Pull Requests and Issues are both welcome. === Responsiveness General priority order is: * Crashes * Bugs * Warnings * Enhancements (new features, performance improvement, etc) Pull requests get priority over Issues. Some pull requests I take as written; some I modify myself; some I will request changes before accepting them. Because I've ended up supporting a lot of libraries (20 as I write this, with more on the way), I am somewhat slow to address things. Many issues have been around for a long time. === Pull requests * Do NOT update the version number in the file. (This just causes conflicts.) * Do add your name to the list of contributors. (Don't worry about the formatting.) I'll try to remember to add it if you don't, but I sometimes forget as it's an extra step. === Specific libraries I generally do not want new file formats for stb_image because we are trying to improve its security, so increasing its attack surface is counter-productive.