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72f846be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/regress/hook_raises_exception.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import regress
+from unicorn import Uc, UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64, UC_HOOK_CODE
+CODE = b"\x90" * 3
+CODE_ADDR = 0x1000
+class HookCounter(object):
+    """Counts number of hook calls."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.hook_calls = 0
+    def bad_code_hook(self, uc, address, size, data):
+        self.hook_calls += 1
+        raise ValueError("Something went wrong")
+    def good_code_hook(self, uc, address, size, data):
+        self.hook_calls += 1
+class TestExceptionInHook(regress.RegressTest):
+    def test_exception_in_hook(self):
+        uc = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64)
+        uc.mem_map(CODE_ADDR, 0x1000)
+        uc.mem_write(CODE_ADDR, CODE)
+        counter = HookCounter()
+        uc.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, counter.bad_code_hook, begin=CODE_ADDR, end=CODE_ADDR + len(CODE))
+        uc.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, counter.good_code_hook, begin=CODE_ADDR, end=CODE_ADDR + len(CODE))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, uc.emu_start, CODE_ADDR, CODE_ADDR + len(CODE))
+        # Make sure hooks calls finish before raising (hook_calls == 2)
+        self.assertEqual(counter.hook_calls, 2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    regress.main()